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What everyone needs to know about bed bugs

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0:33 - Why absolutely every civilized person should be ready to meet with bed bugs.

2:42 - Why bed bugs are not effective with poisoned baits.

5:03 - Is it possible that bedbugs will stop biting on their own?

5:33 - Can insects leave the apartment on their own?

7:37 - Is it possible for insects to appear in a clean and comfortable apartment?

8:39 – Can there be only one bed bug in a room?

8:48 - Why do bedbugs often live in apartments?

10:12 - Where parasites usually reside.

10:57 - How quickly bed bugs reproduce, is a gradual fight against them effective.

13:08 - Is it possible not to take measures to combat bedbugs? Is it dangerous to be in the same apartment with them?

Bed bugs are insects that can easily become your "neighbors" in the house. These pests are perfectly adapted to life with a person, they feel great in apartment conditions.

This suggests that almost anyone on the planet can find these uninvited guests in their apartment. For this reason, everyone needs to know what these insects are in order to have an idea when meeting with them who they will have to fight with and not make gross mistakes.

A characteristic feature of all bedbugs is the oral apparatus of a piercing-sucking type. In other words, these pests are not able to gnaw, they can only pierce the skin and suck out the juices. In this case, we are talking about piercing the skin and sucking blood.

Why is this information important? Because house bugs are not able to eat solid foods, and it can be concluded that various poison baits that are used to remove cockroaches will be completely ineffective against bedbugs.

Second: if bedbugs have started up in the apartment, then they will 100% bite, because this is their only way to survive. Human blood is the only source of nourishment. Therefore, it is foolish to believe that the bugs will someday stop biting, you need to fight them and try to get them out.

Third: the home environment where a person lives is the most affordable way for bed bugs to live. They will not be able to survive on the street, outside the apartment or house.

From the above, we can conclude that bloodsuckers will not leave their homes on their own. You need to fight them and use various methods of persecution.

In addition, bed bugs enter the house in all possible ways, regardless of living conditions, cleanliness or repairs. For them, only two conditions are important: optimal temperature conditions and direct contact with a person.

This type of pest has been living next to a person since past centuries, when people had no housing. For a long time they managed to get used to various conditions: from living in dilapidated sheds and buildings, to large elite apartments. Now bed bugs are found even in the most prestigious cities in the world. Therefore, you should not be surprised that these insects met in your clean and civilized apartment.

And further: Where the hell did the bugs come from in the apartment and what to do in such a situation

Pests are constantly trying to increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bdistribution. Even if the parasites settled in one apartment, they are more likely to move to neighboring apartments, filling the apartment building completely. For this reason, in addition to baiting bloodsuckers, you must also take action to protect the premises from intruders.

Fourth: these insects feed exclusively on blood, in most cases this process takes place at night. Accordingly, bed bugs are localized near a person’s resting place, that is, near beds or sofas. For this reason, it is necessary to start pest control from these places.

Fifth: bedbugs are ways to multiply very quickly.

All this information is necessary in order to know that it is useless to fight bedbugs gradually. Many believe that you can get rid of them slowly, squeezing them one by one. Don't get your hopes up, it's useless. Due to active reproduction, they need to be poisoned all at once.

Sixth: these insects are dangerous. Despite the fact that they are not capable of infecting, their bites are very painful and itchy for a long time. Some people have an allergic reaction to bites, this can even lead to Quincke's edema. It is also possible suppuration of the wound or nervous disorders. You should not count on a quiet life if there are parasites in your apartment. If bed bugs appear, they must be dealt with. How? This is a whole story that is worth talking about separately ...


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