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What can lice dream about

≡ Article has 49 comments
  • Anna: I don't believe in dream books....
  • Anonymous: I dreamed of lice from a dead mother, like small ants in a sample ...
  • Olga: Today in a dream I was at a hairdresser, they found yours and ...
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Let's see what a dream with lice can portend ...

At all times, the attitude of people towards lice has been very negative. These insects cause a lot of trouble and inconvenience, cause itching of the scalp and are capable of carrying deadly infections. It is not surprising that when wondering what lice are dreaming of, people usually project their negative attitude onto dreams with these parasites.

However, in fact, not all dream books hold such a negative opinion, and sometimes lice in a dream are also considered as a good omen.


Miller's dream book about lice

Miller's dream book is one of the most authoritative guides, which is most often consulted in search of the interpretation of dreams. He explains in some detail what lice dream of, offering several interpretations. Each of them should be considered depending on the context of the dream.

Among the most authoritative dream books is Miller's dream book

Most often, Miller's dream book is inclined to assert that lice dreamed for a reason: they signify not very good and expected events for the dreamer. Meanwhile, lice do not carry a direct threat in a dream, that is, for example, one should not expect serious illnesses, dismissal or family dramas.

In general, seeing lice in a dream according to Miller's dream book means future chores, a large amount of paperwork, boring duties that must be completed.In other words, the dreamer should prepare for a difficult period of his life, which will require you to use all your strength and not stop halfway. Often this can be associated with educational activities, exams or difficult practical work.

Seeing lice in your dream and trying to remove them according to Miller's dream book means a desire to get rid of problems and start a new life. Such an image characterizes a difficult situation that does not allow a person to exist calmly and joyfully. He is trying to eliminate it, destroying lice in a dream that bite and drink blood.

According to Miller's dream book, lice in a dream are an image of trouble in real life.

Often lice dream in the singular, but seeing a lot of lice in a dream is also not uncommon. A large number of these blood-sucking insects indicates chronic fatigue, constant employment with important and routine tasks that exhaust a person. Such a dream can be interpreted as a warning: if you do not take urgent measures and do not allow yourself to rest, you can make big health troubles.

According to Miller's dream book, seeing lice in a dream in a child or other family member is not so bad. This mainly speaks of the dreamer's unwillingness to be separated from loved ones and fears for their health and life. If such an image and the question of what lice dream of haunts you more and more often, you should think about it: perhaps there is excessive guardianship in the family and you need to be a little calmer about the inevitable difficulties.

If a child dreamed of lice, this may indicate excessive fears for the health of loved ones.

If you dream of lice in the hair of a stranger, this means the subconscious fears of a person, the fear of getting into a stupid situation or losing your property. We can say that the meaning of lice in a dream in this case is self-doubt, complexes, a certain amount of cowardice.


What other dream books say about lice in a dream

Some dream books answer the question of why lice dream in a completely different way. Unlike Miller's guide, there are dream books that tend to see a direct threat to the life and health of the dreamer, as well as his loved ones.

Some dream books consider dreams with lice as a sign that portends a threat to the health or life of a person, as well as his loved ones.

So, the dream book of Simon Kananit says: lice in a dream mean a serious illness or a bitter loss, for which one should prepare in advance. Moreover, the dream book gives advice to pay attention to the number of lice: the more there are, the more serious events they portend.

And further: You need to know the enemy by sight - detailed photographs of lice and nits (including macro photography). Terrible thing...

According to this dream book, one louse in a dream is much less dangerous than several such insects. If you dreamed of lice in the hair of a loved one or a child, most likely, they are in danger. Extra care must be taken.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita considers lice in a dream in a negative way - regardless of their number

If a person with lice is absolutely unfamiliar to the dreamer, one should beware of a catch from an accidental ill-wisher. It is possible that the damage will be caused unintentionally.

