Website for pest control

Aerosol from bugs Raptor

Last update: 2022-06-12
≡ Article 23 has comments
  • Marina: I accidentally noticed a bug on the wall, I was surprised, but nothing happened ...
  • Anonymous: Don't waste your money...
  • Karina: Bed bugs got on the sofa. Tried Raptor - did not help. Call...
See bottom of page for details

Bed bug raptor

The Raptor company is one of the pioneers in the production of insecticides for flying and crawling insects. Many people are familiar with the company's products for protection against mosquitoes, as well as domestic cockroaches. They showed good results, so they still enjoy excellent fame. A convenient aerosol form of release does not require special preparation for the start of the destruction of parasites.

When bedbugs suddenly appear in the house, people prefer to act the old fashioned way and buy the remedy that they know well. However, it is worth considering that there is no specialized tool "Raptor from bedbugs". The company offers only spray, the action of which is directed against crawling insects in general.


“When they found out that bedbugs had appeared in the country house, they immediately rushed into the barn to look for some kind of remedy. A year ago, we bought a spray from cockroaches "Raptor", there is still half a bottle left. They sprayed it in all the cracks, behind the headboard ... wherever bedbugs were seen. The result is almost zero, well, except that a couple of dozen insects died out. We still wake up bitten. They were very surprised, because it helped perfectly from cockroaches, they completely forgot about them. How is this possible?”

Maria, Saratov


The composition and principle of action of the Raptor spray

Aerosol Raptor from bedbugs, cockroaches and other crawling insects consists of three active ingredients, in addition to which a solvent and flavoring agent are added.

Remedy Raptor from crawling insects

The active ingredients of the remedy are:

  • Cypermethrin, 0.2%. This insecticide paralyzes the nervous system of both adults and larvae. It has the most active effect on the first day of application, but retains its properties for up to 20 days, already being applied to the surface. Fairly resistant to direct sunlight.
  • Tetramethrin, 0.2%. Nerve-paralyzing poison for crawling insects. It has low toxicity to humans and warm-blooded animals.
  • Piperonyl butoxide, 0.5%. It works most effectively in tandem with tetramethrin. It is slightly toxic, but complements the action of other insecticides, enhancing it.

The raptor acts on bedbugs and other insects in the following way: when the insect crosses the surface on which the product was sprayed, the poison remains on the paws of the parasite and begins to act. When an insect comes into contact with another individual, the poison is transmitted.

Usually the bug dies within a day from the moment the poison starts to affect it. Sprayed poison lasts about 20 days, but its effectiveness decreases every day.

As the practice of use shows, the Raptor spray is really quite effective against crawling insects. However, it shows the best results in the fight against cockroaches and ants, and the worst - against bedbugs. Why is this happening?

The fact is that bedbugs are quite tenacious insects that are not so easy to exterminate. It should also be noted that the concentration of the active substance in the spray is lower than in liquid form insecticides.In addition, the agent finely sprayed with a spray is worse fixed on the surface and has an even weaker effect.

In other words, if it turned out to sprinkle the substance on the bug itself or their masonry, then the individuals will die. However, processing possible places of their visit is ineffective.

Experts say that to destroy bedbugs (unlike cockroaches, ants), the concentration of poison that gets on its paws as a result of moving around the apartment is almost always not enough.

And one more thing: the bugs hid in all the cracks, and you just can’t find their nest? And smoke bombs find bedbugs where even a needle cannot squeeze through ...


Raptor from bedbugs: instructions for use

The insecticide canister is pressurized and should not be stored directly in direct sunlight or near sources of fire. Before use, the aerosol is shaken - this is necessary so that all the components inside the can are mixed and the liquid becomes homogeneous.

Aerosol Raptor from bedbugs

Processing should be carried out with open windows or vents, animals and birds should be removed from the room, aquariums should be tightly closed. It is advisable to work in personal protective equipment that will help not to inhale poison particles. A medical mask or industrial respirator is optimal.

If the processing is carried out in the kitchen, open food products must not be allowed there.

