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Types of bedbug repellers and feedback on their use

Last update: 2022-05-14
≡ Article 33 comments
  • Olga: They didn’t do anything - nothing helps, it’s good to cry ...
  • Alexander: Change the bed to a new, new mattress. The legs of the bed are...
  • Tatyana: It looks like I'm going crazy too, I read and cry ((...
See bottom of page for details

If you still have not decided on the choice of a bedbug repeller, then it's time to learn more about them ...

Using a repeller to get rid of bedbugs is a pretty tempting idea for many. The popularity of these devices today is really high: they are massively advertised by manufacturers and dealers, and the buyers themselves are happy to prefer them to preparations based on insecticides (no one wants to poison themselves with chemicals). So it turns out that "whatever one may say", and the electronic bedbug repeller is harmless, inexpensive, works for a long time and, most importantly, amazingly easy to use.

Bed bug repeller Riddex

At the same time, special experiments and studies, as well as customer reviews, indicate that most of the bedbug repellers are outright trash, absolutely useless in the fight against parasites. But in order to choose an electronic repeller that will really help get rid of bed bugs in the house, you need to try very hard and go not quite in the standard way.

Practice shows that most repellers do not work on bedbugs, and even more so are ineffective for destroying their eggs.

So, let's figure out how you can really scare away bedbugs and at the same time is safe for your health.


“We bought a Typhoon repeller for my daughter in a hostel. She is very sensitive and from any chemistry she has a headache for a long time. So, this repeller does not work.Rather, it works, but it does not give a result. The light bulb is on, some kind of ultrasound supposedly goes on, and the bugs both bite and bite. Nastya had to go home for three days, and at that time the commandant called the SES and the bedbugs were poisoned with some kind of gas.

Svetlana, Ivanovo


Types of bedbug repellers: we classify the abundance of funds

The most common types of insect repellers on the market are as follows:

  • Ultrasonic - these devices are designed to scare away bedbugs due to high-frequency sounds, which, as the manufacturers assume, should create very uncomfortable living conditions for parasites in the house. Electronic repellers of this type were the first to appear on the market, and therefore today their low efficiency is already well known, and manufacturers are forced to switch to a new invention due to falling sales and distrust of customers ...Ultrasonic Insect Repeller Pest Reject
  • Magnetic resonance repellers, they are also electromagnetic, the action of which is explained by the emission of electromagnetic waves, the frequency of which falls into resonance with the frequency of electromagnetic oscillations of the bug's nervous system and has a destructive effect on its body. Agree, this description itself already smacks of anti-scientific nonsense in the style of sellers of dietary supplements, and the effectiveness of the electromagnetic bedbug repellers themselves in practice turns out to be the same as that of ultrasonic agents. That is practically zero.The effectiveness of magnetic resonance repellers of bedbugs is just as not confirmed in practice, as is the effectiveness of ultrasonic repellers.
  • Aromatic repellers, also called fumigators, are products in which a special solution or aromatic plate smolders from heating the spiral, exuding an unpleasant smell for bedbugs (and other domestic insects). Of all household repellers, only in this group are really effective remedies. Aromatic bedbug repellers, or fumigators, are perhaps the most effective of all repellers.


There are both electromagnetic and ultrasonic repellers that are really effective against bedbugs. These include, for example, some models of repellers against rats and moles. However, these drugs are so strong that they irritate the human nervous system. As tests show, powerful repellers lead to headaches in the tenants of the premises, stress, insomnia and other disorders.

Powerful ultrasonic emitters can affect not only insects, but also humans

Simply put, these tools scare away all living things that fall within the range of their signal. It is strictly forbidden to use such devices in living quarters and, moreover, in bedrooms, from which bedbugs must be scared away in the first place.


Electronic repellers: are they effective?

As the results of specially conducted experiments show, neither ultrasonic nor electromagnetic repellers from bedbugs have any effect on the behavior of these insects.

And further: The executioner did not run out of steam in a week and cheerfully killed the bugs like that, even being in a dried state

Electronic repellers usually have no effect on bed bugs.

The reason for this is simple - ultrasonic repellers are only effective against insects that use hearing and sound signals for communication. For example, against mosquitoes.

Ultrasonic repellers will be effective against insects that use ultrasound in communication, such as mosquitoes

Bedbugs, on the other hand, "communicate" and are guided in search of food almost exclusively by smells, therefore they are absolutely indifferent to ultrasounds.


