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Lice remedy Paranit and reviews about its use

Last update: 2022-06-10
≡ Article 82 comments
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Spray for the destruction of lice and nits Paranit: let's see how effective and safe this remedy is to use...

Paranit is a well-known lice control product, available as a spray in a special spray bottle that facilitates the treatment of hair. The drug is a colorless or slightly yellowish oily liquid, practically odorless.

In addition to the spray itself, a special lice comb is supplied in the package for combing out dead parasites and their eggs (nits) from the hair. Thanks to this combing, the effectiveness of hair treatment with a spray is significantly increased, and with a slight infection, it is the comb that sometimes saves the patient from re-treatment.

The Paranit spray also comes with a special comb for combing out lice and nits.

The photo shows lice combed out of the hair with a comb.

Due to the presence of a comb in the kit, the price of the Paranit lice remedy is relatively high, but noticeably lower than the cost of a similar spray and comb purchased separately.


“Like with Mitya, Sasha had all the usual troubles in the first grade. Even before winter, he managed to pick up chickenpox and lice at school. He had chickenpox quickly, but we didn’t notice the lice right away, and he began to itch when there were already a lot of them. I was horrified - from him Mitya, and I, and my husband became infected. In short, to be sure, they bought a cool Belgian Paranit lice spray, in which there are no poisons and about which I read several reviews.Compared to Pedilin, he is, of course, weaker - he kills lice, but not all, and besides, nits do not die from him at all. Therefore, if you take it, count on at least two head treatments. But on the other hand, there were no allergies from him, and in the package there is also a special comb. ”

Alena, St. Petersburg

The remedy for lice Paranit is produced by the international company Omega-Pharma, headquartered in Belgium, and distributed throughout the CIS through a dealer network. The company is known for producing various pharmacological drugs that do not require a prescription.

Lice remedy in the form of a spray Paranit

For example, the same Paranit does not contain insecticides, the presence of which in lice remedies is so afraid of many parents. But due to what, then, this drug works so effectively? Let's figure it out...


The composition of the spray Paranit

The main active component of Paranit is dimethicone, which is silicone by chemical nature. This substance envelops the chitinous cover of the lice and flows into the spiracles, thereby clogging them, which ultimately leads to suffocation.

The active substance of the drug is dimethicone - an organosilicon substance (silicone)

Dimethicone envelops the lice, flows into their respiratory tract and leads to suffocation

At the same time, dimethicone is absolutely harmless to humans, and if it gets on the hair and scalp, it almost never causes side effects.

On a note

Moreover, dimethicone is widely used in cosmetology as a means of combating wrinkles, and with flatulence and bloating, it is recommended to take it internally in order to reduce gas formation.

In addition to dimethicone, the Paranit lice remedy contains Isopar mineral oil, which in many ways is the cause of the main problems and a large number of negative reviews about the drug. From lice, Isopar does not help in any way, but this component serves as a dimethicone solvent - it is impossible to make a remedy with this substance on a water or alcohol basis.

And further: Lice are not cockroaches, so is it worth removing them with Dichlorvos? (the article has more than 20 comments)

A feature of Paranit is the high safety of its use for humans, since it does not contain chemical insecticides.

But silicone dissolves well in oil, but the same oil can be quite problematic to wash out of the hair (even with shampoo).


“Paranit is a good remedy, but it is very problematic to wash it out. I rinsed my son’s head 8 (!) times with soap, shampoo, then again with soap - and still they are greasy. Well, we live near the sea, the next day we went to the beach, the sea water dried everything up. And in the middle lane, this tool will definitely have to be worn on the head for a week.

Sonya, Kerch

The disadvantage of dimethicone is that it does not work on nits. There are no respiratory tracts in lice eggs, there is nothing to clog, and therefore, even after careful treatment of the head with Paranit, the larvae from nits hatch after a while anyway.

But the components of Paranit have practically no effect on nits

This problem is solved by diligent re-treatment of the head a week after the first application of the drug. Such secondary processing is also implied by the instruction to Paranit.


