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Fast getting rid of lice and nits at home in 1 procedure: stop suffering already!

Last update: 2022-05-08
≡ Article has 25 comments
  • Sofia: Good afternoon, is there a branch in Astrakhan?...
  • Daria: Is there your center in Kazakhstan?...
  • Karina: Nuda - bullshit! Do not under any circumstances buy...
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Today, you can get rid of lice and nits in your hair quite quickly, literally in 1 day - we'll talk about this later ...

After reading this article to the end, you will learn how you can completely get rid of lice and nits at home within just 1-2 days. Moreover, not a single insect and nits will remain in the hair even when various other means have been ineffective.

Practice shows that many people, faced with the problem of lice infestation, cannot get rid of parasites for months, and sometimes even for several years. It would seem that all kinds of insecticidal shampoos and sprays from pharmacies have already been tried, a lot of time and effort has been spent on fruitless attempts to comb out nits with combs and even wash them with vinegar and kerosene - but there is no result! At best, a temporary lull, and then ... the lice bite and bite, and the hair is again full of nits.

Why is this happening?


“I just don’t have the strength, help! My daughter and I have lice. For half a year they have already tried everything - and Nyuda, and Paranit, and Fulmarks, and smeared with kerosene. Nothing helps! Sometimes there are no lice when combing out, but after a week again it is not clear where they crawl from. Itching incredible and scratching to the blood already. But cutting hair is a pity, it will be a disaster for us.I just don’t know what to do anymore… I feel sorry for my daughter.”

Natalia, St. Petersburg


Why do attempts to get rid of lice very often end in complete failure?

It's no secret that when lice are found in themselves (or a child), most people rush to the pharmacy first. They buy some kind of pediculicide, use it and calm down on this, believing that now you can forget about lice.

Practice shows that very often pharmaceutical preparations for lice have a weak effect on parasites or do not give it at all ...

The problem with pharmacy pediculicides is that not all insects die after their use. When visually inspecting the head, it may seem that everything is clean, there are no living parasites, however, without proper skills and experience, such a conclusion often turns out to be absolutely wrong - there are surviving lice, but it is problematic to detect them.

The second problem is that almost no pharmaceutical lice remedy kills nits - insecticides are simply not able to penetrate the dense protective shell of the nit inside. And this means that after some time after applying the product, young lice larvae will hatch from the nits.

Thanks to the protective shell, the nits are resistant to most insecticides.


“Lice caught at school. When they noticed, they were still few. We looked on the Internet with my son, bought Pediculen, processed it. There were no lice, but nits remained. When you push them, they click, which means they are alive. Three times processed and combed out carefully. And what do you think? A month has passed, the head is not only full of live nits, but also the lice are crawling again. That's terrible!"

Almira, Samara

Despite the large number of accidents, many people, unfortunately, are still trying to remove lice with dangerous folk remedies - kerosene, acetic acid, and even Dichlorvos.

It is also useful to read: Symptoms and signs of head lice

And further: Just don't burn your hair - vinegar is really effective against lice and nits (the article has over 100 comments)

You ask, what could be dangerous?

Watch a video about how a mother accidentally set her daughter on fire, trying to get her lice out with kerosene:


And this is just one of the examples. Many children have received chemical burns when parents try to get lice out of their eyes with dilute acetic acid.

When using Dichlorvos, the poison is simply absorbed into the bloodstream through wounds on the head and often leads to poisoning and severe allergic reactions, when, literally, the hair from the head falls out in clumps and is washed off with water along with the remnants of Dichlorvos applied to them into the sink.

The use of folk remedies for lice can sometimes pose a serious threat not only to the scalp, but also to human health in general.

On a note

Combing lice and nits with a fine comb in the hands of an inexperienced person also turns out to be ineffective, especially in the case of long hair. There are several reasons for this - improper combing and the inability to comb out qualitatively for several hours. We missed a few nits - and in a month or two the head will again be teeming with lice.

And, perhaps, the most unpleasant thing is that the more time you spend on ineffective methods of removing parasites (and even more so if you do almost nothing), the more damage you cause to your health (or the health of your child). Constant exposure to chemical insecticides on the scalp, incessant bites, scratched skin and restless sleep are only part of the problem. The more lice are bred on the head, the more bites there will be, the more nits there will be in the hair and the higher the risk of infecting people around.

If you do not get rid of lice or do it inefficiently, then parasites can multiply very quickly ...


