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Remedies against lice and nits: choose the most effective

Last update: 2022-05-16
≡ Article has 130 comments
  • DinDin: How do you distinguish living nits from non-living ones?...
  • DinDin: I didn't like the scallop at all. Distances too far...
  • Irina: Absolutely bullshit. Bars shampoo from the veterinarian helped us ....
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We get acquainted with the most effective means to combat lice and nits

When choosing a remedy for lice and nits, it is important to pay attention not only to its effectiveness and ease of use, but also to the toxicity and aggressiveness of its components. For example, kerosene - a well-known folk remedy for lice - is effective and easy to use, but very dangerous. And the LiceGuard spray is very safe to use, but at the same time it is effective only as a protection against lice infestation, but when removing parasites that have already appeared in the hair, as practice shows, it does not always cope.

Some drugs poisonous to lice can be toxic to humans.

Therefore, when choosing a remedy for lice and nits, it is useful to first study its composition in more detail and evaluate the specifics of its ingredients, as well as read reviews.

The peculiar rating of lice remedies prepared below includes the most effective drugs for today and will help you figure out which lice remedies are as safe and easy to use as possible. Using this information, you can choose the best option for each specific case.

On a note

It is important to remember that several types and forms of lice parasitize a person - head, pubic and body lice.Accordingly, an effective remedy for lice and nits on the head may not be the most effective drug for combating pubic lice, and body lice remedies sometimes cannot be used against head parasites.

In this review, we will talk specifically about the means against lice on the head, as about the most popular ones. By the way, many of them will be effective against other types of lice.


Types of funds and their effectiveness

The average user often runs up his eyes when he sees all the remedies for lice in a pharmacy.

The variety of lice remedies offered today in a pharmacy will confuse anyone

Their diversity can be confusing and create a choice problem, but if you know what types of anti-lice and nits are generally divided into and what properties drugs of the same type are generally characterized by, it will be much easier to choose.

Let's take a look at this classification. To put it simply and consider the picture as a whole, then in descending order of their effectiveness, various types of lice control agents can be arranged in the following order:

  • pediculicidal emulsion concentrates
  • lice sprays
  • shampoos
  • creams
  • crests
  • folk remedies.

On a note

In this list, the types of drugs are sorted by the number of the most effective drugs belonging to a particular type in general. For example, vinegar and kerosene related to folk remedies are much more effective than most creams, but in general, the lice creams themselves, which allow you to quickly and reliably remove parasites, are much more than effective drugs among folk remedies.

Lice remedies popular among grandmothers - kerosene and vinegar - must be used with extreme caution

In terms of ease of use, the tools are listed in the following order:

  • sprays
  • creams
  • shampoos
  • folk remedies
  • concentrates
  • combs.

At the same time, the difference in the complexity of using, for example, sprays and creams is quite insignificant - sprays are applied to dry hair, and the cream is applied to wet hair, with additional rubbing.

And, finally, in terms of safety of use, shampoos, creams and sprays are approximately the same, concentrates and some folk remedies are inferior to them. The safest and at the same time quite effective remedy for lice is a comb.

The safest remedy for lice is a comb

In the photo - lice combed out of hair


Even the most effective lice remedy will not necessarily be able to cope with nits. To destroy the latter, either special preparations for nits are used, or several agents that have an effect on both them and adult insects. At home, most often, nits cannot be destroyed, and the anti-lice remedy is simply applied twice with a weekly break, due to which not the nits are destroyed, but the larvae hatching from them.

Nits are the most difficult to remove from the head, as they are very firmly attached to the hair with a sticky secret.

The danger of using insecticides for lice lies primarily in a possible allergic reaction to the active ingredients. This is especially true for children - in some of them, seemingly safe products can cause allergic dermatitis. And in some children and even adults, the skin can react to insecticides with dandruff, itching, atopic dermatitis, hairline damage and pigmentation disorders.

All products containing insecticidal substances in their composition are prohibited for use for children under the age of 5 years, as well as for pregnant and lactating women.

If you are going to use this or that remedy for lice during pregnancy, carefully read the instructions for any contraindications

The above contraindications are also relevant for strong folk remedies such as kerosene, vinegar, alcohol and hydrogen peroxide.For example, the misuse of kerosene and vinegar can cause serious chemical burns to the skin, and hydrogen peroxide, even in low concentrations, leads to discoloration of the hair.

When treating hair for a long time, peroxide can lead to their complete discoloration. This, by the way, is actively used by women when lice are detected - to get rid of parasites, it is enough to dye your hair with their preliminary bleaching with perhydrol.

On a note

Even drugs based on various herbs that are considered relatively harmless actually have their own contraindications and side effects. This is not surprising: rather strong tinctures of poisonous plants are used against lice, in which both alcohol and biologically active natural components act on the scalp. Sometimes such products are even more powerful than the same kerosene or insecticide-based preparations.

A separate problem is the constant emergence of populations of lice that are resistant to certain insecticides.

Modern lice, unfortunately, are often resistant to many insecticides.

The reason for this is the frequent use of these insecticides at home.

Today, situations regularly occur when, with the help of one or another means, lice are poisoned, but not completely destroyed, and some of the insects, paralyzed and temporarily unable to bite, come to their senses after a while and give birth.

Some of their offspring develop enzymes capable of utilizing a potentially deadly insecticide. These resistant offspring spread between people and breed without dying from treatment with a now harmless agent.

Paradoxical as it may seem, but the more diligently we poison lice, the more successfully we help them become resistant to the poisons themselves.For this reason, removing lice with various lotions, creams and shampoos must be combined with combing dead or paralyzed parasites from the hair.

Even a lice remedy with a strong insecticide is desirable to combine with combing with a comb.

On a note

When buying an insecticidal preparation, you should prefer one that includes several insecticides. In this case, the risk that the remedy will not work is practically absent. There are also substances such as Dimethicone, which do not poison the parasites, but clog their airways and lead to asphyxia. In principle, lice cannot get used to such drugs. Of the popular remedies, Dimethicone is contained, for example, in Nyuda's lice spray.

