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Bed bug bites and their treatment

Last update: 2022-06-16
≡ Article 63 comments
  • Anonymous: How did they get these bugs! Bought an apartment in Moscow - bitch owner...
  • Nastya: Tin! Lie down in the infectious and pick up bedbugs ((Nonsense! Me ...
  • Lisa: Just a nightmare! I was bitten by bedbugs in the infectious diseases hospital, ...
See bottom of page for details

Bed bug bites on child's legs

Bed bug bites are not only unpleasant and unaesthetic, but also quite painful. In addition, in some people they can provoke allergies or even more severe pathological conditions. That is why it is always worth having an appropriate remedy for insect bites in a home or travel first aid kit. It is also useful to know what exactly and how to treat bedbug bites.


Treatment and treatment of bedbug bites

As a rule, bed bug bites do not cause serious harm. Usually, the maximum harm from them is a short itching and healing red dots all over the body. The photo shows a fairly serious skin lesion when bitten by a large number of bedbugs:

Bedbug bites on the face

How to treat them? In order to relieve itching and discomfort, you can use simple remedies that are easy to find at home or buy at the nearest pharmacy.

The main methods of treatment after bedbug bites are as follows:

  1. Wash the bite site with plain soap and water or rinse with a soda solution.
  2. Apply ice or treat the bite with parsley or fresh potato juice.
  3. In the treatment of severe itching, Afloderm ointment or the long-known Vietnamese asterisk will help.The latter, by the way, is not only a good cure for bedbug bites, but also a way to avoid infection of the wound.
  4. Well disinfects and relieves inflammation alcohol tincture of propolis.
  5. If there are a lot of bedbug bites or an allergic reaction begins, you can lubricate the affected areas with Menovazin.

In general, when treating allergies, antihistamines such as Diazolin or Diphenhydramine should be used. But prescribing them yourself is quite dangerous, so you should consult a doctor before taking action.

It is interesting:

Today, for the treatment of bedbug bites, you can buy a specialized remedy - GEKTOR ointment for bedbug bites.

The product is available in the form of a gel, which, being applied in a thin layer on the skin, effectively eliminates the most unpleasant symptoms of parasite bites: burning, itching, swelling of the skin. In addition, the ointment contains D-panthenol, which accelerates skin regeneration and normalizes cellular metabolism.

In the home medicine cabinet, there must be insect repellents. They are useful not only from bedbugs, but when attacked by mosquitoes or wasps. You can use these options:

  1. Ammonia. Disinfects and relieves itching.
  2. Gel Fenistil or ointment Rescuer. By the way, both of these drugs not only alleviate the condition of the bitten, but also prevent the occurrence of allergic reactions.

Fenistil gel

Knowing how to treat bedbug bites, you can safely go on a trip to countries where they are found even in larger numbers than ours. However, you should not climb on the rampage and stop in obviously obvious "bugs".

In most cases, even with serious bites, you can do without special treatment. But ointments and gels usually speed up the healing of lesions.


Why are bedbug bites dangerous and how long do they last?

To the question: "Are bed bug bites dangerous"? - it is difficult to answer unambiguously. Most people tolerate them normally, but in some cases complications are possible that require special treatment.

The most common complaint is an allergic reaction to the bite. It can occur suddenly and is treated (stopped) with antihistamines. Unfortunately, it is impossible to prevent allergies, except by taking pills constantly.

An example of an allergy to bedbug bites

Infection of the wound occurs very rarely, because during the night the bite dries up and becomes covered with a crust. But in order to protect yourself, it is better to disinfect the bites.

And further: The Get Express tool really killed all the bugs quickly - after 42 minutes only corpses were lying around

By the way, bug bites pass quite quickly - in 2-3 days, however, slight redness may persist a little longer.

On a note:

Bedbugs can be carriers of pathogens of the following diseases: coxiellosis, tularemia, Chagas disease, leprosy, tuberculosis, plague, anthrax. However, so far there has not been a single documented case when a bed bug would infect a person with these diseases. However, purely hypothetically, such a possibility exists.

