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How and with what you can kill lice and nits on the head

Last update: 2022-06-01
≡ Article 52 comments
  • Julia: Trademark Clean House, households. products....
  • Anonymous: Girls, only hellebore water! And a week later again. Sun...
  • Julia: Pillows were not washed, bed linen too. Every day, take...
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Consider several effective ways that will allow you to kill lice and nits on your head, and do it safely for health.

Killing lice and killing nits are two tasks that differ significantly in complexity, and this usually becomes clear only in practice. It seems that the drug is effective, and dead insects almost fall from the hair after it, but the nits, as they were, remain in the hair. And after a week or two, young parasite larvae hatch from them, and everything starts all over again ...

Even after the use of seemingly effective remedies for lice, it is usually not possible to kill all the nits, and new larvae hatch from them over time.

The fact is that adult lice and their larvae are quite vulnerable insects that die from exposure to many insecticides. But nits are lice eggs, well protected from negative environmental factors by a dense protective shell and therefore resistant to most pediculicides.

Lice nits are protected by a special shell, so even many modern means are not capable of killing them.

So, for example, many modern pediculicides that ensure the destruction of lice affect their nervous system and lead to paralysis of the insect, followed by death. Such funds can enter the body of lice through the respiratory tract (spiracles), and enter the nervous system itself through the bloodstream.The insecticide is not able to penetrate the nits so easily, and even immersing the nits in a solution of the same permethrin (a powerful modern insecticide) will not necessarily destroy it.

Even nits immersed in a solution of the powerful insecticide permethrin can remain alive.

Photograph of nits under a microscope

Therefore, in order to kill nits, one should choose for this such means that have an ovicidal effect, that is, they poison lice eggs. Or you can destroy the nits mechanically by combing out with a special comb - this, by the way, is not so laborious as it might seem at first glance.

Often a thick comb remains the most effective remedy for both lice and nits.

On a note

Means that destroy nits almost always destroy the adult lice themselves. This means that by choosing the right drug to combat parasites, you can kill nits and lice, as they say, "with one blow." It is only important to carefully read the instructions for such drugs, since many of them have contraindications and, if used incorrectly, can be dangerous to humans.


How to kill nits with special preparations

Perhaps the most effective drugs for nits today are products containing organophosphorus compounds at their core. Such substances include, for example, karbofos and chlorpyrifos. This, by the way, also includes the well-known dichlorvos - it is only important in this case not to confuse it with modern Dichlorvos, which have long had nothing to do with the "Soviet" insecticide of the same name (modern Dichlorvos of different brands use insecticides that are safer for human health from the group pyrethroids).

The composition of modern Dichlorvos no longer includes organophosphorus substances, as it was before.

These organophosphate insecticides are generally considered to be quite toxic to humans. In addition, they often cause various irritations when they come into contact with the skin, and therefore they are usually no longer used against lice.

However, karbofos is still used in certain concentrations to kill lice and nits in the composition, for example, of the following preparations:

  • Aerosol remedy for lice and nits Para-Plus - here karbofos is part of the drug together with additional insecticides permethrin and piperonyl butoxide. All three of these chemicals have a nerve-paralytic effect on lice, but only karbofos can penetrate the nit shell directly into the body of the larva developing in it. The aerosol is applied to the hair along its entire length, as well as to the scalp, straightening the hair with your fingers. After this, the product must be kept for 10 minutes and washed off with running water.Aerosol Para Plus (Para Plus) is able to destroy nits and lice
  • Shampoo Pedilin - is based only on karbofos and is somewhat easier to use than Para-Plus. Pedilin is applied to the hair like any other shampoo, aged for about 20 minutes and washed off. During this time, the insecticide manages to kill not only lice, but also a significant part of the nits.Pedilin shampoo also contains karbofos, but it is even more convenient to use than Para Plus spray

It is interesting

The principle of action of karbofos (also called malathion) is that it blocks the work of the cholinesterase enzyme, which, in turn, is designed to block the excessive release of acetylcholine. The latter is a neurotransmitter that causes muscle contraction when exposed to nerve receptors.

Accordingly, when karbofos blocks cholinesterase, acetylcholine accumulates in the body in significant quantities and causes contraction (spasm) of the insect's muscles. Literally a few minutes after karbofos enters the body of a louse, the insect is completely paralyzed, after which it dies rather quickly.

Karbofos (another name for malathion) is capable of causing rapid paralysis and death of lice

Both Para-Plus aerosol and Pedilin shampoo can not only destroy lice and nits, but also lead to the development of side effects.Karbofos in the composition of these drugs does not pose an immediate danger to the human nervous system, since it is quickly neutralized in the body (insects do not produce such “neutralizing” substances).

