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The use of hellebore water for removing lice: instructions and reviews

Last update: 2022-05-08
≡ Article has 68 comments
  • Victoria: I poisoned the children and myself with this water. Yes, get rid of lice ...
  • Alena: The paint didn't kill my nits....
  • Ulyana: Tell me, please, and benzyl benzoate - what kind of means ...
See bottom of page for details

Hellebore water is still quite a popular means of fighting lice: we will continue to talk about how to use it correctly ...

Of the many folk remedies for lice, hellebore water is perhaps one of the most famous and effective. However, few people think what this drug is, whether hellebore water acts on nits and how safe it is to use (for example, for children, for pregnant women). In these and some other interesting questions, we will continue and try to figure it out.

Many people seriously expect to completely get rid of nits with hellebore water alone.

So, hellebore water, widely available today in pharmacies, is a mixture in equal proportions of an alcohol tincture of hellebore Lobel (a well-known medicinal plant) and water. The main active ingredients of the hellebore tincture used to remove lice are natural alkaloids extracted from plant materials into the tincture.

Hellebore tincture is toxic to lice due to the natural alkaloids it contains.

The alkaloids that make up the hellebore water are very toxic to various insects, fungi, bacteria ... and humans. That is why hellebore water is quite effective in the fight against lice, but at the same time quite dangerous if used incorrectly.

On a note

Hellebore Lobel is also popularly called puppeteer or sneeze and is known as a very poisonous plant.Alkaloids in the juice of its root and stems, if ingested in significant quantities, can lead to death. Even inhalation of air with crushed root dust leads to severe irritation of the respiratory tract, coughing and sneezing.


The action of hellebore water on lice and nits

Hellebore water has a toxic effect even upon simple contact with the outer chitinous integument of lice. The presence of alcohol in the solution promotes better wetting of the parasites, the flow of the drug into the spiracles and gradual penetration to the internal tissues and organs of the insect. The result of the use of hellebore water is the rapid death of almost the entire population of lice, including adults and larvae of all ages.

Adult lice and larvae can indeed be very effectively destroyed with hellebore water.


“I had to treat children for lice three times, and always I used only hellebore water. I do not recognize any chemicals - they are all dangerous and it is not known how they will affect the child. And hellebore from lice is a method proven for centuries. You apply it like simple alcohol, put a bag on your head, take it off after half an hour and wash everything off - and that's it. Only the lice need to be combed out. I do not know what newfangled shampoo will give the same result. At the same time, neither the daughter nor the son has ever had any irritations or allergies from hellebore water. My son took out lice for the first time when he was one and a half years old - also without any consequences.

Yana, Mineralnye Vody

Many believe that hellebore water kills nits due to the same contact action: first, the solution penetrates the outer shell of the nit, after which it affects the actual internal contents of the egg. However, practice shows that even using hellebore water in full accordance with the instructions, it is far from always possible to destroy all the nits on the head (This is also confirmed by the reviews of people).

But it is far from always possible to destroy nits with the help of hellebore water.

Therefore, be prepared for the fact that even with the correct use of hellebore water from lice, it may be necessary to re-treat about 1-2 weeks after the first one to completely remove them. During this time, larvae will hatch from the nits that survived after the first procedure, which will need to be destroyed by re-treatment.


The use of hellebore water: we destroy lice correctly

Before you remove the lice with hellebore water, you must thoroughly wash your hair with a simple shampoo.

Before using hellebore water, you should first wash your hair with regular shampoo.

After that, hellebore water is applied to the hair and scalp with a cotton swab. It is important to ensure that the product is applied to the hair along its entire length, otherwise there is a risk of leaving some of the hair untreated.

It is also useful to read: Conspiracies against lice

And further: Lice are not cockroaches, so is it worth removing them with Dichlorvos? (the article has more than 20 comments)

The product is applied with a cotton pad or swab along the entire length of the hair.

Instructions for the use of hellebore water from lice recommends especially carefully treating the back of the head, the skin behind the ears and whiskey with the product.