“Leaving my review about the Riddex repeller. The tool helps against mosquitoes - while the repeller is turned on, insects do not bite. From the moth did not help, the butterflies continue to fly. Friends tried to get rid of bedbugs and cockroaches with it, it also did not work, although cockroaches, according to their assurances, became a little less. I think you can buy this product to protect the nursery from mosquitoes.

Sergey, Zelenograd

Bedbugs react to high-frequency electromagnetic radiation in the same way as a person - that is, we do not notice them at all (although in fairness it must be said that there are people who are sensitive, for example, to long-term radiation from cell phones).


Market research in China shows that electronic bed bug repellers account for nearly 22% of bed bug sales. It is noteworthy that four out of five respondents are not satisfied with the effectiveness of the device, and 73% of respondents are forced to buy other products within 2 weeks after purchasing the repeller.

But aromatic repellers - fumigators, sections, products on oils - may well give the desired result, but usually very short-lived.

Aromatic oils have a short-term deterrent effect on bed bugs

The fact is that the bugs really do not like the smells of certain plants, for example, wormwood, tansy, lavender, bed bugs, and in the presence of such aromas in the room, they always try to stay away from them.

Some strong smells can actually keep bed bugs away.

But only until they are hungry, in which case their hunger overcomes their dislike of the smell, and they will even climb onto a bed fumigated with lavender. Nevertheless, it is fumigators and sections that can be effectively used for short-term repelling of bedbugs if it is not possible to immediately destroy the parasites with effective drugs.


Fumigators and sections from parasites as a remedy for bedbugs

It is impossible to destroy all bed bugs in an apartment with fumigators: insects even if they die from these funds, but slowly and far from all. But fumigators are quite suitable for scaring away parasites for a short time.

So, for example, they can be used:

  • if necessary, spend the night for a short time in rooms of questionable cleanliness;
  • and also at home for the case when it is not possible to immediately destroy the bugs - there is no time or the necessary insecticidal agents.
It is also useful to read: Are there unscented bedbug treatments?

And one more thing: it is generally accepted that if you leave the apartment for a long time, then all the bugs will die of hunger. Let's see if bedbugs can still eat something and how long they can live without human blood

Fumigators should be plugged into an outlet as close to the bed as possible. Deterrent sections should be hung directly on the bottom rails of the bed frame.For such short-term repelling of bedbugs, you can use the Mosquitall, Raptor and Raid fumigators, as well as Mosquitall and Raptor moth sections.

Raptor sections can have some deterrent effect on bedbugs


“After buying a new apartment, it turned out that tenants were already living in it - moth butterflies and bedbugs. It's a good thing we discovered them before we moved in. From butterflies, we bought special sections of Mosquitall with the smell of lavender, they helped. It even seemed to us that the bugs became less after the placement of these sections. But we were only able to get them out when we called the SES. The guys processed everything very quickly, there was no good furniture in the apartment.

Irina, Krasnodon

On a note

Before using repellents, you should check that there are no bedbugs in the bed itself, the mattress and the bed - in this case, regardless of the use of fumigators and repellent sections, the bugs will still get to the body.


Natural bed bug repellents

There is also a whole set of folk remedies that can quite successfully scare away bedbugs.

  • Wormwood - either fresh or dry, it is laid out under beds and mattresses. And to prevent the ingress of bedbugs from neighbors - in the corners of the room, ventilation ducts and near the door. You can also prepare a decoction of wormwood and add it to the water for washing floors, spray baseboards with it to expel parasites from there. Wormwood has long been used by the people to repel bedbugs and other parasites.
  • Tansy - is used similarly to wormwood. The smell of tansy is also able to scare away bedbugs from the apartment.
  • Kerosene, denatured alcohol, vinegar - means that can scare away not only bedbugs, but also the person himself with their smell. They are considered harmful, dangerous and obsolete. The smells of kerosene and denatured alcohol in the apartment will scare anyone away from it (including residents), and not just bedbugs
  • Live geranium as a houseplant, and, if possible, a bedbug bush. These plants repel bedbugs more reliably than expensive fumigators. A bush of fragrant geranium standing in the house is also able to scare away bedbugs.

