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How to get rid of linen lice

Last update: 2022-05-14
≡ Article 31 has a comment
  • Anonymous: I have the same problem. Bites head, neck, waist. Don't know...
  • Ember: Lyudmila, were you able to get rid of it? What helped you?...
  • Sasha: I have the same trouble - a paid louse. Insect extermination company...
See bottom of page for details

Linen louse is one of three types of human lice.

Linen lice are, to put it simply, a special kind of head lice, the same ones that almost every child at least once in his life brought on his head from school or kindergarten. At the same time, linen lice (scientists also call them body lice) do not live on the head, but are adapted to permanent life on human clothes. Therefore, in order to get rid of linen lice, it is necessary to use slightly different methods than when dealing with head lice.

It is interesting

Linen louse is a product of human civilization. Despite the fact that body lice interbreed with head lice and are simply a form of the same species, they are rapidly evolving into a new species, and the reason for this evolution is just a person. Even the adaptation of these parasites to certain types of tissue is an evolutionary human behavior - for example, body lice do not settle on woolen clothes, since people do not wear such clothes directly on the body.

In the photo below - linen louse in adult form:

Close-up photo of an adult linen louse

Larvae of linen lice look almost the same as adults, but are smaller.

Linen lice, and especially their larvae, are very small in size.

Linen lice are human parasites, they feed exclusively on human blood and cannot parasitize other animals. At the same time, the linen louse cannot go without food for a long time - longer than several days, and therefore it always lives in close proximity to the body of its owner. Therefore, one of the effective ways to get rid of linen lice is based on the hunger strike of parasites: if clothes infected with lice are not worn for about 7 days, then linen lice in it will die of starvation.

Several linen lice with larvae and nits

Those people who have an extensive wardrobe and rarely constantly wear the same underwear are protected quite reliably from linen lice. Even if the parasite gets on the clothes in this case, it dies of starvation until the host puts on the clothes again.

From the foregoing, it becomes clear why linen lice are almost always found on homeless people, vagrants, prisoners and simply declassed elements who tend to wear the same clothes without taking them off for several months. From them and the objects they use, lice usually infect.

Linen lice are most often found in those who wear the same clothes for a long time without taking them off.

In this dependence of parasites on the proximity of the human body, one of the ways to get rid of linen lice lies.

It is interesting

Lice avoid settling on silk clothes, smooth and squeaky. The optimal substrates for them are linen and cotton. In the photo below - lice on ordinary cotton fabric.

Linen lice on fabric


Measures to combat linen lice

An effective and quick fight against linen lice is almost always based on poisoning them. However, even before getting rid of linen lice, it is necessary to remove all clothes and thoroughly wash the body with special shampoos - for example, Medifox, NOC, Bubil, Lauri, Veda-2.This will be the initial guarantee that no living insects will remain on the body.


“In 2012, I worked as a volunteer at a heating point for citizens in Odessa. I confess: 90% of the audience at these points are typical homeless people and drug addicts. Only sometimes local pensioners or employees of nearby recycling centers came to visit us. On the second day, we sounded the alarm: a shower was installed at the checkpoint, and when all this guard went in turn to wash ... In general, it is impossible for the faint of heart to look at their things. The head of the point contacted the sanitary and epidemiological station, and from there several blocks of lice soap and NOC products were brought the next day. After that, I bought myself one package of NOC, since this is a very powerful remedy for linen lice, in which case I can treat myself at home and quickly remove linen lice. But it passed, it didn’t get infected, and the guests themselves had to literally take away clothes in order to boil them with this soap!

Oksana, Nikolaev

After bathing, you can proceed to the treatment of linen from lice:

  • It is enough to boil all things in any dish for 15-20 minutes. For reliability, Karbofos or an insecticidal insecticide containing Permethrin can be added to the water.
  • If only one item of the toilet is infected or there is only a fear of infection, you can safely hang clothes in the fresh air, preferably in the sun, and do not take them off for a week. During this time, the lice die of hunger, and then it will be enough just to wash the laundry.
  • In especially advanced cases, in order to get rid of linen lice, clothes are processed in steam-formalin chambers, which make it possible to destroy any kind of pests. Usually such cameras are used by second-hand wholesalers, and for ordinary users it is easier (and cheaper) to go to a dry cleaner.

And further: Killer remedy for lice and nits for 40 rubles - hellebore water (the article has more than 60 comments)

The photo below shows several means to get rid of linen lice:

If you find linen lice, you can wash clothes with the addition of insecticidal insect repellent Medilis Ziper

Benzyl benzoate is used against both lice and scabies

Fighting linen lice is generally easier than other types of these parasites. At least in this case, you do not need to get rid of parasites on the scalp. But in some cases, body lice also cause a lot of inconvenience.


“We had a problem with lice in the theater. For one performance, they invited some local huckster who, like two drops of water, looked like Newton. It seems that they washed him, took him out of the binge for several days, and after he put on a Renaissance costume once, everyone in him began to itch. It turned out that it was lice. They refused to take props at the dry cleaners, so I had to take them home myself, wash them with Karbofos (there is such a material that you can’t boil them), and the artists had to carry out hygiene procedures at home with special anti-lice shampoos.