It is also useful to read: Remedy for lice and nits Para Plus

And further: Killer remedy for lice and nits for 40 rubles - hellebore water (the article has more than 60 comments)

However, both products can cause allergies and skin irritations. For this reason, both Para-Plus and Pedilin are not recommended to exterminate lice in children under the age of 3 years, as well as in pregnant and lactating women.


We destroy lice and nits with folk remedies

To destroy lice and nits, you can also look at traditional medicine. Some of them are good because they are equally dangerous for both adult insects and their eggs.

Some folk remedies can be used to destroy adult lice and their larvae.

However, not all folk remedies are able to destroy nits.

The disadvantage of many folk remedies for lice is their increased danger to humans, especially if used improperly. For example:

  • Kerosene, vinegar and hydrogen peroxide can literally burn out lice and nits on the hair. But when using them, there is always a significant chance of getting a chemical burn, much more dangerous than the parasites themselves. Hydrogen peroxide, in addition, also bleaches hair: it is almost impossible to kill head lice with it without changing hair color. As for the use of kerosene, there are cases of its ignition on the head in children when working near a source of open flame. No less deplorable are the results when uninformed parents incorrectly dilute the vinegar essence and treat the child's hair with such a solution.Kerosene, vinegar, and hydrogen peroxide are effective in killing lice, but can cause severe skin burns if used incorrectly.
  • Cranberry juice can loosen the attachment of nits to the hair, but it is not able to completely kill them.The combination of this product with lice combs works well.Cranberry juice can only loosen the attachment of nits to the hair, but it is not capable of killing it.
  • Hellebore water is just as toxic to nits as it is to lice. Perhaps it can be considered one of the best folk pediculicides: if you carefully monitor that the drug does not get into your mouth or nose, it will not cause harm.Hellebore water is effective in killing lice, but is quite toxic if ingested.

Means like essential oils and decoctions of various herbs against lice and, moreover, against nits are mostly ineffective. Such substances repel insects, but if the parasites have nowhere to go from the head, they will survive the treatment.


What if... not kill the nits?

There is a very effective approach in which nits are generally ignored, and the impact is made only on vulnerable adult lice and their larvae. This treatment is in good agreement with the developmental cycle of parasites:

  • First, the lice are destroyed with the safest possible means, for example, based on Dimethicone (Nyuda or Paranit spray) - this substance is safe even if accidentally ingested. Only nits remain alive on the hair.Dimethicone is a liquid silicone
  • After such treatment, a pause of 10-12 days is maintained, during which larvae are hatched from all nits.
  • Then a repeated procedure for removing the young generation of lice is carried out by the same means. Usually, in this case, it is possible to kill the lice almost completely without the use of particularly dangerous drugs.

The disadvantage of this method is its duration, but in general this approach justifies itself.


Safe ways to kill lice

And finally, you can kill nits and lice the old fashioned way, mechanically removing them from your hair. If you use special pediculicidal combs, this process can be significantly facilitated and accelerated: NitFree and AntiV combs comb out more than 90% of lice from hair.

And further: A selection of effective remedies for lice and nits (the article has more than 100 comments)

Comb for combing out lice and nits AntiV

Thanks to special notches, the Nit Free comb has an increased efficiency in combing out lice and nits.

You can remove nits from your hair by first loosening their attachment to your hair with cranberry juice or LiceGuard shampoo, then comb out with a comb over the bath and rinse.

You can loosen the attachment of nits to your hair with LiceGuard Shampoo.

A thick comb will help comb out the remaining lice and nits on the head

Also abroad, today the method of thermal destruction of lice and nits with special hair dryers is being actively promoted, but so far the equipment for using this method has not yet been presented on the Russian market.

Special hair dryer helps to kill lice with high temperature

And, of course, the easiest and most affordable way to get rid of lice and nits is to destroy their habitat. To do this, simply shave the infected hair. If aesthetically and stylistically such an approach is possible, it is more rational and easier to use it.


To reliably get rid of lice and nits, learn 20 facts, some of which few people take into account in practice


Useful video: how to rid a child of lice


How to completely remove lice and nits from hair with an AntiV comb


Last update: 2022-06-01

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "How and with what you can kill lice and nits on the head" 52 comments
  1. Anonymous

    Trouble! And Full Marx did not help with his "miracle" crest. All down the drain. We will try Pair Plus, but how? How to comb out all these nits? And the hair is up to the waist ... And the daughter does not allow cutting. Oh trouble...

    • Tatiana

      A couple plus didn't help us at all! Lice, of course, he killed, but nits breed almost every day. After the first treatment, I thought I was done with them. A day later I look at the head, small ones are crawling, only hatched. Again processed this Para-plus. Then, after 4 days, I look - the little ones are crawling again! I processed it again ... I didn’t wait any longer, I cut the child’s hair very short.

      • Anonymous

        How to order?