“We tried ParaPlus and Paranit. ParaPlus, of course, acts like a nuclear bomb on lice. Everyone - both big and small, and nits die from it at once. But his head is on fire too. Overdo it for a few minutes, and it starts to sprinkle. But Paranit is such a gentle spray. Sprayed and no problem. Only after it all the nits remain alive, you press them with your fingers - they crack. So it's like this - either once, but hard, or twice, but no problem. By the way, washing off Paranit is problematic, it contains some kind of oil.

Oleg, Moscow


How to use Paranit?

To remove lice, spray Paranit should be sprayed evenly on the hair along their entire length until completely wet. In accordance with the instructions, the root zone of the hair must be treated especially carefully: the hair is moved apart by hands, and the product is applied to the skin between them and carefully rubbed into the skin.

Spray Paranit is applied directly to the root zone of the hair

According to the manufacturer, most of the parasites die within 10 to 20 minutes after applying the spray. About half an hour after hair treatment, the drug is thoroughly washed off with warm water and shampoo.


“Paranit from lice does not help. The price for it is high (it costs something around 500 rubles), the reviews are good, but we did everything according to the instructions and the result is that only part of the parasites died. And both the husband and the daughter. The very next day we found live lice, and not larvae, but quite adults. A week later they processed it again - and still they remained. Considering how much this Paranit costs, it is definitely possible to find a good replacement for it.

Galina, Pskov

One can of spray, depending on the length and thickness of the hair, is enough for 1-4 treatments. Even if the hair is very thick, it is worth treating it along the entire length - parasites can crawl to the ends during processing.

It is also useful to read: How to get rid of linen lice

And further: Paranit from lice - a dummy that you can’t wash off your hair with, or a really effective thing? (the article has more than 70 comments)

After the spray is washed off the head, the hair must be combed with the supplied comb.

After treating the head with a spray, lice and nits must be carefully combed out with a comb.

After processing each strand, combed out lice and nits must be removed from the comb. This is done with a damp cotton swab.


After lice treatment with Paranit, it is necessary to wash linen, clothes, hats, scarves and towels of an infected family member at the highest possible temperature. Dry them directly under the sun - on the street or on the balcony.

A week or two after the first treatment, the procedure for applying Paranit should be repeated to destroy the lice that have hatched from the nits during this time.

After about 1-2 weeks, the treatment with Paranit must be repeated in order to destroy the larvae hatched from the nits.

In some cases, after the first application of the product, nits can be removed by active combing, and there is no need for a second procedure.


Safety and possible side effects

Paranit lice remedy is quite safe and only with severe individual sensitivity can cause an allergic reaction in a person. To check, it is worth spraying the drug on the skin on the inner bend of the elbow and hold for several minutes.

The test for skin sensitivity to the components of Paranit can be carried out on the crook of the elbow.

If no rashes or redness appear on the skin, Paranit can be used.

  • The manufacturer does not recommend the use of Paranit to kill lice in children under 3 years of age.
  • It is also not recommended to use the product for pregnant and lactating women.
  • Definitely you can not use the spray for skin diseases of the head and the presence of wounds and fresh scratches.

When applying Paranit to the hair, make sure that the drug does not get into the eyes or nose. To do this, it is convenient to tie a fabric bandage on the forehead.

In order for Paranit spray not to get into the eyes and nose, you can use a fabric bandage

If during treatment the product gets into the eyes, they should be thoroughly rinsed. If the patient feels a lack of air during treatment, he must be taken outside, and the use of Paranit should be stopped.


How much does Paranit cost?

The price of Paranit today is approximately 600 rubles for a 100 ml spray bottle complete with a comb. In offline pharmacies, the price may be somewhat (but slightly) lower.

The price for a set of Paranit with a comb is about 600 rubles.

Nyuda's lice spray has a similar composition to Paranit, but instead of mineral oil, its formula includes wax and natural triglycerides. As a result, the effectiveness of both products is approximately the same, but Nyuda is somewhat more expensive (about 350 rubles per 50 ml bottle). At this point, each buyer must choose a drug that is more suitable for him at his discretion.

Nyuda lice spray has a composition similar to Paranit


“Paranit is an excellent remedy. Only they lice and brought out. Before him, they poisoned with wormwood, and scratched with combs, and smeared some kind of cream against lice. And Paranit, clearly according to the instructions, was applied twice with a break of a week, washed off - and that's it, there are no parasites.

