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Nyx Lice Remedy

Last update: 2022-05-03
≡ Article has 1 comment
  • Anonymous: Complete bullshit....
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Nyx lice cream for external use: getting acquainted with the features of the product

Nyx from lice is a special pediculicide cream containing a powerful insecticide and additional substances that increase its reliability and reduce side effects from use. Reviews about the Nyx tool are generally quite positive and confirm its effectiveness in the fight against lice, including for a single use.

Even despite the fact that the price of the drug is relatively high, thanks to the harmlessness and quick effect, Nyx lice cream today successfully competes with many cheap lice and nit remedies. Moreover, with such unsafe and outdated folk options for combating parasites as the use of kerosene, vinegar, tar soap, wormwood tincture, etc.

Tar soap - although outdated, but popular among the people in the fight against lice

On a note

The price of Nyx for lice is approximately 600 rubles for a 59-ml tube. The cream is produced by the German company Aspen Bad Oldesloe GmbH, and in Russia it is sold by CJSC GlaxoSmithKline Trading. Considering that one tube is enough for several treatments, the Nyx lice remedy is in the middle price range.


“We fight this scourge every three or four months. At first, my daughter brought it from kindergarten, now she drags it from school. It seems that there is someone infectious there, from whom she receives them, they multiply for a month, then we breed them, and then everything repeats. But we have already tried everything.Most of all I liked Nyx from lice - a German cream. It removes this muck at a time, it has never been allergic to it. True, he is expensive, a tube is enough for us four or five times (my daughter has very long and thick hair).

Irina, Nizhny Tagil


The composition of the drug and the principle of action

The main active component of Nyx is Permethrin at 1% concentration. This insecticide, when it enters the body of an insect, affects its nervous system and blocks the transmission of nerve impulses.

As a result, the louse begins to completely paralyze the muscles, including those responsible for blood supply and respiration, and within a few minutes the parasite dies. That is why Nyx against lice works quickly enough and does not require hourly waiting with cream on the head.

Permethrin in Nyx cream causes rapid paralysis in lice

On a note

With its effectiveness against insects, Nyx is quite safe for humans. When it enters the digestive tract, Permethrin quickly breaks down into harmless components and has no effect on the human nervous system.

In addition to Permethrin, Nix contains:

  • isopropanol
  • stearalkonium chloride
  • cetyl alcohol
  • macrogol stearate
  • hyatellosis
  • gelatin
  • methyl parahydroxybenzoate
  • canadian balsam fir
  • flavoring
  • propyl parahydroxybenzoate
  • propylene glycol
  • dye sunset yellow
  • citric acid anhydrous
  • purified water.

All these components provide the desired consistency of the cream, its ease of application and the absence of a pyrethroid-specific odor.

Nyx does not directly work against nits, that is, it does not destroy them. It just doesn't get inside the louse egg and paralyze the developing larva.

It is also useful to read: Getting rid of lice and nits at home

And further: You need to know the enemy by sight - detailed photographs of lice and nits (including macro photography). Terrible thing...

Nyx has practically no effect on nits

It is with this that the need for double treatment of the head with cream is connected. Although with a responsible approach and additional use of combs, lice are removed with the help of Nix at a time.

It is interesting

According to statistics, in 90% of cases of using Nix, lice are removed in one procedure. In part, these statistics are determined by the fact that the drug is widely used abroad, where lice combs are used with it by default.


“We can say that we accidentally tried the Nix remedy, but now we will always use it for lice. Once they need to smear their head, and the lice immediately die! But after that, you still need to comb out the nits from the hair, because they do not die at all from anything. We have the AntiV comb, and together with Nix, it helps to get rid of lice in one go."

Katya, Moscow


Rules for using the cream Nyx

Instructions for Nyx lice cream are similar to the rules for the use of similar drugs.

Before treatment, the hair should be thoroughly washed with a simple shampoo and wiped with a towel. Nyx must be applied with thorough rubbing on the scalp, and then - on the hair along their entire length. The consumption of the cream itself depends on the density and length of the hair.

Treatment with Nyx cream involves thoroughly rubbing it into the hair.

After application, the cream is kept on the head for about 10 minutes (the head can be left uncovered) and washed off with water, clean or with shampoo. After treatment, the hair should be combed strand by strand with the comb supplied with the tube.

Similarly, the destruction of pubic lice is carried out. Here it is important to process, in addition to the pubis, the groin itself and the hair between the buttocks.

Photograph of a pubic louse

Instructions for the Nyx lice remedy are the same for patients of all ages, including children older than six months and the elderly.


“Nyx is convenient to use, but it turned out to be not very effective. Its plus is that you need to keep it on your head for only 10 minutes. But after that, inhibited lice remain. And nits too. Medifox is a stronger analogue.

Ilya, Kolmogorskoye


Side effects and precautions when using the cream

The main advantage of Nyx over competitors' drugs, even those with a close price, is its high safety. Nix does not lead to poisoning or burns, in exceptional cases causes mild allergic reactions, does not affect well-being.

However, despite the generally positive reviews, he also has contraindications. It is not recommended to use Nyx for children under six months of age, during pregnancy and lactation. It is contraindicated in acute dermatitis of the head and in case of individual intolerance to Permethrin.

Side effects from the use of Nyx are possible in case of an overdose and applying too large amounts of cream to the skin. In this case, rashes occur, nausea, swelling, and sometimes eczema and itching may appear.

With a tendency to allergies, the use of Nyx can lead to rashes on the neck and scalp

The cream contains isopropyl alcohol, so if it is accidentally ingested (which is possible if a child finds a tube), poisoning is possible.


Nyx should not be used regularly or for preventive purposes.


And further: A very useful thing that allows you to get rid of lice and nits without any chemicals - a special medical comb ...

How to increase the effect of Nyx

In order to get rid of lice with the help of Nyx in one go, after treating the hair, comb it very carefully with a comb. The comb included with the cream is generally not very suitable for this, since it is made of plastic and does not have sufficient rigidity.

Much more reliable options in this case are metal combs such as AntiV and Lice Guard, which allow you to comb out even most of the nits from your hair. After treating the hair with Nix, it is enough to comb the hair with such combs over the next two to three days to completely get rid of both lice and their eggs.

Modern lice combs allow you to comb out not only the actual insects, but also nits from the hair

The LiceGuard comb has special notches on the teeth for a better grip on nits


“There is a very good remedy for lice - Nix. True, its price bites, but it kills all parasites at once. That's just the comb to it in the kit is no. What an ordinary hairbrush. We were lucky, we already had a Robocomb comb, and together they worked well. The procedure is usual - the lice are destroyed with a cream, and then all the nits are combed out with a comb in a couple of times.

Svetlana, Kyiv


Where to buy Nyx from lice: prices and methods of purchase

Nyx for lice on sale in online pharmacies is quite rare, but at the same time it is easy to buy in regular pharmaceutical chains. You can't buy Nyx directly from the manufacturer.

Nix from lice is quite expensive - as mentioned above, about 600 rubles for a tube with a comb, and given that a more professional comb usually needs to be bought in addition to it, fighting lice when using it becomes quite an expensive pleasure.

Nevertheless, the experience of those who have used the drug shows that such costs for the fight against one of the most unpleasant human parasites are quite acceptable.

If you have experience in dealing with lice using Nyx, be sure to leave your feedback in the comment box at the bottom of this article.


Can't get rid of lice? Useful information to note


Useful video: how to get rid of lice and nits with a special AntiV comb


Last update: 2022-05-03

Comments and reviews:

There are 1 comments for the entry "Nyx Lice Remedy"
  1. Anonymous

    The bullshit is complete.


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