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How to get rid of lice and nits: practical tips and tricks

Last update: 2022-05-29
≡ Article has 19 comments
  • Masha: I had lice as a child. What they didn't poison. Appeared...
  • Anonymous: To beat, of course ... Especially since the son ....
  • Anonim: Paranit is bullshit, even after 2 times they remain alive. So many d...
See bottom of page for details

Let's look at how to properly get rid of lice and nits, as well as what drugs and methods of dealing with parasites in the hair are most effective.

There are several effective ways to get rid of lice and differ in simplicity, accessibility and health safety. However, first of all, when choosing a specific method of dealing with parasites, one should always take into account the age and physical condition of the most infected - children, for example, are more sensitive to various chemical insecticides, and people who have recently had the flu may develop a severe allergic reaction to shampoo from lice. In general, many pediculicidal drugs are contraindicated for pregnant women.

In addition, it is useful to take into account the complexity of the upcoming procedure. So, combing out lice with special combs in young children can be quite a feasible task, and the same procedure, but in a curly-haired woman with a scythe to the waist, will require completely different expenditures of time and effort.

Removing head and pubic lice is always a more laborious task than fighting body lice. To get rid of body lice, it is enough to thoroughly wash the body and boil all your clothes that may have insects on them.But getting rid of lice on the body in most cases is much more difficult.

Depending on the type of lice that you have to deal with, the methods of dealing with them will also differ.

On a note

Today, you can get rid of lice and nits in one procedure lasting only 1.5-2 hours. With a strong sensitivity of the patient to the means of removing parasites, the process can stretch for two procedures with a break of 7-8 days. Getting rid of lice with combs requires 5-6 times daily combing, but this method is absolutely safe. If someone offers to quickly get rid of parasites on the head through intensive treatment with folk remedies, this is an adviser who is far behind the times.


How to destroy adult lice and larvae?

Below are a few common ways to get rid of lice, each with their pros and cons:

  1. You can, for example, shave off the part of the body that turned out to be infected. This method has only one drawback: not everyone agrees to part with their image for two months. Girls, girls and women - especially. But in all other respects, this approach is optimal: lice and nits are removed from the body in a matter of minutes, there is no risk of their appearance in the near future, and there are also no side effects. Shaving head hair is still the most effective and fastest way to get rid of both lice and nits.
  2. The use of drugs that lead to poisoning of lice. Today, there are quite a lot of drugs on sale that are toxic to parasites, but harmless to humans. You can get rid of lice and nits with their help at one time, but there is always a risk that a patient, especially a small one, will show side effects.

    On a note

    There is a whole set of folk remedies for lice, toxic both for parasites and for the person himself. In this they are inferior to modern drugs, but win in price.With proper use, they also help to get rid of lice pretty quickly, but they should be used with great care.

  3. The use of special combs that allow you to comb out parasites without baiting. This effective way to get rid of lice is quite laborious and time consuming. But it is guaranteed not to lead to side effects and intoxication. Using a special comb for combing out lice is a laborious, but at the same time harmless way to get rid of parasites.
  4. Treatment of lice with temperature. At the same time, you can only freeze parasites on clothes, but you can treat them with special hair dryers on your head and pubis. At high temperatures, lice are greatly weakened, some die. After treating the hair with hot air, the insects must be combed out with a comb. After treating the hair with such a hair dryer, the lice either die or are so weakened that they can be easily combed out with a comb.
  5. And, finally, we will mention one more way - contacting special detention centers - institutions in which sanitization of people, today mostly homeless, is carried out. This approach will help to quickly get rid of parasites, but is associated with extremely unpleasant processing procedures and communication with the homeless.

Different methods of getting rid of lice can be combined with each other to enhance the effect of each of them. For example, you can save a child from lice by treating the hair once with a special shampoo and then combing the hair 2-3 times after that.

To rid a child of lice, you can combine an insecticidal shampoo using a comb.

The photo shows lice combed out of the hair with a comb.

The only completely self-sufficient way to get rid of lice is to shave your hair. This procedure is the most effective in the fight against lice and nits.


I got lice in the army. It was so embarrassing to go on a day off - it seems like you want to meet your beloved, but it’s on your head. And yes, it's kind of childish. I - to the ensign, I say, give me some remedy, he began to laugh. He put me on a chair, took the typewriter and shaved it to zero. I have never had a haircut like that in my life, I was scared of myself in the mirror.But I didn’t have to look for anything else - there were no head lice left on my head at all. He didn’t even tell the girl on time off about them, he came up with something about orders and exercises.

Dmitry, St. Petersburg

If a decision is made to get rid of head lice with the help of special pediculicides, it is important to be able to choose the right effective drug. Let's talk about this further.