    • Anonymous

      Girls, only hellebore water! And a week later again. Everything is as in the instructions, spread - and left for 40 minutes. Other means do not help. And when washing your hair, a solution of vinegar: for half a liter of water, 2 tbsp. vinegar. Rinse your hair with this after shampooing, dry and comb out.

  2. Daria

    I also had lice. I tried almost everything, but then I dyed my head to match my hair color. After that, lice and nits disappeared forever!

    • Anonymous

      I bought paint, I want to dye my hair, but I don’t know if I need to add hydrogen peroxide. Daughter 12 years old, help with advice.

  3. Diana

    Well, the trouble is ((We tried everything at all, nothing helps: kerosene, vinegar, and ultra pediculene. We smear, we do it. At 1 glance, everything went away, but the head starts to itch again in a week, and lice appear again. I think maybe maybe someone has a friend, I'm embarrassed to look in. We don't know what to do already, but soon we'll be going to school, it will be a shame when they find it. Tell me what to do?

    • Lesya

      We ourselves with seams and ignorance of what to do, how to destroy them?

    • Nataliya

      In addition to processing the head, you need to make sure that there are no lice on the objects with which the head comes into contact. These are: a comb, hairpins, elastic bands, etc., hats, scarves, clothing collars, hoods, etc., pillowcases, blankets, sheets.

      Clothes should be washed at 60 degrees or higher. If it's cold outside (more than -5), then freeze it.

      Another option is to wear only those clothes (from the list above) after treatment of the head that you have not worn for more than 2 days. Lice without food (at room temperature) die of starvation in 2 days. If the temperature is lower, then without food they can live longer. All information is on this site. Good luck!

    • Alesya

      Diana, try hellebore water. Helped my son. Other drugs are complete garbage.

  4. Tatiana

    My son brought lice from the village, there are so many of them ... Just tin! A couple plus bullshit doesn't help. I bought Lavinal spray, killed the lice, but the nits click, so they are alive 🙂 I comb out with a metal comb, it helps, pah-pah, otherwise nothing. The main thing is to remove all the nits, but this will take a whole day.

  5. Julia

    No matter how I tried to get the nits out, it didn't work. Strongly attached to the hair, and different means do not help. Scallop too.

    • Anonymous

      Oh trouble

      • Anonymous

        Don't be afraid

    • Victoria

      The best remedy is Permin.

  6. Anonymous

    Help, eat.

    • Anonymous

      Color your head in your hair color.

      • Anonymous

        The paint does not help, she also dyed the child's hair ...

  7. Anonymous

    Pediculen-ultra does not help at all, a waste of money.

  8. Anonymous

    close up with kerosene

  9. Anonymous

    Alcohol helped.Bought at a pharmacy, 2-3 bottles of 100 ml were enough for medium length hair. We pour over the head, wrap it with a hat or a bag - the main thing is to make it airtight, 20-30 minutes is enough. It also works on lice, then the main thing is to comb out the remnants. The problem is that it is difficult to endure the processing process, there is nothing to breathe with ... They took a thick tube in their mouth and breathed through it, so it will not work for babies. Have tried several shampoos before - a waste of time and money.

  10. Irina

    Try Dichlorvos! It seems to help))

  11. Anonymous

    NUDA hasn't helped my daughter at all since the summer she came back from the camp. Lice come from somewhere! I'm tired of lice, I can't see them anymore. And Nyuda is only spending money.

    • Anonymous

      Plain vodka and a bag for 20 minutes on the head.

    • Anonymous

      Same story… 4 relapses. I'm going to KVD tomorrow. I will process what they say.

  12. Anastasia

    3 years ago I came from the camp with lice, we still cannot get it out. Where do they come from! Nothing helps. No dichlorvos, no hellebore water, no vinegar, no kerosene, no comb, no cranberries. I don't have the strength, it's embarrassing. And in the village, some of the boys are called lousy. Help get rid of!

    • Anna

      Maybe just cut your hair bald if all else fails? ..

  13. Rainbow

    I haven't had lice for 12 years. Until my sister went to school and brought them. My mom bought full marks, made 1 time. And the second one doesn’t want to, she doesn’t care, she doesn’t understand the consequences. Suddenly I die...

  14. Veta

    I got fucking lice, I can't see them. Would kill assholes if I could.

  15. Diana

    The son infected the whole family, we are fighting for a month! After 3-4 days, everything repeats. We tried lavinal, dust soap, a couple plus, a special comb.The effect is zero, I'm in a panic.

  16. Anonymous

    They tried lavinal - it seems that they combed everything out, all the nits clicked. Then they found nits again, washed them with CHIGIA shampoo, combed out the nits, did not click ... Let's see what happens next.

  17. wavan

    And what to believe?

  18. Ziyatdinova Alla

    Only the dust really helped, but where can I get it now? Shampoo Veda is garbage.

    • Alia

      That's right, I also shampooed soap

    • Julia

      Trademark Clean House, households. products.

