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Dichlorvos for the destruction of bed bugs

Last update: 2022-05-06
≡ Article has 35 comments
  • Anna: Bed bugs appeared, they were in our sofa. They disinfected...
  • Anonymous: Soviet dichlorvos Varan is sold in the Svetofor store ....
  • Anton: The old Soviet dichlorvos really helped, but now about ...
See bottom of page for details


Hearing the name "Dichlorvos", almost everyone remembers a small gray container, which was widely used to bait domestic parasites in the Soviet era. He coped well with his task in the fight against flies and cockroaches, killing them almost instantly, and acted on other insects.

However, the strong unpleasant odor and the risk of damage to the respiratory tract when spraying forced it to be phased out in favor of other, more modern and safer insecticides. Meanwhile, some people are still trying to use Dichlorvos from bedbugs, having learned about the infection of their apartment with parasites.

I must say that instead of the outdated Soviet version exterminators recommend using a special Dichlorvos against bedbugs, the composition of which is most suitable for the destruction of these insects.


“My sister was going abroad and asked my husband and I to stay at her house for a couple of months. The apartment is old but clean. As we went to bed the first night, in the morning we wanted to urgently run away from there! It turns out that there were bugs in the sofa that bit us terribly, the whole bed was covered in droplets of blood. I sent my husband to urgently buy a remedy for parasites.It turns out that now even a special dichlorvos from bedbugs is not so difficult to buy, we were advised by Neo. I won’t say that they were completely gone, but the number certainly decreased and they slept more calmly. ”



Dichlorvos from bedbugs - composition and principle of action

In order to understand whether Dichlorvos really helps with bedbugs, it is useful to look at and analyze the composition of the product using Dichlorvos Neo as an example:

Dichlorvos Neo

  • ethyl alcohol, which is the basis of the drug
  • aliphatic carbohydrates - 30%
  • piperonyl butoxide - 1%
  • permethrin - 0.2%
  • cypermethrin - 0.2%
  • dimethyl sulfoxide and preservative - up to 1%.

As you can see, the preparation contains substances of the pyrethroid group - permethrin and cypermethrin. They are plant alkaloids and have proven themselves in pest control. They have a class 3 hazard to humans. On insects, they have a nerve-paralytic effect, leading to death within a few hours.

In the human body, these components break down into harmless components and do not cause poisoning. However, piperonyl butoxide is indeed poisonous and can cause intoxication in humans.

All components work only when applied locally to the infected area; after spraying, they do not retain their effect for long.

It is interesting

From the old Soviet Dichlorvos in modern analogues, only the name remains. It was produced on the basis of completely different active ingredients ("dimethyl", dichlorovinyl phosphate) and also worked differently. Now the Soviet Dichlorvos is not produced at all.

Now on the shelves of stores you can find two types of the drug: Dichlorvos-Super and Dichlorvos Neo.

Dichlorvos Super

Both sprays are very easy to use and relatively low cost compared to other insecticides.But, on the other hand, these preparations retained the main drawback of their predecessor - a persistent and unpleasant odor.

And further: Aquafumigator Raptor - a non-standard contraption that gets bedbugs in all cracks, penetrating there in the form of poisonous vapor

At the same time, today there are known cases of the appearance of populations of bedbugs that have adapted to the insecticides that make up Dichlorvos. For them, this drug will be harmless, and, accordingly, its use will not bring success.


How to poison bedbugs with Dichlorvos - instructions for use

Before buying a drug, you always want to know for sure: is it possible to remove bedbugs completely with Dichlorvos? The manufacturer claims that yes, but in order to achieve the effect, you must refer to the instructions and read them carefully.

Dead bed bugs

So, how to poison bedbugs with Dichlorvos:

  • Be sure to prepare personal protective equipment: gloves, a respirator or a mask. It is advisable to wear a long work robe or other clothing that can protect the skin.
  • Before processing, you need to remove all items of direct use: personal hygiene products, food, dishes, clothes.
  • Windows and doors in the room must be tightly closed, then shake the bottle with Dichlorvos and process. The places where bedbugs accumulate, as well as the places where they are supposed to live, are processed: cracks in the walls, back walls of furniture, a sofa or a bed completely (up to the frame). Then the room must be left for at least 30 minutes (preferably more). After this time, you should open the windows and arrange a draft so that the smell disappears. Of course, there is also odorless Dichlorvos, but it is no less toxic.

It is worth noting that Dichlorvos is better than many other drugs for processing upholstered furniture. Why is that? The fact is that it does not leave any traces on it and is completely absorbed by the upholstery, only the smell remains.

Bed bugs in upholstered furniture

By the way, it is precisely because of the smell and the rather high level of toxicity to humans and animals that Dichlorvos is often afraid to be used in a residential apartment. But it is ideal for processing a room in which they do not temporarily live: change house, cottage, workshops, sanatoriums in the low season.


