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Reviews on the use of Foresight bedbugs

Last update: 2022-05-17
≡ Article has 9 comments
  • Bunny: We have bedbugs in a wooden house and in an apartment. SES called 3 times...
  • Elena: What I just did not try in the fight against these parasites. Start...
  • Anya: Tell me, after what time it is possible to process the forsight house...
See bottom of page for details

A few reviews on the use of Forsyth for the destruction of bedbugs in the house ...

Trying to find reviews about the Forsyth remedy for bedbugs (as, indeed, about any other), often the future fighters of home parasites end up on the websites of the manufacturer, regional dealers or online stores. For a number of reasons, obtaining objective information from such sources can be problematic:

  • the manufacturer and sellers are interested in selling, so it is likely that they filter the reviews, leaving only positive, and at best, neutral. These reviews do not help to study the shortcomings of the remedy, and therefore, after getting to know them, a person receives a one-sided idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe drug and is often not ready for real difficulties in its use.
  • Moreover, as practice shows, reviews are often written by the interested people themselves (in this case, we are not talking specifically about reviews of the Forsyth bug remedy, but in general about many insect repellants).

It is often difficult to find objective information about bedbug remedies on the Internet.

We hope that the following reviews about Forsyth will help to get a better idea of ​​this tool. If you already have experience using it, be sure to leave your feedback using the comment form at the very bottom of this page.


“We never had cockroaches or bedbugs at all. And then we look, the child has some kind of bites all the time, but nothing seems to bite us. There are no mosquitoes in the house, so they sinned for allergies, but bites constantly appeared more and more. Finally, the wife found a whole nest in the towel under the baby mattress in the crib. There she was so hysterical that I had to go home from work. She wrapped this towel in a bag, took it out into the street and burned it, and by the time I got home, I had already managed to buy it in the Forsyth store from bedbugs. And I bought enough to process the whole apartment. It seems to me that the bugs were only in this towel, but at that moment it was impossible to argue with my wife. She said that until I finished the apartment, she would not return home. So I walked for half a day with a stroller, and then I also forced the stroller to be processed. In short, there were four bottles of this Forsythe, each one had to be dissolved in a liter of water. He dissolved it, took a bottle with a spray from Mister Muscle, poured the product into it, sprayed the entire crib, our bed, baseboards, wardrobe, and also processed the living room. The product stinks, but quickly exhales. Maybe I saw a couple more bedbugs under the bed, but I didn’t come across them during the processing. I think that they only lived in a towel, but I did not see any more. My wife then washed things from the closet all evening, because they smelled of Forsyth.

Egor, Uman

Bed bugs in an apartment can become a real problem for its residents, and it is not always possible to remove parasites even with the help of an effective remedy the first time.

In the photo - Forsyth remedy for bedbugs, cockroaches, fleas and other insects in the house


Comparative table of drugs-analogues of Forsyth

The main parameters that buyers of a product pay attention to when choosing are its safety, price, availability and odor.


“They chose between Forsythe and the Executioner. Forsyth is cheaper and seems to be more efficient. But getting it is a big headache. It's just not for sale.Well, we were not in a hurry and we could order the Executioner via the Internet. So it is not for sale in Omsk. I think that if I had to poison bedbugs not in the country, but in the apartment, we would go to the SES and buy this Forsyth.

Irina, Omsk

Foresight from bedbugs can be obtained at the SES or from employees of special pest control services. And similar in efficiency and method of application, the Executioner is available for free sale.

It is also useful to read: Bed bug remedy Fufanon (Malathion)

And further: Poison bugs, but they appear again? It's time to think about prevention, and this is a delicate matter ...

Insect repellent Executioner, unlike Forsyth, can be easily found on the free market.

The price of the drug is usually calculated per unit of cultivated area, and in this regard, Forsyth is in the middle price category (about 800 rubles per 1 room apartment). By comparison, Tetrix, considered one of the most powerful bed bug killers, sells for about 2,000 rubles. for a bottle of 250 ml, and this amount is enough to process about 2 apartments (therefore, it is not always rational to buy Tetrix for a one-time use).

Means Price per processing 1-room. apartments Action on bedbug eggs Availability Toxicity Presence of odor
foresight ~800 rub. Not In SES, in special pest control services Medium, causes allergies and hyperemia when it comes into contact with the skin, leads to poisoning when it enters the gastrointestinal tract There is a smell, but quickly disappears
Executioner ~1200 rub. Not Available for free sale Medium, may cause allergies There is
geth 720 rub. There is Available for free sale Low Not
Tetrix ~1000 rubles (minimum purchase - 2000 rubles) Not Available for free sale high Strong smell
Diazinon ~450 rub. Not Available for free sale Medium Strong smell


“Probably for three days we were looking for something sensible from bedbugs. It makes no sense to order on the Internet - for now it will go to our province, these bloodsuckers will devour us, and we have nothing in stores. Neighbors only know that they can offer kerosene to Masha. Well, my husband went to town and was able to buy Forsyth in a canister at the pest control station. It's stinky, but it works. True, it is indicated there that they need to poison bedbugs twice. We did just that, and a month later they were still processing the chicken coop. It took half a canister for a house of three rooms, the rest for a chicken coop. There are no more bedbugs."