Dmitry, Mytishchi


20 facts, the knowledge of which will help in the successful fight against lice and nits


Ways of infection with lice and how Paranit helps to get rid of parasites


Useful video: how to deal with lice and nits


Last update: 2022-06-10

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Remedy for lice Paranit and reviews on its use" 82 comments
  1. Yavaga

    A very good tool! I used Paranit lotion and was satisfied.Combing, of course, takes a long time, but the remedy killed all the parasites and there was no need to chase them all over the head.

  2. Olga

    It's hard to say how good it is. I processed the child's head yesterday, today I caught one louse. The child's hair is very thin, nothing is combed out with a comb at all.

    • Julia

      Olga, we were immediately told at the pharmacy that everything would die at once, but we had to carefully and thoroughly smear ourselves and keep it on our heads for about 20 minutes, as in the instructions, we didn’t have a single live lice afterwards. Although the shampoo works differently in my opinion, there are my own wishes, but I did not take the shampoo. And our hair is also thin, and I had to skip a cotton strip between the teeth of the comb. Even after the spray was washed off, I lubricated my hair with conditioner to make it easier to comb out the nits, and everything was combed clean.

  3. Julia

    In the summer, our daughters removed lice with paranit, an effective remedy, it helped us right away. A terribly unpleasant disease, I would not want to meet with it again ...

  4. Nikitova Alina

    The day before yesterday we bought this shampoo at the pharmacy, closed with our daughter in the bathhouse and the procedures began. We did everything according to the instructions, applied shampoo to the hair, waited 10-15 minutes, then massaged a little more and washed it off. And at the end they sat combing out all the dead nits and lice with a comb, fortunately there was not much, they realized it in time. Where and from whom they picked it up remains a mystery ...

  5. Daria

    Paranit spray has the most comfortable comb!

  6. Natalia

    And it didn't help us at all. Only in vain they threw out 700 rubles. Three times the treatment was carried out and three times there were LIVE individuals. Disappointed.

  7. Galina

    This tool helped me a lot. Used it 2 times and it's gone. The result was satisfied. And the comb helped.BUT! How to wash off this muck? Hair looks greasy. I have been washing my head every day for 5 days in a row, but it is not washed off. Help, with what and how to wash off this product from the hair?

    • Anonymous


    • Anonymous

      Washed off with regular shampoo.

    • Victoria

      Mix shampoo with baking soda, 2 to 1.

    • Brown bear

      Wash off with ordinary Fae. For two times. The first time is fast, and the second time the foam is good. Then be sure to balm for the scalp and hair.
      All good.

  8. Diana

    Yesterday I noticed lice on my head. Immediately panic. My mother rubbed me Pirantel for 15-20 minutes. The living died, washing off with shampoo, I saw these insects in the foam. Horror, as I only managed to pick it up, I'm clean. The nits remained, they were removed manually, because. comb was not included. It is washed off terribly (I washed my hair 4 times, still the greasy layer remained), but this morning it was more or less washed off 🙂 Today I don’t have so many nits left, I will use this remedy again.

    • Anonymous

      Try using regular dishwashing detergent to degrease your hair. Lather like shampoo, rinse your hair. Followed by regular shampoo and conditioner. Checked - it works (PS: I used aos for dishes, I didn’t see any troubles).

  9. Natasha

    I went to a friend with an overnight stay, after a while I found out that she rewarded me with lice. I bought this remedy, the next day there was nothing. After a while, I again find lice. I can’t understand where, maybe I got it badly, or maybe again from a friend. Well, I bought Paranit again. The next day I found live nits, and immediately processed it again, tomorrow I will check the result.

  10. Anastasia

    I do not recommend this tool to you, an extra waste of money does not help.

    • Dasha

      What would you advise?

  11. Natalia

    Dissatisfied with the tool. The packaging says: kills lice and nits. I processed the child, the two existing lice really died. But the nits are alive and well. They just crack when pressed. It is clear that it will have to be processed at least once, or even twice. And I won’t even talk about the horror that occurs when you can’t wash it off with soap, shampoo, dishwashing detergent, or shower gel. Washed 12 times in the evening, then the same number this morning. The result is terrible, oily hair, it is simply unrealistic to leave the house with such hair ... I am disappointed. Such a price and such a terrible quality.

