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Why cockroaches sometimes can not be removed from the apartment

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0:43 - 3 main nuances, because of which it is usually impossible to remove cockroaches.

1:00 - Why doesn't it go out once and for all to poison the cockroaches. Reasons why they come back.

1:36 - What measures should be taken to permanently remove cockroaches from the apartment.

2:48 - The biggest mistake is why you can't get all the cockroaches out of the house.

4:08 - Which drug to choose for insect control.

4:43 - Why sometimes the fight against cockroaches becomes unsuccessful, even if the strongest means are used.

5:54 – Rules for the use of drugs that will help to remove cockroaches once and for all

In 90% of cases, it is not possible to get rid of cockroaches due to improper pest control. It is much easier to deal with these insects than with the same fleas or bedbugs. If cockroaches do not leave your house, then you are making some mistakes.

There are three important rules that many do not follow. Almost always, these criteria are the cause of unsuccessful pest control.

The most basic mistake is the unhindered entry of insects into your home. This is the most common reason for failure, as some people do not know about it at all or are simply too lazy to look for possible entrance ways to the house. Often there are situations when the persecution of cockroaches was successful, but new inhabitants come to their place: from the basement, from the entrance or from the neighbors. This all happens relatively quickly, so some even get the impression that it was not possible to remove the pests.

The second nuance is the wrong choice of drugs. Many traps that are found in stores are more or less effective in the fight against cockroaches, but the degree of infestation of the premises should be taken into account when choosing a remedy.If individuals in the house are found occasionally, in this case, you can use various houses, traps or baits. If there are too many pests in the house, such measures will not be effective enough, although they will cope with individual individuals.

With an abundant number of insects in the house, thorough pest control is required. We note right away that this will take a lot of time, effort and money, but this is the only way to say goodbye to cockroaches once and for all.

So, we can conclude: before you start fighting cockroaches, consider the degree of infestation in your home and select the right drugs. If in doubt, what means to take, take more expensive. Or at first you will need to spend money on a cheaper, but ineffective remedy, but in the end you will have to spend money on effective drugs again.

And one more nuance: it is often found that pesticides are used incorrectly. Sometimes people do everything too quickly, treating areas only superficially, not paying due attention to the walls of furniture, crevices, baseboards behind large furniture and other secluded places where a whole cluster of insects can be observed. At the same time, many process only those areas where cockroaches were seen - for example, the bathroom and kitchen. This is wrong, absolutely the entire apartment should be processed.

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Some people, in order to save money, do not follow the instructions and dilute the drug in the wrong proportions by adding too much water.They rely on the fact that "the drug is expensive, it will help in any case."

On a note

By the way, this error is typical not only for ordinary people, but also for some unscrupulous pest control services.

There are other reasons for unsuccessful cockroach baiting, but such situations are quite rare. For example, some individuals are resistant to certain types of poison, or insects simply do not find it (for example, when it comes to using individual baits). In most cases, it is not possible to permanently remove cockroaches due to the above errors.

Let's summarize. In order to do away with insects, you need:

  • Find all the ways cockroaches enter the house and close them up. Thus, new individuals will no longer be able to climb into the room;
  • Choose the right poison. If you rarely see pests at home, then you can choose traps in the form of houses. If the degree of infestation is high, then the only reliable option is to buy sprayed insecticides;
  • Carefully follow the instructions and do not save on money. Treat every corner of the house.

If you follow all these points, then the cockroaches will be able to bring out for sure.

If you are too lazy to spend time fighting insects, you can turn to professionals. The pest control service will help solve the problem for a certain amount.


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