“It is very easy to remove lice with hellebore water. To do this, you just need to moisten a cotton swab with this product and spread it on your hair and scalp until everything gets wet. Then we put on a scarf and walk like this for about 40 minutes. This remedy does not cause any unpleasant sensations, although one of my acquaintances had red spots on his head from hellebore, which did not hurt or itch. Then I wash my head and that's it. This is how I got lice out of myself and two of my children. Lice die immediately, nits too. But the neighbor poisoned, and then she had nits, I don’t know why. But after the second time it was all over.”

Irina, Cherepovets

After applying the product to the hair, a scarf is tied or a simple plastic bag is put on.In this form, hellebore water should be left on the head for half an hour, after which the bag or scarf is removed, and the head is thoroughly washed first with running water, and then with a simple shampoo.

After applying hellebore water on your head, you need to hold your hair under a scarf or cap for some time.

Still damp hair after treatment should be combed out with a frequent metal comb. - this is how dead lice, part of the nits, and those parasites that are simply paralyzed, but still alive, will be removed from the hair. Special lice combs are convenient for this purpose - they allow you to comb out almost all parasites.

Wet hair after treatment should be combed out with a comb with frequent teeth.

In the photo - lice combed out with a special comb

If, after treatment, live lice are found on the head, the procedure can be repeated only the next day. The best option would be to re-treat after a week - both accidentally surviving lice and larvae hatched from nits that have resisted hellebore will be destroyed.

A week after treatment, the hair should be treated again to destroy the lice larvae hatched from the nits.


“I can write such a comparative description of hellebore water and Parasidosis shampoo. We tried shampoo first, and then - a year later, after another infection - hellebore water. So, Parasidosis does not destroy nits and almost always they need to process the head twice - the second one a week after the first. Hellebore water works more reliably on nits and lice - it kills everyone at once. From Parasidosis, the child had a rash on his neck, my husband and I did not have it. Hellebore water made everyone's head a little hot, but there were no visible irritations. Well, and most importantly - the price of hellebore water is much less than the cost of any remedy. The same Parasidosis costs 280 rubles per bottle, while water costs only 35 rubles. Parasidosis has only one advantage - it comes with a comb, and a very good one.

Tatyana, Kandalaksha


Safety and contraindications when using hellebore tincture

When removing lice, it is important to remember that hellebore water is a very toxic substance.It is believed that getting even 1 ml of it into the digestive tract can cause serious poisoning, and in large quantities it can be deadly to humans.

Hellebore water should not be allowed to enter the stomach due to its high toxicity.

Nevertheless, hellebore water may well be used against lice, it is only important to ensure that there are no wounds and scratches on the skin in the treatment area. After applying hellebore water to your hair, you need to control your feelings - if excessively strong burning sensation, itching, a feeling of hotness on the head begin to appear, then you do not need to endure it, you need to wash off the product as soon as possible.

It should be carefully monitored so that hellebore water does not get on the mucous membranes, in the eyes, nose and mouth. If there are wounds on the head, the remedy should not be used.


“When they poisoned lice, they themselves were poisoned by hellebore. It seems that everything was done according to what was written, but only my husband and daughter are fine, and then my son and I (8 years old) felt sick all night later. Then they asked the local therapist, she said that perhaps this was due to the fact that we did not wrap our heads in a bag - the vapors from hellebore had an effect on us.

Olga, Perm

Due to the high toxicity of the drug, the use of hellebore water from lice is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women.

And further: Killer remedy for lice and nits for 40 rubles - hellebore water (the article has more than 60 comments)

It is better for pregnant and lactating women to replace hellebore water with a safer remedy.

However, no studies of the effect of this drug on the fetus and infants have been conducted. Official medicine also does not recommend the use of hellebore water from lice for children under the age of 12 years.

If hellebore water is accidentally swallowed, nausea, vomiting, dizziness and allergies may occur.In this case, you should drink a large amount of warm strong tea and see a doctor. In the hospital, in case of hellebore poisoning, anticholinergic drugs and agents for the treatment of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract may be prescribed.


How to kill lice and help hair at the same time

It is known that hellebore water not only kills lice and nits, but also helps to restore the scalp and stimulates hair growth. So, for example, hellebore water destroys the fungus that causes dandruff, reduces the production of sebum, and also stimulates blood circulation in the scalp.

