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Lice Remedy Full Marks

Last update: 2022-06-18
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The Full Marx lice control kit includes not only the solution itself, but also a convenient comb for combing out lice and nits

Full Marx from lice is a set of two products, each of which complements the action of the other and provides the maximum effect in the fight against parasites. Reviews of this kit, which includes an insecticidal solution for lice and a special comb, indicate that this combination is generally quite effective and takes less time to control head lice than any other product used alone.

It is not surprising that, despite the relatively high price, Full Marks (aka FullMarks) from lice is today considered one of the most purchased imported anti-pediculosis drugs.

Full Marks is suitable for children from 5 years old.

Solution Full Marks from lice


“For three years, while the child goes to school, they have probably already tried all the remedies for lice. This is some kind of nightmare. While living in Germany, they did not even know that such a misfortune existed. At first we took shampoos, but they have to be used twice with a break of a week. Once tried to buy a special comb. A very good thing, but troublesome with it. You need to carefully comb out the child for at least three days, and then crush all these parasites or pour them into the toilet. But if you combine these tools, it turns out cool.Today, even such a kit is sold, FullMarks, very convenient - it contains both a special gel and a comb. If you use it according to the instructions, then lice are removed most quickly and easily.

Daria, Syktyvkar


Full Marks products - comb and pediculicide solution

The FullMarks lice kit includes an oily pediculicide solution and a special stiff fine comb.

FullMarks lice and nit comb also available separately

Their combined use ensures the reliable destruction of the lice population on the head and the quick and timely removal of both dead and simply weakened parasites and most of the nits from the hair.

It is the combination of a lice remedy and the subsequent combing of insects and nits from the hair that gives a particularly strong effect in the fight against parasites.

Practice shows that when using only pediculicidal solutions or shampoos, only adult lice and nymphs die. Most insecticidal agents have practically no effect on nits, since toxic substances do not penetrate into the egg itself through the protective shell.

And if adults die during the first treatment of the head, then after a few days larvae are hatched from the nits, which are quite capable of giving rise to a new population of head lice. Therefore, a few days after the first treatment, the head must be re-treated to get rid of the newly appeared larvae.

A few days after the hair treatment with Full Marks, it is worth carrying out another such procedure for prevention.

Using only combs to fight lice is very laborious due to the high tenacity of parasites and the impossibility of combing out all the lice, and even more so the nits firmly glued to the hair at a time. Therefore, you have to comb your hair with a comb for 4-7 days to completely remove lice.

On a note

Not a single comb allows you to completely comb out nits from your hair. In size, nits barely exceed the diameter of the hair itself and therefore easily slip between the teeth of the comb.

The Full Marks lice kit allows you to get a multiple increase in the effect due to the simultaneous use of an insecticidal preparation and a comb. After applying the solution, dead lice and those that are still alive, but weakened due to intoxication, are easily combed out of the hair.

And further: Lice are not cockroaches, so is it worth removing them with Dichlorvos? (the article has more than 20 comments)

After treatment with Full Marks solution, a significant part of the lice die, and the survivors are greatly weakened.

In the photo - head louse on the hair

In addition, the components of the solution included in the Full Marx kit soften the substances due to which the nits adhere to the hair, which makes it much easier to comb them out with a comb.

Reviews indicate that due to this effect, it is possible to completely get rid of lice in about three days or in two doses.

On sale there is both a solution and a spray for applying the product to the head. Their effectiveness is approximately the same, but the spray is more convenient to use in accordance with the instructions than the solution.

Spray Full Marks is more convenient to use than a solution, but you need to work with it especially carefully


“Used FullMarks from lice once. In general, it is convenient, but it also has disadvantages. The solution itself cannot be compared in efficiency with Para-Plus or Medifox. After processing the child's hair and half an hour of sitting with a bag on his head, half of the lice are still alive. But their comb is cool, it combs out lice better than AntiV. I don’t know how they can comb out curly hair - it’s too thick, but it was easy enough for our Andryusha to use it. Even such small lice were combed out, which are not even visible on the head. Most of the nits are removed by them. Another disadvantage is that the solution is greasy and does not wash off the hair. Five times you need to wash your hair with shampoo for oily hair, and then only the next day the hair will become the same.But in general, I liked the Full Marx kit.