You need to spray the poison from a distance of about 20 cm, holding the can at arm's length. If you know exactly where the bugs live, you should spray Raptor on places where insects accumulate. You will also need to treat all secluded places with the product, such as the backs of beds and sofas, the space behind baseboards, the walls of bookcases and other furniture.

Do not use the aerosol near the included electrical appliances, gas stove.

You need to spray so that you get a straight continuous line. In this case, the bugs will not be able to avoid crossing it. After the procedure, you should leave the window open for at least 30 minutes and leave the room.


My husband and child and I live in an old apartment, where there is a lot of furniture and books. There have never been problems with bedbugs, and then new neighbors from below brought this evil spirits. I decided to process the apartment while the family is in the country. Moved all the furniture, sprinkled everywhere. I used the Raptor spray from bedbugs, cockroaches and ants. The stench was horrendous, but quickly dissipated. True, I managed to breathe a little, the next morning my head hurt wildly. I expected to sweep out dead bugs in a couple of days, but no.I found a few, and the rest, as before, climb out at night and bite. The most interesting thing is that I did everything according to the instructions ...

Xenia, Stavropol

In humans, especially in children, allergic reactions to the spray are possible. Since a large amount of the substance is released into the air during application, it is likely that it will enter the respiratory tract. Extreme care should be taken not to inhale the contents of the aerosol.

You can buy a Raptor from bedbugs, cockroaches and ants in many hardware stores, markets and on the Internet. The price of a balloon is 150 rubles, and one of it is enough to process a large room with furniture.

And further: We catch bedbugs and put deadly experiments on them - this is a must see!


Spray Raptor Reviews

“To take or not to take the Raptor spray from bedbugs is, of course, up to you. I can only say about my problem that he did not solve it absolutely. Bedbugs have bred in the apartment, and somehow imperceptibly.

First they found a couple of pieces, and then - bang, and a whole herd runs around. They were terribly nervous, the whole family stopped sleeping. It was read on the Internet that the Raptor spray should help against all insects. But the only place where the result was evident was the very nest of bedbugs, their settlement. That's when you spray on a living one, it dies immediately. But then they multiply again and become even worse than before.

So I would recommend using it only if you know exactly where the bedbugs are. As an addition. And besides that, take even stronger means.

Viktor Petrovich, Omsk

Bed bugs and their eggs

“The hostess put a new student girl in my room, and she brought bedbugs from her old home with her. There were plenty of them, so she, by the way, had to leave.She and I rummaged through the entire Internet, everyone was looking for how to quickly destroy the parasites. There are a lot of reviews, but they are all different.

They remembered that even in childhood, when there were a lot of cockroaches at home, Raptor's parents bought a pshikalka. He was a good help. We also purchased this spray, sprayed it from bedbugs behind the wallpaper and the bed. Slept peacefully the first night. Then, however, a couple more parasites were seen, but the spray helped out. They say that if there are a lot of bedbugs, then it does not work very well. But we have etched out a dozen of our own and are satisfied.

Ksyusha, Moscow

There are many industrial products that have been created specifically to kill bed bugs. Spray Raptor among them is far from the best option (this is also indicated by numerous reviews of people on the Internet). The concentration of active substances in it is quite low. In addition, when spraying the Raptor with an aerosol, the poison enters the air and can easily enter the respiratory tract.

Of course, the spray can be used in the complex fight against bedbugs. It is effective when sprayed directly on insects or their nests. Therefore, if there are very few bedbugs and it is known exactly where their shelter is located, the Raptor can help. However, with a serious infection of the premises, you need to be prepared for the fact that stronger means will be needed.

On a note

Pest experts advise choosing those means of control that are developed specifically for a particular insect, taking into account the characteristics of its physiology and lifestyle. Such preparations work flawlessly, save time and eliminate the need for repeated dressing. In the fight against bedbugs, such drugs as the Executioner, Klopomor, Kombat, Karbofos, Tetrix, Fufanon have proven themselves most well.These funds have a sufficiently high concentration of active substances and act as efficiently as possible.

If you have experience using Raptor spray in the fight against bed bugs - leave your feedback in the comment box below.


