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About forest bugs and their entry into the apartment

Last update: 2022-05-27
≡ Article has 18 comments
  • Tatyana: He flew into my house and bit the cat on the nose so that he would not ...
  • Valya Falamas: Something is not right. In such quantities, they should not climb into the house ....
  • Natalia: There is only one reason - we violate the ecology, mowing the grass, cutting down the tree ...
See bottom of page for details

Forest bug: close-up photo

Forest bugs in an apartment are, generally speaking, a rather rare occurrence, because they are not human parasites and can only accidentally get into the house. This usually happens when forests - their natural habitats - increase in humidity or wildfires occur.

These foul-smelling forest dwellers can only scare people with their unattractive appearance, but they can do nothing wrong.


Forest bug - how to recognize?

The forest bug, the photo of which can be seen below, has a flattened body, shaped like an irregular pentagon.

The body of a forest bug resembles a pentagon

The color of such an insect is from dirty green to brown, depending on the species. The forest bug has a long, sharp proboscis, with which it pierces the bark of young trees and the capillaries of herbaceous plants, and then sucks the juice from them. It can hibernate either under the bark of a tree, or in deciduous cover on the ground.

The forest bug reproduces without leaving the feeding place. The female lays up to a hundred eggs on the leaves and stems of plants, attaching them so tightly that it is difficult to pick off each testicle with a fingernail.

The development of the egg lasts about 10 days, after which a larva emerges from it, resembling an externally adult individual, but having a smaller size and a slightly different color.

The transformation from larva to adult takes about 30 days; during this period, the future forest green bug manages to survive several molts.

Recognizing the forest bug among its other relatives is not difficult at all. Its body has a characteristic shape, wide and dense, and a specific color.

Several species of these insects are known, and each color is quite original. The photo shows several representatives of different types of forest bugs:

There are many types of forest bugs

Another type of forest bug

The color of forest bugs of different species varies greatly.

Scutellum gray

Bed bug Kilevik deciduous

Bed bug Raphigaster nebulosa


What kind of bugs can accidentally get into the house?

A wood bug may accidentally be in a house, but this is more likely to apply to the countryside than to the city. In the latter case, such a phenomenon is a rarity. Many people simply confuse it with the tree bug, which is a pest of agricultural land.

Getting a forest bug into an apartment is a rarity

The tree bug is a bit like a forest bug in its color, but, as you can see in the photo, it is brighter:

It is also useful to read: Bed bug (Eurygaster integriceps)

tree shield

The tree stink bug is called the stink bug for its pronounced smell., but the forest bug does not have such a strong smell.

There are several other types of hemipterans that can be confused with the forest bug:

  • Red-legged stink bug: one of the largest representatives of the stink bug family (up to 16 mm), its chitinous cover is the color of old shield
  • Two-toothed shield bug: a brown bug with outgrowths in the form of teeth that preys on small caterpillars.Two-pronged shield
  • American bug: a new species for Russia, which also lives in the forest and feeds on young cones, causing them to dry out and rot.american bed bug


Why do bed bugs fly into houses

Wood bugs live in conditions that maintain ideal temperature and humidity for them. If the situation changes and a sharp cooling, warming occurs, or humidity fluctuates greatly, insects begin to migrate and can find comfortable conditions in a person’s home. Often such invasions of forest bugs are observed during fires.

Forest bugs can get into the house, fleeing from danger


“Some kind of bugs constantly fly in to us, according to the description on the Internet, they look like forest bugs. I read that they should not bite people, and in general they have nothing to do in apartments, but the neighbors also complain. Every day we find about five pieces and throw them out into the street, they come back to us again.

Alexander, Orekhovo-Borisovo

“A large tree grows near my house, so bedbugs constantly get into the apartment through it. And some small ones, and more forest ones ... I just don’t know what to do anymore.We have a whole invasion of them in the city, everyone complains. And I have a nightmare with this tree - for them it is like a direct path to my home. I bought Raid from flying insects, but the effect was observed for a very short time. ”

Anna, Vladivostok


Are bed bugs and their bites dangerous?

The bite of a forest bug does not pose any danger, especially since These insects are generally not inclined to bite people.. Many people confuse these insects with mites, but this is fundamentally wrong: mites are parasites of warm-blooded animals (and their bite can lead to health problems), while bedbugs parasitize plants.

It is also useful to read: Tree bug (shield)

Bed bugs don't tend to bite people.

Bed bugs can really cause damage and trouble if they begin to multiply on ornamental, garden plants or food crops. In this they are similar to tree shield insects: both of these species parasitize plants and are periodically found in people's homes.


Video: forest bug close-up


Of course, there are bedbugs whose bite can be very painful and unpleasant. Along with household bed bugs, it is also a predatory bug that is quite large (up to 2 cm) and feeds on small invertebrates. It has a long, piercing proboscis, with which it hunts spiders, imitating the beating of the victim in the nets. The bite of a predator is painful, but the predators themselves very rarely get into a person’s house, and cases of their bites are generally exceptional.


How to get rid of bed bugs in the house?

Experts do not advise using strong chemicals or calling exterminators to get rid of forest bugs. Even if the activity of these insects has really increased in the city and they literally “seize” apartments, it is better to just try to prevent their penetration.

This can be done with a regular mosquito net. The forest guest is quite large and will not be able to pass through this reliable barrier.

Mosquito net helps keep insects out

Usually, the invasions of forest bugs in the city are temporary, and the insects soon return to their usual habitats. You should not even worry about the fact that the forest bug can settle in the house and harm its residents. For humans, this plant pest is absolutely useless.