In the worst case scenario, bedbug bites can provoke life-threatening anaphylactic shock. In this case, treatment should be started immediately.

It is interesting:

Anaphylactic shock (anaphylaxis) is a state of immediate acute allergy that threatens the life of the patient. There is a spasm of blood vessels and muscles, breathing becomes difficult, blood pressure drops, brain tissues do not receive the required amount of oxygen. The person needs immediate hospitalization.

Children are most sensitive to bedbug bites. And due to their small body weight, microbleeding after constant bites often leads to iron deficiency anemia.

Below is a photo of a child's allergic reaction to bedbug bites:

Allergic reaction in a child to bedbug bites

Bedbug bites during pregnancy do not affect the development and health of the fetus. However, the general depressed mood of the mother cannot but affect the state of the embryo.


“We had bed bugs in our apartment for a long time, we couldn’t get them out. At first they only bit me and my husband, and then they moved into the little room (3 years old) and he also began to wake up bitten. A week later, they began to notice that the child became lethargic and pale. The pediatrician said that iron deficiency anemia was developing, since there were a lot of bites.

Olga, Kyiv


“My whole family has a terrible allergy to bed bug bites. About ten years ago they appeared, I had to immediately contact the SES. Now the situation is repeating itself. We wake up with several bites, from which the temperature rises and the whole body begins to itch. Only pills and treated. We are waiting for the arrival of exterminators who will put an end to this nightmare.”

Oleg Pavlovich, Kazan


Stress as the most common consequence of bedbug bites

Although bedbug bites, even if left untreated, are not very dangerous for most people, they can greatly affect the mental state. Why is this happening?

Regular bedbug bites can affect a person's mental state

  • A restless night's sleep leads to constant fatigue and depression. A person often wakes up, feeling parasites on himself, and cannot fall asleep for a long time.
  • Fastidious people experience a real shock from the bites of unpleasant insects. It is especially difficult for them to accept the fact that their apartment, their bed, is directly infected. They feel it is dirty and "defiled".
  • The reaction of children to bedbug bites can be different. Some react calmly, while others may even be afraid to go to bed. In addition, bedbug bites provoke nightmares. Often in these dreams images of insects appear.

Bed bugs and their eggs

Bed bugs and their larvae on human skin

Sometimes, in addition to learning how to cure bed bug bites, people start looking for stress relievers or strong sleeping pills. It also does not bring any health benefits.


“After bedbugs appeared in the house, the child became afraid to go to bed. We had to persuade him to go to bed with him. If in the morning I saw bites on my body, a real hysteria began.

Of course, we were also disgusted, but we did not reach such extremes. Soon the bugs were poisoned by "Karbofos" and they no longer bothered us.But then the child had to be taken to a psychologist - he could not believe that he could sleep peacefully and no one would climb on him.

Anna, Sergiev Posad

 Bed bugs drink blood

“My mother-in-law is squeamish to the point of horror. When her workers were doing repairs, she came to spend the night with my husband and me. And at that time, bedbugs appeared from somewhere. And this despite the fact that I constantly clean, everywhere is clean, the neighbors are quite normal.

We woke up at night from the terrible scream of the mother-in-law - she saw how the bug was sitting on her. She scolded us terribly, called us homeless and sluts. It was a shame to hear that. Moreover, she demonstrated her disgust in every possible way, refused to sleep further and spent the rest of the night in the kitchen. Now she says that she almost had a heart attack then.

Elena, Moscow


It is also useful to read: How does a bed bug bite?

And further: Where the hell did the bugs come from in the apartment and what to do in such a situation

In general, we can say that bedbug bites do not require special treatment and you can not panic at their sight. However, if a person knows his tendency to allergies, it is better to play it safe and treat the bite with an antihistamine ointment.

It is a good idea to have insect repellant in every first aid kit. They can do a good job not only in the fight against bites and not only bedbugs, but also other insects.

This is especially important to remember for those people who often go out into nature or travel longer distances. A special tool in the first-aid kit will help to avoid discomfort and body reactions to bites.