Also in prosperous America today, a remedy for killing lice with high temperatures is being actively promoted on the market - a special hair dryer, which is designed to weaken lice with hot air (parasites die at a temperature of 50-55 ° C, which is quite tolerable for humans; a hair dryer does not destroy all parasites, but significantly weakens, almost paralyzes).

A special hair dryer developed in the USA does not kill lice, but significantly weakens them

After treatment with such a hair dryer, the hair must be carefully combed out in order to remove inhibited parasites from them. Theoretically, such a set of measures promises to be optimal in terms of safety-efficiency ratio, but test experiments are still underway.


And further: Paranit from lice - a dummy that you can’t wash off your hair with, or a really effective thing? (the article has more than 70 comments)

Lotions and concentrates

Lotions, concentrates and emulsions are aqueous or alcoholic solutions of powerful insecticides. Once in the body of a parasite, such a remedy for removing lice usually causes paralysis of its nervous system and rapid death.Some preparations of this type require special dilution before use, others are sold in a ready-to-use form.



Medifox is a concentrated solution of the insecticide permethrin in ethanol with the addition of castor oil. Before use, the concentrate is diluted in water in the ratio of 8 ml per 100 ml of water.

Lice concentrate Medifox

It is believed that Medifox is one of the best lice remedies for use by sanitary and epidemiological stations and in special detention centers.


“I won’t say for a child, but for adults, the most effective remedy for lice and nits is Medifox. When I worked at a help station for the homeless, it was there that they poisoned them with Medifox. In almost half of the cases, even nits are completely killed by it.

Christina, Pushkino


Lotion Foxylon

Foxylon is an inexpensive remedy for nits and lice. Quite toxic, can cause allergies and irritations, but when used correctly, it destroys lice and nits in one application due to the content of benzyl benzoate.

Lotion to fight lice and nits Foxylon

The price of this remedy for lice and nits is about 150 rubles per 50 ml bottle. One vial is enough to kill parasites in one person.



Medilis-SUPER is the only pediculicide in the Medilis line of insect repellents. Works effectively in cases where lice develop resistance to Permethrin.

Medilis Super lice remedy contains fenthion insecticide

Medilis-SUPER has established itself as a good remedy for lice and nits of the head and body morphotypes.


Avicin concentrate

Avicin is also a fairly effective remedy against lice and nits, an analogue of Medifox, also based on Permethrin. It costs more - 1100 rubles per bottle - and allows you to get rid of lice in one application.

Lice remedy Avicin

Due to the high cost, Avicin is inferior to Medifox in terms of availability.Not recommended for use in children under 5 years of age and pregnant women.


“My sister worked for four years in a public kindergarten, then she transferred to a private one. During those four years, she was infected with lice, probably six times. Once I had such a fight with the parents of a lousy child that I called the police. After that, she advised me Avicin, said that he was the best and very effective against lice. Fortunately, I only had them once. Avicin really helped. Once she applied it to her head, held it for as long as necessary, washed it off, combed her head thoroughly, and there were no more lice. I don’t know if this is really the best remedy for lice and nits, since there is nothing to compare with, but it helped me.

Evgenia, Murmansk


Lice shampoos

Lice shampoos are good in cases where the patient has very lush and thick hair. It is with shampoo that the hair is easiest to process completely and ensure that the product gets to the scalp.

The composition of pediculicidal shampoos in terms of insecticides used differs little from that of concentrates, but usually they try to use not too aggressive substances in order to ensure that children can be treated.


Shampoo Pedilin

Pedilin is a fairly effective remedy against lice due to the presence of two insecticides in its composition at once - tetramethrin and malathion. Due to this, Pedilin works even when parasites develop resistance to one of the components.

Pediculicidal shampoo Pedilin contains two insecticides of different chemical nature at once

At the same time, this remedy for head lice has many contraindications and side effects, and it should be used with great care and in strict accordance with the instructions.



Parasidosis, generally speaking, is not the most effective remedy for lice, often requiring re-treatment to completely remove both lice and nits. Its advantage is the presence of a comb for combing out in the kit, the careful use of which will allow you to comb out all the nits, and with a particularly diligent approach, avoid re-treatment of the head.

Parasidosis shampoo comes with a comb for combing out lice and nits

The price of this lice remedy is about 300 rubles per 110 ml bottle. Parasidosis is produced in Slovenia.



The insecticidal composition of the drug is similar to Medifox, it is very effective, it allows you to destroy nits. The low price of this remedy makes it especially attractive, but Chigia has numerous contraindications.

Pediculicide Hygia

The kit also includes a special comb for combing out lice and nits. In most cases, the tool allows you to completely remove parasites in one go. The cost of a bottle is about 200 rubles.


“We immediately looked for a good remedy for nits. This is understandable - if the shampoo destroys some kind of nits, then the lice will definitely be removed. The best remedy for nits, in my opinion, is Hygia. From him, the head bakes a little for a couple of hours, but the lice die out immediately, and the remaining nits are simply combed out with a comb. In addition, I have not seen a cheaper remedy for lice anywhere, and buying it is not a problem, especially with the Internet. You need to use it like a simple shampoo, but you should hold it a little on your head, and then go through your hair five times from the very roots with a comb. When our son got infected at school, Khigiya helped both him and us. So use it, I, as they say, tested this tool on my own skin.

Yaroslav, Perm


LiceGuard Shampoo

This shampoo is attractive because it contains only natural ingredients.It is used mainly as a remedy for nits, softening their shell and helping to peel them off the hair.

As a standalone shampoo, LiceGuard shampoo is usually not used because it has a relatively low effectiveness, but is used to enhance the effect of lice combs.

LiceGuard Shampoo has low toxicity to both humans and lice

The composition of the shampoo also includes substances that strengthen the hair and improve their appearance. It is quite difficult to buy this remedy for lice, one bottle costs 800 rubles, and it is sold on the territory of our country mainly via the Internet.