How can you completely get rid of lice and nits by tomorrow, and without leaving your home

It may even seem incredible to some, but in fact the problem with lice and nits is solved very simply.

Why condemn yourself to many months of fruitless struggle with lice, with an unknown result and the risk of harming your health (or the health of your child)? Why waste money every month on ineffective drugs?

Instead of all this, you can simply get rid of parasites once and for all, and literally in 1 day. Just one call to specialists - and the problem will be solved not just quickly, but very quickly.

On a note

The specialists themselves will come to your home and are guaranteed to get rid of lice and nits in just one procedure, as well as give valuable recommendations on how to avoid re-infection so that you never know problems with lice in the future.

How does this happen:

  • It is enough to call the operator, inform the address and convenient time and date of arrival of a specialist, and from that moment on, your problem will be dealt with by professionals in their field;
  • The essence of the procedure is to guarantee the complete and safe removal of absolutely all lice and nits from the hair using combing using a special technology;
  • The specialist usually arrives on the day of the order or the next, if the order is placed in the evening;
  • No special preparation for the procedure is required - sit back and just wait for the arrival of a professional;
  • In addition to the procedure, the specialist will issue a leaflet, the information from which will allow you not to become infected with lice again. In addition, the specialist will have a bug-terminator for treating bedding and a spray to repel lice.

And further: A very useful thing that allows you to get rid of lice and nits without any chemicals - a special medical comb ...

After the procedure, your hair will be absolutely clean and free from lice and nits! There will not even be dry nits.

After the procedure, there will not even be dry nits in the hair.

If the procedure was carried out for a child, then the specialist will issue you a certificate of the absence of lice and nits, with which the child will be able to go to kindergarten or school on the same day.

Moreover, you will receive a one-week guarantee that during this time not a single live parasite and not a single nit will appear in your hair. If you suddenly find them, then the second procedure will be carried out absolutely free of charge (as practice shows, a guarantee is almost never required).


Why should you trust the experts?

You will receive a highly professional service for getting rid of lice and nits with a specialist visiting your home.

Key Benefits:

  • Highly professional specialists with medical education;
  • Great experience - already thousands of people got rid of lice and safely forgot about this problem;
  • Safety of the procedure - when combing lice, no chemical insecticidal preparations are used, as a result of which the technology used is absolutely safe for health and is perfect even for small children prone to severe allergic reactions;
  • The highest efficiency - after the procedure, there will be no lice and no nits in the hair, and even dry nits are completely removed;
  • A certificate of the absence of lice for the child is issued - with it, your child can go to kindergarten or school on the same day;
  • Operational work - a specialist arrives on the day of the order, that is, by the evening your head will be absolutely free from lice and nits. If the order is made in the evening, then the specialist will arrive the next day;
  • Low price for services, especially when compared with how much money, time, nerves and effort you can spend during the year on an unsuccessful war with lice;
  • Absolute confidentiality - do not be afraid that someone will find out about your problem;
  • A guarantee is provided - if during the warranty period you suddenly find at least one insect or one nit in your hair, the procedure will be carried out by a specialist for free (in practice, this is almost never required).

It is enough to suffer (or torture a child) with fruitless attempts to solve the problem on your own. If you are ready to get rid of parasites as quickly as possible, if you value your health and time, then call right now!


  • Moscow: +7 (499) 350-38-42;
  • St. Petersburg: +7 (812) 309-35-30;

Act now to have clean hair, completely free from lice and nits, tomorrow!


Last update: 2022-05-08

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Quick disposal of lice and nits at home in 1 procedure: stop suffering already!" 25 comments
  1. Diana

    My daughter and I have lice, I don’t know what to do anymore.Help me please…

  2. Louise Kulmatova

    Try Barsik (a very good flea remedy). Spray Barsik on dry hair, put on a plastic cap, rinse off after an hour and wash your hair with shampoo. Then you can take a comb, thread and vegetable oil. Wind a thread on the scallop, preferably red, pour vegetable oil into a plate and dip the scallop into it. And comb your hair: all the lice and dead guides will fall...

  3. Katia


  4. Kristina

    We have already tried combing out on our own with a comb with frequent teeth. It does not help, after a couple of days they crawl in the hair again! So it is doubtful that by calling a specialist at home, he will solve our problem. We've been suffering for 3 months now.

