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Spray against lice and nits: choose the most effective

Last update: 2022-05-04
≡ Article has 13 comments
  • Victoria: I read the article, now there are so many things in the pharmacy ....
  • Yulia Raeva: My daughter brought lice from the kindergarten, they treated her with Pedicule shampoo ...
  • Ekaterina: I have been suffering for more than 4 months. Hellebore water doesn't help at all...
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Choosing a spray to fight lice and nits

Among the pediculicide sprays, there are products that are considered one of the most effective for fighting lice. However, like any medical product, lice sprays have their advantages and disadvantages, and it is by the ratio of such pros and cons that one or another brand is usually chosen. Let's try to consider some options and we are with you.

First of all, we note that a standard modern lice and nit spray is good because:

  • contains in its composition components that very effectively destroy lice, but at the same time are relatively safe for humans (by the way, these can be not only insecticides, but also substances that envelop the chitinous cover of parasites with an airtight film and consequently lead to suffocation of lice);
  • in addition, sprays are very easy to apply and generally use;
  • have a minimum of contraindications, it is difficult to overdose with them.

But sprays also have certain disadvantages:

  • they are sometimes quite difficult to carefully treat the scalp;
  • most sprays do not affect nits, and at least two treatments are required.

Unfortunately, many sprays have little to no effect on nits.

However, each brand of lice spray can have its own specific properties, sometimes radically distinguishing it from the average drug. Therefore, choosing a remedy, you should carefully study its composition, properties and contraindications.

On a note

The principle of operation of different sprays can also be completely different. For example, there are drugs that act on the nervous system of the parasite and lead to its paralysis, there are those that lead to suffocation of the insect. It should not be assumed that a person whose lice are being removed can also feel such effects: all lice sprays are tested for safety for humans, and the active substances that make up them are almost completely harmless to humans.


“Pay no attention, dear, when they scare you with chemicals in lice preparations. No chemistry is now anywhere, even oranges with it on the market. But only I will tell you - almost always this chemistry is safer than any folk remedy. For the first time we indulged in vinegar from lice, then the skin on the head was treated for the child for six months. And the next time I bought a French spray against lice and nits, I sprayed it once - and there were no lice, no consequences. Believe me, now everything is done for people, and it is better to buy modern and safe than to poison parasites with old-fashioned methods.

Zoya, Elista


How to choose a lice spray?

To choose a lice spray, you need to know the properties of each drug and the situations in which it will be most suitable. Usually, a lice spray is selected according to the following criteria: price, effectiveness, ease of use, the presence of specific contraindications and side effects, the type of lice to be fought (head, pubic or clothes).

And further: A very useful thing that allows you to get rid of lice and nits without any chemicals - a special medical comb ...

When choosing a spray, you need to understand which lice will be fought

Photo of body louse

Usually, depending on the situation, sprays are selected as follows:

  • For children, LiceGuard (for any age), Para Plus (from 2.5 years old), Nyuda (from three years old) and Paranit spray (from 5 years old) are used.
  • With bronchial asthma, pregnant and lactating women, people with very sensitive skin, LiceGuard spray is prescribed in most cases.
  • With a very strong infection, Pediculen Ultra is used.
  • In the case of body lice, A-Par is used (that is, against linen lice).
  • Depending on financial capabilities, aerosols are often chosen at a price - Nyuda (about 350 rubles), Para Plus (350 rubles), Pediculen Ultra (450 rubles), A-Par (500 rubles), Paranit (600 rubles), LiceGuard (850 rubles). At a minimum, a package of any of the above products is guaranteed to be enough for the complete removal of lice from one person.
  • According to the naturalness of the ingredients, Paranit and LiceGuard lice sprays occupy the first place, and it is also worth noting Nyuda spray, the active ingredient of which is an absolutely non-toxic compound for humans.
  • And, finally, in terms of efficiency, Pediculen Ultra and Para Plus are considered the most powerful. Each of them is a spray from nits and lice in one bottle, with proper use, it allows you to remove all parasites in one treatment of the head.

LiceGuard Lice Spray is safe enough for kids

It should be remembered that in each individual case the situation may require the choice of a remedy according to other, special criteria. Here you should carefully study the instructions for the drugs, pay attention to contraindications and get acquainted with the reviews.


“While they were taking the child to school in the district center, they had to poison the lice three times a year. Only in the city did this problem disappear; there, in the district, the director didn’t care at all that lousy children go to school from the working outskirts. We, probably, have tried all means, and folk ones too. For some reason, the sprays caused the most confidence. It was easy to put them on. Usually they poisoned with Paraplus, it helps very well, especially from nits, but the last two times they bought Nyuda, she is even better, because her skin is not irritated. But Nyuda does not work from nits, you have to poison twice "

Lydia, Odessa


Aerosol Pair Plus

Advantages: three powerful insecticides in the composition, the destruction of lice, a small number of side effects, the ability to use for children from 2.5 years.

Disadvantages: no comb included, contraindications.

As part of the Para Plus lice spray, there are three powerful insecticides, thanks to which the product is highly effective.

Instructions: the product is applied to the head for 10 minutes, the hair is completely processed along the entire length. After it is washed off with shampoo. Nits should be combed out with a comb.


Spray Paranit

Advantages: completely natural composition, non-toxic, no toxic substances in the composition.

Disadvantages: no effect on nits, difficult to wash off hair.

Spray to fight lice Paranit has a natural composition

Instructions: apply on the head for 15 minutes and wash off several times with shampoo. After 7-10 days, the treatment should be repeated.


Face Guard

Advantages: absolute harmlessness and non-toxicity, possibility of use for infants.