    • Anonymous

      I agree with you. My daughter trained in the camp, and processed 3-4 times. And what: after that, my daughter screamed like crazy that her head didn’t wash off, and went and washed it 5-6 times. And the head is still like butter. Most likely, this stupid paranit will not destroy either lice or nits.

  12. Orchid

    Anastasia, more facts! What exactly did they use? Just blurt out and leave, it smells of something ... Always read the instructions for use, it didn’t work out the first time, it’s always advised to re-process, after a while, don’t be lazy to comb out thoroughly. We use Paranit not for the first time, we always took it out. The son is sociable, sometimes he drags them =)

  13. O_M

    Anonymous, you can wash it off not with dish detergent, but with ordinary liquid soap. There is also an air conditioner in this line, it is good for both spray and lotion.
    Orchid, you need to re-treat the head, if you remove it with shampoo, the rest of the products and the first time all insects are strangled. It is necessary to carefully process, the skin should be smeared with every centimeter.And about fat content - well, what can you do, but this is the only alternative to toxic lice remedies that does not harm health in general and lice are not resistant to it.

  14. Lyalya

    The child caught this infection in the kindergarten. I ran to the pharmacy, because of the age (the child is 3 years old) they advised "paranit", in order to prevent it, the whole family, including adults, had to be treated. Not only did they not achieve the desired effect from this remedy, but the spread only increased, so in addition it turned out to be terribly toxic: although all the necessary precautions were taken, from this miracle remedy, when washing the child’s hair, it darkened in the eyes to a fainting state and the children complained about ringing in their ears for a long time. The best remedy turned out to be banal hellebore water, not only got rid of the infection, but the hair began to grow better.

    • Anya

      I have the same situation, one to one, and I bought a shampoo for 1000. The scalp became blistered and became sick, and dandruff appeared. Half of the hair was washed off, a nightmare. And my hair is below the priests, my head has become twice as itchy! I am horrified by this in general, in the pharmacy I was directly persuaded to buy. I wanted hellebore water, but no, I decided that since the price is so huge, it will be of high quality. After such an incident, I just got drunk with valerian! Swear words are not enough!

      • Anonymous

        Processing for the third time! There is no result - as there were lice, it is. They also spread to others. The tool doesn't work!

  15. Vika

    The shampoo helped a lot.

  16. Ola

    I tried to wash off the lotion from my head for about 3 hours. It is not washed off at all. Killed lice, nits - no. Didn't like it.

    • Olga Pak

      Ola, brush it out. Or take a sensitive from their line, it chokes 100% nits.

  17. Tatyana

    Paranit helped well, brought out the first time. The pharmacist told the truth, thank you.

  18. Katia

    I used the spray, I was satisfied, I moisturized my hair, because it was very dry, all the insects died. In addition, I used Hygia shampoo. After the first treatment, nothing remained, after seven days it was repeated. Tip: brush very carefully.

  19. Emma


  20. HH

    2 years ago, for prevention (my daughter picked it up - they told me to treat the whole family) I used Paranit - after it I washed off half of the hair in the bath. The hair never came back. For prevention, use anise oil! The best remedy!

  21. It's me

    Paranit is a good spray, it kills lice 100%, but not all nits. But on the other hand, a comb is attached to it for combing out lice and nits, it combs out perfectly. It combs out in such a way that during inspection you will not find just nits and lice, and you can remove almost everything with a comb. We'll see how it goes in a couple of days.

  22. Lily

    I thought I was going crazy when I realized that I couldn’t wash it out of my long hair, no matter how I washed it already. Armed with the Internet, I read that silicone dimethicone can be removed with an oil mask. I applied ordinary olive oil at night, washed everything off the second time in the morning! I hope my advice will help someone)

  23. Veronica

    Complete garbage, don't waste your money. I smeared it, washed it, began to comb it out: LIVE ones fall out. This is a nightmare, tomorrow I will go for kerosene ...