It is believed that hellebore water not only destroys lice, but also contributes to the overall health of the hair.

Hellebore water is also used in a complex of folk remedies to combat baldness: it has a beneficial effect on the metabolism around the hair follicles and stimulates the growth of new hair. For these purposes, it is added to shampoos in very small quantities and the head is washed with this mixture 1-2 times a week.


Alternatives to hellebore water: from folk remedies to modern drugs

In terms of its effectiveness against lice and nits, hellebore water even surpasses many modern pediculicides.

Hellebore tincture can be a good alternative to expensive modern lice remedies.

However, in cases where hellebore water causes allergies or there are wounds and scratches on the treated areas of the skin, less toxic agents should be used instead:

  • for example, Pedilin shampoo or Para-Plus aerosol - these products also kill nits, but are less allergenic.Lice Shampoo Pedilin
  • Nyuda lice spray - it is good for children, because it does not contain toxic insecticides at all.Nyuda spray can even be used to remove lice in children
  • Lice combs as stand-alone products - here you should pay attention to AntiV and LiceGuard (the leaders of this market). Working with them is laborious, and the head will have to be combed out for several days in a row, but their use does not threaten any side effects.Combing lice out of your hair with a LiceGuard comb is a laborious but effective task.

But it is better not to use folk remedies for lice such as kerosene, vinegar and hydrogen peroxide - they greatly irritate the skin and can lead to serious burns. Hellebore water compares favorably with them in that, with equal efficiency, it turns out to be much safer.

But if hellebore water is not suitable, and you are afraid to use synthetic preparations, you can always use the most reliable, cheapest and easiest way to remove lice - just shave your hair bald. Such a procedure, especially carried out in the summer, not only eliminates lice and nits, but also helps to improve the scalp.


What you need to know about lice before you hope to get rid of them


Useful video about lice and fighting them with a special comb


An example of a serious hellebore water poisoning


Last update: 2022-05-08

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "The use of hellebore water to remove lice: instructions and reviews" 68 comments
  1. Svetlana

    I can’t get lice out of a child, what to do, tell me.

  2. Natalie

    We also suffer from this infection, which we just didn’t do.I'll try hellebore water today.

  3. Elena

    We used hellebore water and Veda shampoo (it is probably the cheapest, but effective). Withdrawn 10 days. But we had a neglected case, for about three weeks my daughter and I did not suspect about lice, we thought about allergies, so they bred. So, the treatment itself. First, they washed it with Veda shampoo, after a few hours they treated the head with hellebore water, then a day later again with hellebore water. For a week, every two days, we washed our hair with Veda shampoo. And a week later, again with hellebore water (2 times a day). At the same time, they looked at it every time, combed it out, but since basically only I cleaned them from my daughter, and there was no one to clean them, I also straightened my hair with a curling iron after each shampooing and drying my hair. That's from him all the nits and died.

    • Svetlana

      Did it help you?

      • Katia

        Best of all, this Nude.

        • Ulyana

          But Nyuda did not help my daughter ((

      • Alla

        My daughter has long hair, how do I get it out?

  4. Paul

    Buy a FULLMARKS spray with a scallop at the pharmacy, all lice die immediately after 15 minutes after application, it is absolutely non-toxic. And you don’t need to put any bags on your head ... Nits - you still have to comb them out, since they remain small in any way, especially if the hair is long and thick.

    • Anonymous

      Bullshit this Fulmarks!

  5. Nataliya

    Well, a man is generally a specialist in removing lice from thick and long hair! We have been suffering for 1.5 years already - we have tried all modern sprays and shampoos. Nothing better than hellebore water has yet been invented.

    • Lisa

      We, too, have been suffering for a long time, so far we have not found anything better than hellebore water.

    • Anna

      Dry the fruits of bruslina, grind (the shell is hard, like coffee beans). You can grind in a coffee grinder, you get an oil powder. Grate them abundantly and pour over the head, tie with a scarf. Kills both lice and nits. You can not wash your head right away, but only comb it - it has been tried and gives a 100% guarantee.

  6. Svetlana

    Pavel is right, FULLMARKS helps the best, quickly and efficiently.

  7. Victoria

    But Fullmarks did not help my daughter. They combed it with a comb, and in the evening it was all the same - they found a live louse.

