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Remedies for lice and nits in children

Last update: 2022-06-03
≡ Article has 4 comments
  • Asya: I recommend hellebore water ....
  • Asya: Brrr, how nasty they are. Means for fighting lice, very ...
  • Veronica: My beloved niece got lice in the summer. And my hair is very thick...
See bottom of page for details

Before buying a lice and nit remover for a child, it is useful to learn more about how it works and whether it is really safe to use.

Lice infestation in children is much more common than in adults. Children communicate more in groups, bodily contacts are absolutely normal for them, and not all of them have developed certain hygiene and sanitation standards to the proper extent. According to statistics, almost every parent is faced with the need to deal with lice in a child, and the duration of treatment directly depends on whether the lice remedy for children is chosen correctly.

The term of treatment of a child from lice directly depends on the selected remedy.

Removing nits from hair is often more difficult than the lice themselves.

The pharmaceutical industry produces many pediculicides for adults, however, there are also special products for lice and nits for children, the composition of which and methods of application often have their own characteristics.


Types of Lice Remedies for Children

On sale today you can find children's remedies for lice, presented in different dosage forms:

  • Shampoos are very convenient and easy to use, however they almost always require multiple applications due to the nature of the parasites themselves. The shampoo does not destroy the nits, and after a few days, when new larvae appear from the eggs, the shampoo treatment must be repeated.
  • Lotions and ointments.Such lice treatments for children are usually more effective, as the exposure time on the infested surface is longer than with shampoo. This makes it possible to destroy almost all parasites at a time. However, the insecticide concentration is higher here, which can provoke an allergic reaction in a sensitive child.
  • Lice powders. Some drugs are available in the form of powders that contain poisonous lice substances. The most commonly used is Feverfew, which is obtained from the dried flowers of the Persian chamomile. This method is more suitable for disinfecting bedding and things used by an infected child. It is not advisable to use insecticidal powders to kill head lice and nits.
  • Folk remedies. In some cases, you can try folk remedies for lice and nits in children. As a rule, they have low toxicity and do not cause allergies, but at the same time they do not have such an active effect on parasites as modern synthetic insecticides.
  • And finally, special combs are an integral part of a full-fledged fight against lice. To date, the line of such tools for the mechanical removal of lice and nits is represented by several models that are similar in design and quite affordable. Sometimes they allow you to get rid of parasites in a few days without the use of chemicals.

Feverfew powder is more suitable for disinfecting a bed than for killing lice and nits on the head.

It is necessary to choose a method of treating pediculosis with an eye on the health of the child. If it is prone to allergic reactions, it is better to use folk remedies or special lice preparations for children, which contain minimal amounts of active active ingredients. Using a comb can also be a good solution, but only for children over 5 years old.


In case of any negative reactions to the means of treatment in a child, it is necessary to consult a doctor. A pediatrician can help you choose both the remedy and the best technique for dealing with lice.

If there is no allergy, and there are a lot of parasites on the head, you can purchase an “adult” rather than a children's remedy for lice. Usually, such drugs allow you to quickly and efficiently solve an unpleasant problem.


Lice shampoos

Shampoos are one of the most common remedies for the treatment of head lice. This is due to their availability in the market, as well as ease of use. It is worth dwelling on the most popular of them in more detail.

It is also useful to read: Nyx Lice Remedy

And further: Just don't burn your hair - vinegar is really effective against lice and nits (the article has over 100 comments)


Lice Shampoo Nittifor

The basis of this remedy for lice and nits for children is Permethrin, an insecticide that causes paralysis of the insect's nervous system. After a single application, the poison remains on the surface for up to two weeks and continues to affect new parasites.

Nittifor can not even be called a shampoo, but rather a conditioner. It must be applied to clean, damp hair.

Nittifor's lice remedy contains the effective insecticide permethrin.


“When my twins were 5 years old, they brought lice from the kindergarten. My sister recommended Nittifor to me, which she recently bought for her daughter. It is very thick and somewhat reminiscent of hair dye or a nourishing mask. I applied it to the children on all their hair after washing, put on bathing caps over it. Exposure - about 1 hour, but the instructions indicate less. As a result, the lice disappeared at once, although it took quite a long time to comb them out. It's been 2 years and I haven't seen a single parasite."

Inga, Minsk



NOC is a cream shampoo for lice, which is also made on the basis of Permethrin, is applied to damp hair and left for 10-40 minutes.

NOC lice shampoo is also made on the basis of permethrin

After that, you need to rinse your hair again with regular shampoo and comb it with a fine comb.


Shampoo Medifox

The active substance of Medifox lice shampoo is the same Permethrin, which affects the nervous system of parasites. This lice remedy should be rubbed into the hair roots, then covered with a cap or scarf, leaving it for 40 minutes.

Medifox shampoo is another very popular lice remedy.

After processing, the hair is combed with a thick comb. You can evaluate the result in a week - if there are still live lice, the treatment is repeated.


Pediculicide sprays

Sprays are a very convenient dosage form of pediculicides. They affect the entire length of the child's hair, destroy adult lice and reduce the survival rate of nits.

When treating with a lice spray, it should not be allowed to enter the eyes and respiratory tract

On the other hand, when using a spray, a sufficiently large part of the agent enters the air as an aerosol, and with it it can enter the respiratory tract and lead to side effects.


Lice Spray Para-Plus

Spray Para-Plus contains insecticides Malathion, Permethrin and Piperonyl butoxide as active ingredients. Permethrin paralyzes the lice, and Malathion promotes the dissolution of the nit shell.