  5. Tanya

    You can not even doubt that they will help. Before contacting them, I also watered my daughter’s hair with lice shampoos and tried to comb out (I even bought a special comb). When nothing helped, and the lice continued to appear, as if out of nowhere, I finally spit on everything and called. On the same day, their employee came to us and combed all the parasites out of her hair. It turned out that you just need a certain combing technique, and, of course, experience. I think that if their treatment helped us, it helps others.

  6. Faina

    I have lice on my head, I don’t know how to remove it. Help me.

  7. Nurgul

    How can I call, I live in Kazakhstan.

  8. Leila

    And I live in Tashkent, we don't have their office. Maybe there are other branches or offices?

    • Sevda

      Hello. Did you find anything? How to get rid of lice?

  9. Veronica

    I really liked the lice removal procedure. Never before have we gotten rid of lice so quickly. For such results, no money is a pity.Moreover, we usually spent more on lice shampoos, since the children had to process the heads several times, and the result was not always. In general, my joy knows no bounds.

  10. Katia

    Oh, and I was so happy that we also had a branch in Rostov. I read a lot about them on the forums, but I was sure that they only work in Moscow and St. Petersburg, but it turned out that there are branches in other regions as well. So, without hesitation, they turned to them with lice in children. They really helped to get rid of them in one day, as they say everywhere. So it's great that now in our city there is such a service.

  11. Lena

    And we asked for help. It's great that now in the regions there are specialists in removing lice, and not just shampoos and combs. For me personally, it is very problematic for my daughter to bring out the lice on her own. Even if I bought a whole bunch of combs and various products, I'm not sure that I would have succeeded, and even more so quickly.

  12. Hope

    Is there a branch in Orel?

  13. Kira

    In our outback, in general, you will not find any special centers or doctors for removing lice during the day with fire.

    • Faith

      Do you have an address for Yekaterinburg? Tell me which street?

  14. Nastya

    Hello! I have lice for 3 years. I do not know what to do. It's embarrassing to go to school! Help! I live in Odessa, Ukraine.

  15. Diana

    Is there such a service in Astrakhan?

  16. Olga

    I live in Saratov, there is no such service, what should I do?

  17. Anonymous

    I live in Kemerovo

  18. Arianna

    Hello everyone, I advise the Nude remedy, it personally helped me somewhere around 8-9 years old. I still have this tool, they tried to withdraw it - it didn’t help (I think the expiration date has expired). Then they tried some kind of drug with my mother - it didn’t help, then hellebore water.It was literally 2 days ago. This morning it itched, I don't know what to do. And combed out, does not help. And I don’t really want to treat my head with kerosene - you never know what. And not every girl wants to shave baldly. Moreover, I have long hair, and I don’t know what to do?

    Someone give me some advice. I live in Latvia. I asked my mother to buy this year's Nude remedy - well, all because the other one had expired. And the comb broke, or rather the teeth, because they are plastic. In short, what can I say: today I go to my grandmother, but I don’t really want to go there with lice. And then I’ll sit at home - I’ll also infect them. There is still hope left. Perhaps it will help. They didn’t want to spend a lot of money, they bought it purely like that, a remedy for 5 euros, but it didn’t help. I thought so. Just in case, if nothing helps (pah-pah-pah), then what to use? Since in Latvia there is no Para Plus, Antive crest and others, like in Russia.

  19. Albina

    I have been suffering from lice for 6 months already ((My daughter caught it at school immediately after September 1. They tried it with Paranit several times, it only kills lice, nits remain. They comb it out, but then they reappear. Oddly enough, everything went away for my daughter - she washed her hair every day Little Fairy baby shampoo, but this procedure did not help me. I tried hellebore water and cranberry juice, all drugs from the pharmacy do not help, combing out too.

  20. Svetlana

    I couldn't do anything with the lice. I tried everything that exists in the world and nature. There is no one to help me comb out. Hair mop. Wild itching, complexes. Fear of infecting someone. I stopped communicating with people, going to visit and calling to myself. No combs, shampoos and folk remedies helped.Earned acute pancreatitis from vinegar. Today I shaved my head. I'll buy a wig tomorrow. It's like getting rid of cancer. Better without hair than unbearable itching and hopelessness. Unfortunately, there are no combing companies in the city.

  21. Karina

    Nyuda - bullshit! Do not under any circumstances buy.

  22. Daria

    Is there your center in Kazakhstan?

  23. Sofia

    Good afternoon, is there a branch in Astrakhan?


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