    • Anya

      Hellebore water to help you! 🙂 And don't listen to anyone, this Paranit destroys everything except lice and nits.

    • Oksana

      He is dangerous

  24. Hope

    Agree with dissatisfied. My daughter brought lice from school, I bought Paranit spray.They processed it according to the instructions, indeed, it is almost not washed off later, and when combing out, live lice fall out, not to mention nits. The cost of funds is more than 300 rubles, and the result is zero. Tried two or three times with a break - to no avail.

  25. Anna

    Terrible tool. Bought in a pharmacy for 700 rubles. The only plus is that the comb was in the package. The head after the remedy is barely washed off after the third time. Rubbed three times. As a result, we bought a couple plus and got rid of these reptiles.

  26. Camila

    Good remedy for lice, but not for nits. Now I can't flush. Horror.

  27. Hope

    My daughter brought lice from the camp. Paranit spray helped to get rid of them. True, they combed these parasites out of their hair for a long time, but not a single living creature remained, the nits were also removed. The comb, by the way, is very convenient in the kit, with metal teeth - everything was combed out very well.

  28. Oksana

    Girls, a good way to wash off this fat: I took dish detergent, added baking soda there. Apply all this together on the hair and leave for 5 minutes. And wash off, finally rinse with shampoo.

    • Natalie

      Why create so many problems for yourself? Take a Paranitovskiy shampoo-conditioner in a pharmacy and wash it off. You don’t have to chemical anything - it literally rinses off both the spray and the shampoo without much difficulty in one application. And it's relatively inexpensive.

      • Karina

        I washed it three times with this shampoo - the effect is zero! All hair in oil, bed too.

  29. Aida

    For the first time I encountered lice in children. Recommended Paranit. Although it costs 771 rubles, I decided not to hesitate, I bought it. I did everything according to the instructions.I processed it, held it for 20 minutes, washed it off with difficulty, helped Nivea, men's shampoo, the second time, and combed out all the lice and nits. Children's heads are clear. But I had to wash all the clothes at 95 degrees in the washing machine. Because they can stay in bed. All ironed steamed. In 7-10 days I'll see if they appear or not. Hoping for the best.

  30. Vika

    Terrible, generally scary, I don’t know when it will end. Mom and I bought lice combs.

  31. Masha

    I got lice at school! Well, they immediately sent me home. My mother and I ran to the pharmacy, my mother was advised Paranit. This is some kind of nightmare, because. we smeared my head for two hours. And then my mother and I went to wash it off our hair. But it doesn’t wash off, I’m freaking out, my mom is freaking out! My hair is greasy, like it's been covered in oil. I read on the Internet that “HELLOW WATER” can help. Well, some write that AOC will help.

  32. Kiril

    you psychos

  33. Nuka

    Helped me, thank you!

  34. Valeria

    The spray is not washed off the hair, neither lice nor nits are destroyed. It’s a pity for money, because you can buy sprays cheaper than Paranit, but more effective, and it costs 700 rubles, it’s not cheap, however, a remedy 🙁

  35. Anna

    My daughter brought this muck from school, horror, we have never encountered this. Her hair is long, they bought Paranit shampoo with a comb, applied the product for 30 minutes and thoroughly. We waited another 20 minutes and washed off, everyone rested. But combed out for a long time, three hours, if not more. 100% result, satisfied, spent almost 5 hours processing my daughter's head, but what a result! Do not be lazy to do according to the instructions and spend the maximum time on this!

  36. Lucille

    Apply Paranit lotion. Washed 3 times with fairies and 4 times with shampoo in 1 run. But on the back of the head, apparently, it was poorly washed.Washed twice the next day. The back of the head is still oily. On the third day, they began to wash it again, and the hair just fell off the back of the head ... Not all, of course, but not a tuft. Without exaggeration, a quarter of the hair from the back of the head. Now I'm worried if the hair follicles are completely burned. I'm just horrified ... My daughter has hair up to her buttocks. Not the first time, unfortunately, we encountered lice - it brings it from the kindergarten, but Paranit is a remedy not only for lice, but also for hair ...

  37. Anastasia

    Hellebore water or pediculene remedy is best, I advise, the passed stage.