How to choose the right bed bug remedy


Interesting video: an example of an apartment infested with bugs


Last update: 2022-06-12

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Aerosol from bedbugs Raptor" 23 comments
  1. Nellie

    Bedbugs appeared at home ... At first we did not see them, everything in the room was in brown-beige tones, and they were practically invisible against this background ... For three months, the child (3 years old) began, as it seemed to us, an allergy. And we went to a dermatologist, we were finally convinced, they say, an allergy. They excluded a bunch of everything from the child’s nutrition, but the allergy just turned into horror, already with bumps!
    As a result, in the morning I opened my son to see if the cream with which I smeared him helped - and I found it! Found a bug! In the very first hours I dismantled all the furniture, thoroughly vacuumed everything, I puffed them with fear with all the helpers! Here from a hairspray they die at once.And none of them show up here.
    Then I bought a Raptor, of course there is a lot of stench, and only a bug dies only if you spray it directly on it. I spent two cans of bedbugs on a 3x7 room. The result is not really, I’ll tell you, apparently, they need to catch everyone and puff them in the face))) Now we sleep on the floor, the bed linen is only white, so that you can see if anything happened, with the light on, I guard the child and every bug I see , and for a day it’s two pieces, I puff with this Raptor. Where the nest is, I have no idea. Repairs were made three months before the appearance of bedbugs. I just don't know what to do!

    P.S. They don't touch me.

    • Denis

      Dichlorvos is a good remedy. Just need to process everything in general, from the insides of the cabinet to the carpets. Especially mattresses pillows and sofas.

  2. Anastasia

    The raptor doesn't really help. Everything is as described in the article. Splashed on the bug - died, and those that were hiding, both crawled and crawled. They didn’t even lose their activity, but became even faster. By the way, and "Reid" is the same. “Clean House” helped me once, but now I searched - it is nowhere to be found. I bought Kombat as a result. Reviews are good.

    • Anonymous

      Have you managed to get rid of these parasites?!

  3. Oleg

    For the third time in my life (pensioner) I encounter bedbugs:
    - in childhood, the mother successfully corroded with kerosene;
    - about twenty years ago (brought in by neighbors in a communal apartment) easily and successfully etched with some fashionable European spray at that time (alas, I don’t remember the name);
    - four days ago I ran into this problem again and tried the Raptor (the one in the first picture that promises "PROFESSIONAL extermination of bedbugs") ...

    It was terrible: despite the double medical mask and other precautions, the vapors still got into the lungs - I barely coughed (I thought I would die) ... But the bugs are still alive on the fourth day.

  4. Zinka

    Hello! Where to buy a drug from bedbugs, tell me, please, and which one to buy (

  5. Konstantin

    Take insect repellent "Get" - checked:

    It is simply diluted with water and sprayed from a conventional spray bottle, very effective and practically odorless. Only repeat the second treatment approximately two weeks after the first, in order to finish off the larvae hatched from the surviving eggs.

  6. Anonymous

    I have a problem, I found bedbug bites on my body, I checked the whole apartment, but I found only one bedbug, and then under the sofa. I didn’t see it again, but in the morning again new bites. True, it is suspicious that they do not touch my girlfriend. Advise, please, an effective agent. I'll be very thankful.

    • Larisa

      Buy Executioner

  7. Anonymous

    In August last month, she moved into an apartment that had previously been rented to the Armenians. Literally after 3-5 days, bites began to appear on the body, I thought that mosquitoes bought all sorts of funds from them, nothing helped. And one night I woke up and felt that something was crawling over me, turned on the light and was horrified: these creatures scattered in all directions from me. I didn’t sleep at night, I waited for the morning, I immediately called the SES, after which a woman arrived and assured that after the persecution they would die. It helped for exactly 10 days, then turned to private firms. In general, they have already been poisoned 4 times, they spent a lot of money, they threw out all the furniture, the floor was re-made, nothing helps. I don't know what to do anymore.Advise, please, some truly effective remedy, otherwise there is no strength left, even go out to live on the street.

