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Where do bedbugs come from in the apartment and what to do if they are found

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0:28 - Bedbugs in the apartment - is this considered unsanitary?

1:54 - Why these bloodsuckers quickly infect living quarters and easily survive in them.

2:49 - Why bedbugs feel so comfortable in apartments.

3:28 - How to act correctly if bedbugs are found at home.

3:43 - How to block insects from entering the apartment.

4:18 – Why bed bugs can be so hard to get rid of.

4:59 – Effective ways to deal with bed bugs.

7:33 - What you need to know so that bed bugs never reappear.

No matter how paradoxical it may sound, however, the habitation of bedbugs at home is a kind of norm. Most of the populations of bedbugs on Earth are localized in people's homes., some individuals prefer to live in outbuildings, affecting animals and birds. Only a small part lives in stone caves, parasitizing on bats.

It is home conditions that are most suitable for the life of parasites. In apartments and houses, humidity and air temperature are suitable for them, there is always a source of food (a person) nearby. The absence of natural enemies is also an important advantage.

For a modern person, this will seem like a real absurdity: home bugs have settled in a clean and comfortable apartment, next to modern technology! But the fact remains: pests have learned to easily move from apartment to apartment, so even in countries with high sanitation requirements there are problems with bedbugs. These insects have been interfering in people's lives since cave times.Thanks to this, the parasites have adapted and adapted to different living quarters. It is very convenient for them to live next to people because of their biological characteristics:

  1. The period of activity of domestic bugs falls at night, when people sleep;
  2. Parasites have a flattened body shape. For them, this is a great advantage, since they can be localized in the narrowest gaps. It is difficult to see them there, much less to bring them out;
  3. Bedbugs are very mobile and can easily migrate between houses and apartments.

Even if comfort, coziness and ideal frequency reign in the house, insects can easily get into the apartment through open windows, cracks in front doors or even through ventilation. Sometimes households themselves bring pests into the house - for example, in clothes, with bags or packages.

The biological characteristics of bed bugs greatly complicate the process of dealing with them.

For example, these pests cannot be removed using standard poison baits. Bedbugs ignore food and water, so drugs and products that are suitable for fighting ants or cockroaches are absolutely powerless against bedbugs.

In addition, most populations are resistant to typical insecticidal preparations. For example, it is known that many individuals today are already resistant to pyrethroids, karbofos and other common agents. Therefore, it is often difficult to choose the right drug.

It is also useful to read: 5 ways to kill bed bugs in the apartment

And further: Where the hell did the bugs come from in the apartment and what to do in such a situation

Despite this, there are several proven and effective methods of dealing with bed bugs:

  • Aerosol preparations based on several insecticides at the same time.If you spray poison in the air near insects, they cannot avoid inhaling poisonous fumes, which leads to the death of parasites;
  • Another method is the use of contact insecticides. They begin to act only if the parasite runs through it and, accordingly, gets dirty. The active component of the agent penetrates through the chitinous cover, then reaches the nervous system, which leads to poisoning. This method does not have a fast result. First, it can take a long time for the parasites to run through the poison. Secondly, it is not always possible to apply such a preparation to the place where pests are localized (for example, on a bed);
  • Finally, you can permanently get rid of bed bugs by freezing or exposure to high temperatures. It is known that individuals die at a temperature of minus 20 ° C (it will take about 3 hours), or at +45 degrees (about 40 minutes is enough). Therefore, sometimes infected furniture is taken out into the cold, the entire apartment is frozen at once, or industrial hair dryers and steam generators are used.

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