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About bed bugs

What causes bed bugs in the house and what to do in such a situation
What causes bed bugs in the house and what to do in such a situation

There are not so many reasons for the appearance of bedbugs in the house, and the most common are only one or two. To reliably protect the premises from parasites, it is enough to know these reasons and adopt a number of simple rules that will reduce the likelihood of apartment infection. This is much easier than further poisoning bedbugs on your own or calling professional exterminators, and often without a guarantee of getting the desired result. So why do bedbugs start indoors? Let's figure it out...

How bugs can be dangerous to humans
How bugs can be dangerous to humans

Bed bugs are a serious health problem. Moreover, it concerns not only third world countries and completely unkempt houses, as people mistakenly believe, but also has a direct bearing on comfortable, clean and well-appointed city apartments - bedbugs start up in them with the same ease as in rural huts. If the room has been infected, you can forget about restful sleep and well-being - bedbug bites cause severe skin irritation, itching, can lead to various functional disorders of the body, and in some cases even to serious illnesses. Therefore, it is simply impossible to simply wave a hand at preventing the appearance of these parasites, thinking that this problem will never affect you, or in no case should you engage in the fight against them, tk. the outcome can be very sad.

Detailed photos of bed bugs
Detailed photos of bed bugs

A detailed description of the appearance of the bed bug, its larvae and eggs. More than 40 vivid photographs accompany interesting information about bedbugs, which will be useful to everyone who has come across these bloodsuckers closely or is preparing to fight them.

What do bedbugs eat and how long can they live without human blood
What do bedbugs eat and how long can they live without human blood

At first glance, it may seem that bed bugs are quite vulnerable insects, because being strongly attached to a person as a source of food, they, in theory, should have died if there were no people in the room for a long time. But in practice, it turns out that the absence of people in the house, even for 6 months, often does not lead to the death of the entire population of bedbugs. So what do bedbugs eat and how long can they live without blood - let's figure it out ...

Bed bugs in the house
Bed bugs in the house

Finding out that bugs have settled in the house is often not so easy. However, there are several characteristic signs of the presence of these insects in human habitation. When the existence of bedbugs at home has already been proven, you should start planning to deal with them. Purchased poisons for home use, folk remedies, as well as a special team of exterminators can help in this matter. To decide which of these methods to choose, a description of the advantages and disadvantages of each of them will help.

Bed bugs (aka bed bugs)
Bed bugs (aka bed bugs)

To successfully combat parasites living in apartments and houses, it is very important to correctly identify them. The fact is that it is necessary to remove cockroaches, ants and bedbugs in different ways, using the most effective means against each type of insect. It will be very useful to learn how to visually distinguish the furniture bug from other household pests.Bedbugs and their larvae have several characteristic features that can be seen in detail in the photographs.

What could be the reasons for the appearance of bedbugs in the apartment?
What could be the reasons for the appearance of bedbugs in the apartment?

Bed bugs in an apartment are always a surprise. And the owners of any apartment, regardless of its size, location and grooming, are shocked by the very fact of the appearance of bedbugs in it. But experts can talk for hours about how and why bedbugs appear in an apartment: there are a lot of reasons and ways for parasites to enter the room.

Signs of the appearance of bedbugs in the apartment
Signs of the appearance of bedbugs in the apartment

In an infested home, you can find many signs that signal the presence of bed bugs. All of these symptoms are highly likely to indicate that the fight against bed bugs should be taken now. Like any other insects, bedbugs leave their characteristic traces, which can tell you where to look for parasites and how many they live here. And the sooner counteraction is started, the easier it will be to clean your house from these insects.

Find out where and how bed bugs live
Find out where and how bed bugs live

The habitats of bedbugs in an apartment are different from the shelters that cockroaches and ants prefer. Bed bugs are very specific and extremely unpleasant parasites in this regard: they prefer to settle in bedrooms and beds, just where a person least wants to see any kind of insects. But these are not all the features of bedbugs that make them unpleasant human neighbors and difficult to destroy by parasites.

Bed bugs and how to deal with them
Bed bugs and how to deal with them

If you have bed bugs in your apartment, then it’s time to learn more about these parasitic insects, because, as they say, you need to know the enemy by sight. What do they look like, where do they prefer to hide, how do they eat and, most importantly, how to effectively deal with them? Let's figure it out...



If bed bugs have started in your home, then it's time to find out more information about the features of the life of these insects. Even if the bugs have already overcome you so much that you are only thinking how to deal with them as soon as possible, we still suggest not to rush.

You definitely don't need to rush to the store in search of the first bed bug remedy that comes across. It is better to first understand the problem in detail, so that later, consciously and with understanding, approach its solution. In the meantime, just note that you have come to the right place: this section of the site contains a lot of useful information about bed bugs, methods for detecting them in an apartment, and the basic rules for dealing with these insects.

The attitude of people towards bed bugs can be quite ambiguous. Some people go into real shock when they see, for example, a nest of parasites under the mattress of their bed and realizing that it was these insects and their larvae that crawled over them for weeks, regularly drank blood, laid eggs ...

Other people, on the contrary, treat bed bugs very calmly, almost indifferently. Well, yes, bedbugs, well, they bite, so what? Mosquitoes bite too. In fairness, it should be noted that in our civilized age you rarely see such an attitude towards bed bugs - as a rule, these are neglected cases in dysfunctional families, as well as overnight stays for visiting workers (the so-called guest workers).

Of course, bed bugs should never be tolerated. Quiet neighborhood with them is absolutely unacceptable, as it causes real harm to human health, significantly exceeding the harm from mosquito bites. Bed bugs drink blood almost twice their own weight at a time, they do it regularly, their population grows very quickly under favorable conditions (almost exponentially), and your apartment, first turning into a real bed bug, will then become a breeding ground for parasites in all neighboring apartments.

Well, for starters, we recommend that you get acquainted with the materials on the topic of why and how bed bugs can appear in an apartment. Then it is worth studying the question of which methods of dealing with bedbugs are effective, and which are unacceptable and even dangerous. And only after that it makes sense to start choosing a specific method and a specific means by which you will remove bedbugs from your home.

We wish you success in this important and difficult task!

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