Lice sprays

Sprays are perhaps the best lice remedies for mild infestations. They cause fewer side effects, are easy to use, and are highly effective, but have limitations for use in children.

It is also useful to read: How to properly treat lice and nits

And further: Just don't burn your hair - vinegar is really effective against lice and nits (the article has over 100 comments)


Spray Pediculen Ultra

Pediculen Ultra is an effective remedy not only for lice, but also for nits (it is believed that this effect is achieved through the use of alcohol in the composition).

Spray Pediculen Ultra is effective not only against lice, but also against nits

Produced in Russia, costs about 450 rubles per bottle, requires compliance with strict security measures.


Aerosol Pair Plus

Para-Plus is produced by the French laboratory Omega Pharma, contains three insecticides in its composition and allows you to remove lice in one application.

Aerosol Para Plus from lice and nits

When using the comb included in the kit, Para Plus turns into an effective remedy for nits.


Lice Spray Nyuda

Nyuda is considered one of the best lice remedies for children, since the active ingredient of the drug is absolutely non-toxic Dimethicone (special silicone).

Nyuda is well suited for killing lice in children because it does not contain insecticides.

This component leads to asphyxia in parasites, and is absolutely harmless to humans.


Spray Paranit

Absolutely natural remedy for lice based on essential oils. Does not destroy nits, causes suffocation in adult lice and larvae. As a result, it requires two applications.

Spray Paranit has a natural composition

According to numerous reviews, the disadvantage of Paranit is that it is difficult to wash off the hair.


LiceGuard Repellent Spray

This lice remedy is quite expensive - about 850 rubles per bottle, and can only be used as an auxiliary drug.

LiceGuard spray is best combined with a special lice comb

As a rule, it is used to enhance the effect when combing hair with combs.


Aerosol A-Par

This French aerosol is one of the strongest lice and nit remedies available today, but it cannot be used to kill parasites on the human body. A-Par is used only for processing things, wardrobes and rooms, that is, against linen lice.

Aerosol A-Par is used against body lice

A-Par has a strong unpleasant odor, is highly toxic, and can cause respiratory irritation. The price of this product is approximately 500 rubles for a 125 gram bottle.


Lice creams

Creams are relatively inexpensive means of fighting lice, however, they require rather diligent treatment of the hair and scalp, careful application to the entire infected surface, and then no less diligent washing them out of the hair.

Doctors rarely advise using these lice remedies precisely because of the laboriousness of working with them, but there are various preparations of this type on sale and, as reviews show, their use often gives no less pronounced result than the use of shampoos and sprays.


Lice cream Nittifor

Nittifor is a fairly effective remedy for lice and nits in the form of a cream, containing permethrin as an active substance. It has an unpleasant odor and is not recommended for use in children under 5 years of age.

Lice cream Nittifor

You can buy Nittifor cream both online and in regular pharmacies.


Cream Nix

Nyx is an analogue of Nittifor, but the concentration of permethrin in its composition is lower, making this remedy for lice both effective and safer than Nittifor, and can be used to treat head lice in children of all ages.

Cream Nix contains permethrin as an active ingredient.

However, safety requirements when working with it must be strictly observed.


Combs as the safest means

Combs are good because they help get rid of both lice and nits, and at the same time they are absolutely safe. Their main drawback is the laboriousness of their use, but if a child or an adult patient has an allergy to insecticides, these lice remedies turn out to be better than even the most delicate chemicals.

To remove lice with combs, it is necessary to thoroughly comb out all the hair on the head daily from the very roots. Combed out lice and nits are washed off in the bathroom or collected on a clean sheet and taken out into the street.


Comb Nit Free (AntiV)

This comb for combing out lice and nits is quite well advertised in Russia. Works both independently and in tandem with other tools.

AntiV comb effectively removes both lice and nits from hair

If you use only a comb, then you can remove the lice in about 6-7 days of regular daily use. And when combined with other effective lice remedies (based on insecticides or Dimethicone), it ensures the elimination of parasites within 3-4 days.


Electronic lice comb Robi Comb

The specificity of this lice comb is that Robi Comb not only combs out parasites, but also destroys them with an electric discharge. However, in practice, there were no special differences in its effectiveness compared to conventional combs, as evidenced by numerous reviews.

Electric lice comb Robi Comb

As a remedy for nits, Robi Comb is ineffective.


Comb LiceGuard with steel teeth

LiceGuard is also considered a very high quality and fairly effective comb for combing out lice and nits.

Lice and nit comb LiceGuard

Produced in the USA, it goes well with other products of this manufacturer.


Folk remedies

Treatment for head lice with folk remedies has a pronounced specificity. Almost all traditional drugs are very inexpensive, but their effectiveness is inversely proportional to safety: the faster the drug kills lice, the more often they lead to serious side effects.

Next, we list several folk remedies that can destroy lice and nits, and say what harm they can cause to the person being treated.



Kerosene is considered the most famous and commonly used folk remedy for lice. Destroys both adult insects, and larvae, and nits. However, in parallel, it can lead to scalp burns and hair loss.

Kerosene should not be used to remove lice in children

Before use, kerosene is diluted in a ratio of 1:4 or 1:6 (vegetable oil), kept on the head until a tingle or heat appears, usually about 40 minutes.

Remember that kerosene is highly flammable!



To remove lice and nits, table vinegar is diluted in a ratio of 1: 2 with water, and vinegar essence - in a ratio of 1:16. Vinegar often causes allergies, is quite dangerous, especially for children.

Working with concentrated vinegar essence is especially dangerous, since its improper dilution is fraught with chemical burns to the skin.


hellebore water

Hellebore water is another very reliable remedy for the treatment and prevention of pediculosis. It is not always available in pharmacies, is quite inexpensive and, when used correctly, is practically harmless.

Hellebore water really helps to remove lice and is available at any pharmacy.

It should be borne in mind that hellebore water can be dangerous if ingested (if accidentally drunk).


Tar soap

This tool is attractive for its relative harmlessness. It does not cause side effects, it is easy to use - it just lathers the head, like any other soap.