On a note

You can't get rid of lice by dyeing your hair. In general, hair dye has a toxic effect on parasites, but not always all lice and nits die on the head after this procedure, and the rest multiply quickly enough and restore the population.

Hydrogen peroxide, which was previously actively used to whiten hair, also has a certain toxic effect on lice.


And further: A very useful thing that allows you to get rid of lice and nits without any chemicals - a special medical comb ...

Remedies for getting rid of lice

Means that help get rid of lice in humans can be divided into several types. Each of them has its own set of properties, advantages and disadvantages, and you need to choose them individually, in relation to a particular case.

So, we can distinguish the following main types of lice remedies:

  • Shampoos, perhaps the most gentle of the funds. Some of them can be used for one-year-old children. They help get rid of not only head lice, but are also quite effective against pubic lice. When choosing for a child, you should look at contraindications and the minimum age for use. Shampoos Pedilin, Parazidoz, Khigiya are very famous.It is very useful to combine the use of a pediculicidal shampoo with the subsequent combing of the hair with a comb. Pediculicidal shampoo Hygia
  • Lice sprays are also quite easy-to-use drugs, some of which allow you to get rid of nits. In general, sprays are less safe than shampoos because they can be inhaled. Today, one of the most famous lice sprays is the Nyuda spray, which does not contain toxic ingredients, but it is not effective against nits. But the Pediculen Ultra spray allows you to get rid of lice and nits. The most powerful spray is A-Par, it cannot be used to treat the body, and therefore it is used only to get rid of body lice. Spray Pediculen Ultra will help get rid of not only lice, but also nits
  • Lice creams: in their action and effect, they differ little from shampoos, but are a little more difficult to use.
  • Concentrates like Medifox and Avicin are very strong drugs, they can be dangerous if you get rid of lice in your head without following the dilution rules.Medifox Lice Concentrate
  • Folk remedies - kerosene, vinegar, hellebore water, cranberry juice, tar soap. In general, they are much more dangerous to use than modern drugs, but they are quite effective. Kerosene and vinegar can cause severe skin burns., and therefore, if you decide to get rid of lice on a child’s head with their help, you should especially carefully study the instructions for breeding and using each of these products.hellebore water
  • Combs with increased stiffness and tooth frequency (usually metal). In one application, it is impossible to effectively get rid of lice and, moreover, nits, with the help of combs, so you need to comb your hair with them daily for 5-6 days. AntiV comb for combing out lice and nits

Pediculicides are applied to the head and to the hair along their entire length for the period specified in the instructions, sometimes after that the head should be covered with a bag or scarf to enhance the effect. After a certain time, the product is washed off, and the head is washed with a simple shampoo until the drug is completely washed off the hair.


“For about three years we have been looking for a remedy that can permanently get rid of lice. They didn’t find it: even if all the lice and nits are removed, they may reappear in a week or two. But in general, the most effective, in my opinion, is Medifox, they can even remove linen lice. And the safest is the LiceGuard comb. True, there are many troubles with him, but for a child this is the best remedy.

Ivan, Volgograd

The photo below shows how you can get rid of lice at home - a child with a shampooed head just waits in the bathroom until the parents wash off the product:

And further: A very useful thing that allows you to get rid of lice and nits without any chemicals - a special medical comb ...

When ridding a child of lice, you need to apply a special shampoo to his head, wait a bit and then rinse your hair well

And on a special video, the whole process is described in detail. Here, in addition, it is shown how to get rid of lice with a comb:


Video instruction on getting rid of lice and nits using a special comb

The average price of a task to get rid of lice is about 500 rubles, and the amount largely depends on the chosen remedy and the number of treated patients.

It should be remembered that after a single treatment with most pediculicides, live nits often remain on the head. How to be in this case?


Destruction of nits

Nits are lice eggs. They are especially resistant to the action of various insecticides, since they do not breathe and cannot be poisoned.In addition, nits are very small, and most often do not comb out completely with a comb.

Nits can be difficult to get rid of using insecticides alone.

However, it is quite possible to get rid of lice eggs:

  • For example, by using products containing contact insecticides. These include Medifox, Para Plus, Nittifor and some other drugs.
  • Or combining vinegar with the use of combs - folk remedies corrode the shell of nits and help them peel off from the hair, after which the nits are combed out with a comb.

But in practice, most often nits remain not destroyed. After a maximum of 8 days, larvae hatch from them, and after this period it is important to re-treat the hair with an insecticidal preparation.

Getting rid of nits is possible with the help of a comb. At the same time, thanks to regular combing, the most vulnerable eggs come off the hair, and larvae are removed from the rest, which are also combed out.

