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Why dream of lice on the head and hair

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  • Tatyana: From personal experience: I dreamed of a lot of lice, and they rained down from the go ...
  • Anonymous: Vinegar sometimes ....
  • Maria: Even with an elementary comb, you can comb everything out, and even with a long ...
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Let's try to figure out how to interpret dreams with lice on your hair

In most cases, it will be completely incomprehensible to an ordinary person why lice dream in their hair. A person living in normal conditions rarely encounters these parasites, and even if they start, getting rid of them is done in a matter of days, or even hours. However, head lice dream even when a person knows about these insects only from school textbooks.

Many dream books and experts who study the work of the human brain agree that lice dream only as a reference to other events taking place in a person’s life, and also as a kind of indicator of future changes. To understand what the signal refers to, you should look into the dream books.


Louse in a dream in the old days and now

In the old days, the interpretation of dreams with lice mainly consisted in predicting the weather, crop yields or livestock health. Obviously, this was due to the way of life of the whole people, their interests, aspirations and main occupations.

In ancient dream books that have survived to this day, one can find such interesting interpretations:

  • lice on the head in a dream mean the health of livestock, the profitability and wealth of the house;
  • dreamed of lice in the hair of a child - you can expect an excellent harvest;
  • to collect lice in a dream from livestock - to the sea and death.

A dream with lice on a child’s head used to be considered a sign of a good harvest.

In the modern world, the role of agriculture has somewhat decreased, and dream books began to pay more attention to a person’s personal life, his joys and sorrows. Now you can find many guides that thoroughly explain what lice dream about in your hair from the point of view of urban realities.

The idea of ​​a modern urban dweller about lice usually differs significantly from the attitude of rural residents to these parasites in the old days.

For example, you can consider several options for modern interpretations:

  • the dream book of the World assures that seeing lice on your head in a dream is a good sign, as this promises a new good job, capital increase and settlement with debts.
  • The latest dream book explains why head lice appear: they predict the future resolution of legal issues (the division of property, litigation, inheritance), which will be resolved in the best way for the dreamer.
  • But Dream Interpretation Semenova warns: to see in a dream that there are lice on your head means that it is not entirely honest to behave towards loved ones, betray friends and consider plans for enrichment at someone else's expense.
  • Freud's dream book claims that lice are the personification of dark forces that seek to harm a person through his acquaintances or friends.
  • The Correct Dream Book says a little different: you dreamed of a louse in your head - you should take great care of your health. These insects indicate upcoming illnesses and visits to the doctor. If there are a lot of lice, the disease will be quite serious and will require significant material costs to cure or prevent it.

The presence of lice in the hair in a dream The latest dream book is interpreted as a positive sign

It is interesting

In ancient times, lice lived in almost every house, and no one even tried to remove them.Firstly, it was initially a meaningless exercise, since the infection occurred again and again, and secondly, lice were considered a symbol of prosperity and wealth, confidence in the future.

It was believed that lice simply would not go to an empty inhospitable house to a bad owner and it would be better to stay “on the street” to live. Therefore, a person who had never suffered from pediculosis was considered a loser, a poor man, and aroused a number of suspicions. This is confirmed in ancient dream books, which paid great attention to the interpretation of dreams about lice and considered them a joyful symbol of wealth and prosperity.


Lice on a child's head: what does such a dream promise

In real life, lice are most common in children. This is due to their constant presence in large children's groups, joint games and an active lifestyle in general. All this is also projected onto dreams: people quite often have to look in dream books for an interpretation of what lice dream about in a child’s head.

It is also useful to read: What types of lice do humans have

And further: Just don't burn your hair - vinegar is really effective against lice and nits (the article has over 100 comments)

In life, children are usually more likely than adults to become infected with lice, which can also be reflected in dreams.


“For a long time I tried to find out why lice dream in my daughter’s hair. The local grandmother said that this was just a sign that I was very caring. I studied different dream books, and they say about the same thing. There are other interpretations there, but they are more suitable for the business world. In general, I calmed down, and even if sometimes I dream of something so unpleasant, I don’t attach much importance to it.

Sonya, Berdyansk

As a rule, all dream books are unanimous that such a dream does not portend a big trouble and serious threats to life and health.Sometimes, on the contrary, a dream about lice on a child’s head promises wealth to all his relatives and parents in the first place.

Photo of head lice on human hair

The appearance of head lice in a dream can promise wealth

It is worth saying that most often such a dream carries information and warnings for parents, and not for the kids themselves. Here is how some of the dream books interpret such a plot:

  • Tsvetkova’s dream book says that seeing lice on a child’s head in a dream means only excessive concern for his health, excessive guardianship, attempts to prevent him from developing on his own. This dream indicates psychological problems in the family associated with the improper upbringing of the child, which in the future will make him a dependent and weak-willed person.
  • The Small Velesov dream book explains why lice dream in a child’s hair: this image should be carefully considered by parents, since a dream signals violations in the health of their children. It’s good if you can remember exactly which part of the body the louse was crawling on. Usually it is this part of the body that requires increased attention from doctors, which may be required in the very near future.
  • Dream Interpretation Grishina explains that in a dream lice on the head of his child will be the person who can soon count on a promotion, an interesting business trip or a job change to a more promising one. In general, lice represent money, and this image is applied to the child's parents or other familiar faces who dreamed of him. According to the guide, the more lice and nits were seen, the greater the benefits of changes in life. It is worth saying that such an interpretation is one of the most popular, and many dream books adhere to it.
  • The dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima warns that it is possible to understand why lice in the hair of a daughter or son are dreamed of only if the dreamer clearly and well remembers all the events that occur in a dream. So, if lice climbed over the child and fell from him - experiences, sadness and longing threaten the whole family. If the parents managed to destroy all the lice in time and did not let them bite the kids, all adversity will pass by, it will be very successful to get rid of them. We can say that children represent the strength of the family and are equally a reflection of both spouses.