Tar soap is best combined with combing lice with a comb.

Tar soap can be used for several days in a row: it is especially effective against lice, but to combat nits, you should wash your hair with soap for two weeks every other day. A significant drawback of this tool is a strong and unpleasant odor. However, when lathering the head after it with a simple shampoo, this effect can be eliminated.

Finally, we will give useful advice that will help protect yourself (or your loved ones) from serious health problems if you choose an unsuccessful remedy for parasites: all lice remedies, except for combs, should be checked for allergenicity before use. To do this, the drug is applied to the bend of the elbow for 10-15 minutes. If after this period no skin reactions appear at the site of application (severe redness, swelling, rash), the product can be used to remove lice on the head.

To achieve a really fast and well-pronounced effect, it is advisable to combine the use of any pediculicide with the use of a comb (for example, buy an AntiV comb for combing out lice and nits).This technique helps to cope with parasites even in the most advanced cases, when other approaches do not work.


What you need to know if you can't get rid of lice and nits


What is important to know when choosing a remedy for lice and nits


How to completely get rid of lice and nits with just one comb and without any chemicals: instructions


Last update: 2022-05-16

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Means against lice and nits: choosing the most effective" 130 comments
  1. Zhenya

    By the way, I do not agree with the fact that Paranit is hard to wash off the hair. More precisely, knowing this, you can stock up in advance with a product that will wash off the spray at a time. For example, the Paranit air conditioner, which is also sold in a pharmacy, does an excellent job with this. And my hair is not greasy after. Or take any shampoo WITHOUT silicone, then everything will also be washed off perfectly. It’s just that silicone just makes the product heavier, which is why it’s hard to wash off, and if you approach it wisely, it will wash off at once.

    • Elena

      Yes, it's good to wash off with baby shampoo. Degreases great.

      • Alyona

        Lice are disgusting.

        • Anonymous

          You're right.

  2. Elena

    Paranit is a drug without a special smell. Easy to apply, lathers well. After taking it, the feeling that a bottle of sunflower oil was poured on the head. And it's easy to wash it off. Baby shampoo - and hair in the same condition!

  3. Muhabbat

    We used the "Nit Free" comb, it worked very well.

  4. Olga

    Max is a great tool.

  5. Julia

    Paranit did not help. Live nits were combed out and plus there were lice. The shampoo was applied almost half a bottle and the time was longer. Efficiency is low, had to comb out manually. Dissatisfied!

    • Anna

      Didn't help, I agree with you.

  6. Olga

    We removed the daughters of lice and nits with Parasidosis. We chose it after reading the instructions, because, firstly, it is effective against both lice and nits, and, secondly, it does not contain insecticides, therefore it is absolutely safe for the child. We had the effect after the first application, but the bottle is not enough for one time, so we repeated the treatment after 10 days for prevention. And it's been fine for three months now.

    • Anonymous

      Which remedy is better?

      • Anonymous

        The best remedy is hellebore water or tar soap, it helps super, I am very satisfied.

        • Natalia

          Bullshit! None of them helped us at all!

        • Anonymous

          Here we are trying to use hellebore water and tar soap ... It seems that we are waiting. I don’t know if it will help, we are afraid that it will pass on to us.

        • Victoria

          After tar soap, hair becomes like tow.

        • Irina

          Do not expose yourself to a nervous breakdown, after the tar soap my eyes almost popped out of their sockets. Terrible itching on the head. There was a catastrophe on the head, the hair stood on end. When I was scratching my head, I didn’t even know that I had these animals, I thought it was such an allergy.The child brought from school.

  7. Anya

    Hygia shampoo did not destroy the nits, after applying all the nits remained alive. In addition, an 8-year-old child developed a severe allergy all over his body.

  8. Natalia

    Previously, there was Nittifor liquid - it helped the first time. Now it is not in the pharmacy. Hygiea was suggested. The nits are dead, but the bugs are alive. Only lost time.

    • Anonymous

      I agree with the majority that Hygia is complete bullshit. We even used it 3 times a day, kept it for an hour, all the same, everyone is alive!

  9. Olga

    Tried a couple plus - nonsense. Live bugs were running around… Then we tried full max somehow – the effect is good. But it's impossible to wash it off. I was advised in the pharmacy to rinse after any remedy with hellebore water.

    • Anonymous

      A couple plus does not help, the nits are all alive ...

  10. Anonymous

    Hygia sucks, didn't help at all.

    • Olga

      I completely agree, Hygia - no effect, just a waste of time and nerves.

      • Sveta

        Why - my daughter is 12 years old and we took Chigia and she helped. After combing out, the nits all peeled off, the lice died, she helped us a lot.

    • Elena

      Hygia is complete bullshit, it doesn't help.

  11. Mariana

    For children, especially small ones, I can advise the French emulsion Parasidosis +. When we faced the problem of pediculosis, the pharmacist at the pharmacy advised this particular drug, since it does not contain insecticides, therefore it is safe for children. And he really helps! After the first application, even nits disappear. But it is better, of course, to do another treatment in a week. Moreover, if the hair is not very long, then the bottle is enough for several times. My daughter did not have a relapse.

    • Katerina

      Mariana, nits disappear, what a fascinating reading)) I have experience with full marks and Paranit, both are good remedies, without poisons such as pyrethroids or malathion, on silicones. But the latter has a wider range, you can choose a shampoo, it is not so greasy, or sensitive for babies. And the scallop is most convenient for Paranit, yet long and frequent, and believe me, this one is much more convenient against nits and small lice larvae than specialized ones such as Antiva or Lysgard.
      P.S. Hellebore water is not allowed for children - it is vigorous, we had dizziness from it.