It is also useful to read: Remedies for lice and nits in children

And further: It's time to finally get those annoying nits out of your hair (the article has over 100 comments)

Disadvantages: relatively low efficiency, inability to use as an independent tool, high price.

Spray LiceGuard is practically harmless to humans, but the effectiveness of the drug is relatively low

Instructions: applied to the head and not washed off for several hours.Can be treated with clothing. After processing the head, the hair must be carefully combed out with a special comb.



Advantages: no toxic substances in the composition, high efficiency, affordable price.

Disadvantages: ineffective against nits, need to use twice.

Spray against lice and nits Nyuda

Instructions: Nyuda is applied to dry hair along the entire length and rubbed until it is completely wet. After 45 minutes, the hair should be combed out with a special comb, and then the preparation should be washed off with water and shampoo. Avoid contact with eyes.


Pediculen Ultra

Advantages: high efficiency, destruction of nits, low price.

Disadvantages: toxicity and the presence of contraindications.

With the help of Pediculen Ultra spray, you can effectively destroy both lice and nits, it is only important to strictly follow the instructions.

Instructions: the product is applied to the hair until it gets wet and rubbed with your fingers into the scalp. After half an hour, the product is washed off, and the hair is combed out with the comb included in the kit.


Spray A-Pair

Advantages: A-Par is practically the only aerosol that allows you to fight linen lice at home; the ability to handle a large number of things.

Disadvantages: strong smell, toxicity, side effects.

Spray A-Par allows you to fight with linen lice

Instructions: the product is applied to things infected with body lice in a well-ventilated area at a temperature not lower than 10°C. After processing, things can be worn after 3-4 hours. It is not necessary to wash off the drug from things and wash them.


Alternative to sprays: how else can you get lice out?

In addition to anti-lice sprays, the following products have also proven themselves well:

  • shampoos for lice and nits, allowing not only to remove parasites, but also to take care of the hair at the same time
  • creams that are more difficult to apply (the cream must be applied and rubbed into the scalp, and then applied to the hair along the entire length), but more economical
  • a variety of emulsions and concentrates, which can be considered as a kind of transitional preparations between the means already considered
  • pediculicidal combs, the use of which without the use of toxic agents is laborious and requires careful and long combing out of parasites, but which are absolutely safe to use.

Lice and nit combs give particularly good results in combination with the use of insecticidal preparations

With the help of combs, you can always enhance the effect of any lice remedy, and sometimes thanks to them, the need to re-treat the hair with a chemical preparation disappears. Therefore, if a comb is not supplied with the product, it is very advisable to buy it separately for successful removal of lice.


What you need to know if you can’t get lice and nits out of your hair


How to completely remove lice and nits by combing them out with a comb


Last update: 2022-05-04

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Spray against lice and nits: choosing the most effective" 13 comments
  1. Olga Pak

    Paranit has a good spray, but from experience I will say that you can not overpay for the format with a spray gun and buy their lotion, it is cheaper and just as well kills everyone on the hair.True, there is no comb in the kit, like in a spray or shampoo, but we have a professional comb, so we save.
    Apar is a cool thing, I processed things, furniture, and the floor with it.

  2. Aleksandra Naumova

    And we specially took the Paranit spray with a comb, in principle it is not bad at all. I regretted the money for antiv.

  3. Polina Kruchinina

    Tomorrow I will go to the pharmacy and buy Paranit, if I have enough money, both a spray and a lotion. Thanks to everyone who wrote a review, otherwise my mother and I did not know what to buy, and we would have bought some rubbish!

  4. Anonymous

    Tell me, please, what remedy against lice and nits is the most effective?

  5. Kseniya

    A couple plus does not help, and paratin too, I tried it on myself. What is more effective for their removal, tell me, please, I have been suffering for 8 years already.

    • Oksana

      Kerosene is the most efficient.

  6. margarita

    The most effective remedy is hands and vinegar, I myself know that I suffered for 5 years, after that I didn’t, and here it is again. So-so hellebore water. Before that, I used shampoo, it seems, they got rid of the lice, and removed the nits with their hands.

  7. Victoria

    And the steam plus did not help us either, but the pediculicidal D-95 helped. They put it on my daughter's head, waited 45 minutes and combed it out. I managed to get rid of it quickly and effectively, but for prevention the procedure was repeated a second time. As I understood, there are many advertised funds, but not all help.

  8. Anna

    Pediculen is just awful. My daughter and I almost suffocated! And the minutes didn't last. It burned the mucous membranes of both nose and throat. Washed off immediately. Then the bathroom was ventilated for a long time. It's just poison, even for an adult. Apply it only in a gas mask. And it costs, by the way, 600 rubles.

  9. Katia

    I agree, Pedikulen stinks so much that they could not hold it for more than 2 minutes. The scalp began to itch terribly, the child began to cry, they immediately washed it off ((

  10. Catherine

    I've been suffering for over 4 months. Hellebore water does not help, Nyuda somehow too. What we haven’t tried, we want to fill our heads with kerosene! Nothing helps, every day we clean, but there is no result. I got infected in the classroom… There was a long beautiful hair, everything was cut off! Lice, it seems, are not present, but it is not clear where the nits come from. Please suggest the best remedy. Non-toxic, just allergic to everything. Please!

  11. Julia Raeva

    My daughter brought lice from the kindergarten, they treated her with Pediculen shampoo. Helped quickly. The smell is not disgusting, the hair does not spoil. There are also sets, I saw with a magnifying glass and a comb. But we had little and we managed with shampoo.

  12. Victoria

    I read the article, now there are so many things in the pharmacy. I bought the first product that was advised to me in a pharmacy - Dr. Rep. Convenient form - spray, comb for combing out. The smell is normal, definitely not kerosene and the composition is adequate.


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