Website for pest control


How to get rid of bedbugs in an apartment: important nuances that many do not even think about in practice
How to get rid of bedbugs in an apartment: important nuances that many do not even think about in practice

To permanently remove bedbugs from the apartment, you need to open all their possible shelters, then proceed to eliminate the possible places where bedbugs enter the apartment. Consider these nuances in more detail in the video ...

How to choose a reliable remedy for bedbugs and avoid fatal mistakes
How to choose a reliable remedy for bedbugs and avoid fatal mistakes

Depending on how seriously you approach the issue of buying a drug, the overall success depends, the duration of the fight against bedbugs and the effort expended depend. It is worth noting that not in all cases the best option is the most effective remedy. Therefore, it is useless to ask others for advice - people could be ideally suited for a drug that does not suit you in terms of cost, smell or other criteria ...

5 ways to kill bed bugs in the apartment
5 ways to kill bed bugs in the apartment

Consider 5 ways that will help you permanently get rid of bed bugs without outside help - the fastest, most harmless, easiest, most budgetary and most effective ...

What bedbugs, their larvae and eggs look like
What bedbugs, their larvae and eggs look like

Immediately, we note that bed bugs do not have wings. Moreover, this feature is inherent in all ages (from small to large individuals). This feature is one of the most important, such a nuance will immediately help you distinguish a real bed bug from other insects (for example, from cockroaches) ...

What everyone needs to know about bed bugs
What everyone needs to know about bed bugs

Bed bugs are insects that can easily become your housemates.These pests are perfectly adapted to life with a person, they feel great in apartment conditions ...

How to use boric acid from cockroaches and in what cases it is useless to use it
How to use boric acid from cockroaches and in what cases it is useless to use it

An interesting fact is that boric acid affects cockroaches as a sterilizer. In females, an instant damage to the genital organs occurs, in males, its sodium salt (borax) provokes a lack of semen. If the acid does not lead to the death of the pest, then it will certainly make it impossible to reproduce.

How to reliably get rid of cockroaches in an apartment, even if there are a lot of insects
How to reliably get rid of cockroaches in an apartment, even if there are a lot of insects

Getting cockroaches out of the apartment is not the most difficult task, it is much more difficult to prevent them from coming here again. Each apartment has adjacent rooms where an abundant accumulation of pests can be observed. As soon as you start to act, the parasites can feel the danger and move into those very neighboring rooms ...

Where do bedbugs come from in the apartment and what to do if they are found
Where do bedbugs come from in the apartment and what to do if they are found

No matter how paradoxical it may sound, however, the habitation of bedbugs at home is a kind of norm. Most of the populations of bedbugs on Earth are localized precisely in people's homes, some individuals prefer to live in outbuildings, affecting animals and birds. Only a small part lives in stone caves, parasitizing on bats...

Why cockroaches sometimes can not be removed from the apartment
Why cockroaches sometimes can not be removed from the apartment

In 90% of cases, it is not possible to get rid of cockroaches due to improper pest control. It is much easier to deal with these insects than with the same fleas or bedbugs. If cockroaches do not leave your house, then you are making some mistakes. There are three important rules that many do not follow ...

Let's figure out what bed bug bites look like and how to distinguish them from bites of other insects.
Let's figure out what bed bug bites look like and how to distinguish them from bites of other insects.

Bedbug bites can be easily recognized by their location. Most often, adults bite evenly, in a chain consisting of 3-4 bites. The gap between the points on the body is usually no more than two centimeters ...


A selection of the most interesting videos from our Youtube video channel about the important practical nuances of insect control ...

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