Alena, Alma-Ata


The composition and principle of action of the Full Marx solution

Full Marx Lice Remedy is an oily solution of Cyclomethicone, a volatile silicone that, when ingested by lice, blocks their respiratory tract and leads to the death of parasites. Additionally, the composition of the product includes Isopropyl myristate, designed to reduce the effect of the fat content of the lotion.

As part of the Full Marx solution - cyclomethicone and isopropyl myristate

The tool has practically no contraindications. Its main active component is not toxic to humans, is not absorbed through the skin into the bloodstream and does not affect the health of the hair (you just need to take into account that the hair may appear oily at first after treatment). At the same time, the oils that make up the product help moisturize the skin and increase its elasticity.


My eldest daughter went to a summer camp and brought lice from there. She has long hair, you can say "to the priests." When I discovered them, my first reaction was a real panic! What to do, late evening in the yard, pharmacies are all closed, and in general what to buy?

Go online and read the reviews. There are a lot of “custom-made” opinions about some kind of miracle crest. Closer to the morning I stopped on the drug FUL MARKS.

I found it right away in the first pharmacy, although there were doubts that they didn’t sell it in our city. I bought 2 bottles at once - for my daughter, for me and for my grandmother. There, the comb immediately comes with iron teeth and is very comfortable.

The drug is oily, but then it is washed off normally. All the lice that were combed out were dead. On long hair, it was necessary to comb out for a very long time and painstakingly, but no one needed to re-treat with the product.

Now we sometimes use that comb for preventive combing.It is also sold separately with us for 40 rubles.


And further: Secrets of getting rid of lice and nits on your own (the article has more than 300 comments)

Instructions for removing lice using Full Marks

In accordance with the instructions, the FullMarks lice remover should be used as follows:

  1. First you need to comb dry hair and get rid of tangled curls.
  2. Then apply the Full Marx solution to dry hair, thoroughly rub it into the hair along the entire length. This usually requires about 50 ml of solution, but for very thick and long hair, the dose may be increased.
  3. Hold the hair in the processed state for about 10-15 minutes. It is advisable to cover your head with a scarf or a plastic bag for this time.
  4. Then you need to comb the hair from the very roots with a Full Marx comb. It is best to do this in separate strands, separating them from the hair previously tightened with an elastic band, if their length allows it.
  5. After combing, it remains to wash off the solution with shampoo. If necessary, rinsing is carried out several times.

Comb Full Marx from lice

After a week, the Full Marx comb should be combed again and checked for lice. If there are nits or small larvae on the comb, the procedure should be repeated. However, if the first treatment is carefully carried out, this is often no longer necessary.


Contraindications, side effects and precautions

Full Marx lice solution has no contraindications. In rare cases, it can cause allergic reactions of the body. In such situations, further use of the solution should be abandoned.

If the skin is prone to allergic rashes, then Full Marks should be used with caution.

If the solution gets into the eyes, they should be rinsed with clean water.

It is important to remember that the Full Marks solution is not a shampoo. When using it, you can not smoke, and the processing itself must be carried out away from a source of open flame.


Prices and ways to buy Full Marks lice remedy

Today you can buy a pediculicide kit Full Marks in online stores. Sometimes it is delivered in small batches to pharmacies in large cities, but it is usually not found in them all the time.

The price of the Full Marks remedy for lice is:

  • about 40 rubles per comb
  • 300 rubles per 100 ml bottle of solution
  • about 420 rubles for a 150 ml spray bottle.
  • a combination of mortar and comb costs about 330 rubles.

Full set of funds Full Marks

When buying through online stores, you should check that the seller does not accidentally send a spray instead of a solution, and vice versa.

Store Full Marks preparations where children cannot reach them. It is undesirable to store the solution at too low temperatures. Its shelf life is 3 years, but the comb can be used until it breaks.


What to do if you have lice


How to choose an effective remedy for lice and nits?


Useful video: how to rid a child of lice without harming his health


Last update: 2022-06-18

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Remedy for lice Full Marks" 27 comments
  1. Anonymous

    I have to try it, I think it will work.

    • Guest

      It works very well. I advise you to try.

  2. Tatiana

    How can I order this product?

  3. May

    I advise you to purchase an Antive comb.

  4. Olga

    Does Full Max spray help a child?

    • Elizabeth

      It helps, even how it helps, my daughter already had it 3-4 times, used it, very effective.

  5. sandu

    My daughter is 2 years old, she found lice in the morning, my husband and I decided and shaved baldly, and it started with me. Full Marks bought in a pharmacy for 1400 tenge. And she didn't regret it. After the procedure according to the instructions, I was simply horrified by what I saw, I am still shaking. It helped very well, the first time, and I wonder how many times you can treat your head in one day?

