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Review of the most effective shampoos for lice and nits, including for children

Last update: 2022-05-07
≡ Article has 12 comments
  • Irina: If you want lice and nits to stay alive, buy Pedi...
  • Svetlana: But we always bring after the camp. In general, there is a myth that ...
  • Lena: I have already had a year after school. When it's school, it's always the same...
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We get acquainted with the range of the most popular shampoos for lice and nits

The use of shampoo for lice and nits is in most cases the best option for removing parasites at home. Lice shampoos compare favorably with other types of preparations in ease of use, high efficiency and, in most cases, high safety for human health. Shampoos for children are especially good - they are less likely than lotions and folk remedies to cause allergies and skin irritations.

Lice shampoos are less likely than lotions and sprays to cause allergies and are therefore generally more acceptable to children.

However, as practice shows, not every lice shampoo is characterized by such remarkable consumer properties. Therefore, before buying a product in a pharmacy or store, it is useful to study the most popular and effective options in advance and make a purchase with this knowledge - so the likelihood that lice will be removed in one treatment without any side effects is much higher.

Many pediculicidal shampoos are effective against lice, but do not work at all on nits.

On a note

It is perhaps worth noting that any shampoo against lice and nits partly loses to some pediculicide sprays in that none of the shampoos contains dimethicone - a substance that is absolutely harmless to humans, but deadly to lice (in fact, it is not even an insecticide , but liquid silicone, which envelops the lice with a thin film and thereby suffocates them). Some sprays containing dimethicone, for example, Nyuda and Paranit, enjoy well-deserved love from many parents.


Shampoo Veda: simplicity, reliability and side effects

Shampoo against lice Veda contains the insecticide Permethrin, a synthetic analogue of natural pyrethrins, as an active ingredient. Veda is now considered an outdated remedy, but there is a new version on sale - Veda-2 lice shampoo. Its composition is the same, but additionally introduced substances that soften the effect of the main component on the skin.

Veda-2 shampoo contains the same permethrin, which effectively affects lice

Both options are effective against lice, and cause their death within 30-40 minutes after application to the hair. They can be used against head and pubic lice, but they practically do not work on nits.

Shampoo Veda in both of its versions has little effect on nits

According to the instructions, Veda lice shampoo is recommended to be applied to the head for 10 minutes, but the actual practice of buyers shows that this remedy is really effective only when kept on the head for 40-50 minutes. However, in this case, the likelihood of an allergic skin reaction increases significantly.

12-14 days after the first application, the procedure should be repeated: the shampoo is reapplied on the head for half an hour to kill the lice larvae that hatch from the nits that survived after the first procedure.

The procedure for applying shampoo to the hair must be repeated after 10-14 days, when new lice larvae hatch from the surviving nits.

After applying the shampoo, thoroughly whipping the foam and keeping it for the right time, the hair is washed with plenty of clean water.

After the lice shampoo has been aged on the hair for the required time, it must be thoroughly rinsed off.

As a rule, failures in removing lice with Veda shampoo are due to the fact that the drug is washed off too quickly, - at the moment when he had just begun to act on the parasites.


“As soon as they saw lice in a child, they immediately rushed to look for a remedy. I remembered very well, but I forgot the name, “Lightning”, it seems. We found an analogue - Veda lice shampoo, we were told that it works very well. Even before using, I read the reviews and decided to do as they say - I smeared Alyosha with shampoo and kept it for 40 minutes. It seems that he didn’t have any reactions, but the lice really started to pour right in. Then they combed out his head, washed it with a simple shampoo, and after ten days not a single louse was found, although the instructions say that it needs to be removed again. We got carried away."

Hope, Barnaul

The price of Veda shampoo is about 250 rubles per 100 ml bottle.


Nix from lice

To be precise, Nix is ​​not even a shampoo, but a lice cream, which almost does not foam after application to the hair. However, its use is similar to that for shampoos, and therefore it is often called a shampoo.

Nyx lice cream is often referred to as shampoo because it is also applied to the hair.

Nyx contains the same Permethrin as an active ingredient, and in terms of effectiveness it practically does not differ from Veda shampoo. Due to the presence of auxiliary components, Nyx cream has a pleasant smell and only in rare cases leads to skin irritation.

And further: Secrets of getting rid of lice and nits on your own (the article has more than 300 comments)

Instructions for using the Nyx lice remedy

Nyx is applied to clean hair, which before that it is desirable to wash with a simple shampoo and dry. In accordance with the instructions, the drug should be applied to the head for 10-15 minutes, but in fact it should be kept on the head for about half an hour. After that, the hair is washed with clean water and a simple shampoo until completely cleansed.

