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How to choose a reliable remedy for bedbugs and avoid fatal mistakes

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For each specific situation, person and premises, a drug is needed that will suit him. The most effective, harmless and easy to use.

Depending on how seriously you approach the issue of buying a drug, the overall success depends, the duration of the fight against bedbugs and the effort expended depend. It is worth noting that not in all cases the best option is the most effective remedy. Therefore, it is useless to ask others for advice - people could be ideally suited for a drug that does not suit you in terms of cost, smell or other criteria. It is for this reason that when choosing a remedy for bedbugs, several nuances must be taken into account at once.

First of all, pay attention to efficiency. Insecticides in the form of aerosols are recognized as the most effective means. Such tools very quickly cope with a large number of insects, while they do not require special skills and do not take much effort.

Such drugs are ways to remove bedbugs in a short time even in those places that you did not know about. If you act strictly according to the instructions, in this way you can destroy all the parasites in just a couple of hours. Another advantage is that aerosol products destroy absolutely all insects in the house, including cockroaches.

Today, there are a lot of such tools. For example, various concentrates that must first be diluted with water and sprayed around the apartment with a spray gun - Kukaracha, Executioner, Get and others. They are sold in various volumes, in different containers, in different forms: in the form of powder or ampoules, in large canisters, in vials, etc. There are more convenient options that are ready for use and do not require dilution - Raptor, Combat, Raid and others. As a rule, such funds are often sold in the economic departments.

Dusts are also not far behind in terms of efficiency. The most popular and affordable are Phenaksin, Feverfew, Ecokiller. If you take the popular Mashenka chalk and bring it to the consistency of a powder, it will still fulfill its function. Another important point is the absence of harm to human health. Ecokiller powder and ordinary adhesive tape are considered to be the most harmless, but the latter option is too troublesome.

And one more thing: it is generally accepted that if you leave the apartment for a long time, then all the bugs will die of hunger. Let's see if bedbugs can still eat something and how long they can live without human blood

There is another criterion - this is the smell. There is such a drug as Karbofos.It retains the smell for a very long time, so it is not recommended to use it for upholstered furniture. If this point is important to you, when choosing a remedy for bedbugs, you should choose drugs that are odorless.

It is also worth taking into account the degree of complexity of processing. For example, insecticidal sprays require a lot of effort: moving furniture, carefully cleaning every corner, etc. In this regard, dusts are more convenient. They are easy to use and practically do not require human intervention in the process of removing insects. The same can be said about sticky tape.

The final nuance is the price. Some drugs have a very high cost, even higher than ordering a professional home pest control service using simpler products. However, cost is not always correlated with performance. In most cases, even the most affordable Karbofos can destroy all the parasites in the house with the same efficiency as the most expensive insecticidal drug. However, most often the most expensive products combine all the benefits - they are effective, harmless, do not have a strong smell and do not require much effort.

We can sum up:

  • If efficiency comes first, it is worth buying insecticidal aerosols;
  • If safety is a priority, it is better to buy Ecokiller powder, adhesive tape, or give preference to the method using plastic film (it wraps the mattress);
  • If you don’t want to bother too much, dusts are best for you;
  • If the main criterion is an affordable cost, then pay attention to the cheapest means (in almost every category of the above methods, there are those).

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