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Lice and nit combs

Last update: 2022-05-26
≡ Article 23 has comments
  • Elmira: I bought a NitFree comb from us in Almaty, I liked the comb very much ...
  • Bibigul: We bought a robocomb in Minsk. In general, the comb is comfortable, but about ...
  • Bibigul: Only one company sells the original NitFree comb in Kazakhstan...
See bottom of page for details

Let's talk in more detail about the features of using combs for combing lice and nits out of hair, about their advantages and disadvantages...

All methods of removing lice on the head can be divided into two groups: chemical and mechanical.

The first group includes methods for the destruction of lice using substances that poison parasites. Such drugs are very popular today, but often their use leads to side effects - from allergies to chemical burns and serious intoxication.

The advantage of mechanical methods of dealing with lice is that they are safe for human health - this is either removing lice with your fingers, or combing them out, or cutting your hair bald. With the exception of the last option, until recently, these methods were very ineffective: from the eyes of a person and the teeth of ordinary combs, lice and nits are reliably saved by their tiny size.

A regular comb will not help deal with lice

The size of the nits is so small that they can easily pass through the teeth of ordinary combs.

However, today the pharmaceutical industry has developed combs that, while leaving the hair intact and intact, successfully remove lice from them. Really, in practice, a special lice comb is no less effective than powerful insecticidal shampoos, sprays or lotions, but it is completely devoid of any contraindications and side effects.

Special lice combs are quite effective and completely safe even for allergy sufferers.

On a note

Today, another method of fighting lice is gradually being used abroad - thermal, in which lice are destroyed by a stream of air with a temperature of about 60 ° C from a special hair dryer. But so far this method is not widely used, although it promises to be very convenient and safe.

The thermal method of getting rid of lice with a special hair dryer is not yet very common in Russia

It would seem, why, with such significant advantages, lice combs have not yet ousted chemicals from the market? It's simple - a comb for combing out lice and nits also has its drawbacks.


All the advantages and disadvantages of combs

The indisputable advantage of all combs from lice and nits is their safety - they do not cause any reactions on the skin when applied.


  • The lice comb is designed to be as effective as possible - special notches are applied to its teeth, which greatly narrow the lumen, but do not interfere with the passage of hair. So the comb does not cause pain when combing out, but reliably collects lice from the hairstyle. In the photo - a popular scallop from AntiV lice.Special notches on the teeth of the AntiV comb provide reliable combing not only of lice, but also of nits.
  • Any comb for lice and nits, unlike many medicines for lice, does not have an expiration date.
  • The comb for combing out lice and nits is applicable to all family members, from infants to adult men.
  • It would seem that an ordinary comb for combing out nits and lice in practice turns out to be very reliable and almost never breaks - medical steel is used for its manufacture, which ensures high strength of the teeth.Lice combs made of medical steel are very durable and will never break during the procedure.
  • The comb can also be used to prevent head lice: if you comb your hair at least once a week, then the lice that accidentally get on them will be removed and will not have time to breed (this is especially true for children).Scallops can also be used to prevent head lice
  • And finally, the lice comb can be used in conjunction with other pediculicides, which significantly increases the effectiveness of the latter.

If you combine the use of a pediculicide and a comb, then your chances of getting rid of lice soon will increase significantly.


“We tried the nit comb for the first time about five years ago. It came with some kind of shampoo. As a result, already three times during this time they were infected - both in the camps and at school - and they took out lice only with this comb. A simple one, with a purple handle, but it combs out parasites with a bang. As soon as they are found, we immediately begin to comb out every day, and usually on the fifth or sixth day, neither lice nor nits remain. Not in one evening, of course, but it’s safe.”

Inna, Volokolamsk

However, before you buy a lice comb, it is also useful to consider some of its disadvantages:

  • A lice comb requires a much greater effort to remove parasites than almost any other remedy. To comb out lice with a serious infestation, you will need to spend 1-2 hours every day for at least a week. Accordingly, neither a simple, nor even a special medical lice comb will allow you to get rid of parasites in one evening.
  • It is quite difficult to remove parasites from oneself with a comb.
  • In addition, the price of any effective lice comb is quite high and starts at about 1000 rubles. As a result, buying such a comb turns out to be several times more expensive than pickling the whole family with a fairly effective pediculicidal shampoo. And given that most people don't plan on getting infested with lice on a regular basis, not everyone will prefer a comb.It will be difficult for a person inexperienced in the fight against lice to remove parasites with the help of a comb at home.

And further: Lice are not cockroaches, so is it worth removing them with Dichlorvos? (the article has more than 20 comments)

And about the nits: combing them out is generally more difficult than the lice themselves. Therefore, it is quite obvious that not even a single metal lice comb allows you to comb out all the nits at a time.


Instructions for use of lice combs

Removing lice with combs consists in daily combing the hair along its entire length. For this:

  • the hair is washed with a simple shampoo and dried with a towel, with sufficient length pulled together on one side of the head into a ponytail;
  • then strands are pulled out of the gum in turn, which are carefully combed out from the very roots with a comb from lice and nits;Strands of hair need to be combed from the very roots.
  • combed out parasites are collected and flushed down the toilet. To do this, it is convenient to carry out the procedure for combing lice over a bathtub or a white sheet.Photo of nits and lice combed out with a comb

After the first combing, most of all adult lice will be removed from the hair. Then every day the larvae and individual nits will be combed out.

