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Lice remedy Medifox and reviews on its use

Last update: 2022-05-08
≡ Article has 4 comments
  • Anonymous: Marina, maybe they ran over to you)) Just kidding. We also just...
  • Marianna: I used kerosene and it helped me. Three days later, lice and...
  • Nika: Only Pediculen Ultra and Pedilen helped!...
See bottom of page for details

Medifox - a drug for lice.Let's try to figure out whether this tool is really effective and how people respond about it ...

Medifox is a well-known and frequently used lice drug today. Its production is carried out by the Moscow company LLC NPC "FOKS and Co", and today the drug has managed to earn a reputation as a means for the sanitization of persons heavily infested with lice, as well as the most convenient means for use in special detention centers (this fact alone speaks of the high effectiveness of the drug).

Medifox is even used to treat persons heavily infested with lice, including linen

Nevertheless, Medifox can be used in everyday life, including for removing lice in children. But in all cases, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the rules for the use of the drug.


“When I first encountered lice in my life, it was Medifox that poisoned them. I then studied in residency and volunteered for a month at a help center for the homeless and low-income citizens. Looked there, of course. Even such shots came, after which lice and fleas were sprinkled with a path. I worked from day one and we weren't ready for it, and we had a shower for everyone. I had to urgently buy funds, it was Medifox from lice that they bought, having heard enough reviews from the receiver in Novosibirsk.At that time I had nothing to compare with, and in general the drug worked on lice, especially in those who were heavily infected. There were even two handsome men who had dermatitis due to parasites, so after three weeks of one treatment a week, their lice completely disappeared. Now five years have passed, my daughter picked up lice in kindergarten last year, but I treated her with Paranit. The effect was the same, but Paranit does not seem to be so dangerous for children.

Lilia, Yekaterinburg

Medifox is produced in two forms:

  1. In the form of a gel in a tube of 50 grams.
    Medifox in the form of a gel
    It looks like Medifox-gel in a tube of 50 grams
  2. And also in the form of a concentrate for the preparation of an emulsion (in a 24 ml bottle).

Medifox-concentrate for the preparation of an emulsion

The effectiveness of both forms is approximately the same, and they should be chosen only for reasons of convenience: it is better to use an emulsion to treat the head, and a gel on the pubis to destroy pubic lice.


Composition and active ingredients of Medifox

The active substance of Medifox is permethrin, a powerful pyrethroid insecticide. It is a synthetic analogue of pyrethrins, substances derived from Dalmatian chamomile flowers.

Permethrin has a nerve-paralytic effect on lice: first, peripheral nerve endings are affected, and then, due to disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system as a whole, insects are completely paralyzed and die from stopping the movement of blood and lymph.

The insecticide permethrin in Medifox quickly paralyzes lice

For humans, permethrin has low toxicity: all mammals in the digestive tract produce enzymes that neutralize this substance. However, permethrin can still lead to side effects such as allergies, and therefore Medifox should be used from lice strictly according to the instructions.


“Medifoks from lice did not help us. Lice from it, of course, die, but not all. In addition, he developed an allergy from him.We were treated together (my husband got infected, he was on a business trip), but they spread to me. So I didn’t have anything, and Theme was sprinkled, both on the head and on the neck. Two of his lymph nodes were swollen. What efforts did I make to get this remedy, and not all of the lice died. A week later, the head began to itch again, and how. During these horribly spent half a day, the child scratched a lot of wounds. It ended up that Tema was shaved bald, and I was pickled two more times.

Elena, Astrakhan

Additional components that make up Medifox are castor oil, alcohol and butyl acetate as a flavoring agent (gives a fruity aroma). Castor oil is added to soften the effect on the skin, and alcohol is used as a co-solvent.

And further: You need to know the enemy by sight - detailed photographs of lice and nits (including macro photography). Terrible thing...


Instructions for use

Medifox lice emulsion concentrate must be diluted before use in relation to 100 grams of Medifox per 2.5 liters of water (the bottle should be diluted with 1-1.3 liters of water). This solution should be applied to the hair and skin with a cotton swab and gently rubbed into the skin at the roots of the hair.

The prepared emulsion of Medifox should be rubbed into the head for some time.

After treating the entire surface of the head or pubis, the product should be kept for 20-30 minutes and washed off with plenty of running water with soap or shampoo.


“If you have a lot of lice, buy Medifox. Great product and not expensive compared to other products. The head must be treated twice, because Medifox does not act on nits, but after the second time (if everything is done wisely), nothing remains for the head.