It is also useful to read: Lice Remedy Full Marks

And further: Creepy photos of head lice, including macro photography (the article has more than 50 comments)

Spray Para Plus is quite effective, but requires certain safety measures.

This lice remedy for children does not require special preparation, and its exposure time is only 10 minutes. After that, it remains only to comb out the dead insects with a thick comb.



This spray is a prophylactic that prevents lice infestation.

Lavinal lice spray contains natural ingredients

It contains only natural ingredients - essential oils of lemon, geranium and ylang-ylang.


Spray Paranit

Paranit is a natural remedy for lice and nits for children, great for a complete treatment.

Remedy for lice and nits in children - Paranit

The composition of the drug includes anise oil, which effectively kills hair parasites.



Spray-Pax is made on the basis of Pyrethrum and Piperonyl Butoxide.

The remedy for pubic lice Spray-Pax will be effective against head lice

It was originally designed to kill pubic lice, but is also effective against head parasites.


Lice combs

Modern lice combs can be used as a standalone therapy. They are divided into two groups - mechanical and electronic.

The mechanical comb has very fine, blunt-ended teeth that effectively comb out the lice. As a rule, such combs have special laser notches that pierce the shell of nits and easily remove them from the hair.

"Representatives" of mechanical combs:

  • LiceGuard (includes a wide and narrow comb, as well as a divider with a magnifying glass)
  • Combs from lice and nits AntiV.

Lice Comb Kit LiceGuard

Combs AntiV

Electronic combs not only comb out insects, but also act on them with electrical micropulses. Naturally, such therapy does not cause any harm to the health of the child, but the lice disappear almost immediately.

Electric combs not only mechanically remove insects from the hair, but also kill them with an electric discharge.

One of the fairly effective electronic lice combs is the RobiComb. It implements the function of not only destruction, but also the detection of lice.

Electronic lice comb Robi Comb Pro

Combs should be used on medium-hard hair, so they are not suitable for very young children.


Special pediculicide solutions and creams

Solutions and creams are quite convenient remedies for children's pediculosis. Below are some of the most popular brands of drugs from this group.



The composition of the drug Full-Marx includes Cyclomethicone and Isopropyl myristate.

Full-Marks can be used for children from five years of age

These poisons cause dehydration of insects and their rapid destruction.



Cream Nyx is based on Permethrin and is a fairly effective remedy for lice for children.

Cream Nyx helps fight lice in children

After application, it retains its properties for up to 6 weeks.


benzyl benzoate

Benzyl benzoate perfectly destroys almost any kind of skin parasites (not only lice) and retains its properties for a long time after washing off.

Benzyl benzoate cream should not be used to control lice in babies

Benzyl benzoate is not suitable for babies, it can only be used after 3 years.


Folk remedies for lice

Some home remedies can also help control head lice. For the treatment of children, it is worth dwelling on the most effective of them:

  • Garlic-onion mask as a remedy for lice and nits for children. You should chop the onion and garlic in a blender, then squeeze their juice through cheesecloth. Rub the resulting liquid into the scalp and leave for 2 hours (if pain occurs, dilute the juice). After that, you can comb out the parasites.
  • Cranberry juice for lice. This is the most gentle homemade recipe that is suitable even for the smallest. Cranberry juice dissolves the shell of nits and destroys parasites, but you need to keep it on your head for at least 2 hours.
  • An excellent remedy for nits in children will also be a decoction of St. John's wort and tansy, which must be rubbed into the hair roots.
  • 9% vinegar alone or in combination with olive oil. It is necessary to apply liquid to all hair and hold for about an hour. After that, carefully comb out the hair with a fine comb.

A decoction of St. John's wort will not only help in the destruction of lice in a child, but also improve hair

For the prevention of head lice, some natural children's lice remedies, such as Lavinal, are great.

Natural shampoo against lice in children Lavinal

It should be applied before visiting crowded places, kindergarten or school.In the absence of this drug, tea tree, geranium or lemon oil can be applied to the neck and behind the ears.

But for a child, the best means of prevention is the regular use of baby lice shampoo once every two weeks. This measure allows you to destroy accidentally hit single parasites on the head and prevent their reproduction.


What you need to know if you are trying to get rid of lice and nits in a child


Details about lice and methods for removing them from a child using a special comb


Instructions for combing lice and nits in a child


Last update: 2022-06-03

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Means against lice and nits in children" 4 comments
  1. Yumina

    We used Paranit. It is also written about him here. A very good tool. The most important thing is to make the child sit and not turn around so as not to miss a single part of the head. And if you carefully apply everything, then from the first time all the lice and nits die.

  2. Veronica

    My beloved nephew got lice in the summer. And her hair is very thick and curly. No combing will work here, because the comb will simply get confused and get stuck in the hair.The pharmacy then advised me this one - Sensetiv. I immediately took it without hesitation, because somehow you need to fight insects. My sister later told me that in fact they washed their hair in the morning and all the insects washed off. Then the hair was checked and nothing was found.

  3. Asya

    Brrr, they are disgusting. There are a lot of remedies for fighting lice, you just need to choose them with care, the composition of such remedies, to put it mildly, is not natural and can provoke allergies or other unpleasant sensations. It is much easier to regularly inspect the child's skin and hair upon returning home or comb through with a special comb.

  4. Asya

    I recommend hellebore water.


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