    • Anonymous

      It was necessary to change the bed linen and wash, then iron everything thoroughly.

  8. Angel

    Hellebore water is just super!!! Cheap and cheerful.

  9. Catherine

    The advice is simple: moms just dye their hair with a permanent dye. Child: cut the boy's hair, smear the girl with hellebore water. Twice with an interval of 7 days. Do not forget to wash all linen: underwear, bedding, outerwear according to the season. Rubber bands, combs, towels and hairpins are also processed.

  10. Timur

    My wife has some nits. The eldest daughter (she is almost 9 years old) has a lot. Found out in 5 days. There were many living individuals, and almost the entire head was in eggs. And the youngest son, he is 1.3 years old: he has one louse and a little bit of nits. Everyone praises hellebore water. What do you recommend and how to carry out the procedure correctly? Thanks in advance! For everyone for the first time.

  11. Kristina

    But Nyuda did not help us at all. Bought hellebore water.

    • Anonymous

      That's for sure, Nyuda did not help at all, although the infection was not extensive. Vinegar doesn't help either.

  12. Anonymous

    Hellebore water helps a lot, and also the usual cranberries. And fullmarks did not help at all. We suffered for half a year until the child's hair was dyed))

  13. Anonymous

    If you accidentally drink 20 grams of hellebore water with water, what will happen?

  14. Anonymous

    Drinking water, alive?

  15. Ded

    My girlfriend is pregnant, I bought hellebore water. How does this water work on pregnant women?

    • Lily

      Do not use under any circumstances! There may be fetal toxicity. No need to risk the health of the unborn baby!

  16. Tatiana

    Hello, Nyuda is a good tool, but very expensive for the money. I understand that it’s not a pity to give any money so that it doesn’t exist, but if this money were ... We bought Nyuda, she helped me and the child. Well, I was told to repeat in 3 weeks, but I didn't have the money. It seemed to me that they disappeared, but no, they appeared again. Now what to do, I do not know how to display them. I would gladly buy Nyuda, but the finances are very bad.

    • Irina

      Hellebore water helps a lot. We bought various expensive products, but water is the best. Previously, Barrier shampoo for dogs also helped, but this time somehow not very much ...

  17. Elena

    Dear women, do not spend your hard-earned money on expensive drugs, the most effective way is hellebore water. Time-tested, and they tried it themselves, and treated children and grandchildren. And it helped the first time, you just need to follow it - look into your children’s heads more often.

    • Lena

      Yes, this shampoo does not help, only money wasted in vain. And they poisoned with kerosene - it did not help. The last hope for hellebore water.

  18. Irina

    Modern means are all expensive and ineffective. Have tried enough already! Parasites reappear. Hellebore water is no worse than expensive lice removers.

  19. Svetlana

    Whatever we have not tried in a year, all newfangled means - they still appear.full marks is good, but expensive, so we decided to treat it again with hellebore water. I worked on a little one, it helped right away, it wasn’t there for a long time, until they went to school, they had already been taken out 5 times a year.

  20. Elena

    We child 2 years ago, lice and nits were removed with an iron. They did not spare the hair, turned on the iron and stretched everything close to the head (how easy it is to straighten), combed it well. This was done 2 times. And that's all. Pah-pah-pah. And now I read on the Internet that hellebore water is for hair growth, we will try.

  21. Oksana

    The child got chicken pox! And the next day, when I smeared green sores on my head, I found lice! It's good that you noticed it in time. And my son’s hair, it’s worth noting, is very rich - thick hair and a tennis haircut ... I bought hellebore water, and then I just read that you can’t use it if there are wounds, and then the whole head is in sores! At first, she cut his entire haircut to a C grade (it’s good that it’s a boy) and decided to try the hellebore water anyway. At first they carefully tested - no burning, no redness - nothing. They anointed for half an hour under the package.

  22. Sakhayana

    How to remove lice and nits?

  23. Anonymous

    Nude did not help

  24. Irene

    We also thought that it was an allergy)) And in 2 weeks they bred so much that horror ... My son has short hair, I found 4 lice, I combed the rest with a comb (I bought it separately). And she herself first treated with hellebore water, combed out all the nits, and there were at least 300 of them. To better see them, she combed them out on a white sheet. After 2 days, it was painted with paint (there must be peroxide in the composition). Cleaned up the rest and...