In conclusion, we note that the best protection against bedbug bites is the absence of these parasites in the house. For this, it is important not only to be able to choose the right effective insecticidal agent (see, for example, "Overview of the most effective remedies for bedbugs"), but also to correctly approach the procedure for processing the premises.

Often it turns out that having whipped up a room, the owners really destroy almost all the parasites in it and forget about their bites for a couple of weeks. However, the bedbug eggs survive, and after a while, the young larvae begin to bite the unlucky wrestlers again. Careful study of the instructions for preparations and following it usually eliminates such problems.


How to choose the right bed bug exterminator


Useful video: what to do if you are allergic to insect bites


Last update: 2022-06-16

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Bug bites and their treatment" 63 comments
  1. Nigora

    Hello, my name is Nigora, I am from Uzbekistan. My husband is allergic to bedbugs, he has been working here in Moscow for 7 years. It started in 2008 - the bug bit me and after that he has a severe allergy, he does not sleep peacefully at night, he scratches all night. Please help or write how allergies are treated. Or ointment or tablets any prompt.

    • Dasha

      Apply Akriderm ointment. Helped me.

      • Anonymous

        Hello Dasha.Thank you.

  2. Stas

    If without allergic pills, then a strong tumor can stand for a week or more. There was no smell for two or three days.

  3. Laura

    Appeared one bite every 2-3 days. Immediately the thought came - bedbugs. I found a huge bed bug in the sofa. Maybe he is the only bug in the apartment ... Someone brought it. Could it be?

    • Valery

      Of course it can.

    • Anonymous

      Laura, my daughter was constantly itching, we did not dare to go to the doctor, and then it turned out that the previous owners of the apartment left us a gift - bedbugs. And so there were a lot of them, my daughter has red spots from allergies.

      • Ksyusha

        I have this too.

    • Anonymous


  4. Anastasia

    Every day there are more and more bites, but I could not find the bugs! What then could it be?

    • Dasha

      I have the same thing, I will smear with an asterisk, you also try.

      • Anonymous

        Dasha, I'll try.

  5. Anya

    Hello, dear readers, I was also bitten recently ... But after that I became nervous, and my nails are blue. People don't know why?
    Maybe it's from bedbugs?

  6. Make

    Tell me, please, how did you get rid of bedbugs?

  7. Lily

    I'm pregnant, I came to visit my aunt, she has bed bugs. Bitten, of course, and a terrible allergy. Can it harm a child?

    • Anonymous

      No, do not be afraid, smear with Fenistil gel.

  8. Lily

    I’m just terribly afraid for the child, and I felt bad about something ((I hope it’s nothing serious. It itches, of course, terribly, I treated it with alcohol.

  9. Valeria

    I was also bitten, for the third day I had bumps on my hands and on my body. What to do? And the head is spinning ... Very unpleasant sensations. And how can clothes be disinfected?

  10. Elena

    Bedbugs appeared in the apartment, for more than six months. Stained by various means, and they periodically reappear. I live on the 5th floor. I asked the neighbors of the entire entrance: no one admits that they also have bedbugs. People do not understand that it is pointless for me to fight alone, since this creature multiplies so quickly. After each visit, my grandchildren leave me with such bites that I don’t even invite them to spend the night with me. The reaction to bites is very strong, I'm afraid for their health. Tell me, how to kill bedbugs? More efficient and to be sure?!

    • Konstantin

      Just don’t look at all kinds of kerosenes and karbofos there - it’s generally useless (verified). Try the Get tool. The bugs die the only way, some corpses then near the cracks. Plus, it doesn't smell. It is better to process twice with a break of 15 days. Good luck!

      • Elena

        Everything is useless ... Call the SES, do not bother. We gave 2700 for the processing of a three-room apartment. One treatment was enough. We were told that if needed, a second treatment would be done free of charge. So far we don't have a need. A month has passed, while everything is clean and calm, life goes on. All bite sites healed, nerve cells are restored.

