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Bed bug remedies

Feverfew for bed bugs
Feverfew for bed bugs

On the Internet, you can often find information about the effectiveness of the mysterious pyrethrum powder from bedbugs. Mysterious because it is not so easy to find it on sale. Is it worth it to look for it, or still use the usual industrial preparations to destroy bed bugs? Let's try to figure this out together...

Remedy for bed bugs Kombat
Remedy for bed bugs Kombat

Bed bugs can cause a lot of trouble. Among the various bedbug remedies available on the market, the reviews of many users speak of the effectiveness and relative safety of Combat. Is this really so, is the product really safe to use and can quickly get rid of bed bugs? Let's try to figure it out...

The use of Tetrix bedbugs and reviews about it
The use of Tetrix bedbugs and reviews about it

The Tetrix insecticidal agent is a very effective drug for combating bed bugs, as evidenced by the numerous reviews of people who have already tested it in practice. Why this drug is so effective, how to use it correctly and where to buy - read about all this in a detailed review.

Klopoveron remedy for bed bugs
Klopoveron remedy for bed bugs

The drug Klopoveron enjoys a well-deserved reputation as one of the best means against bedbugs in Russia, and throughout the world. It is indeed very effective even with severe infection, however, it has its own specific application.In addition, Klopoveron is difficult to buy, and it is not cheap. Only one or two Russian suppliers work with individuals and sell the drug by mail. Before purchasing Klopoveron, it is useful to read reviews about the drug and instructions for its use.

Means Medilis Ziper for the fight against bedbugs
Means Medilis Ziper for the fight against bedbugs

One of the means of combating bed bugs is the insecticidal drug Medilis Ziper, which is based on a substance from the group of pyrethroids - cypermethrin. How effective and safe this remedy is, as well as how people who have already tested it in the fight against parasites speak of it - read the review.

Aerosol and dust Clean House for the destruction of bed bugs
Aerosol and dust Clean House for the destruction of bed bugs

The Clean House tool has acquired a new form - an aerosol, thanks to which this drug has become effective not only against cockroaches and ants, but also against bedbugs. As you know, dusts are not particularly effective against bed bugs, since these insects do not eat powders. And now many citizens have already managed to try out the Clean House in the fight against bedbugs and get results.

The drug from bedbugs Get
The drug from bedbugs Get

Get is a very effective and popular drug for the destruction of bed bugs. Unfortunately, this is not at all a cheap remedy, which is often counterfeited, and counterfeit products have literally flooded the market. Therefore, before purchasing, it is very important to familiarize yourself with the information about the original Get, as well as how to distinguish it from a fake. Only a real product will give the effect that the manufacturer claims.

Dichlorvos for the destruction of bed bugs
Dichlorvos for the destruction of bed bugs

Ever since Soviet times, Dichlorvos has been known as a really working remedy for crawling and flying insects.It was in almost every family and was actively used to destroy parasites penetrating the house. Even now, when the problem of infecting an apartment with bedbugs arises, many people remember this proven and high-quality remedy.

Remedy for bedbugs Klopomor
Remedy for bedbugs Klopomor

Relatively recently, Russian developers have introduced a new drug for the destruction of bed bugs: Klopomor. He has already managed to win among consumers a lot of fans and rave reviews. However, on the network you can find about the same number of sharply negative reviews of people who did not like Klopomor at all. They don’t argue about tastes, but before purchasing such an expensive product, it’s better to familiarize yourself with its main pros and cons in advance. That's why we read reviews.

Reviews on the use of Karbofos in the fight against bed bugs
Reviews on the use of Karbofos in the fight against bed bugs

How do people respond to the use of Karbofos in the fight against bed bugs? Is this drug really effective and is it safe to use? Does it have an unpleasant odor and what do professionals say about it? Read about all this in the reviews.



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