  25. Tatiana

    This is the first time I’ve encountered such a problem, I thought it wouldn’t affect us)) My daughter came from the village and complained, but I didn’t pay attention, I thought it was because of a change in water, but today something prompted me to check my head, and I gasped. I bought Pediculen shampoo at the pharmacy, smeared it on dry hair, the effect amazed me: when the shampoo was rubbed into the hair roots over the bath, lice fell. The worst thing is to comb out the nits, my daughter's hair is long, curly, tangled. I think I'll comb it out for a week or tear it out with my hair))

  26. Regina

    I've taken it out 7 times already. Whatever I tried didn’t help 🙁 But then I read about hellebore water. I'll try. You're not going anywhere anymore.

  27. Samira

    Nyuda does not help at all, I bought two bottles for 670 rubles, I regretted it. Now I took hellebore water, they say that cheap ones have more effect than expensive ones. I don't have many, I noticed them right away. What I didn’t try, the last hope for hellebore water.

  28. Natalia

    I don’t understand why you can’t get lice out for a long time? We also used some kind of spray, but I immediately turned to dermatologists. It seems to us that we have combed everything out. And they look under a lamp and a magnifying glass! It seemed to me that we already had nothing, and when I came to the reception, they showed me nits through a magnifying glass! Until you remove it in this way, there will be no effect!

    • Anonymous

      How did you get them out?

  29. Elena

    Please tell me I am breastfeeding. Is it possible to use hellebore water from lice?

    • Oksana

      Not for lactating or pregnant women.

  30. Tamil

    It helps us, only Dust ... Unpleasant, but for sure, on the spot the first time.

    My sister uses Bars. And all these sprays and shampoos are a waste of money.

  31. Anna

    It helped my daughter, she got it at school and I decided to try it. There were no lice or nits. In Tomsk, we bought hellebore water for 20 rubles.

  32. Anna

    What a pity for the children who suffer from these creatures! But it is they who most often bring them home - either from school or from kindergarten. And if all the families of these children are not treated for pediculosis, then it is practically impossible to remove it - NEVER! If one got rid of them with difficulty and torment, then 20 nearby and further are carriers of this muck. Somehow it works out...

  33. Alexander

    Hellebore water is the best remedy, for me it is the only remedy for dandruff, nothing else helps, even the famous Heden Sholders. It's a pity that the pharmacy often does not have it. And I never wash off this water after treating the head, I don’t feel any poisoning. And by the way, I noticed that the skin after hellebore becomes softer and smoother, so it’s not only to fight lice, fungi and dandruff, you can use it instead of a face cream.

  34. Pavlenko

    How and where to buy a comb?

  35. Julia

    I have two daughters, both have long hair and both go to school. One fine day, the youngest daughter brought home from school a gift (lice) in her head. For two weeks she was silent that she had lice. Than I just did not try to take them out. No shampoo helped us. I just threw money away. I called my mom and asked her for advice. She offered me two options: either hellebore water or kerosene. For prevention, I treated my youngest daughter and eldest with hellebore water, and myself with kerosene. And check the difference. I got burns from kerosene, but the children did not from water. And now, as soon as the school year begins, I buy hellebore water at the pharmacy. And I'm satisfied with it.

  36. aika

    I have lice every year, I'm already tired of removing them. And the hair is long, it is difficult to comb it with a comb. Which is better: nit shampoos or hellebore water?

  37. Lana

    Hellebore water is the best! What kind of means have not been tried - only money down the drain!

  38. Anonymous

    Pregnant, on the 4th month, hair to the waist. Please advise how and how to remove lice and nits?

  39. Madina

    Hellebore water, iron, special comb. Shampoo Veda costs 150 rubles, but you need to keep it longer, maybe an hour. It will not cure pediculosis completely, but as a concomitant remedy it will not be superfluous. When the hair is still damp, we string cotton wool on the comb. I took the one that happens in pillows, toys. And go ahead, comb out ...