Nyx can cause side effects in the form of skin edema, redness, itching, rash, allergic reactions, paresthesia. It is undesirable to use during pregnancy and lactation, and if circumstances force it, it is necessary to consult a doctor before use.

Nyx cream should not be used during pregnancy.

The price of "shampoo" (cream) from Nyx lice is about 350 rubles per 59 ml tube. The indicated volume is enough for about 3-4 treatments, depending on the length of the hair (about the same amount is enough for a 100-ml bottle of shampoo).


“So far, we have overcome lice in the whole family (the little one brought it from kindergarten and managed to infect me, my husband, my husband’s brother, my eldest son and even my grandmother), we figured out that the best shampoo for lice is Nix. If you hold it a little longer than they write in the instructions, then even the nits are combed out with a comb. Fortunately, we had special combs for lice. Although later we learned that as a lice shampoo for children, it is better to use LiceGuard in conjunction with the same combs. More trouble, but safer.

Alla, Khotkovo


Shampoo Paranit: safety first

All drugs from the Paranit line are known for their safety for human health. Their manufacturer, the Belgian company OmegaPharma, specializes in the production of the most harmless drugs, which include the Paranit lice shampoo, which is safe for both children and adults.

Shampoo for lice and nits Paranit is quite safe for children

As an active ingredient, the product contains the white mineral oil Clearol. Its principle of operation is in many ways similar to dimethicone, that is, we are not talking about some kind of “chemical insecticide”, but about a substance that envelops the lice with a thin film and thereby suffocates them.

Mineral oil Clearol as part of Paranit shampoo envelops lice with a thin film and thereby suffocates them

On a note

Sometimes Paranit shampoo is incorrectly called Paranix or even Paramix after the name of a whole line of products from parasites and the website of the manufacturing company. Therefore, when meeting such a wording on the Internet, it should be understood that we are talking about Paranit lice shampoo.

Instructions for using Paranit shampoo are similar to instructions for any other pediculicidal shampoo:

  • first, the product is applied to the hair
  • then the foam is whipped
  • after that, the skin at the base of the hair is massaged
  • and after 10-15 minutes the shampoo is washed off.

Increasing the exposure time to 30-40 minutes increases the effectiveness of the product. However, the Paranit lice shampoo is somewhat inferior in effectiveness to Veda and Nix due to the fact that the mineral oil Clearol, used as an active ingredient, is not an insecticide and acts more gently.

Paranit can be safely called a baby lice shampoo. It can be used for children as young as three years of age, with little to no evidence of serious side effects.

Paranit is successfully used to remove parasites in children

The shampoo comes with a special comb that combs most of the lice and nits out of the hair. The price of Paranit shampoo is approximately 650 rubles per 100 ml bottle.


Paranit is a very effective lice shampoo and is safe. Yes, they had to wash their hair twice a week apart. Well, that's how it is with all shampoos. But lice really die, and not only slow down, as from the same NOC.And for kids, it's perfect. I once brought them lice from my daughter, and then in the whole group in the kindergarten, mothers treated their babies with Paranit. And no one had any trouble with him."

Alina, Tver


Hygia from lice

Hygia Lice Shampoo works as both a lice remedy and a nit shampoo. Permethrin in its composition ensures the destruction of adult insects, and acetic acid softens the shell of nits and helps them peel off from the hair.

And further: A very useful thing that allows you to get rid of lice and nits without any chemicals - a special medical comb ...

Hygia shampoo is effective for both lice and nits

To successfully remove lice with the help of Hygia, it is necessary to thoroughly lather your head with shampoo, keep it on your head for half an hour, then rinse and comb your hair with a special comb. It is the additional use of the comb that will effectively remove nits from the hair, the adhesion strength of which will be significantly reduced after using the product.

The photo shows nits on the hair


Due to the content of acetic acid, Hygia can cause tingling, itching, and even burns on especially sensitive skin. Therefore, you need to wash off the shampoo immediately, as soon as unpleasant sensations begin to appear from it.

The price of shampoo for lice and nits Chigia is about 200 rubles, which makes it one of the inexpensive means for removing parasites.


“The son brought us lice from school, so we locked him in the bathroom and I sent my husband for medicine. God forbid someone infects someone. And what do you think? Husband brought some kind of pet lice shampoo for dogs. There was almost a scandal at home. A small one is sitting in the bathroom itching, I am yelling at my husband, he is at me. I had to go buy it myself.I bought Khigiya lice shampoo, did everything as written in the instructions, washed my head with it. True, my skin itched from him, but my son was fine. A week later, for reliability, they washed it again and it seems that there are no lice or nits so far. ”

Alena, St. Petersburg


Lice tar shampoo

Tar shampoo is used for lice more as a folk remedy, and initially it was produced as a drug for the treatment of diseases of the scalp. It is precisely because it is often prescribed to alleviate the symptoms of pediculosis (so that wounds and scratches do not become inflamed), that a tradition has arisen to use it to fight lice.