The Small Velesov dream book interprets the appearance of lice on a child in a dream as a signal of health problems


What is the meaning of the color of lice in a dream

Lice on the head in a dream can appear in completely different guises. As a rule, they look like in reality, but sometimes they appear in the form of small black insects that look like fleas. This is usually due to the fact that the dreamer has never seen lice in real life (or it was a very long time ago), and the subconscious mind simply “painted” the required image for him, presenting the most reliable picture.

Most often, lice on the hair in a dream appear in the form of black insects.

head lice

In any case, you should pay attention to the color of the dreaming louse, as this is most directly related to the interpretation and will help make it more detailed and accurate.

So, why dream of white lice in your hair?

It is also useful to read: What causes head lice

And further: Secrets of getting rid of lice and nits on your own (the article has more than 300 comments)

White lice, having their usual appearance, dream of money and easy enrichment, indicate the large-scale business reserves of the enterprise, the capabilities of an individual person or an entire family. Usually, such a sign should be considered as a signal to action - the conceived business will certainly bring profit even in excess of the expected one, or new business partners will unexpectedly appear.

White lice in hair can dream of wealth

There is another interpretation of white lice: they indicate a person’s insecurity in front of the outside world, his fears, anxiety and inability to live. Sometimes lice can be messengers of failures, sorrows and anxieties that will fall on the dreamer.

In general, you can explain what white lice dream about in your hair for: this dream is directly related to the person who had it. You should carefully monitor your health, material and family affairs.

There is another interpretation: white lice in the hair in a dream can mean that you need to pay attention to your material condition in life.

Now let's look at what black lice dream about in hair.

Black lice indicate the world of evil and bad deeds that the dreamer is literally shrouded in. This does not mean that they are committed by the person himself. It is quite possible that he should be wary of the intrigues of enemies and intrigues, and be careful when dealing with strangers.

If you dream of lice in your head and they are not only black, but also large, you need to be on the lookout. Perhaps someone will try to grossly deceive the dreamer or appropriate his property.


Lice in a dream from the point of view of psychology

Any dream about parasites is usually provoked by a powerful psychological background, which is not always on the surface to be easily perceived. The subconscious transforms and modifies real events, mixes them with fears and conjectures, getting the image of an unpleasant, “unclean” and disgusting insect that literally eats away a person’s head.

The image of lice on the head in a dream can also symbolize certain problems in life.


“I advise you not to believe all these predictions. My wife rushed about with all the dream books and tried to figure out why she dreamed of lice in her daughter's head. And she was looking for illness in a child, and all sorts of evil eyes. As a result, a psychiatrist in the hospital found depression and manic syndrome at an early stage with his wife herself.Of course, he called it smarter words, but the point is that the problem was not with the child, but with the wife herself. Now let's treat her."

Ruslan, Kirov

Psychologists explain that such a dream may be associated with obsessions or excessive obsession with one thing, which also “eats” the brain, leaving no room for anything else.

It often turned out that people who had dreams of this kind found latent diseases. Perhaps the body is trying to signal a problem in this way and therefore shows a harmful insect.

The appearance of lice in a dream may reflect concerns about your health

You can also explain why lice dream in your hair by the fact that a person experiences negativity from someone from his environment. Such an unpleasant person is called an energy vampire and can bring a lot of suffering to the dreamer. Also, such dreams can be explained by increased anxiety, fears, feelings and self-doubt.

One should not take unpleasant dreams associated with lice too seriously. They do not necessarily mean something bad, but may just be a random fantasy of the sleeper. Usually this happens when a person heard about lice on TV or from friends and perceived them as a threat, was afraid to get lice.

When interpreting dreams, it is very useful to listen to the subconscious and your own intuition: it is she who most often prompts the answer and the most correct interpretation and allows you to better understand your life.

Sweet Dreams!


20 interesting facts about lice


An interesting video with the priest's opinion about prophetic dreams: why they arise and what danger they pose


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Last update: 2022-06-06

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Why do lice dream on my head and hair" 4 comments
  1. Riga

    How to get rid of lice, oh my!

    • Maria

      Even with an elementary comb, you can comb everything out, and even with long hair it's real! If I had not been convinced by my own experience, I would not have believed it in life. Take a white sheet of paper and comb it out. At first there will be lice with nits, and after a couple of days there will be only nits. For prevention, you still need to comb through, after a while!

    • Anonymous

      Vinegar sometimes.

  2. Tatiana

    From personal experience: I dreamed of a lot of lice, and they fell from my head - I received a refund, which I didn’t even expect. But if white lice start up in your head in reality - expect trouble.


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