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Let's figure out what bed bug bites look like and how to distinguish them from bites of other insects.

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0:16 – How to recognize adult bed bug bites.

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1:03 - The main difference between bedbug bite marks and bite marks from other insects.

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Bedbug bites can be easily recognized by their location. Most often, adults bite evenly, in a chain consisting of 3-4 bites. The gap between the points on the body is usually no more than two centimeters. Flea bites have similar characteristics. However, there is still a difference: usually fleas make only single or double bites, they are arranged in a chaotic manner, only a few of them can be arranged in a chain.

It is easy to distinguish traces of bedbug bites from mosquito bites, which leave single bites.

Another sign is that bedbugs bite mainly at night, and traces are found in the morning. Knowing this factor, you can easily determine who left a mark on the skin - after all, fleas bite mainly in the daytime.

Another important point - bed bugs leave bites mainly on the skin, where hair does not grow. The body shape of the parasite does not allow it to move freely in the hair. For this reason, bedbugs often leave marks on the stomach, back, sides, less often on the limbs.

Visually, bite marks may look different. First of all, it depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. In some cases, bites are barely noticeable, and when waking up, they do not even itch in some people. Most often this occurs in men.Pocus looks like small red spots with a darker dot in the center. Sometimes the skin around becomes a little swollen.

Rarely, but there are cases when inflammation occurs, severe itching and hyperemia of the skin. In childhood, the picture may look like this: the swelling of each bite is the same shade as the skin (you might think that a mosquito has bitten).

Many often confuse bites from bedbugs with allergic rashes and symptoms of skin diseases. Although it is not so difficult to recognize the true cause, you just need to be careful.

To make sure that there are parasites in your bed, you need to inspect the bed well. Usually small brown spots remain on it - they appear if a person accidentally crushed an insect while turning. For the greatest confidence, you can get up at a time when the bugs have a peak of activity - this is about 3 o'clock in the morning. If we are talking specifically about bedbugs, it will certainly be possible to find them on a bed or body at this particular time.

And further: Poison bugs, but they appear again? It's time to think about prevention, and this is a delicate matter ...


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