  38. Lily

    The son picked up this infection in the 1st grade, used Paranit shampoo, a day later they found live lice. There is no effect, although it is indicated that it kills both lice and nits. And his price is rather big - 660 rubles. We found an alternative - we bought Nyuda, we will try to treat him. And Pediculen Ultra really burns the head.

  39. Irina

    Terrible tool. It's scary to remember. Just don't wash it off with shampoo. Hair after it, as if smeared with wax or thick fat, the view is terrifying. I didn’t wash it off with anything ... Even laundry soap didn’t help. Only having washed it twice with AOS, it seems that they have become better, although not the first freshness. So if you decide to use it, think a thousand times. By the way, the nits remained, firmly sitting on the hair. Previously, they took Para Plus. He helped us better and the hair after him is normal.

  40. Natasha

    I also really liked this tool (Paranit). She brought her daughter from school, they took this muck out quickly.

  41. alepha

    The tool is excellent, brought living creatures at a time. And you can wash it off with ordinary liquid soap without balm. And wash off if you do.

  42. Evgenia

    They bought Paranit, put it on their hair, washed it off, started combing it out ... Lice are LIVE.Apparently, Paranit destroys special lice ((I'm upset, because the declared expensive price did not justify the result. Means g * o.

  43. Julia

    The tool is quite good, it helps just super, but there is a huge minus - after applying and rinsing it is very problematic to wash your hair! This will take a few days, nothing helps to wash. After it, the hair looks like it hasn't been washed for two weeks!

  44. Irina

    For the first time in 3-4 days, the head began to itch. When re-treated after 7 days, the head began to itch on the same day. On day 2 (approximately 36 hours after treatment), a live animal was combed out. Comb only to increase the cost of the drug. Nits do not comb out, they remain like sand in the head. It remains only to blow. What is not blown out - choose by hand.

  45. Aisulu

    I don’t know, it helped my daughter, a very good remedy. Immediately, the first time.

  46. Another vshivik

    I thought that only in my childhood there were lice, but now they are not there, but my daughter regularly brings them from school. Horror ... Here, the beginning of the school year and again a "gift". This time we bought Paranit Sensitive, which is applied like hair dye. For the night. It's with oil. It is written that from lice and nits, repeat in a week. Here, three days have passed - the head itches, the nits are cracking. It costs money - more than 1000 rubles for a 150 ml bottle. It is pleasant to use, does not smell, does not sting. It’s only uncomfortable to sleep with him at night, but it’s tolerable. Washes off normally. But the result was disappointing. I think if your child is small and with short thin hairs, then this is a gentle remedy, you can tinker. But if the girl has long hair, no comb helps. I will look for something else more aggressive to these parasites ...

  47. Irina

    Good tool, of course! The shampoo is washed off immediately, but does not kill all the lice at once, we will do it again!

  48. Tatiana

    I came back from vacation, my head itched a lot, I thought it was a bad shampoo. So I went through 3 months, each time changing the shampoo (I couldn’t even think about lice). And somehow I stand in front of the mirror, I look - dandruff, but not ordinary. I let's scour the whole head, and I found a louse! I cried a lot and didn't know what to do. And I ran to the pharmacy (I bought Paranit), I did it the same evening, held it for 20 minutes and started to wash it off. A lot of things came out, washed 4 times, began to dry, and my hair seemed to be washed with oil. I washed it in the morning, it’s still oil, and now I’m digging - I saw their eggs (they burst terribly).

    I'll try again in a week. Give advice, what else can be done?

  49. Tatiana

    We bought Paranit shampoo - generally dissatisfied, it is expensive, but there is no result! After processing, combed out - all individuals are alive, not just click, but crawl, as before processing. Horror! Buy something else, expensive doesn't mean it's good...

  50. Tatiana

    Taken out with a hair dryer. I leaned the child over the bathtub and roasted it well - and that was all, no one was left.

  51. Katia

    We were processed in the sanitary unit. There is such a special place in all cities. Once - and 100% all died.

  52. Ira

    The tool didn't work for me. I washed my hair with shampoo up to 30 times. Lice did not disappear)) I used Pediculen. It didn't help either, but it got better. I recommend another remedy.