The modern dream book advises: in order to more accurately determine what lice are dreaming of, it is necessary to pay attention first of all to their size.

  • So, for example, to see a gigantic louse in a dream - to a serious and unpleasant conversation with superiors, perhaps - to a demotion or salary.
  • If you had to see lice of a normal size in a dream or look for them in your head, you should tune in to unpleasant surprises in the family.
  • Separately highlights the dream book when the child has lice, and explains them with concern for the health of the baby. Very rarely, this dream can mean a real lice infestation in a children's institution.

Dream Interpretation Semenova warns: if you dreamed of lice, then you urgently need to check the health of the whole organism. Perhaps, with the help of such an impartial image, the body is trying to signal real failures, infections and inflammations. If in a dream you dreamed of lice sitting on clothes - perhaps the dreamer is thinking of a not very good deed that will denigrate him in front of his friends and will not bring success.

If you dreamed of lice on clothes - perhaps you are thinking of something bad.

Seeing lice in a dream means being attacked by enemies in real life, becoming a victim of intrigue or evil machinations. Perhaps there is a person in the environment who is trying to solve his problems at the expense of the dreamer and will stop at nothing. Such an image in a dream hints at an insufficiently careful selection of friends who are potentially ready to stick a knife in the back.

Dream Interpretation Tsvetkova declares with confidence: if you dream of lice, this is a very bad sign. If such a dream appeared before a trip or some significant event, then the event must be postponed. Perhaps it will not go very well or even turn out to be a major mistake.

You can understand what lice dream of in a child and an adult by paying attention to their number. According to Tsvetkova, one louse indicates a minor problem, perhaps a quarrel or family troubles. But a large number of lice that are on a person’s head or crawl over his body are a sign in the near future to refrain from risky undertakings, travel and extreme sports.

Dream Interpretation Tsvetkova recommends refraining from risky undertakings if you dreamed of lice on your head or on your body

What does it mean if you dreamed of lice, the Modern Dream Book will also tell you. He advises to remember the location of insects. So, lice on the head mean making a difficult decision, a painful process of deliberation and difficult choices.And lice on the body indicate the presence of a disease, a long recovery or depression, dissatisfaction with one's own life.


Lice dream of money: is it true?

If you dreamed of lice, then you should not immediately panic. Some dream books consider them to be harbingers of well-being, a well-fed and rich life. This interpretation comes from antiquity: in those days, lice were a common phenomenon and were found literally everywhere. Moreover, a person not suffering from lice inspired suspicion, because it could seem that parasites for some reason literally bypassed him.

And further: Killer remedy for lice and nits for 40 rubles - hellebore water (the article has more than 60 comments)

Hence the idea that a prosperous, healthy and successful person attracts all living creatures that want to feed on his blood. This opinion is supported by such an authoritative publication as the dream book of Nostradamus.

To see lice in a dream, according to the dream book of Nostradamus, is a good and prosperous sign that helps to bring new material opportunities to life. Lice in a dream symbolize good luck, fulfillment of desires and a rich, secure home.

According to the dream book of Nostradamus, lice in a dream symbolize material well-being.

To better interpret the dream, you need to look at the size of the insects. Why do giant lice dream: if a dreaming louse is abnormally large, you can start to rejoice - it symbolizes a dream or aspiration that will come true very soon. Why do small lice dream: such a dream speaks of success in small financial affairs, maintaining a decent standard of living.

The louse that the dreamer observes on his own body speaks of healthy ambitions with a reasonable approach to business.Sometimes symbolizes the return of debts.


Catch and kill a louse in a dream - what does this portend?

Most dream books that consider the louse a negative symbol interpret the image of its destruction as follows: a person gets rid of the shackles of fear and evil, becomes the manager and master of his life. In this case, killing lice in a dream promises a good state of affairs, strengthening one's own material and spiritual base.