  19. Anonymous

    Bullshit your advice, a flamethrower is the best tool. My cat died from dust.

  20. Anonymous

    Horror! What to do, I tried everything, starting with the most expensive products and ending with simple tar soap. I scratch my head with this comb every day, I almost tear off my scalp, I tore out more hair than themselves, probably on my head. The only thing I haven't tried is kerosene - I'm afraid of a chemical burn.

  21. Valencia

    The best advice for an adult is to dye your hair (preferably after a week, treat it with an emulsion of Benzyl Benzoate). For a child from 3 years old, only Benzyl Benzoate - rub the emulsion and keep it for 30 minutes. Then treat with a solution of vinegar diluted with water 1 to 3, then rinse (this is to make the nits easier to remove). Then wash with regular shampoo. Be sure to repeat in a week. As for the nits - believe me, until you choose them yourself, nothing will help (I tried everything). Be sure to wash all things. Vacuum all mattresses and pillows. Feel free to tell the people around you - believe me, they may not be aware that they themselves can be the source of lice. This is especially true for kindergarten and school. Good luck!

  22. Lyokha

    Fitoverm, aka Aversectin. These are bacteria that parasitize insects.It costs 20 rubles, it is sold in a gardening store. It takes a long time to wet their hair - a month. But without chemistry and almost for nothing. The main thing is that it works.

    • Arion

      I'm wondering if this is true...

  23. Anonymous

    Chlorophos to help you.

  24. Anonymous

    Pair plus expensive and inefficient. Didn't help us with lice or nits!

  25. Guest

    Kerosene used to help. A couple plus kills only lice, and nits remain alive. Apparently, you need to try to comb out with a comb every day for 14 days. Who has tried peroxide?

  26. Olga

    I tried kerosene, vinegar, dichlorvos and hellebore water - it did not help.

    • Tanya

      Karbofos helped us. I diluted it in half with water, shook it up and processed the whole family. I washed the bedding, the clothes too, the bedding was still fried with an iron. Nits had to be combed out, already dead.

  27. kitty

    Help, we can't get rid of lice for 4 years, nothing helps. And I don't want to cut my hair. PLEASE HELP get rid of them, I would kill them all. Everyone calls my girl "lousy"!

    • Zoya

      Treat the head from lice with any means, then comb the hair and carefully walk through the strand with a hair straightener, heat up to 200 degrees.

  28. Ksyusha

    Nyuda is a bare hat. Creatures pi * yat how they breathe about efficiency.

  29. Anonymous

    Yeah. You're doing everything wrong, and that's the result. Laziness is the cause of your misfortunes.

    We apply a special agent to the patient's hair (for example, Nyuda). Gently, strand by strand, we comb the entire head with a comb. After each movement, wipe the comb on a piece of paper. When ALL the lice have been combed out, we apply even more funds, put an oilcloth cap on the head and leave it on the head for 2 times longer than according to the instructions.

    In the meantime, we process the next family member. If there are nits and lice - as the first, and if not - I wash my head with a special shampoo for prevention. We don't sit! We throw away feather pillows, wash cotton ones, elastic bands, ribbons, hats - too (> 60 ° C). We change duvet covers, sheets and clothes. Rooms are treated with insecticides. We do not regret. While we are processing 1, we sit with the whole family in another room. Then - vice versa.

    And that's not half the battle! Before washing off, we comb the head again, as for the first time. Wash off. And now the most important step! We stock up on coffee, because you won’t go to bed soon. We put on glasses, turn on the light and into the light, looking for nits in strands of 10 hairs. We find, separate the hair with nits, clamp it with our nails and pull along the length of the hair until we remove it. And so we remove ALL nits. If at least 1 remains, you will have to start all over again in a couple of days.

    If you can’t remove all the nits, make an awesome hairstyle with an iron. Don't forget to wash your clothes and linens. Hairpins and combs - in the dishwasher. Raid the house. Good luck to you!

  30. Marina

    I used the pediculene spray. The lice died, but the nits remained. On the second day, I rinsed my hair with vinegar water and combed out the nits, sorting through each strand. It took 2 hours (fortunately, the child watched cartoons). Periodically rested and scratched again. After 5 days combed out again. They don't exist anymore, it seems.

    • Anonymous

      Make a hair straightener. One or two times a day. We lost both lice and nits.

  31. Julia

    Pillows were not washed, bed linen too. I combed both children and myself every day for 4 months. The comb is not very pleasant for children. She cut my son's hair as short as possible.At first, as soon as she discovered lice, under the light of a flashlight from a mobile phone, she chose nits and washed 3 times with hellebore water (after 7 days). Children go to school. If there are lice, you washed a couple of times, but there moms didn’t wash or didn’t wash (or washed, and the child went, for example, to gymnastics). And here it is all over again.


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