After the first combing, the procedure will need to be repeated several more times to remove the remaining lice and new larvae hatching from the nits.

Nits combed out with a comb

As young nymphs hatch from the nits, they will also be removed (which is why the indispensable removal of the nits themselves with scallops from lice is, in principle, not required). In any case, removing lice from the hair with a comb alone is recommended for at least a week.


“For a long time they wanted to buy a comb for combing out nits in our kindergarten - some children have parents so careless that even if you tell them that the child has lice, they don’t find a week of time to poison them. I have to call the director, he forbids visiting, scandal.But at the same time, it’s not so difficult to remove lice with a comb - after the first combing out, they don’t remain, only nits remain, and then every day for processing, and that’s all - after a week the child’s head is clean. Now we have such a lice comb in every group, and several times it happened that the teachers removed the lice from the child before the parents got down to business.

God, Ivanovo

The lice comb is convenient to use with chemical and folk remedies. To do this, after applying a specific product, the hair is combed out one or more times with a comb to remove dead insects.


The most popular models of lice combs

Today, there are several dozen different combs on the market that can successfully fight lice. Of these, the most high-quality and effective are the following:

  1. AntiV lice comb - various sites overflow with reviews about it, and dealers themselves advertise it very actively, due to which this comb can, perhaps, be considered the most popular today. At the same time, it is really convenient and effective. The long teeth of the AntiV comb allow you to process thick strands, and the original relief of the notches ensures reliable removal of lice. The price of this comb from lice and nits is about 1000 rubles.The AntiV comb is today considered one of the most popular

On a note

The Comb Active from lice does not exist in nature - this is sometimes incorrectly called a product with the consonant name AntiV.

  1. The LiceGuard comb is another quality comb that effectively removes lice and nits. It attracts buyers by the fact that for about 850 rubles in one package you can buy two combs for different types of hair - this is the best solution if you need to remove lice from the whole family.One pack contains two LiceGuard combs for different hair types
  2. The NitFree lice comb is very similar to AntiV and has the same design and even shape. Its price is slightly higher - about 1100 rubles, but it probably does not have any significant advantages over Antiva.The Nit Free comb is very similar in appearance to AntiV, and you can buy it on the famous Amazon for only $11.
  3. The electric lice comb RobiComb is a high-tech development in the fight against parasites. It has a characteristic narrow blade of teeth and a comfortable wide handle, it is positioned as a means for more effective destruction of lice through the use of electrical discharges between the teeth.In the photo - Robi Comb electric lice comb
    And this is the model of the Robi Comb Pro electric comb

And further: A very useful thing that allows you to get rid of lice and nits without any chemicals - a special medical comb ...

If you are going to buy a lice comb, it is worth remembering that the effectiveness of each of them largely depends on the diligence of the parasite fighter himself. If the budget is very limited, then you can safely buy the most affordable and inexpensive comb, since the speed of removing lice does not depend on the price.

It is also important to understand that using an ordinary comb instead of a special lice comb, even with very fine teeth, is a relatively ineffective exercise. Plastic teeth easily bend and diverge, passing with a bunch of hair and lice and nits.

Even a frequent plastic comb will not be very effective against lice and nits.

On a note

It will be much more effective to buy any chemical remedy for lice with a comb - today there are a lot of such drugs that come with combs. For example, Parasidosis shampoo, Nyuda sprays and Pediculen Ultra - they all cost less than AntiV, and the combs in the same Pediculen and Parasidosis are in no way inferior to it. You can remove lice with the help of a tandem from a chemical agent and a comb in just two to three days.


Electronic comb: what is it better and is it worth using

The principle of operation of the electronic lice comb is the same as that of the simple comb. The only difference between them is that when lice hit the teeth of an electronic device, insects receive an electric shock and die. After that, even if the parasite rolls off the comb, it will no longer be able to cause harm.

Electronic combs from nits and lice are safe for humans - they have limiters on the sides of the tooth web, thanks to which the teeth do not reach the skin and do not shock the person himself (and these discharges are quite safe for people).

Electronic comb from nits and lice Robi Comb is completely safe for humans, so do not be afraid of it.

In general, we can say that the effectiveness of the electric lice comb is about the same as that of conventional high-quality combs. There are no studies, experiments and reviews that testify to the clear superiority of electric combs.

At the same time, an electronic lice comb costs from 1,800 rubles - almost twice as much as a simple comb. The web of an electronic comb is much narrower than that of conventional combs, which makes it difficult to comb out parasites with them. Therefore, an electronic lice comb is more of an expensive toy than a really reliable lice remedy.


“I really liked the electronic comb against lice and nits. I don’t know how simple combs work, but with this we got the lice out in five days without any chemistry - you take it and just comb out their head. It is absolutely safe, no stink or allergies. My daughter went crazy when we scratched her head like that. True, the price of such a comb is very high, not everyone can afford it, but on the other hand, there is no safer means.