Killing lice in a dream is a symbol of the coming good life

It is worth saying that killing a louse in a dream is a rather unpleasant symbol from the point of view of some dream books. So, the dream book of the birthday people of January, February, March and April reports: in a dream, the person who is in danger of trouble in business, a sad notice or loss of work will catch lice or kill them. If the plot of the dream was such that the dreamer kills other people's lice, he will have to solve other people's problems, putting this burden on his shoulders.

In a dream, killing a louse taken from a child’s hair means future difficulties in the family, mistakes in education, disagreements and quarrels.

Also, dream books interpret dreams with lice of different colors in different ways. White lice in a dream are usually associated with good omens: enrichment, prosperity, good news. Black lice in a dream are, as a rule, messengers of troubles and illnesses of loved ones.

Black lice in a dream can portend problems or illnesses in loved ones.

The English dream book also quite unequivocally states: although lice are unpleasant insects, killing them in a dream does not bode well. As a rule, this is due to the deterioration of health and memory, the loss of a good job, discord in relations with their other half. Sometimes killing a louse can mean betraying a friend, which will be done for profit.


Sometimes, it is difficult to decide how exactly you can interpret your dream.To obtain the most reliable results, it is advised to memorize the entire storyline well, paying special attention to the details. Further, it is desirable to note what sensation the dream left and what intuition says about this. Sometimes the actions in a dream can be unpleasant (such as killing lice), but the dream itself does not seem negative or frightening.

When choosing a dream book, you can be guided by different criteria - from personal sympathy to authority. In any case, do not panic and prepare for bad changes in your life. A prophetic dream just makes it possible to replay everything in such a way as to avoid an undesirable event.


What is important to know about deciphering dreams


Last update: 2022-06-05

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "What lice can dream of" 49 comments
  1. Alex

    I don’t know what to believe - everything is explained in different ways, and where you can’t figure out the truth!

    • Anonymous

      That's for sure )

  2. Katyusha

    I don’t know what to believe: there is a lot of everything here, and everything is different everywhere! )

  3. Olga

    I agree with health. I feel bad and have seen terrible lice.

  4. Tatiana

    What to believe...

  5. Yana

    I will believe that lice are for money. My grandmother used to say so.

  6. Lika

    Jan, I agree with you.

    • Anonymous

      I checked. Yesterday I dreamed of lice, today I received money ... It works.

  7. Angelina

    It's clear.

  8. Lanochka

    My grandmother used to say that lice are for money. Do not push them - so the money will not go away. And here everything is so ambiguous ...

  9. Victoria

    I saw lice in a dream on the eve of my mother's death. A week ago, lice dreamed again. I told my close friend about it, she smiled, says, for the money. And the next day, her brother was in intensive care in critical condition. Until now in a coma, the prognosis is disappointing.

  10. Olesya

    I dreamed of lice on September 10 and my grandmother died on September 11 ...

  11. Alyona

    What you believe is what will happen

  12. Ludmila

    Lice for money.

    • Anonymous

      Julia, I think it's true that lice dream of money.

  13. Olesya

    All my life, as far as I can remember, lice have been for money, and now there are so many dream books that you don’t know what to believe. So it's best to listen to the first opinion, what you used to believe.

  14. Natalia

    I take the old version, a woman threw lice at me, wanting to infect, I saw them in her hand, I didn’t see them in myself, but I was going to get rid of them. But the dream was interrupted. I think for money.

    • glad

      I dreamed of lice, but I did not see myself. And I didn’t even see them, I heard about them - a woman told me that she had a lot of lice on her legs and everywhere on her body.

  15. Elena

    When I dream of lice, within a week I have money, it's true.

  16. Ai

    For the money, it's 100%.

  17. Anna

    What to believe, there are a lot of skeins here. Damn, that's scary.

  18. Kristina

    To the money... I also believe in it. And in general, what you believe in, then it turns out.Thoughts come true.

  19. Svetlana

    So I dreamed that I caught one louse on my head and killed it. Now I think what to wait… Of course, most of all I want money!