  8. Olga

    We tried dichlorvos ... It did not help! I was looking for a Raptor aquafumigator, according to reviews it helps well, there is nowhere. I bought a spray Raptor from bed bugs, the stench was - oooh such! The next day, there was also a smell, although it aired for almost an hour. In general, they didn’t bite at night, I’m waiting for the result. Tired. At this rate, it won't take long to go crazy!

  9. Anna

    “Call the service” ... yeah, they called. Prior to this, for three days they had emptied wardrobes, niches for linen, mezzanines, a pantry - throughout the apartment. After treatment, there were literally puddles of the product on the floor, but the pest control specialist did not even look into the cabinets and niches for linen. As a result, a week after the treatment, everything is almost the same as before it 🙁 We buy Clean House bottles and process everything ourselves.

    • Maria

      The same story ... We found bedbugs in the sofa, and somehow a lot at once (the sofa is chic, it unfolds forward, the back is rich, foam rubber, folds are a fairy tale for these creatures). More like nowhere to be seen. SES was called urgently. They processed the whole apartment (flooded 3 rooms), and even watered the sofa, and sprinkled the powder so abundantly. We spent the night with good friends, thank you, they sheltered the whole family, along with the cat ... We returned home the next day, aired it and started cleaning. Look, these lively creatures are sitting on the sofa, and moving their mustaches. Let's get the sofa in the trash. It's a pity, it's a shame, dear, but what to do. Also 1500 rubles. gave away. In general, we bought a temporary air mattress, ordered GET via the Internet, as soon as it arrives, we will try to poison it on our own, I hope for a result!

  10. Inna

    The raptor is an ineffective remedy, we have been fighting for the third month, and there are more and more bedbugs!

  11. Anna

    I came to relatives, and there is a bedbug. Three-room apartment, 65 square meters, worked with a raptor. 1 month 2 times a week, every night she made a detour until she caught everyone. Not a single one remained for the 2nd month, but for another 1 month I did prophylaxis once a week. But this is terrible suffering - you suffocate from the Raptor, it disperses the bugs, they all crawl out of their holes, and they already need to be caught (I caught it in a jar of water). Here, 3 years have lived in cleanliness. And a month ago, the bugs started immediately in 3 apartments in the entrance. Now we have bought a Clean House and a Raptor. 4 live bugs were found and 4 more dry ones. It is not known how many of them came in general and how they managed to breed. Let's see what happens next week.

  12. Dina

    Try spraying kralin for animals, and there is also dust powder, which will help too. But dust on the territory of Moscow is difficult to find. And kralin can be found in the village (hardly in the city). Good luck everyone.

  13. Maria

    Where can I buy the Executioner? Which online store?

    • Anonymous

      Don't waste your money, motherfucker.

  14. Danila

    I bought a Raptor from bedbugs, sprayed. The smell is terrible, I almost got poisoned myself, but the result is zero. You can't see them during the day, and they don't let you sleep at night.

  15. Julia

    The raptor didn't help at all. Not a drop. I was upset, although I really hoped for him. As there were bedbugs, they are, lively. Wasted so much money...

  16. Alexei

    He processed directly the bug in the bank, he sat high for one day and came to his senses.

  17. Karina

    Bed bugs infested the sofa. Tried Raptor - didn't help. Disinfectors were called, poisoned twice with an interval of 2 weeks. After 1.5 months they reappeared.

  18. Marina

    Accidentally noticed a bug on the wall, was surprised, but did nothing. A week later, my grandson spent the night with me, got up in the morning - his whole shoulder was bitten. And I noticed a small bug on myself, it was shock and horror! I bought a raptor, sprayed the sofa all over, and they crawled, catching half the night. Thank God there were not so many of them, but there were also small ones, which means they managed to breed. In short, sprayed 2 days in a row. Today is the 4th day, I don’t clean anything and I don’t wash it, I find dead creatures. There are no movers. But I, apparently, had time in time, there were no nests, they just appeared. I'll try again in a week, we'll see. Raptor poisons well. There is a smell, of course, but tolerable. I slept in the next room, I didn’t get poisoned, and after I sprayed it, I made several detours around the sofa, by the way, with a flashlight, then you can see them better. I hope for a good result!


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