      • Natalia

        We combed out with a long-toothed lieguard. In the pharmacy with shampoo they offered a plastic comb (paranit or another - I don’t remember), but I had doubts about it. Plastic is not rigid enough, wears out faster, disinfects worse. A metal comb will last an order of magnitude longer and comb out better! And the serifs damage the hair, so we chose the Lysguard. The bottom line is that a regular metal comb is only as effective as you use it correctly. We combined shampoo and comb - we had to tinker with scratching, but in the end everything went away. And our comb still lies and calmly lies even to the grandchildren)

  12. Alexei

    All these shampoos are endless running in circles. because they only work on insects. But the nits remain, which means that in a couple of weeks, wait for the guests again. Only brushing helps! You may have to carry out the procedure several times, but once you bought a comb - and you can use it repeatedly. We bought Antive and did not regret it. It came out cheap, but the result of this money is definitely worth it!

    • Baljima

      Where can I buy, please?

      • Anonymous

        We used almost the entire arsenal in the pharmacy, but there is no effect, for more than a year we cannot get rid of them. Maybe we have some kind of predisposition to them, it happens.

        • Elena

          Have you tried vodka? They say it helps...

          • Anonymous

            Have you tried naked? Believe me, the best remedy.

        • Anonymous

          Probably, there is a re-infection - from acquaintances, colleagues or classmates ...

        • Guzel

          It is necessary not only to process the head, but also to wash, clean, iron the bed, linen and clothes.

  13. Anonymous

    We used Nude. From 1 time it was not possible to destroy everyone. 3-4 times spraying the head. Odorless and easy to use. Washes off for a long time. 2 bottles were enough for 4 children. The composition is not intimidating. Generally consists of oils. We liked it.

    • Frosya

      And after Nyuda, 10 days later, guests came again.

    • Anonymous

      Bullshit, nits are alive, and the medicine is very expensive.

  14. Anna

    We also use Nyuda, but I can’t understand where they always come from!

  15. Victoria

    I also tried Para Plus, Lavinal, Paranix and Hygia - nothing helped. There was an excellent tool Nittifor, but for some reason it disappeared.

  16. Natalia

    We tried Nyuda, it's complete nonsense, it doesn't even kill the lice themselves. I don’t know what to poison them with, such nonsense, horror. Takes so much time

    • Anonymous

      I agree, Nyuda did not help

  17. Yana

    The permethrin spray worked for me. Very good, sprinkled, then washed with regular shampoo, combed out - and it helped. I advise.

  18. Ruslana

    Our hair falls out a lot after using Hygia, Paraplus, Nude. Nothing helped, she brought it out with her hands, combed it out every day and pulled out the nits with her hands. So it's all nonsense. How now to deal with the consequences? Tell!

  19. Anonymous

    Bought Medifox gel. Some lice died, but very few. Remained alive and the nits did not disappear. In general, it did not help.

  20. Lady

    We bought permethrin-pharma and a regular scallop - they all brought it out.

  21. Ksyu

    I got lice from my goddaughter, now I don’t even know which remedy is better to take. I want to take Nyuda, and then hellebore water.

  22. Litvinenko Natalia

    Nyuda helps very well, my daughter got infected in a sanatorium, she helped the first time.

    • Marina

      Only odorless dichlorvos, under the package for an hour. The effect is wonderful.

      • Anonymous

        My friend's grandmother taught this. Half of the hair fell out later.

    • Nastya

      Nyuda helped us a lot too. Once only treated, washed off and thoroughly combed out with a comb (for a very long time). That's it, I don't find any more lice or nits.

  23. Julia

    There was a good Nittifor remedy, it helped with one treatment. All other means are nonsense.

  24. Mayan

    We used two rads of NYX cream, it was gone for three days, then the lice reappeared! Probably, you need to clean the nits with your hands.

  25. Aelita

    They took Full Marks, they processed it 2 times, but there was no sense. And they combed it out with a comb, and Pediculen shampoo did not help. We are still suffering: every day from morning to evening we manually get rid of. So far to no avail. Just some kind of horror.

  26. Tolik

    Hellebore water, head under the bag for 45 minutes, then table vinegar to peel off the nits. And scratch, scratch, scratch. You can go bald and that's it 😉

    • Anonymous

      Exactly, the surest way!

  27. Basil

    The most effective way is to shave your head.

  28. Sonya

    Kerosene helps me) And combing. You can get infected everywhere, in the same kindergarten, school, camp, sanatorium.

    • Talgat

      How much kerosene should be used, and how much should be kept?

      • Lydia

        Kerosene should be diluted with sunflower oil in a ratio of 1:4, kept for 40 minutes, rinsed with baby shampoo and combed with a comb, on which put cotton wool soaked in a solution of vinegar (9%, diluted in a ratio of 1:2, or 75% diluted 1:16). Nits are removed with a bang, lice die well.

      • Elena

        Kerosene, vegetable oil and laundry soap. We take laundry soap (a piece about a matchbox), three on a grater and pour half a glass of water. We put on gas in an iron ladle or mug and, stirring, cook until the soap is all dissolved. Turn off, and while this mixture is cooling, take 100 ml of kerosene, 70 ml of vegetable oil, combine and add the cooled liquid soap. All this is poured immediately into a half-liter plastic bottle from under the water. Close the lid and shake for 5-10 minutes until the mixture emulsifies. We generously smear all the hair with this emulsion, on top of the package - and fix it with a diaper for 40 minutes. Rinse with laundry soap and shampoo, then balm!

        With this remedy, lice were always removed in the dispensary. Always helps. And you need to do it 3 times in a row in 3 days! And be sure to dry your head thoroughly with a towel after washing and then choose the nits. Many young nits will fall out immediately when washing. And also it is necessary to wash and iron all linen and clothes. The product does not bake, as the proportion is correct. And it helps 100 percent, and it is always very accessible. Good luck to you!

  29. Lena

    I used Nittifor. It helped well: both lice and nits died, and everything seems to be fine, only the head stinks just terribly for 2 weeks already. It remains to figure out how to beat off the stink now.

  30. Venus

    Everything described above here is just complete nonsense and a huge waste of money. Nothing helps. Drugs are expensive but useless.I remember, in childhood, when I myself once had lice, I brought it from a neighbor's new girl, so my mother once treated me with a serum mercury ointment, and that's it. Kills on the spot. Now this ointment has been discontinued, but in vain ... The effect was 100%. The composition of this ointment was selected in such a way that the concentration was harmless.