    • Anonymous

      Well done

    • Anonymous

      Today, I also had the same dream as you. One, yeah, and I killed her. Tell me, please, what did you have after this dream?

  20. Alla

    I dreamed of hordes of lice on my head, there was a sea of ​​them, I got rid of them with shampoo, and then they began to crumble like gold. So I think, probably, it's true, for the money))

  21. Nastena

    Lice dream of money

    • Vladimir

      Everything that dreams portends improved health and great prosperity.

  22. Tatiana

    And I saw lice on the head of my child, and I clearly saw how I killed them, there were at least 10 of them. Otherwise, I also heard from my grandmother that lice dream of money. Let's hope that this is true, I don't want to think about the bad.

  23. Galina

    I also heard that lice are for money. I want to believe in the best.

  24. Irina

    I also know from the older generation that lice are for money ... And after my sleep, I want to check again. The head was full of lice.

  25. Anonymous

    And tonight I saw lice in a dream, and in the afternoon I lost the ring. Still, it’s bad to remove lice, apparently.

  26. Anya

    My mother also always told me that lice are for money, for the first time I hear that they dream of trouble!

  27. Anna

    But I sincerely DO NOT understand why there are so many PHOTOS OF LICE in the text? Are you joking? This is a very terrible choice of illustrations.

  28. Nora

    I don't know about you. I had a dream from Thursday to Friday. I clearly saw that I had lice. On Friday afternoon, I had a fight with the closest and dearest person - with my mother. I don't know what to believe!

  29. Valyukha

    Lice - 100% to money.

  30. Oksana

    Today I dreamed that I was combing out lice. Some white ones. Today we fly to the Crimea. And why not fly now?! I still want this dream to be for money. The other option does not suit me))

  31. Anatoly

    First there was money, then lice (in a dream).

  32. Tatiana

    My husband saw green lice, I think for money.

  33. Mila

    I saw black lice on a fair head, and I was very surprised! And then she left for her uncle ... And only when she woke up did she realize that he had died a long time ago. And I saw the lice again in the same dream, how they scattered along the white sheet, already in my uncle's house. What is it for?!

  34. Lucy

    Lice - for money.

  35. Galina

    My mother also told me that lice are for money. But I saw them on some child, on blond hair. She opened the strands, and there were lice, dark, then they jumped and for some reason flew. I read the dream books, but I will believe my heart: lice - for money!

  36. Oksana

    I dreamed that an unfamiliar man offered me to comb the lice out of my hair. For some reason, I had dark hair and a short haircut. I came to some house, there was this man, he took a special comb and began to remove lice from my head. Moreover, I denied the presence of lice in myself, and he proved the opposite - several lice fell out of my hair. Then he discovered a small abscess on the back of my head - he said, let me remove it, but I flatly refused.

    • Hope

      Such a dope

  37. Marina

    Today I saw 2 lice. In the morning they brought the debt. Definitely for the money.

  38. Olga

    I also heard all the time that lice are for money. I dreamed of a huge amount. Not in the hair and on the body, but just crawling. Profit was (financial). And all illnesses and accidents are just coincidences.Although profits can also be a coincidence. But when you believe, everything comes true.

  39. Olga

    Today in a dream I was at a hairdresser, they found yours at my place and crushed it in front of my eyes, showing by this that she was alive. We decided to dye our hair, supposedly from this lice die ... I see myself from behind - they raised my hair for dyeing, and there are nits (white) on the inner strands. Barbers decide if they are dead or alive? In the end, we decided to dye our hair and get rid of the nits. Here I woke up! Hope to profit!

  40. Anonymous

    I dreamed of lice from a dead mother, like small ants in a test tube. I asked her, there was no answer. I drowned in the toilet. Tell me, please, what is it for? And then you have to go to the casino. Seriously.

  41. Anna

    I don't believe in dream books.


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