“Recently, the eldest son was on a business trip and brought bedbugs in his things. My wife and I, in the old fashioned way, decided to buy Dichlorvos and quickly destroy these parasites. The store said that the usual Dichlorvos is not on sale, there is only a new one - Neo. I bought it, we sprayed the whole sofa with them at home, all the cracks. The bugs really disappeared, and there were a few of them.But on the couch, we probably couldn’t sleep for two weeks - it stank terribly. Although they did everything according to the instructions and ventilated the room well.

Ilya Matveevich, Perm

“At the dacha in the summer they saw strange insects behind the sofa, similar to beetles. Neighbor said it was bed bugs. And then we remembered that it’s true that in the morning there are small bites on the body. We decided to withdraw Dichlorvos, which we bought in the city, some new one. The smell was very strong. But we went home for two days, hermetically closing the windows. When we returned, we ventilated a little and the smell was gone. We carefully looked through the entire sofa, only saw dead parasites. True, after a couple of weeks a few more bugs ran around, I had to poison it again. That's when they were gone forever."

Olga, Volgograd


And further: Deadly methods of destruction of bedbugs that really work in practice

Does Dichlorvos help with bed bugs?

Of course, when entering the fight against bedbugs, I want to buy a product that will quickly solve the problem and leave no trace of insects. The composition of the new versions of Dichlorvos does include strong chemicals that kill parasites and significantly reduce their population. In addition, the cost of one aerosol can is not at all high.

However, do not forget that the vapors of the sprayed drug are very easy to inhale for both people and animals. Therefore, when processing, it is important to use maximum protection of the skin and mucous membranes, to prevent inhalation.

Petal type respirator

Respirator with filter element

Dichlorvos works best when applied locally to bedbug nests, upholstered furniture, and walls.And because of the pungent odor and toxicity, it is recommended to poison bedbugs with this remedy in cases where it is possible to leave for a few days.

Very good results are achieved with combined treatment: treat places where parasites accumulate and furniture with Dichlorvos, and smear the room, cracks, window sills with another insecticide.


“If I knew what it was, I wouldn’t buy it! Dichlorvos-Neo really helps, there are fewer bedbugs, but the whole apartment stinks of them! I had to give the child to my grandmother for a while, because it was impossible to sleep. We have to lay ourselves in the kitchen. People, there are many really working products that DO NOT stink of terrible chemistry. Dichlorvos can be left, but only to spray the bugs themselves or their nests, pointwise! Do not try to puff him all over the apartment, you will be very sorry.

Maria, Kharkiv


An interesting video: does karbofos help with bedbugs?


And this is how pest control professionals treat an apartment with insecticides


Last update: 2022-05-06

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Dichlorvos for the destruction of bed bugs" 35 comments
  1. Anastasia

    Dichlorvos will not help you with bedbugs, contact the dispensaries or buy professional drugs such as Executioner, Get or Tetrix.

    • Michael

      Bed bugs at home, sprayed Dichlorvos Neo, it really helps - the bugs die, I advise everyone. It is inexpensive, more economical than calling the service every 10 times. You can do everything yourself.

  2. Andrew

    Why doesn't it help?

  3. android

    In modern dichlorvos, as well as in the vast majority of insecticides (including executioner, tetrix, medilis), the active ingredient is cypermethrin. Therefore, you should not spend money on expensive Tetrix - it's the same thing. Soviet dichlorvos is no longer produced, only the name remains, the composition is different. In GET (fumitox, raptor) - another active ingredient, chlorpyrifos. Both are very effective, with less odor from chlorpyrifos. But this can be misleading, and you can go to bed in a room where the concentration of the substance is still high. Cypermethrin has a strong smell that disappears within a couple of days.

  4. Lidos

    The bugs disappeared, and then reappeared, but it’s just scary to use other means, the risk of staying on the street, because there will be nothing to breathe in the apartment. From dichlorvos at least there is no smell.

  5. Dinara

    Does this really help or not?

  6. Nastya

    I have been suffering for two weeks, nothing helps.

  7. Catherine

    They treated it with this dichlorvos, but to no avail! One night was not, then bitten again.

    • Evgeniy

      You killed the hatchlings, but the eggs remained, from which new bugs climbed. It is necessary to go through all dichlorvos several times within 2 weeks.

  8. Elmira

    After professional processing, she returned home on the second day, washed everything, washed it, just in case, treated it with Dichlorvos neo and Zorro aerosol, and ironed the sofa with an iron.

  9. Maria

    Did professional editing help you?

    • Anonymous

      It didn't help us!

    • Lena

      We called the service, treated the whole apartment with cold fog, it helped.

  10. Yana

    We can’t get rid of bedbugs in any way, they brought them along with things, and now they bite children and us. Can you help?!