Olga Vasilievna, Pyatigorsk


Means for treating bed and clothes from lice

The most famous and reliable folk remedy for lice, including linen, used to be kerosene - linen can be soaked in it, boiled, and the lice will die. However, then getting rid of the smell of kerosene on clothes will not be easy. Therefore, today they often resort to a simpler and more modern method - before a simple wash, clothes are treated with anti-pediculosis drugs.

The treatment of linen from lice is most often done using the following means:

  • Medifox is a fairly well-known and popular lice remedy based on permethrin, a strong insecticide that is relatively safe for humans.
  • NOC is an analogue of Medifox, contains the same poisonous substance.
  • Bubil - shampoo for getting rid of head lice, does an excellent job with body lice.
  • Pedilin, which is somewhat inferior in effectiveness to Medifox, but also less expensive.

Permethrin as part of Medifox allows you to effectively destroy lice

Shampoo Pedilin is used to treat both the head and clothes from lice


We once poisoned lice with Medifox when the guy brought them from the kindergarten. Another time I picked it up at school, but we didn’t find Medifox anymore. Bought Pedilin, he was at times weaker. I had to wash two or three times, until all the lice had died.

Alexander, Tver

You can also remove linen lice using Karbofos or Microfos - well-known insecticidal preparations. Treating linen with them may seem expensive, but it will almost always be effective - both drugs are highly targeted insecticides with a nerve action.

A strong insecticide in the composition of Karbofos works well against lice

In the folk fight against lice, vinegar, turpentine, thick decoctions of tansy and tar soap are also often used. Cranberry juice is very effective against nits.


Know the enemy in person: how not to confuse lice with other parasites?

It is also very important not to confuse lice with other parasites that can sometimes be found on clothing. Linen lice differ from other competitors for our blood in some characteristic ways:

  • Lice differ from bedbugs in their small size and light body. At the same time, small bug larvae look like lice, but are rarely found on clothes and linen - they are more often found under mattresses and beds (see photo):

And further: Just don't burn your hair - vinegar is really effective against lice and nits (the article has over 100 comments)

In linen lice, the body is lighter and smaller than that of a bed bug.

Bed bug larva on skin

  • Fleas, unlike lice, jump very fast and far. In addition, fleas bite mainly on open areas of the body, and lice bite just under clothes.
  • Lice can be confused with small mites only when their paws are not counted. Ticks have 8 legs, while lice have only 6. The photo below shows a typical ixodid tick.

Ticks, unlike lice, have 8 legs.

And here is a photo of linen lice:

Close-up photo: linen louse

Sometimes lice are confused with scabies mites. However, the scabies mite itself is indistinguishable to the naked eye and does not leave bites on the body - it lives under the skin.

The scabies mite can only be seen under a microscope, and it lives under the skin.

The lice bites themselves are very similar to those of bedbugs and fleas, but almost never line up in the “chains” characteristic of the latter parasites. Treatment of bites of linen lice consists in treating them with antiseptic drugs and using antihistamines to prevent allergies.

In any case, it is always easier and safer to initially avoid infestation with lice than to think about how to get rid of them later. To prevent infection, it is necessary to avoid antisocial public, places of accumulation of marginal elements, rooms with unsanitary conditions. Clothing purchased by hand should always be washed at the highest possible temperature. With such preventive measures, the risk of infection with linen lice will be minimal.


20 facts about human lice


Useful video: pubic lice infestation and how to protect yourself from it


Last update: 2022-05-14

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "How to get rid of linen lice" 31 comments
  1. Alenka

    Goosebumps! Brrr...

    • Anonymous

      Well, yes, lice are terrible.

  2. Lenka

    Some kind of disgusting thing started up, biting me and the child. What it is, I don't know. Gnawing only legs, no strength to endure. How to deal with them? Help.

  3. Anonymous

    And we do not live in Russia, we rent an apartment. Husband is on a business trip. At the head of the bed, sooo small insects are pouring onto the snow-white sheet. 3-4 pcs. I sleep across the bed. The headboard is upholstered in fabric. You can’t throw it away, fairly new housing and furniture. Under the contract, they are required to hand over in this form. I've been steam ironing for a week. But the effect is not great. Today I bought some spray. flooded. It stinks. I've been reading, I'm itching ... I sincerely wish everyone who has encountered this problem to solve it as soon as possible.

    • Anonymous

      Most likely it's bedbugs. Read online.

  4. Zina

    This is a complete tin these lice ...

  5. Hope

    I live in a hostel, something bites me at night, all my hands and legs are bitten. They don’t bite anywhere else, it itches and swells a lot. I thought it was bedbugs, I looked at all the mattresses and bedding, but I didn’t find anything. I don’t know what it is, but every day a new bite appears.

    • Anonymous

      These are fleas, but not from animals.