        • Elena

          What is the company? I poisoned, 7 days passed, they didn’t bite me before, but now they gnaw. Here, I wait 21 days to repeat the procedure. I gave 3700, and for the repetition they ask for another 2000, also SES.

        • Hamza

          Good night, throw off the phone number of this company that helped you get rid of. A new house, but there are bugs, urgent help is needed.

      • Anonymous

        But what about clothes if there are bugs in them? How to Get applied to all clothes?

      • Anonymous

        Konstantin, where are all these funds sold? Never needed, so I have no idea.And then refugees from Ukraine arrived and ...

  11. Galya

    That's just terrible. I have very sensitive skin, I constantly feel like something is walking around my body, touching it. I myself am allergic. In my life, these bed bugs have bitten three times, all three times at a party! And for some reason, you see, they don't bite. I'm horrified, I would burn everything, the whole apartment, the house to hell!

  12. Aigor

    I just threw out the couch

  13. Damir

    What to do? I got bitten by this bullshit! The whole body is red, how to treat? Where do they come from, please? This is dangerous?

  14. Luba

    I was visiting, I was bitten all over by bedbugs. Itching, the whole body itches, the bites are inflamed, nothing helps.

  15. Jamila

    I also called the professionals, they destroyed, it seems, but they appear every day. I don't know how long to wait. I'm sitting, the light is on, and I'm waiting for the bugs, when they will appear. Already killed 3.

  16. Zhanar

    Hello. We had bed bugs in our room. From them itching, the whole body itches, bites inflamed. What to do? How to get rid of them? What are the ways to get rid of bites? Help.

    • Anonymous

      Hello! How do you heal bites? A week has passed, as we in Almaty (at a party) were also bitten by these creatures. The itching is severe and does not go away. It's just awful!

  17. Sergey

    Are there folk remedies for itching and itching?

  18. Dauren

    Hello, I got bitten by bed bugs last night. Are there any ointments for this infection?

  19. Max

    I only slept on a new bed for half an hour, I wake up - everything itches.

  20. Marina

    How long do bed bug bites last?

  21. Anastasia

    Tell me, why do bedbugs bite only me? Children and husband with a nanny do not bite. Thank you!

    • Irina

      Because you have the thinnest skin and blood vessels, the capillaries are closer.I have a mom, dad and younger brother at home - and no one has ever bitten anyone, they were not even seen or noticed, they don’t believe me.

  22. new girl

    Crap! These creatures are biting me! We have not seen these creatures in our lives, we have not encountered them. It seems that they got infected from the neighbors ((Well, for what. I read the comments, it’s terrible. I didn’t even think in a dream that I would look for remedies against bedbugs. I won’t even wish it on my enemy!

  23. Anna

    My child woke up bitten. At first it was 1-2, irritation, like a midge bite in the summer, then a few more appeared. She searched the whole couch, did not find anyone, treated with Dichlorvos. I don't know if this will help or not :(

  24. Kseniya

    I bought a Menovazin solution, anointed it, it seems that the bites do not itch, I also drank the zodak.

  25. Dmitry

    I treated the finalgon with ointment, the bites stopped itching. But the ointment itself burns for some time, you can get burned.

  26. Sergey

    As soon as the bites appeared, he immediately threw out the sofa and processed the entire apartment with “Deadly Force”. There have been no bites for two weeks now. By the way, the bites appeared at work hours at 12-13 days. So maybe he brought guests from there too.

  27. Bagheera

    How long after a bite does itching start?

  28. Anna

    Guys, this is tin. The bites are already like pancakes, everything hurts. I threw out the sofa, washed the floors with bleach, processed the furniture (wardrobes, etc.), nothing helped. SES call only.

    By the way, I have had this for 2 years already, and only in the summer. Bed bugs are coming, already hysterical right.

  29. Dana

    It's from the pigeons that the bugs come, that is, from the roof.

  30. Anyuta

    Hi all! About a week ago, I was kind of bitten by a bug, and my whole body itched, all over my body. Then all the bites dried up, and again. Is it bites or is it an allergy to them - it's not clear! This is the second time I've been bitten.And how is it better to poison them and smear the body?