  6. Irina

    Today I tried. I combed out so many small lice, well, there were nits. Nightmare. It seems that the tool is nothing like that, the comb is good.

  7. Anonymous

    My daughters were also brought from the camp, we must try.

  8. Alina

    I also bought this tool for 270 rubles. I found lice half a year ago, the product helped. But a year later, my head started to itch again. I checked with a comb - and again these lice. I was not at a loss, because I had half a bottle of this product. And today I plan to repeat the procedure.

  9. Veronica

    I want to buy it, but I don't know how reliable it is. I have a medical checkup in a week. I want to ask: can I get rid of them with 1 application?

  10. Elvira

    My daughter started school this year in first grade. I have never encountered lice, but a few days later my daughter brought a gift in the form of lice.She was horrified by what she saw, it’s good that there were few, a few pieces, but there were already enough nits. I bought the full marks tool, it helped the first time, so I advise.

  11. tangerine

    I read about the tool, I want to buy. For half a year I have not been able to destroy the lice with Paranit, so that the cat would not get infected!

    • Kseniya

      Don't worry, pediculosis is an exclusively human disease, in cats it's fleas, so it won't get infected from you.

  12. Adele

    In the second grade, my daughter brought lice from school. I was horrified, after all, she infected the youngest! I went to the pharmacy and bought Full Marks, applied it, combed it with a comb. And it worked the first time! Happiness knew no bounds. But now, two years later, my daughter got infected from a friend. "Full Marks" in our city is expensive, they tried to get out with kerosene. For a few days I was fine ... and again. Filled again, and all over again! The poor elder's hair smelled of kerosene all summer long. Then they started using Dichlorvos, it seems to help, only the comb was lost, and I can’t find it in pharmacies. But dichlorvos also helps and it is cheaper. So he is also an option, the main thing is that it doesn’t get in the face, well, in the eyes, in the mouth. But this, of course, goes without saying. So, as I said, it is ALSO an OPTION!

  13. Marina

    Very good and effective tool. My daughter got rid of lice in one go. I recommend to all.

  14. Irina

    The tool is good, I do not argue. But washing it off is a quiet horror! I washed my child's head with shampoo 7 times, and that was left! Washed 3 more times in the morning.

  15. Masha

    Guys, help, how to wash off this fat from the hair? I'm in a panic, such oily hair, I washed it with shampoo 5 times, it doesn't help.

    • Natalia

      Buy in the pharmacy shampoo-conditioner Paranit, "CARE AFTER PROCESSING".Only he can help wash it all away. It is checked up on own experience.

  16. Irina

    An awesome remedy, I removed all the nits with a comb at a time to my daughter, which brought lice by itself. Such a clean head became, my joy knew no bounds. I’m already tired of fighting these bastards, like summer, so mommy has a surprise for you)) They advised me at the pharmacy, I bought it and didn’t regret it, there is still a remedy, so if suddenly something, then we’ll get rid of it very quickly.

  17. Natalia

    Today we found a present from the kindergarten, panic... Last year there was an epidemic of pediculosis in the garden, but somehow it worked out, apparently not this year. Last year I bought a Full Marks just in case. She treated herself, and her daughter and husband. Nits were removed easily after treatment and one dead louse. Hair, of course, after treatment was greasy, washed three times. Then I remembered about the AOC dish detergent, went to wash it, my hair is soft, fluffy and not greasy. I can’t say anything about the effect of the product yet, we’ll see in a week.

  18. Natalia

    Excellent result, helped the first time, I advise))

  19. Lily

    Will the nits die too?

  20. Dmitry, Rostov-on-Don

    We will try to get rid of the "neighbors".

  21. Kristina

    We have been using it for the second time, and I would not say that it is so good, the child has lice again.

  22. Sonya

    Urgently! Help, my brother gave me such a gift - lice. Moreover, he knew, but did not say, we fell asleep on the mattress, and here you are! Today I found out, I used the Full Marks tool, but I have to leave in 30 minutes. I washed my hair 10 times: first 4 times with regular shampoo, then Heden Shoulders 4 times and 2 times with laundry soap. In general, nothing helps, what should I do?

  23. Julia

    In our city it costs 640 rubles.My daughter's hair is thick and very lush, I don't know if it will work.


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