  31. Anastasia

    Dear friends. I want to tell my story. I moved to a new school and got lice, to be honest, I couldn’t get rid of it for a whole year, and my mother suffered. We got it. Once my mom looked on the Internet and found a super duper good remedy, but the first time we took a spray, called Lavinal, it comes with a comb. When we tried it for the first time, it already helped for the first time and after that time I didn’t have them anymore. Then I picked them up again and my mother also bought Lavinal shampoo. And you know what, I washed my hair twice and I no longer have them. And most importantly, it is very cheap. Friends, I advise you 1000 percent, and it doesn’t even bake. And although it is very cheap, probably cheaper than everyone else, at the same time it is better than all existing ones. Friends, I will not advise bad, I promise action from the first time. Write me your comments, I will read them carefully. Farewell, I love you all.

    • Ilya

      Anastasia, your farewell looks frightening. And Lavinal is not available in pharmacies along the way, only in / in Ukraine.

      • Anonymous

        I don’t know how it helped you, but we don’t, as there were lice, they are so alive. Lavinal didn't help.

        • Anonymous

          I bought lavinal, a good remedy for both lice and nits!

    • Victoria

      And for how much did you buy?

    • Anonymous

      Lies. Generally ineffective!

  32. Anonymous

    Unexpectedly faced with this scourge and out of fear in the pharmacy purchased several different products at once.For the most part, I would like to focus on Paranit shampoo for lice and nits.
    The main thing that I really liked was a very convenient comb - it was included in the kit. Thanks to him, we combed out all this muck for three days. I decided to take the shampoo, because I have long hair, and I didn’t want to wash off the lotion for a long time afterwards. I was better prepared to shampoo several times at regular intervals. By the way, it is easy to apply it directly to the hair roots, thanks to the spout.
    It is simple to use, you need to apply it to your hair, wait 10-20 minutes and lather with water. Next, rinse well and subtract the dead bloodsuckers. The second time was used for prophylaxis. There was no allergy.
    So, the first day is the most difficult - we process the head, comb out nits and dead lice, wash, comb out again, disinfect beds, floors, wash things. The goal is to completely destroy all sexually mature lice. The next day it is psychologically easier, we change underwear again, all clothes, comb out everything that is left. The next days we carefully look at the head, intently whiskey, above the neck, behind the ears, we comb out prophylactically all week. If the first 2 days were not lazy, then on the 7th day you will not find anything.

  33. Olga

    Used Pediculen - all garbage, and shampoo, and lotion.

    • Meerim

      I used Pediculen with my first daughter. It seems to have helped. After, when washing, all the lice just flowed out in a stream, of course, dead!

    • Anonymous

      Agree. Does not help. I deduced this: Day 1 - Pediculen. The lice are dead, the nits are half alive. Day 2 - Nix. Another louse and again nits are half alive. Day 3 - vinegar, 9 percent. There are no lice, but the nits are alive again. Day 4 - vinegar. Nits are alive again. Day 5 - peroxide, 3 percent. Nits are alive.Day 6 - a mixture of kerosene with oil and shampoo, for 1.5 hours. No live nits were found. After each procedure, comb out until the hair dries (hair to priests). In general, nothing better than kerosene has yet been invented. I repeat, kerosene in 3 days. And all these funds are complete bullshit.

  34. Lena

    I already wrote above about Nittifor. So, 2 months after use, the head still stinks.

    • Laura

      Try a fragrant hair mask after shampooing. In general, the main thing is that Nittifor helped you kill nits and lice. There is something missing in the pharmacies of my city Nittifor ...

  35. Lana

    Without knowing it, I destroyed all the nit larvae to the child with the help of a hair straightener. Only then I saw lice and applied Nyuda.

    • Anonymous

      How they bothered me, these lice. Children go to kindergarten clean, but come with lice.

  36. Olga

    As the school season begins, so the child has a head full of these parasites. That year they used Nyuda, so then I no longer observed lice. This year I brought it again, my husband bought Hygia shampoo, processed it, after a couple of weeks I look - again a full head of lice. I don't know what to buy after reading the comments.

  37. Julia

    And we are suffering for the third month! Tired. The youngest daughter (6 years old) found lice in the garden three months ago. Bought Pediculen, like, disappeared. They reappeared a month later, did the same - again, it seems, they disappeared. The whole family pulled out nits. And here again yesterday they found lice in her head. And the eldest daughter has nothing. I don't even know what to do, tell me? The most offensive - well, where did such an attack on a child come from? Tomorrow I will go to kindergarten with "showdowns", most likely, the source is there.

  38. Sveta

    It's just a nightmare, it's impossible to get rid of these infections. I bought Lavinal at the pharmacy, it is natural and without side effects, it removes lice well, but it really doesn’t smell very good. But you can reconcile. Ingredients: clove, lemon and ylang-ylang.

  39. Irina

    Pediculen ultra did not help (spray), although expensive, I process things with it that come into contact. Veda 2 was advised, today I checked - the nits remained, the recommendation for the shampoo says that it can be processed no more than 2 times a month. I'm leaning towards kerosene.

  40. Maria

    We used both nude and a couple of plus - it does not help.

  41. ELENA

    Six months ago, my daughter picked up lice from a friend. I immediately bought Pair Plus, and it didn’t help, it didn’t kill the lice, and even then not all, but it absolutely doesn’t work on nits, they remained alive. I combed it out for three days, and rinsed it with vinegar, only very careful combing and picking it out with my hands helped.

  42. Katia

    The child is 3.5 years old. We bought Hygia shampoo - it didn’t give any results at all, the lice remained alive, then Para Plus was treated, and live nits also remained. They combed it out, but anyway, after a couple of days, lice appeared. The only remedy that helped was hellebore water. After it, all living creatures died, and the nits were combed out in just a couple of days. So all these newfangled remedies do not work at all! The most effective is hellebore water, and the price is not expensive, and they quickly got rid of parasites.