    • Anonymous

      Aerosol kombat.

  11. Lena

    We have been in the apartment for 3 years, we have tried everything, nothing helps. We made repairs, we process them every two months - they will disappear for a week, and reappear.

    • Mich

      Maybe it's the neighbor's bugs?

  12. Grinya

    Neighbors moved in a month ago and we got bed bugs. The house is panel, maybe through sockets, maybe somehow leaked between the panels. Tried KLOPOMOR, Dichlorvos BIO - do not help. It seems that as long as the smell lingers in the room, the bugs sit out with the neighbors, and as soon as we arrive, we open the windows, turn on the fans - they come back. Most importantly, don't bite. And at night they crawl over the body and on the bed linen there are bloody spots. Now I bought Dichlorvos NEO, 3 cylinders. We go for the whole day for mushrooms, pour everything in the room. In all corners. If they reappear, you will have to throw out the sofa. My wife and I bought a huge custom-made corner sofa a year ago. Let's call the rescue service!

    • Taisia

      My son is bitten, he does not scratch. My body is tender, even the stains remain. I don’t know what to do, and I saw bedbugs once or twice, they are small, almost transparent. If crushed, they stink terribly, like common bugs in raspberries ... Repairs are coming soon, so I hope that we will bring them out.Varan Dichlorvos helps a lot.

  13. Elena

    We have bedbugs in the hostel ... We don’t know what to do, we all go bitten. We want to try dichlorvos.

  14. Taisia

    Help, good people. There are bed bugs somewhere, just a few. Bite, infection. But I can’t find it in the house, I’ve reviewed everything. I know what's on the couch. But there is a fear of being poisoned by Dichlorvos. My mother-in-law without a mask just poisoned and immediately poured boiling water and was not afraid. I have dichlorvos varan. How to poison these parasites, so as not to poison yourself? And after what time can you enter the house? Thank you.

  15. Igor

    Sofa in polyethylene for a month, periodically splashing chemistry, better different. And that's it.

    • Ludmila

      Good advice. So I wouldn't have guessed.

  16. Paul

    Turn on the iron for steaming, and go through the entire sofa with steam. They are already dying at +50.

  17. Emma

    For 1 month I called the service 4 times: 2 weeks there, and then again. Dismantled the bed 4-5 times. 2 times they put smoke bombs - there is no sense. I don't know what to do next...

  18. Michael

    Effective means or ineffective - it is not so important. The answer is elsewhere. It is necessary to disinfect regularly, in a cyclical manner, so that the uterus of the colony does not have time to make a new laying. It all depends on how long you live with them and feed them. If a small colony (only in sleeping places), then it is enough to process 1 time per week for 6 weeks. And if they are already under wallpaper or skirting boards and in all rooms, then it's time to think about either repairing with all the consequences, or continuing in the same spirit, only in the whole room. Skirting boards, walls, sofas, in the kitchen behind cabinets. And also with a certain cycle. I think the man will win the parasites. Together with everything I recommend using baths with water - put under the legs of the beds.Plus, stick double-sided tape in places of accumulation. Well, and smear at night with aerosols from bedbugs. Good luck.

  19. Svetlana

    They brought in bedbugs with a mattress. Called the service, treated with a cold fog. There is sense, but not enough - a week has already passed, and the bugs are crawling, we can’t sleep. And no less active than they were. Tell me what to do? SOS! Maybe try dichlorvos?

  20. Marat

    They are indestructible. Creatures.

  21. Gulfia

    Tell me, is it better to throw out bed linen, or is it enough to wash at 60 °?

    • Yana

      Wash at high temperature.

  22. Elena

    Dichlorvos did not help, garbage. These creatures keep climbing and climbing. And, characteristically, they only bite me. I live with my grandson, everything is clean with him, not a single bite. I was advised to try Regent.

    • Sasha

      We treated the sofa with Kombat Superspray aerosol, 400 ml, 370 rubles. The first time they disappeared, and there is no smell at all.

  23. Anton

    The old Soviet dichlorvos really helped, but now there is only one name left. Now loud names, but no sense. Everyone has the same composition. I have been fighting bedbugs for a month now, I have tried all modern means - and not a single effective one. I understood one thing: the quality of drugs does not depend on the price. I don’t know where to find Soviet-style dichlorvos.

    • Anonymous

      Soviet dichlorvos Varan is sold in the Svetofor store.

  24. Anna

    There were bedbugs, we had them on the couch. They disinfected with a cold mist, after two weeks it was dark. I had to throw out the sofa and disinfect again with cold fog. Two months have passed, today I saw and was stunned - how much their passion. I have a dichlorvos monitor lizard, I caught a bug, put it in a jar and sprinkled it, but I didn’t close the lid. Dead in three seconds.I'll take care of them tomorrow.


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