  31. Sanzhar

    The best way to get rid of bed bugs is the executioner!

    • Anonymous

      Where are these products sold?

  32. Anton

    I processed everything after the first bite. But it helped, only for a while. Now at night I watch where they crawl from, and persecute.

  33. Anonymous

    These creatures have been bothering me for the third month already, hang yourself, but there is a child. Room 16 sq. meters, they bite me, but my husband and children do not. Yesterday they did a general cleaning with whiteness, slept like a log. Although I have a general cleaning four times a month.

  34. Avaz

    I got scars from the bites of these bugs, black dots. What to do?

  35. margin

    Hello everyone, what other means are there to destroy them? My husband was bitten, now I'm afraid for the children. We found one creature - a bug in the bed. Write how you can get rid of them?

    I live in Temirtau. In a pharmacy, what to ask for a remedy for removing bedbugs?

  36. Marina, Tatarstan

    Good night everyone, be sure to pierce the injections. Suprastin, solution, in the buttock, days 4-5. Relieves itching!

    In the pharmacy Sinaflan ointment, inexpensive. You smear for three days - do not wash the body. Tablets Tavegil. And be sure to take injections of Suprastin. You need to hold out for 5 days, then everything dries up and the condition returns to normal. The prescriptions were written by a dermatologist, everything is checked and tested.

  37. Elizabeth

    I'm itching, it's already the third week. And only recently I found out that we have bed bugs. I don't know how to withdraw. Tell me please!

  38. Gayaane

    Terrible, what to do?

  39. Lisa

    We had these bugs in our house six months ago, and my mother poisoned them with some kind of remedy! But I didn't have them in my room. And now they appeared after the day of the city.It turned out that they divorced my grandparents, now we are afraid to visit them. And my grandfather does not wash often, and he came to us for an overnight stay and slept on my bed! I slept next door! And today I lay down, and I have 1 big bite on my arm and 2 small ones, one on my leg and on the 5th point. And I don't know what to do I want to sleep, but I'm afraid. Even if I lie down, I won't sleep. Advise what is better to do? And I won't be able to stay awake forever!

  40. Tori

    I recently went to the forest - after that problems appeared. I immediately threw out the sofa, went through chlorine in the apartment - then, everything seemed to be fine ... And yet, check your clothes, especially when you went to the forest or similar places, because bedbugs can appear from clothes.

  41. Rita

    A nightmare, I went to my distant relatives at the dacha in the murdered hut - I was so bitten there during the night, just horror. Now everything itches ... I hope I didn’t bring them home. It’s also unpleasant that my relatives told me that they didn’t have anything and, probably, flies bit me, which are also there in large numbers. And they themselves, thinking that I was sleeping, were talking that they had found a bug.

  42. Albina

    I never thought that we could encounter bedbugs in a new house with a European-style renovation, it’s terribly unpleasant ... We came for treatment with a small child, paid a lot of money - and such a service, damn it ... Daily payment for an apartment.

    What I want to say: you should always check the mattresses. I don’t know how I will take the child for treatment again. After the bites, you will have to go to a psychologist yourself)) In rented apartments, it seems, everything was so new. This abomination can be everywhere. The bed bug is called...

  43. Lisa

    Just a nightmare! I was bitten by bedbugs in the infectious diseases hospital, I sleep with my son on the same bed.Doctors think that I have it because of nerves, but I caught one of them so that they would start moving. A dumber case could not have happened - an infectious diseases hospital is not actually an infectious diseases hospital ...

    • Nastya

      Tin! Lie down in the infectious bed and pick up bedbugs ((Nonsense! They bit me yesterday at a party, I placed an order with them today, they will come and poison them. I didn’t wash my clothes right away, now I think that I already have them at home, probably ...

  44. Anonymous

    How did you get these bugs! I bought an apartment in Moscow - the old bitch mistress said that the apartment was just a dream of any person, she took 19 million, and now you see these bugs bend over me every day. Help me get rid of them, the SES could not help, they said that they had been 4 times already.


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