Irina, Petropavlovsk

Be that as it may, a lice comb is an ideal tool for the prevention of head lice, since the use of chemicals for this purpose is strongly discouraged. But combing the hair with a comb, especially in a child, once a week is quite useful.

Combing lice with a comb in a child is not only effective, but also good for hair.

With this approach, even if a lice infestation has occurred, at the end of the week the parasites will be removed, and their random and few offspring will live at best for another week. So the search for the safest remedy for lice or a reliable method of preventing pediculosis can be safely completed on the ridges.


20 interesting facts about lice that not everyone knows


Detailed instructions for using the AntiV comb


Useful video: what should parents do if a child has lice


Last update: 2022-05-26

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Combs for combing out lice and nits" 23 comments
  1. Dmitry

    Let me disagree with the opinion in the article that "neither a simple, nor even a special medical lice comb will allow you to get rid of parasites in one evening."
    Our company provides a service to the population in removing lice at home by combing.The service is provided by a medical comb. And it was for one visit of a qualified honey. worker. In addition, we give a guarantee for our work - if not all lice and nits were combed out, then the employee will come again for free, which, you see, is not at all profitable for the company. So far this has only happened once.
    I will not name the company name, so as not to be considered for advertising. All health!

    • Nadya

      I will support that not in one evening. Personally, they tried the Antive comb on my daughter. It turned out to be a very effective remedy against these small but annoying parasites. Well, the first time we tried it ourselves, we did not dare to call honey. home worker. But even by hand, we managed to get rid of lice ourselves!

    • Anonymous

      Well, how to find you in Belarus, for example?

  2. Adeline

    Where can I buy them, please?

  3. Oksana

    And how much do they cost, please tell me.

  4. macha

    Where can I buy or order? And how much does this comb cost?

  5. Alla

    They tortured the nephew with antibite for two months, all the curly-haired people in the house became infected with the trailer. I read about nit fries on the net, it was last year, I persuaded my mother to buy this comb. I ordered it according to the ad, we are in Almaty, it costs 5500 tenge. It was delivered to me at the appointed time. I personally combed out these parasites from my niece and my mother. God has mercy on me, I live separately from them. In general, the result exceeded all my expectations. When I manually searched for lice, I found a couple of adults at most. I combed out 26 lice and no less nits with a comb. Where they all hid is not clear. It was easier with my nephew, during these two months of her torment, they did not cut her hair very short, but her mother had hair just below her shoulder, so they suffered with her, but the result was. Then they scratched themselves constantly.In general, I think they all got rid of this infection in a week. Don't be stingy, this is not a scam. Clean heads for everyone)

    • Alla

      We took a white sheet and combed it out, then they were immediately snapped with fingernails. Disgusting, of course, but there is no choice.

  6. Victoria

    This is a very effective remedy for not getting rid of lice and nits in one evening.

  7. Alex

    In Ukraine, Nit Free costs two times cheaper than AntiV. I compared - the combs have 100% similarity, it is clear that this is the same production. The difference is only in the packaging and the name.

  8. Gulek

    Hello. A special lice comb helps a lot. I live in Kazakhstan and luckily we sell such combs. They suffered for a long time, they could not get rid of lice. Have tried a bunch of different shampoos and chemicals. All to no avail. It's good that a friend recommended this comb. Bought immediately. The seller was polite and explained everything. The effect is just super, and why didn't we find it before. I advise.

    • Gulzhan

      Can you please tell me where they are sold? I also live in Kazakhstan.

      • Anonymous

        You just need to call and order.

      • Bibigul

        We bought a robocomb in Minsk. In general, the comb is comfortable, but it will not help with nits, so the treatment takes several days until all the eggs hatch. The main plus is that the electronic comb kills lice and it is no longer necessary to finish them off with “nails on the sheet”.

  9. Omir

    Hello, very cool Neat Free comb. We combed out for our children. We didn’t expect such a result at all, we are very glad that there is such a useful thing)) Everyone has a clean and bright head!

  10. Anonymous

    I want to buy a comb from lice and nits, where can I buy it?

  11. Olga

    Where to buy in Minsk?

  12. Vika

    We bought a comb, then combed out, a lot of lice attacked from the hair. But now it seems to be back...

  13. Vika

    How to order a comb?

  14. Natalia

    We bought a robocomb in Minsk. In general, the comb is comfortable, but it will not help with nits, so the treatment takes several days until all the eggs hatch. The main plus is that the electronic comb kills lice and it is no longer necessary to finish them off with “nails on the sheet”.

  15. Dis

    Effectively removes lice and nits with the Nit Free comb. Bought in Atyrau, this is Kazakhstan. Got rid of it in one day. The main thing is not to be lazy to comb out.

  16. Bibigul

    In Kazakhstan, the original NitFree comb is sold by only one company, very high quality and efficient combs. We took them, did not regret it, the comb really helped our family!

  17. Elmira

    We bought a NitFree comb in Almaty, I really liked the comb, got rid of lice and nits quickly. Super thing!


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