  6. What problems

    Move out of your apartment for a month, buy two sets of new clothes, take your passport, laptop and a couple of necessary things with you - while you are gone, the whole viper will die, because. without blood, they live no more than a week, as it is written in this article.

  7. Anonymous

    I found the same one in my head, like, I wash myself, the house is always clean, but I don’t even know where they came from.

    • Anonymous

      I have the same problem. Bites head, neck, waist. I don't know what it is...

  8. Sevsever

    I don’t know how, but this problem also visited me, I would even say, a problem. In general, tin, I come home, it was in winter, it was 25-30 degrees outside. He completely undressed and took all his clothes out onto the balcony for about three hours, went to the bathroom himself, washed himself with the usual means. Then he threw the clothes from the balcony into the washer, washed with ordinary powder. Well, everything, as if nothing had happened, in all seriousness.

  9. Anonymous

    The child was found today, the wife combed out for 2 hours and special. Washed with shampoo, I hope these creatures and nits will no longer be.

  10. Oleg

    I once caught a body lice on a train. I put the clothes in the microwave for 3 minutes and there were no lice.

  11. Anonymous

    I had the same problem when changing water. My sister is not allowed to change the water even in the area, not to mention the city. We live in different cities, and she uses pet shampoo once every time she changes her water. Wild but effective. The funds didn't help. You can wash things.

  12. Anonymous

    It was impossible to wash clothes in the camp, so I put them in a bag. Two months later I found it - it turned out that it was lying open above the hanging things, the things in the package had no contact with other things. I washed them, and now, I think, could they crawl to me or not? Tell me please.

  13. Igor

    Found bites on the neck and stomach! It was some kind of itching, then I looked at things and found some eggs in the seams on the sweater. And only spent one night away from home! And now they live in my bed too? And how do you know? But I did not sleep on it in a sweater. What to do?

  14. Ludmila

    We were eaten by body lice.How to wash your head and body? Washed with Paranit and Para plus, disinfected the apartment 4 times, they still get out. Horror and tears, what to do?

    • Sasha

      I have the same trouble - a paid louse. The insect extermination company only takes money, but the result is zero ((In the summer I will leave with my grandmother for a month in the garage to live in quarantine, and the apartment will need to be cleaned after leaving. I will spend four cans. The horror is just ...

  15. Anonymous

    And I have a problem: there are cats in the house, they poisoned fleas, but still some kind of small-sized and dark muck jumps. But it is alarming that it jumps far enough, like a flea. I had a problem with lice in the 3rd grade, and that's it, but the guy is generally bald. Can you tell me what this filth is and how to get rid of it?

  16. Ludmila

    Help, we do not know what to do - we wash, boil clothes, iron. You can go crazy. It's a shame that SES can't help. Dismantled the laminate, things in bags. Where to apply?

    • Ember

      Lyudmila, were you able to get rid of it? What helped you?

  17. Somebody

    I gave the car for repair to people from the former "fraternal" republics. Outcome: I picked up this muck. I can not imagine how it was possible to leave so many of them in the cabin. Caught 5 pieces on clothes, planted in a jar. 3 died after 4 days, one - on the fifth, and the smallest - on the seventh. I boiled the clothes in my grandmother's basin (here, at least cover yourself with a copper basin). They lie on the Internet - no matter how much you starve them, you still have to cook, freeze, steam, boil shobols.

    Tip: don't go cheap.

  18. Dima

    That's all, some kind of pipets, some kind of crap bites me in bed at night under the hair of my head. And you can’t see them, just the next morning sores from bites. What could it be?

    • Anonymous

      Did you find out what it is? We, too, than to fight? Help!

  19. Valentine

    I found lice on my husband's underwear, and the larvae are like grains of semolina. How can I get rid of them? And can they live in the hair on the lower parts of the body of men, if you change your underwear?

    • Anonymous

      This disgusting belly is on things, but it can also be found on the body.

  20. Denis

    And how to deal with this in the army? This is a kick - how many batters have not soared, but they still exist. And the authorities don’t care - like, you, deadlines, fight as you wish. As they say, the problems of the Indians of the sheriff do not concern. What to do?

  21. Irshat

    And if you wash it in boiling water, won't they die? And then pat!

    • Anonymous

      And kiss…

  22. Sasha

    Lice stuck - I bought avicin, I will spray it myself.

    Called a paid disinfestation company dezpobeda - it did not help. All living insects died, but the eggs hatched - and new brood. We bathe and fry clothes every day, but it does not help. Mother, 80 years old, without a leg. There is no way to go anywhere for a month of quarantine. We will poison it with avicin, we will try it ourselves ((Horror, bedbugs, fleas, moths, cockroaches and ticks are nonsense compared to linen lice ((God give us patience to fight ((

    There were also head lice, my old mother and I cut our heads off and etched our heads several times with hellebore water according to the instructions, and got rid of them. And the underwear has bred - horror, and there is no salvation. And they also eat a little cat. I treated her with cat spray and put a special collar on her (for fleas). But it helps badly, the cat itches. Although doctors said that linen lice do not bite animals. Terrible in general.


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