You can get rid of dry nits in a few weeks by thoroughly washing your hair and combing it with thick combs. The photo shows how small the nits are in relation to the hair, and why it is so difficult to get rid of nits by simple combing:

Nits are very small in size, so even combing with special combs will have to be done several times.


“I went to the forum to find out how to get rid of lice in children, and I was just scared. The 21st century is in the yard, and they are still discussing how to properly use kerosene. And they also talk about some kind of sobering-up stations, or receivers for the homeless. Nightmare. I went to the pharmacy, bought Nyuda, treated the children's heads twice and completely forgot about these parasites. More on the Internet for such advice - not a foot ... "

Antonina, Odessa


In order not to get infected with lice again ...

But getting rid of lice quickly and effectively is only part of the task. It is much more difficult not to pick them up again, especially for a child.

It is important to understand that lice are only transmitted from person to person, not from animals. In kindergartens, schools, summer camps, parasites quickly spread in the team, causing massive infections. Yes, and adults become infected with lice quite often - in transport (especially on trains), swimming pools, at various meetings, during sexual intercourse.

To prevent lice infestation, you should:

  • avoid large and dense crowds as much as possible
  • do not communicate closely with unfamiliar individuals
  • avoid casual sex
  • do not use someone else's clothes, hats and toilet items.

Be careful, careful and careful, and let the lice always bypass you and your children!


Can't get rid of lice? Consider important details...


An example of an infected child whose hair is simply infested with lice


Useful video: choose an effective remedy for removing lice and nits in children


Last update: 2022-05-29

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "How to get rid of lice and nits: practical tips and tricks" 19 comments
  1. Boliva

    But what about Paranit? I would also add it to the list of remedies for lice and nits. Moreover, it is necessary to do a standard procedure - how to apply the product on the hair along the entire length and scalp, hold the specified time and then comb out the already dead insects from the head using the iron comb attached to the product.

  2. Julia

    Paranit is the topic. The child lice brought out the first time!

  3. Katia

    My daughter got lice from somewhere in the winter and I had to fight them. I bought shampoos, balms, etc. at the pharmacy, combed it with a comb. It helped at first, but not for long. After 2 days, she again had lice, I was at a loss - where did they come from. We fought for 2 years and recently brought them out. In the summer of 2014, we sprayed our daughter's head with dichlorvos several times, and we brought them out. I'm so tired of bringing them out, I'll give you advice: this is a true story, listen to me!

    • Lisa

      I have the same problem: we have not been able to remove the lice for a year now. We tried all the drugs, they do not help. It's just awful.

      • Aigul

        Wouldn't it be easier to just shave then? Why suffer so much, then the hair will grow back anyway, and even fresh, healthy, strengthened.

  4. Katia

    We have not been able to withdraw for 5 years. How to do it? Help, please.

  5. Zarini

    My son has also appeared, I can not remove them in any way. Please help me, how can I get rid of such lice?

    • Anonymous

      Beat, of course ... Especially since the son.

  6. Camilla

    And I just can’t get rid of nits, I don’t want to shave either! PLEASE HELP ME!

  7. Anna

    Wash with Lugovoi shampoo for cats and dogs. Hold for 20 minutes and rinse. It is better to repeat the procedure 2-3 times every 2-3 days. They did this for 4 year olds. Very efficient!

  8. Sabil

    Today I will shave my daughter's head under the typewriter. It is impossible to get rid of nits. Already tired. Good thing she is 3 years old. The eldest was taken out. And the moadshaya runs away, does not allow combing. Brought from the garden.

  9. Anonymous

    I washed my hair with a special shampoo, but all did not come out. I sleep with the child together, I don’t have it, I straighten my hair with a curling iron every other day, because. curly, so the idea came to straighten it. It worked great, I think at one time the hair did not deteriorate much. It remains only to comb through with a comb, because. corpses remain.

    • Anonymous

      I also took out my daughter with a curling iron and a hot hairdryer.

    • Lucena

      Anonymous, you are a genius) Two daughters, the youngest brought from the garden. I don't want to cut it at all ((Thank you!

  10. Alina

    I've had them for 2 years now! This is some kind of horror, they passed on to the child, he is only a year old. He was shaved and painted himself. I will wait for the result. Is dichlorvos harmful?

  11. Vania

    That's terrible

  12. Faith

    I can not get rid of lice in my daughters. Help what to do? I would be grateful, thanks in advance.

  13. Anonymous

    Paranit is bullshit, even after 2 times they remain alive. So much money down the drain...

  14. Masha

    I had lice as a child. What they didn't poison. They reappeared. Then my mother poured a bottle of cologne on my head. They covered their heads with a bag and a handkerchief. Went for several hours. They washed their heads. And that's all ... No lice, no nits ...


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