    • Natalia

      It didn’t help, the nits click, as they clicked, i.e. alive!

  43. Elena

    No matter what they poisoned, hygia is 100% bullshit! There are also cheap sodium benzyl benzoate, white emulsion in glass bottles. I'm saving her.

    • Natalia

      How many I tried, except for benzyl benzoate, nothing killed! True, it was a little hot when applied, but the result is there))

  44. Diana

    How do you tell if nits are alive or not by clicking?

    • Anonymous


  45. Victoria

    Do not buy Hygia - complete bullshit!

  46. Ruslana

    Hellebore water helps very well with lice, and then the nits must be combed out with a metal comb, without combing it will not work.

  47. Tatiana

    The eldest caught lice, infected me too. We have been withdrawing for 2 months already, we bought up the entire pharmacy ... We comb out several times a day. It is more difficult for me - there is no one to watch me. It is clear that there was nowhere to cut it shorter, and my daughter had such a braid ((I still have nits. More precisely, I don’t find it on examination, but comb out a couple of points with a comb ... We tried: paranit (garbage), pedilin (generally garbage), chigia too nonsense, only at the same time it dries hair, hellebore water kills big ones, but a trifle does not. A couple plus, probably the most effective, although it didn’t mow everyone either, but at the same time spoiled my hair terribly and left burns. It was hell for me and my daughter. , I feel, there will be kerosene, and if it doesn't help - on the bald head. By the way, we comb out the Antive's comb. Of course, it is better than Paranitov's, but also not a panacea, and expensive.

    • Elena

      Try Pediculin, it helped us the first time. Also before that they took out 2 months.

    • Natalia

      There is an Antive comb - I combed out the lice, but I didn’t remove the nits at all, comb through at least 10 times in one place!

  48. Shynar

    We used Paranit spray. At a time, of course, do not leave. Used 2 times and helped. I destroyed the lice and nits, but we still use the comb as a comb.

  49. Hope

    My daughter brought lice from the garden, I don’t know how to save myself. I bought hygia shampoo - complete nonsense, nothing helped.I choose with my hands and a comb, my head is clean, after 4 days I again find 2-3 lice. Now I bought a solution of permethrin - processed, let's see the result.

  50. Anonymous

    Shampoo Antibit Turkish helps a lot.

    • Irina

      Generally bullshit. Bars shampoo from the veterinarian helped us.

  51. Elena

    Yes, we somehow encountered this infection, and my daughter has hair below her buttocks. Shampoos, creams, soaps and all this nonsense did not help us in any way ... They advised Pediculin, they took it. The smell is stinky, but it was not a spray, but just a bottle, filled in, and that's it. Half an hour - and we forgot about lice and nits. By the way, the nits were also dead.

    • Irina

      And I couldn’t withstand pediculin for 30 minutes for my boys. So they shouted, after a minute or three they washed it off with water. The heads were red. Allergic to the drug, so they are both allergic - some to food, some to wool. But about 25 years ago she smeared her head with kerosene and for 3 hours under a bag. Hair to the waist, then for another 2 hours 5 times with shampoo and laundry soap, I washed my hair to remove the oiliness and unpleasant smell. As a means of prevention, so that later lice do not crawl to children in the same school - after each shampooing, rinse your head with water from a jug with 5 drops of tea tree oil. And in the morning before school, anoint behind the ears or on the neck. Lice do not like the smell of this oil.

      • Tata

        Thank you very much for your advice.

  52. Anonymous

    Hygia didn't help at all

  53. Anonymous

    What should I do, my hair is long, I don't know how to get rid of it (

  54. Marina

    Used paranix, did not help, the head is not washed off, oily. Paraplus processed - nits are alive, you have to choose manually.

  55. Sonechka

    And we were advised a remedy - also a mixture of dimethicones, like Nyuda. But 4 times cheaper. It is called D-95.It is completely safe for humans, but lice have no chance after it. It comes in dosed sachets + comb. 1 sachet is enough for the boy, but there are 3 of them. So we had enough for prevention. Satisfied, but really do not want us to need it again ((

  56. Albina

    Help get rid of these bastards! For three months now I have not been able to bring them out to my daughter ... Hygia did not help, Para Plus, too, even Dichlorvos does not work. For a couple of days they disappear, and then again a full head. And I tried it with an iron, and combed it out, but the result is zero ... I'm already just in despair, how to deal with them ?!

    • Yulianna

      The result is zero, because you need to comb out for at least 10 days. During this time, larvae grow, which you could miss when combing. It all depends on the quality of the comb. At first I looked at the comb in pharmacies, but there were only plastic ones. As a result, I ordered a lisguard comb with steel teeth with delivery. There were two combs and a magnifying glass in the package at once. I understand that one comb was normal, and the second one was for nits. This I mean that it makes no sense to comb out with an ordinary comb, because even if you miss one egg, they will breed again.

  57. Marina

    The eldest daughter brought lice from school, upon examination it seemed that a little ... They treated their hair with Veda's cheap shampoo, without combing it out. And it’s a pity that they only spent time: half-dead lice tried to crawl through their daughter’s thick hair, and the nits shone with their terrible shape! I had to buy Full Marks with a comb and process everything again ((I don’t know if Full Marks helped, but the comb is very good, they combed out a lot of muck. Now in a few hours I’ll comb my daughter’s whole head again, maybe I’ll find something else.This is such a disgusting thing, where does it come from in schools, there is not a kindergarten with cribs and somersaults hugging everyone?!

  58. Alla

    You can just dye your hair. That's it, lice are gone!

    • Anonymous

      Truth? Really helps?

      • Anonymous

        No, nothing helps. Tried by all means - it's all garbage.

  59. Olga

    I hate these lice, you abomination! (

  60. Hope

    And how to determine whether live nits or not?

  61. Natalia

    Live when you click on them click?

  62. Anna

    Pair plus is effective, but only with double processing.

  63. Naima

    I went to visit a friend, brought lice from there, now I don’t know how to get rid of them ...