Tamara, Moscow

After treating the hair, while it is not yet dry, it should be carefully combed, preferably with a special lice comb. This procedure should be performed over a bath or a white sheet, because after treatment with Medifox, a large number of dead and paralyzed lice are showered from the head.

After treatment with Medifox, it is worth combing the hair with a lice comb

Dead and weakened lice, combed out of the hair, are especially visible on a white fabric.

The gel is applied in the form in which it is sold (without dilution), by simply rubbing your fingers into the skin in the infected areas. Half an hour after application, it should be thoroughly washed off.

It is advisable to repeat the procedure 7-9 days after the first treatment. This is absolutely normal: Medifox has little effect on nits, and therefore, after the first treatment, larvae gradually continue to hatch from them. Repeated careful processing allows you to destroy them.

Medifox has little effect on nits, so you may need to re-treat a few days after the first


“Medifox helped us from the first time. My daughter became infected with lice in kindergarten, and she began to complain when there were already a lot of them. They treated her with Medifox, left her to sit for half an hour, then washed her hair three times. And then combed it out for another two hours. The hair is curly, while you comb each strand, the child cries. And there were a lot of dead lice. In a good way, you need to treat your hair with a remedy in a week, but only if lice appear on your head again. They didn’t appear with us, maybe they found a couple of nits within a week, and that’s it. Medifox helped the first time."

Tatiana, Volgodonsk

“Medifox did not help us. As said, they were poisoned twice, but to no avail. There were fewer lice, of course, but not all died. I had to do everything the old fashioned way, comb it out and pull it out with my hands.”

Ilya, Nizhny Novgorod


Contraindications, side effects and safety

Medifox should not be used to remove lice in children under one year old, as well as pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Medifox is not used during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Before using Medifox, apply a drop of the drug to the skin behind the ear and hold it there for several minutes. If there is an individual sensitivity to the components after washing off, redness will remain on the skin. In this case, Medifox also cannot be used.


“In our village, apart from Medifox, there was nothing special to buy. It is now possible to order anything on the Internet. And about eight years ago, only Medifox from lice was sold. The whole family took out lice when the little one brought them from school, and other parents either used it or kerosene. After that, one boy in the class had some kind of allergic shock, he was taken to the intensive care unit, he lay under a dropper for a week. And nothing happened to others. My head itched a little after it, but not for long.

Love, Khotkovo

Side effects after using Medifox can be allergies, itching at the site of its application, swelling of the mucous membranes in the nose and throat. They usually go away within a few hours or days. With a longer manifestation of side effects, as well as with their significant severity, you should see a doctor.

It is also useful to read: How to get rid of linen lice

And further: Paranit from lice - a dummy that you can’t wash off your hair with, or a really effective thing? (the article has more than 70 comments)


The cost of Medifox and where to buy it

Today, Medifox can be bought anywhere: in online pharmacies, in simple city pharmaceutical outlets, on the market.

The price of a 50-gram tube of gel is on average about 350 rubles, a 24-ml bottle is about 400 rubles. The cost can vary significantly from pharmacy to pharmacy and increase when paying for delivery from the online store.

Para-Plus aerosol and Nittifor agent have a similar composition and effect on lice to Medifox. Pedilin shampoo, Nyuda spray and Peliculen-ultra spray are also quite effective, and you should choose from these products with an eye on the budget of the proposed lice treatment.

Shampoo Pedilin can be considered as an analogue of Medifox when treating lice

In any case, and when using any drug, it is highly desirable to buy a special lice comb, which will significantly enhance the effect of the use of a pediculicide and reduce the likelihood of the reappearance of parasites.


Want to get rid of lice? Please note important details...


Instructions for the complete removal of lice and nits with a special comb


An interesting video: where you can pick up lice and how dangerous they can be for humans


Last update: 2022-05-08

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Remedy for lice Medifox and reviews on its use" 4 comments
  1. Tsareva Anna

    My child brought lice from the kindergarten, I destroyed them in time. There weren't many of them, just three adults and a few nits. I bought a spray "NUDA" in a pharmacy, applied it and after 45 minutes of sense, combed it with a special comb.In the morning I looked, my head was clean, no nits, no lice. But I applied it again just to be sure.

  2. Nika

    Only Pediculen Ultra and Pedilen helped!

  3. Marianne

    I used kerosene and it helped me. Three days later the lice were gone.

    • Anonymous

      Marina, maybe they ran over to you)) Just kidding. We, too, just got their heads out like that!


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