But even with these means, it should be remembered that it will not work to destroy bedbugs with their help, and even with proper use, they will give only a short-term result. They are more reliable as a means of prevention - constantly using them in the house, you can significantly reduce the chances of parasites entering from neighbors or from the street.


What is the best substitute for repellents?

In any case, the bugs in the apartment should not be scared away, but destroyed: if they already wound up in the room, they will bite constantly. Therefore, scaring them away is only a temporary measure that allows you to hold out until:

  • the use of special insecticidal agents (Get, Executioner, Klopoveron, Dichlorvos-Neo, Tetrix, Cucaracha and others are considered quite effective);Get Insect Repellent
  • freezing bedbugs or burning them with steam or industrial hair dryers;
  • calling exterminators who will carry out the destruction faster and more reliably than the residents themselves, and after disinfestation they will also give a guarantee that bedbugs will not appear in the house in the near future.Skilled exterminators will be able to destroy bedbugs in your home, and give a guarantee that these parasites will not violate your peace of mind in the near future

Thus, when choosing means to fight bedbugs, it is better not to look at repellers and not to read their encouraging advertisements. So the likelihood of acquiring a truly reliable remedy for bedbugs will be much higher.

If you also have experience using a repeller in the fight against bedbugs, then be sure to leave your feedback in the comment box below. Perhaps he will help other people make the right choice.


Night video shooting: an example of the inefficiency of an ultrasonic repeller


How can you reliably get rid of bed bugs in the apartment (and on your own)


Last update: 2022-05-14

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Types of bedbug repellers and feedback on their use" 33 comments
  1. Dmitry

    My wife and I accidentally discovered that a multi-purpose cleaner is effective against cockroaches. When diluted in the right proportion (provided by the instructions), when sprayed on the habitat of insects, they die literally before our eyes. I describe the process in a nutshell: the insect, namely, its limbs, begin to stretch into a string, as if they have “tetanus”.
    The composition of this product is as follows: Anionic surfactants from 5% -15%, non-ionic surfactants from 5%, Preservatives and fragrance.
    Works very well, I recommend.

    • Anonymous

      Surfactants are very harmful and toxic to humans.

  2. Kirill


    • Anonymous

      Boric acid is good for cockroaches. Shake with a raw egg until the consistency of dumplings, stick on balls about 1 cm in diameter and scatter at the places of accumulation.

  3. Anatoly

    We ordered a bedbug repeller - such a puffball. So do not believe that he will help, do not waste money, all this is bullshit.

  4. Dmitry

    We bought an apartment with bedbugs, noticed it late, drove in, and a month later we woke up bitten. Only liquid karbofos saves for a while, powder did not help.The smell is disgusting, but there is no choice. It is necessary to pshikat karbofos once a month.

  5. Den

    They rented an apartment, and we have tenants. Bed bugs. Did not order any electronic lotions. Valery, the killer of insects, was called. He came in in a gas mask, stuffed it so that all living things died. It got kind of boring. Just in case, I bought poison in a spray can, I pour it into all the cracks that I see. In the hood and so on. I'm thinking of buying a Get and watering it once a month.

  6. Luda

    Do not believe in the quality of the Riddec Plus device, it broke after two days. They don't do returns. This is a swindle. Chinese scammer.

  7. Alexander

    The most reliable and proven way is to kill bedbugs using the Afandi method, using a needle and matches. It is done like this. Catch bedbugs and string them on a needle one by one, and then fry them with a burning match like a barbecue))

    • Natalia

      Very funny…

  8. Faith

    We bought a pest repeller and realized that it does not even help against cockroaches, not to mention bed bugs. So do not buy any repellers, they do not help. And for this money it is easier to get dichlorvos. And the cockroaches pooped on the repeller and lived there, so he didn’t even scare them.

  9. Olga

    Aquafumigator Raptor - bullshit! Doesn't work at all. Bed bugs live peacefully 🙁

  10. Kiryukha

    Put on ultrasound - and it's not surprising if after a while you start having fits of irritability, neuroses, and your neighbor comes running with an ax) The effect of ultrasound is dangerous to health and it is not fully understood. A reton machine or a rat repeller can be sent straight to a psychiatric clinic.

  11. Fedor

    They called the service, everything was processed.After 2 weeks, the bugs reappeared! They promised that there would be at least a year and a second procedure for free if they appear. I called the service, and they say - read the contract, nothing is free!