Tar shampoo is effective, rather, for the treatment of diseases of the scalp, rather than for removing lice and nits.

The abundance of phenols in the tar contained in the shampoo indeed turns out to be dangerous for lice to a certain extent, however, tar shampoo can hardly be classified as an effective preparation for combating lice and nits.


Pedilin: both from lice and nits

Pedilin is a pretty good shampoo for lice and nits based on malathion. The latter is a powerful insecticide of contact action and destroys both adult lice and larvae, and nits, penetrating through their shells. We can say that this is one of the most effective lice remedies among shampoos.

Thanks to the malathion in the composition, Pedilin shampoo is a fairly powerful remedy that destroys lice and nits.

Pedilin is used in the same way as other shampoos, but requires special care, since it can cause both side effects on the skin and various disorders of the nervous system. This is rare, but may occur when treating children and pregnant women.

Pedilin lice shampoo costs about 250 rubles per 100 ml of product.


“I could not choose for a long time which lice shampoo is better, but judging by the reviews, Pedilin turned out to be the most effective and inexpensive.Indeed, lice die from it completely, nits too, although they remain on the hair and need to be combed out. Our Sasha didn’t have any skin irritation from the shampoo, but other parents had complaints about him. But overall, I think this is the best lice shampoo."

Oksana, Chisinau

As a result, when choosing a lice shampoo, you almost always need to make some compromise - either safety, or effectiveness, or price. Before using the shampoo, it is always useful to check whether an allergy will appear on it by dropping a drop of the drug on the bend of the elbow and holding it for a couple of minutes - with individual intolerance, red spots will appear on the skin.

Before using any pediculicidal shampoo, it is useful to first test the skin for sensitivity to it.

It is also important to remember that no lice shampoos can be used regularly and for preventive purposes - they are intended only for a one-time hair treatment.

Be healthy!


What you need to know about lice and nits to get rid of them reliably: 20 facts


An example of a huge amount of lice on a child's head


Useful video: how to absolutely safely get rid of lice and nits using a special AntiV comb


Last update: 2022-05-07

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Overview of the most effective shampoos for lice and nits, including for children" 12 comments
  1. Julia

    Used Paranit. If you carefully read the instructions, then lice and nits will be removed cleanly. The only inconvenience of the shampoo is that you need to use it again in a week, but it was more my omission - I didn’t pay attention to it right away, otherwise I would have taken the lotion instead. In general, the tool is good. I washed my head twice and there are no more lice.

  2. Pauline

    My little one already had lice in early childhood, then they treated it with tar shampoo. The first time they didn’t cure it, after a couple of weeks the lice appeared again and I had to repeat the procedure, and then comb it out again. Last year I got infected again, already at school, and this time I decided to immediately buy a special comb with metal teeth, LysGuard. It can be used with or without shampoo. It is also easy to disinfect, so I even lent it to friends. In general, an irreplaceable thing for any family with children!

  3. Asya

    In general, parents need to regularly check the child's head after kindergarten and school, especially when the incidence peaks. This usually happens in late autumn, early winter, so the sooner you find it, the easier it is to get rid of. In addition, you need to wash your hair regularly, use high-quality shampoos, without chemical components, we like the Kroha series, it is just natural and hypoallergenic.

  4. Diana

    We removed lice with Paranit shampoo for a child. A good thing. For the first time, they washed their hair with shampoo and combed out all the creatures. The second time again (more, just in case), once again after 7 days the head was again treated with this shampoo - and that's it. They were satisfied with the effect.

  5. Mother

    The child is irritated by him ((

  6. Sasha

    Very good medicine.

  7. Valya

    Paranix is ​​not a very good remedy.

  8. Anonymous

    Veda 2 does not help with lice and nits. My child kept it on his head for 2 hours and washed it 3 times: first he washed off the shampoo, then with 9% vinegar, then just with water - and no result.

  9. Ira

    Hygia is a bad, ineffective remedy. The same as combing out with a comb. It just dries out the scalp. You treat with Hygia, and all the following days you comb out live lice.

  10. Lena

    I have a year after school. When it's school, it's always the same...

  11. Svetlana

    And we always bring after the camp. In general, there is a myth that people from disadvantaged segments of the population get lice more often, and that if your child brought these parasites home, it turns out that he chose the wrong company to communicate with. In fact, this is complete nonsense. Everyone has lice.

  12. Irina

    If you want lice and nits to stay alive, buy Pediculen ultra. The most terrible remedy.


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