  40. Marina

    My daughter brings lice from school 3 times already. We sit at home - there is nothing, but as we go to school - after 3-4 days I find nits. They used Paranit shampoo twice, and the third time after treatment, new ones appeared. I had to process again, probably, the nits did not die. We no longer know what to do and how to protect the child from this muck. Itself I am processed together with it, I am in position. Tell me what can be used to prevent the occurrence? Hellebore water was bought, but has not yet been used.

  41. Kseniya

    My daughter brought lice from school. Moreover, she infected two more of her sisters. And everyone’s hair is thick and below the priests ((A lot of nits hung in my hair. I thought I would have to cut it off. But gradually I treated my hair with hellebore water every week (only 2 times). I combed my hair with a comb. And then she went through her hair with a hot curling iron, changed all the linen, ironed the pillows every day.Thank God! Deal with this disaster.

  42. Peter

    Faced with this infection for the first time in my life. Before that, I bought an expensive drug NIKS. But somehow he didn't help much. A few days later it all started again. I bought hellebore water, 100 ml. I did everything according to the instructions - and lo and behold! Already forgot what it is.

  43. Victoria

    Hellebore water did not help us. Shampoos and sprays are a total waste of money. I asked the nurse who works in the emergency room at the hospital how they treat dysfunctional patients. And she advised the Benzylbenzoate emulsion. The pharmacy costs a penny. She was the only one who helped us. And a thick scallop, with shampoo was sold.

  44. Irina, Tomsk

    We are suffering for the second time in a year with lice. The daughter is a schoolgirl with long hair. Before that, I took Paranit, it seems to have helped. They washed their hair every two days with Paranit, combed it out for 2 weeks. Now I bought Pediculen, we will try it, but I read reviews about hellebore water - it seems that I should buy it too. Thanks for the feedback.

  45. Oksana

    The first time we tried Para-Plus. Great help, no complaints. When re-infected, I had to buy it twice, and as it turned out recently, it was useless. I bought hellebore water, we will try it.

  46. Olga

    If the child is 2 years and five months old, and has long hair, how can lice and nits be removed?

  47. Oriole

    I am the mother of a girl with terribly thick and long hair. We already have lice 5 times in 10 years ((As if they deliberately cling.

    In general, given the amount of work on our head, I managed to try everything! Full marks, paranit (and solution? And shampoo), nude, a couple plus, pediculosis (a terrible thing, it burns the entire scalp, I didn’t believe my daughter - I thought she was exaggerating, but I tried it on myself and threw it away, didn’t torment me).As a result, I concluded: hellebore water, although cheaper than everyone else, but the effect is no worse. Given that I used to spend three thousand on drugs, because. very thick hair and one bottle is enough only once, and to be sure, I poisoned it five times, or even seven, in three to five days. And hellebore scored two hundred rubles - and enough to finish everything.

  48. Daria

    Should hellebore water be applied to damp or dry hair?

  49. Julia

    Hello, can you treat your daughter with hellebore water, she is 3 years old?

  50. Natalia

    And hellebore tincture helps us, but it is sold in a veterinary pharmacy, and even then not in all. But the result is great! I have three princesses, the youngest brought them from the garden in the summer. I fought for a long time, because there is a mother in the group who does not consider lice to be a problem! But now the eldest brought it from school, my joy knows no bounds ... But the tincture is more poisonous than water, and it must be washed off. But I'm satisfied with the result. And, of course, comb out. Without it, nowhere.

  51. Nataliya

    People! The simplest remedy is turpentine. We apply to dry hair, just pour the liquid into the hand and rub the head and all the hair and tie it with a scarf for 15 minutes. Of course, it burns a little, but tolerable. Then we wash everything well with water, and then with shampoo. All lice will die, and nits will burst. She herself took out from her children at the age of 5 and 7 years. And no allergies.

  52. Ulyana

    Tell me, please, and benzyl benzoate - what is this remedy? Is it toxic? And what is it for? Will it help my daughter from lice and nits? And she has very long and thick hair!

  53. Alyona

    The paint didn't kill the nits for me.

  54. Victoria

    I poisoned the children and myself with this water. Yes, they got rid of the lice right away, and in return I got poisoning. I have been lying down for a week, weakness, shortness of breath ...


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