To combat forest bugs, it is recommended to simply collect them around the apartment and throw them out the window, closing it tightly.

Like the tree stink bug, the wood bug has an unpleasant odor, but not as strong.


“When the forest bugs appeared in our house, I was completely horrified. Especially when I saw a couple of insects near the crib. But on TV today they said that in Khabarovsk we have an invasion of these forest bugs and that they are completely harmless. In apartments, they simply escape from a forest fire. I then calmed down a bit and didn’t even kill them. I just pick up whoever I see every day and throw them out the window. I learned to take these bugs with my bare hands, although I used to be terribly afraid.

Valeria, Khabarovsk

So, if forest bugs suddenly appeared in the apartment, you should not panic. Perhaps these insects are not very pleasant, but they are not capable of harming people, because such bugs feed only on plant juices.

They cause great damage to agricultural land and gardens, spoil the crop, but at the same time they are absolutely safe. You should not even try to come up with complex methods to deal with forest bugs. The easiest way is to just throw their rare representatives out the window and not worry about them anymore.


Red bug - ruled shield bug (tiger bug): macro photography


Last update: 2022-05-27

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "About forest bugs and their entry into the apartment" 18 comments
  1. Alex

    Winter however. And these creatures in a sealed apartment on the 10th floor periodically appear, I don’t understand where from ?!

    • Alex

      And it is forest bugs! Maybe throw away all decorative houseplants?

  2. Dmitry

    And yet, maybe someone knows what stink bugs are afraid of, some smells or something else? In our new private house, they flew in hundreds in the fall - they were collected with a vacuum cleaner. Now they have safely settled down for the winter in the attic, it's cold there - they sleep. They like to cluster (pieces of 20-50) between the boards, under the insulation. Through the cracks in the lining, which sheathed the walls and ceiling, they easily get into the rooms. Share your experience.

  3. Ludmila

    That's it, in the summer these stink bugs also flew in through the open balcony, they caught them and threw them out into the street again, but the whole winter these creatures continue to periodically fly around the apartment. Where do they come from in winter?

  4. net

    Call the bee Maya 🙂 Joke. Maybe lure them with sugar syrup (with the addition of berry juice, more natural)? Pour into a bowl.

    In general, they are very smart guys. Flew this on the windowsill. I sat for about 10 minutes. And at that time he showed high intelligence. He considered the situation below. Moved to the edge to look (many times, fussed, it surprised me, his intelligence, not maybe, but a plan of action)! Pondered. Body movements were reasonable, sedate. Straight up, man. What did he see with his eyesight, I don't know? Not a bug, but an eagle!

  5. phoenix

    We have almost the whole house in bedbugs. We take out whole packages.

  6. Katia

    What to do? I live next to the forest on the 10th floor! And I have already caught 5 of these green bugs.

    • Anonymous

      And they fly out of my air conditioner. Within 1 hour they caught 20 pieces with a vacuum cleaner. Horror.

  7. Vladimir

    And in Abkhazia there are now millions of them (the foothills of New Athos)! They devour, creatures, everything in a row, starting from pumpkin (laginaria) and further - they sit on all fruits. Disgusting and vile creatures. They climb into the attics of houses through any cracks and hide in any rags, cracks, and so on. Need really real advice on how to get rid of them (maybe smoke or spray). I know how to collect with a vacuum cleaner (it's a pity only a vacuum cleaner). Is there anything?

  8. Maria

    It's just disgusting when it buzzes over the bed at night (You don't have time to open the door to the balcony, so they seem to be standing in line there, waiting for the disco to open.

  9. Evgenia

    I have all the problems mentioned above. Why is science silent? Is there really no escape from these creatures? I have a pathological horror of them not from fear for bites, but from disgust ... And those "scientists" who advise us to catch them and throw them out the window - did they themselves try to fight these vile stinkers like that? I would like to see how they catch them and at the same time smell their stink ...

    • Olga

      I also ask this question - why have scientists not invented anything against this abomination? Their invasion is taking on a global character...

  10. Ilya

    We also flew in, 5-10 individuals with mushrooms got in, but we don’t know how to drive them out. The son is afraid. Now being mastered on the windowsill.

  11. David

    I live in Georgia. These bugs are not a new fruit, but they have never entered the house. Only this year they are not counted. Ugly looking and overly smelly. They no longer have the strength, the first time we noticed them, only 80 pieces were carried out from one room. They climb into any cracks and love to settle on the curtain. Give me good advice on how to exterminate them ?!

  12. Valentine

    And I protect him from cats, I hide him in a jar at night. Living being, no problem with him. I went to the page to find out how to feed him. I have a two-pronged stink bug. Maybe he got it with thuja branches ...

  13. Natalia

    There is only one reason - we violate ecology, mowing grass, felling trees. Tall grass, branched trees - this is someone's home. The variety of natural inhabitants is amazing. The new asphalt pavement is ruining the surrounding land. The stains of oil products in the puddles are frightening, and someone drinks from the puddle. Pigeons, sparrows. Underground and aboveground flora and fauna suffer.

  14. Valya Falamas

    Something wrong. In such quantities, they should not climb into the house. We live in Germany...

  15. Tatiana

    He flew into my house and bit the cat on the nose so that he would not eat him! The cat rushed around the apartment, as if stung) They fly and get into the apartments through the cracks in the window. They eat indoor flowers! What to do, how to exterminate?


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