  12. Tolya

    I don't believe it now, the executioner is just bullshit. I tried 8 pieces for a two-room apartment. Nothing really came out.

  13. Irina

    I have my own hostel. This winter, bedbugs were brought into one of the rooms. I do not know what to do! Over the past two or three months, I spent 50 thousand on these reptiles. There is almost no point. Every now and then they get out. All companies are charlatans! They promise 100%, re-processing, at least 800 rubles. There are no more spaces on the two treaties. And 800, and 4000, and 8000 each. I don’t know what to do now ...

  14. Alexander

    All this lies! People, do not believe it, I bought 4 pestle reject - 0 help!

  15. Anonymous

    The leomax insect repeller is garbage. Before him, she made repairs, poisoned with the usual Masha and dichlorvos, but they still appeared.

  16. Guest

    People! Well, is there anything effective for bedbugs? Or is this the end?

  17. Tatiana

    3 years trying to withdraw. And they called SES, sprinkled it with cold fog - garbage, after 2 weeks new ones hatch and all over again. And they bought chemicals themselves - the same thing. One so far helps - Whiteness. She put a spray bottle on the bottle and sprinkled it on the mattress - the eggs would die, but these creatures hid in the cabinets and bedside tables. I wipe the floors with pure whiteness, and after 15 minutes they run along the tulle to the ceiling, bastards.

  18. Marat

    Fufanon: dilute one ampoule per 0.3 liters of water and spray it from a spray bottle. And you're done. Sold in stores, costs about 20 rubles per ampoule.

  19. Svetlana

    I also wanted to order online. Children are small, you can’t spray chemistry with pain.Here's what I don't know. The bugs are attacking.

  20. Anonymous

    They called SES 2 times, gave 24500, and the result was zero. Pulling money, and the station is called. What to do and how to get rid of these reptiles?

    • Anton

      Tsifox. Medical mask, sprayer, gloves - and go! When diluted with 2 ml per liter of water, there is not even a smell, and the bugs die. Plus residual effect for 30-45 days. In the morning the child with his wife to his grandmother. Filled walls, skirting boards and furniture. After dinner, I wiped the puddles and brought the family back.

  21. Denis

    It is necessary to burn the apartment nafig, there is no other way to bring it out.

  22. Anton

    We poison bedbugs with tsifox. Once a month, as scheduled. From neighbors insane climb. After processing for another two weeks, dead people appear around the apartment. Any expensive.

  23. Konstantin

    I bought a Clean House spray, I bought Masha's crayons, I bought a Raptor fumigator - I processed it so that I almost died myself. The next morning I found 40 pieces of dead bugs under the sofa. I did this 3 times, but to no avail! They die, BUT at the same time I still find one at a time. The only remedy, they say, is to throw out all the sofas and beds.

  24. Sanzhar

    Kind people! Help, I have bugs in my apartment! I recently bought an apartment with bed bugs. Tamara (the former owner-bitch) did not report this. Now I’m sitting and reading your comments and reviews, I don’t want to stay in this apartment anymore! Please, tell me more specifically what to do?

    P.S. Damn that Tamara.

  25. Sasha

    What have they not tried, but there is no sense. And Dichlorvos-neo at first, and sprinkled with Hector, and puffed with Raptor, but these bastards still climb from somewhere. It is necessary to change the floors, it seems that they are hiding in the bowels of the parquet ((And all because of the neighbors, my daughter says that they need to be taken out!

  26. Clear

    I also bought an apartment with bed bugs.In general, everything was thrown away at once. It was impossible to count them on the couch at all. Now there is little, but still there is so far. We tried the executioner a couple of times ... And lemon juice also helps, in the near future I will work hard, I will write about the results)

  27. Tatiana

    It looks like I'm too crazy, I read and cry ((

  28. Alexander

    Change the bed to a new, new mattress. Wrap the legs of the bed with fly tape. And don't waste money on disinfection, it won't help anyway. If you sleep on a sofa, take a large oilcloth, cover the sofa, a sheet on top, and bend the edges of the sheets up. Glue something sticky on both sides around the perimeter - the bugs will run away on their own, and their population will come to naught by itself. Don't waste money.

  29. Olga

    Whatever they did - nothing at all helps, I want to cry.


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