Galina, Khabary

Photograph of a bed bug during a bite

“Forssythe did not help us. Maybe it got easier for a week, and then the bugs returned. Below us is some homeless person or something, ten people live in an apartment in constant unsanitary conditions. We are already arguing with them all over the house, only to no avail. I had to call the guys from the station, they use Tetrix.The smell after it is terrible, but neither bedbugs nor cockroaches remain after it.

Tatiana, Vanino


It is also useful to read: Choosing the best bed bug remedy

And further: Proven methods for the destruction of bedbugs, which have shown high efficiency

Expert opinions

“Forsyth is a drug that has a nerve-paralytic effect on insects. It is highly effective in the fight against bedbugs, is safe enough for humans and, subject to safety regulations, can be used in residential premises. The main component of Forsyth is the insecticide fenthion. This substance blocks the production and activity of cholinesterase in the body of an insect, and as a result, acetylcholine accumulates in all parts of the nervous system of the parasite, leading to constantly growing excitation and muscle tone. When a lethal dose of a substance enters the body of a bug, the insect dies within a few minutes from complete paralysis of the muscles.

Kupriyanov S. T., Ph.D. biol. Sciences

Forsythe contains a strong insecticide fenthion

“The Forsyth bedbug remedy is intended primarily for professional treatment of the premises by special services. For domestic use, it must be used with the obligatory use of gloves, a respirator and long-sleeved clothing. If the product comes into contact with the skin, allergic reactions and hyperemia can develop, and if accidentally swallowed, severe intoxication with nausea, vomiting, pain in the abdomen. In the best case, to treat the premises with Forsyth, you should contact the professionals in the pest control services.

Morozova O. E., Ph.D. honey. Sciences


You ask, we answer

“What area is enough for one bottle of Forsyth?”

Approximately 10 square meters, taking into account the processing of furniture. The apartment has a total area of ​​about 35 sq.m. should be treated with 3-4 bottles of the product.

“After using Forsyth in the apartment, my head hurts for the third day. What to do?"

See a doctor. Usually, signs of temporary intoxication with Forsyth vapors disappear after a walk on the street. Perhaps the headache is not related to Forsythe, but simply coincided in time with its use. Only a doctor can determine this.

Another review

“Well, this Forsyth smelly, horror. It was already getting dark in my eyes while they sprayed the apartment. Well, it disappears quickly, but the smell still remains on the clothes, as if it were from a second-hand store. If you process them, then wash the linen and things in the closet at the same time in the machine at high temperature. It will be easier that way."

Anna, Moscow

“How soon after the treatment should I wash the floors in the room and wash the treated linen on the bed?”

Preferably in a few hours. The longer the furniture and bed will be infused with Forsythe, the more likely it is that all the bugs will die. In the best case, you can treat the apartment with the product before leaving the premises for the weekend. But, as a rule, 4-5 hours in most cases is enough.

It is necessary to treat the premises with Forsyth carefully, since not only bedbugs, but also a person can suffer from its action.

In the best case, it is worth treating the apartment with Forsyth and leaving it for the weekend.

“Is it possible to treat pets with fleas with Forsyth?”

In no case is it possible. The concentration of the product, even after dilution, is very high, and a pet (especially a cat) can be poisoned very easily.

Don't forget to leave your feedback on the Forsyth Bedbug Remedy in the comment box below.


Foresight tool - expert opinion


Does karbofos help against bedbugs?


An interesting video: what SES workers say about methods of getting rid of bedbugs


Last update: 2022-05-17

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Reviews on the use of Foresight bedbugs" 9 comments
  1. Nurzhamal

    Where to buy Foresight?

    • Maria Vasilyeva

      All poisons are sold in Semena stores.

      • Anonymous


  2. Anonymous

    Where can I get Forsyth?

  3. Timur

    I found a foresight in Moscow for 150 rubles. Processed and opaaa, not a single bug, but very smelly, you can die.

  4. margarita

    A month ago, I called SES workers, they processed the entire apartment with Forsyth. 5000 rubles. All flooded. The cupboards were floating, now covered in white spots. Today I found a bed bug. I am terrified. What to do now, I don't know...

  5. Anya

    Tell me, after what time can I still treat the house with foresight? The first time they processed it three days ago - they seemed to have disappeared, and this afternoon they found one little one on a sheet.

  6. Elena

    What I just did not try in the fight against these parasites. Starting from tansy, stink bugs and kerosene, and ending with a special service and an executioner. Today everything was processed by Forssayt. The stench, of course, is terrible. We are waiting for the result now.And to be honest, you won’t get them out in an apartment building if the neighbors don’t poison them at the same time.

  7. Bunny

    We have bedbugs in a wooden house and in an apartment. They called SES 3 times - they treated me with Fufanon 2 times, and the third time I don’t even know what, but they said that it was the strongest poison. The bugs both ran and run. We threw out all the furniture, we sleep on the floor, washed everything, boiled it. Useless. Repairs have been made and all cracks have been sealed.

    My brother bought and constantly foressighted the house. They seem to have disappeared. In the apartment we continued to display Masha, Fas, Super-fas. Useless! We've been fighting for five months now. We process every two weeks. There are no more forces

    So, I bought a forssight for my apartment. I'll try... If it doesn't help, it remains only to burn everything 🙁


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