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How to get rid of bedbugs in an apartment: important nuances that many do not even think about in practice

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To permanently remove bedbugs from the apartment, you need to open all their possible shelters, then proceed to eliminate the possible places where bedbugs enter the apartment.

Consider these nuances in more detail in the video:

1:23 - What is the most effective and faster way to remove all the bedbugs in the apartment.

2:26 - Why it is not recommended to invent your own methods of dealing with bedbugs.

3:32 – How to get bed bugs out of a room once and for all.

4:44 - How to securely block all entrances to the apartment for bloodsuckers so that they never start up in the house again.

6:39 - What means can quickly get rid of bed bugs.

7:41 - Preparatory stage: whether people and animals need to leave the premises, what to do with furniture, clothes and utensils.

9:22 - Algorithm for processing an apartment from bedbugs.

9:55 - Why you need to pay special attention to the sleeping place.

11:38 - What to do after using an aerosol to ensure that all the parasites in the apartment are destroyed.

12:10 - End of room processing.

12:46 - What is desirable to do at the end of the bullying.

13:47 - Why in most cases you have to process twice.

15:38 - In what situations is reprocessing required?

16:39 - How the room is reprocessed.

You can quickly and effectively get rid of bedbugs using the simplest and most popular method, only it needs to be used correctly in practice.

Even before you start taking measures to combat bed bugs, you need to find and block all possible passages through which they can enter your apartment.

The next step is the right choice of means and method.Insecticides in the form of an aerosol work most effectively and quickly act. When choosing drugs, you need to pay attention to their price and immediately calculate how many packages or cans you need to completely treat the apartment. It has been noticed that in almost all stores, concentrates have a more affordable price compared to ready-made insecticides in cans.

If you chose a concentrate, to prepare the product, you need to dilute it with water in accordance with the instructions and pour it into a spray bottle.

Before starting processing, you need to carry out preparatory measures:

  • All animals and people must be removed from the apartment for at least 24 hours.
  • If possible, it is better to take food away from home as well. If this is not possible, then they need to be folded into a plastic bag and tied tightly.
  • Clothes and bedding are placed in bags and tightly tied.
  • All furniture that is in the apartment should be moved away from the walls in order to get easy access to them.
  • If you have aquarium fish, you need to cover the aquarium with a lid or glass, first do not forget to unplug the filter and compressor from the mains. Poison for bedbugs is detrimental to aquarium fish.
It is also useful to read: 5 ways to kill bed bugs in the apartment

And further: We caught bedbugs and tested the effect of GEKTOR powder on them - a pretty killer thing turned out to be ...

Next, a high-quality treatment of the apartment is carried out with the help of insecticidal agents. Remember that the drug must be applied in sufficient quantities to all corners, joints, surfaces, etc. This increases the chance that absolutely all bugs will be destroyed. Must be processed:

  • Absolutely all upholstered furniture in the house, including pillows. It is advisable to turn over all the furniture and process even the bottom of sofas and armchairs.
  • Floor to wall joints.
  • Parquet or laminate - completely.
  • All carpets in the apartment, interior items, paintings.
  • Wallpaper not tightly attached to the wall.
  • Bookshelves and even the books themselves.

Another important rule is that the treatment should be carried out in the entire apartment, and not just in the room where the bugs were seen. At the end of the treatment, you need to leave the apartment to "brew", be sure to close the windows and doors, turn off the hood. After 4 hours, you need to carry out high-quality wet cleaning.

It is worth considering the factor that aerosol products are ineffective against eggs laid by bedbugs. Therefore, it is likely that even after processing, new individuals will hatch. Literally in a couple of days, new insects can be found that will catch your eye and bite at night. For this reason, after a certain time, you need to repeat the treatment. The interval between the first and second treatments should not exceed 2-3 weeks.

Re-processing is carried out in the same way as the first. This must be done carefully, without missing a single corner. It depends on the thoroughness of the processing whether this attempt will be final.


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