  64. Anna

    We have such a problem, and we have already tried many remedies. Paranit spray is very oily and is very difficult to wash off from long hair (I make a mask of burdock oil with lavender for my daughter once a week, and so, it is washed off a hundred times easier than Paranit). Very pleased with Pediculen Ultra. It is both effective and lasts for many times, but a terrible smell ... They went outside for processing (in winter they processed it in the entrance, the smell after us stood for another week, interrupting tobacco smoke), it is impossible to breathe. But without a comb, with no means of getting rid of them.

    It's easier with short hair. I just make my son a mask with lavender or anise under a scarf, comb mine right into the bath. After three or four days I repeat - and we forgot about them (until the next infection).

    But in general, it is very good for prevention, if there is no allergy, drip lavender everywhere ... In shampoo, balm, conditioner, on hats, clothes. Even in the morning, when I send my children to school, I lightly smear my hair with burdock oil with lavender (lightly so that there is only a smell). It is worth skipping at least once - and infection is guaranteed.

  65. Antonina

    Paranit is bullshit! The best remedy is to cut your hair bald. But we got the lice out with Heden-Sholders shampoo. With dandruff, both lice and nits are gone.

  66. Victoria

    Nalyso is, of course, very cool. My daughter has long and curly hair. I bought Means D-95 at the pharmacy, you need to apply it, sit for 45 minutes, and then comb it out. The next day, there is no trace of this misfortune.

  67. Galina

    In our large family, there is one well-proven remedy for lice and nits - Palette hair dye. I have been dyeing my daughters hair since the age of 10, because. they always bring lice from the camps, and in the summer in the village they pick them up from someone. I take a color similar to natural, no one has ever guessed that their hair is dyed. The paint is vigorous, so it kills all the muck from the first time. Of course, I don’t often paint children, but once a year after a summer vacation I have to.

  68. Katia

    Yes, there are sorrows in life, but with lice it’s not so. I went to a beauty salon because of dandruff, checked - there was a disease of the scalp. And now lice. I'm thinking of cutting my hair bald if all else fails.

  69. Laura

    The child brought from school. Tin. Hygia is out of production, the pharmacy said. Now Higienika, the manufacturer is the same, but complete garbage. Did not help. Everyone is alive, no changes. Who can give specific recommendations for getting rid of them?

  70. Any

    By the way, and sebozol kicks them out.

  71. Maria Vishnevskaya

    If you don’t want to waste your nerves and time, buy Leisner shampoo from lice. Quick and easy, no smell! But I didn’t understand one thing, after it you need to wash your hair with regular shampoo? Or is it enough?

    • Kristina

      Mary, I completely agree with you. Leisner is great! After it, you can not use a regular shampoo, it does not leave any traces.How are you doing now?

  72. Irina

    Hello. A child was infected at school, and he infected me. I got lice and nits. I have thick long hair. I thought I had an allergy, my whole head itched. I took tar soap and lathered my whole head, kept it for 10 minutes (again, not knowing what animals were in my head). Then washed off and the hair began to dry. I can’t tell you what was in my head, a terrible itch. I am prone to allergies, so I went and drank tavegil. So everything calmed down.

    In the morning, I accidentally found a louse in front, at first I thought it was a piece of wool from a hat. I took it off, looked through a magnifying glass - it's a louse. I went around several pharmacies, they offer Paranit everywhere. I bought it. I worked on the head of the child and myself. It was January 25, 2019. I processed it for myself like this: the manufacturers write in the instructions to hold and rinse for 10 minutes, and I held it for 10 minutes, took the comb and began to scratch. God! Nits and 5 lice. I started brushing them. I turned on the water (boiling water), heated the comb and combed my hair for an hour! Today, January 30, in the morning my head began to itch strongly. I started to comb out with a comb - and under a magnifying glass. Shining a flashlight on the comb, I found a louse. The child (8 years old) has thin short hair, the animals are gone. I have now read the article, I will go look for another remedy for lice and nits!

    Addition to my comment: I washed off the Paranit remedy after one hour. Paranit did not help me. It costs one thousand rubles!

  73. Irina

    Good afternoon, it's me again. I bought hellebore water, two bottles. I applied it to my hair, wrapped it in a plastic bag, kept it for 30 minutes, washed it off. Then she dyed her hair with light hair dye, washed it off and once again doused her head with one liter of water, adding one tablespoon of vinegar there.In case this does not help, I bought Veda 2 shampoo. Tomorrow I will process it.

  74. Irina

    I'm writing to my comment above. My actions with hellebore water and hair coloring gave an excellent result. I recommend!

  75. Julia

    We generally have a paradox or something ... My daughter has an allergy, for the second year we have been suffering from dandelions. They started treatment, they stopped going to the garden, since the medicines have to be taken 3 times a day, and there is no control, no one cares. As a result, 2 weeks after I settled at home, I find a dirty trick in the form of lice. We take Nyuda, report to the garden, from there the answer is that everything is fine with everyone. All family members are processed, all hygiene activities - linen, etc., respectively. After processing, Nyuda combed out several dead adults and a lot of nits from her daughter. For 3 days she combed out with a comb, there were no adults, she combed out the nits, but a little and already dead. As a result, we go to the garden and after sleep they call me - take it away, they say, they found one live louse. I buy Pedilin shampoos, first I comb through at home - zero, everything is clean. But, of course, she treated both her daughter and herself. And zero. Nobody. What to do? Where to go? A nursery in the garden, there is no nurse.

    Where did the living louse come from, I combed it so many times, looked at each strand of 5 mm, and the result was again, although when I came home I didn’t find anything. Tomorrow I'm going to the hospital, let them look there and decide what to do with the kindergarten

    My daughter's hair is below her buttocks, the girl is in a modeling agency, we have auditions and a contract in another country. What to do? That's horrible!

  76. Anna

    I bought a remedy for lice in a pharmacy, did not try folk methods and waste my time on them. Helped in the end Pediculen spray. Moreover, you need to keep it for a short time, after it it is easier to comb out lice and nits from the hair.


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