  53. Masha

    Complete nonsense, all nits are alive! One adult louse fell out - also alive and well. The money is crazy, but the effect is zero. Do not take!

  54. Kseniya

    And it helped us from one time, I myself did not expect that we would withdraw it so quickly.Once only the head was treated with a Paranit spray, combed out and that's it, all our "guests" disappeared, no re-treatment was required. Apparently, the main thing is to use it correctly after all, so that there is a result.

    • Ludmila

      And how is it right? I’ll also try, otherwise mine brought lice from school for the second time this year, for a week I use different means to smear mine too, but it’s of little use, I still can’t comb out all the nits.

      • Kseniya

        According to instructions. I sat the child in front of the TV with cartoons, so that it would not spin and let it be processed normally. I applied the spray on dry hair, processed each strand along the entire length, massaged it, as it were. After 15 minutes, washed off, and everything was perfectly combed out.

  55. Anastasia

    Is it possible to apply Paranit spray two or three days in a row? Do not wait a week, as there are living creatures.

    • Nina

      Check everyone at home, most likely re-infected. I applied mine according to the instructions, and once was enough for us to get rid of them. In general, there is no chemistry in Paranit, there are oils that suffocate lice and nits, therefore, lice can move for some time after treatment - these are, so to speak, the last movements, they will not run away anywhere.

  56. Maria

    We spray Paranit lice deduced. Processed once, that was enough. Of course, I also combed my hair well with the comb that came with the kit. The spray still remains, the expiration date is still normal, so I don’t get rid of it, otherwise the child in the class had not the first case of pediculosis, so it may still come in handy, although I don’t want to.

    • Kira

      For prevention, it is better to take a repellent from Paranit.After I cured the child with shampoo, now I regularly treat his hair with repellent and so far no lice have been noticed 🙂 Although we recently had just three cases at school.

  57. Elena

    The most disgusting of means! There was a pediculosis epidemic at school. Tried different means. For their own misfortune, they bought PARANIT. Nothing can wash it off! The large tube of shampoo is gone. Soap doesn't lather at all. From the head, he slid down to the child's body. I can't wash off. Everything is fatty. Can't wash my hands...

  58. Liora

    Well, I don’t know, we didn’t even have nits in our hair after being treated with Paranit. Of course, we immediately began to be treated, after the first symptoms and very carefully combed everything out after using the drug. So maybe the lice just didn’t have time to breed =) In general, the remedy is reliable, it kills all parasites the first time, and the hair itself does not damage it.

  59. Olalaleo

    When we recently got pediculosis, I immediately bought Paranit. I heard about him for a long time, especially since our pediatrician recommended him. Personally, I am very pleased with the result. It helps quickly and efficiently, all the lice have died, the nits along with them. I combed out all the insects remaining in my hair. If we pick up this muck again, I will take Paranit again, I don’t want to experiment on my child. Everything here is without nuclear chemistry and there is a result. Good medicine doesn't come cheap.

  60. Galina

    Since the child has long and thick hair, the pharmacy advised us exactly Paranit Sensitive. The drug is not cheap, I tell you. But I don't regret my choice one bit. He really is worth his money. Firstly, it is completely harmless, no aggressive components in the composition. Even children from a year old can be, pregnant and even lactating. This already says a lot.Secondly, it is convenient to apply and does not require combing. Just apply at night and wash off in the morning. Everything. Larvae, adults, nits - all die. It takes one application. Agree, it is very convenient and fast. I am 100% satisfied.

  61. Ira

    This is some kind of horror, my mother and I did everything right and the result is just terrible ... Not only does Paranit cost 250 hryvnias, but damn it doesn’t kill everyone and the nits are alive after, plus oily hair, you can wash it off. It would be better if I went and bought some T-shirt for this money. Here I will soon process the second time, I won’t buy anymore, it’s better to buy something else.

  62. Elena

    How did Paranit eventually wash away? I'm horrified ... My daughter's hair is below the priests, greasy, like they smeared it with lard! Those who complained a year ago that they could not wash off - how did they manage in the end?

  63. Alina

    Cool spray!


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