Website for pest control


Can cockroaches bite humans?
Can cockroaches bite humans?

Many do not believe that ordinary red cockroaches can bite. However, scientifically confirmed facts say the opposite: cockroaches bite, more precisely, they are able to gnaw on the surface layers of the skin, mainly in sleeping people. They do this from lack of water, and most often eat the skin in the area of ​​​​the lips and nose, especially often in children.

Gels for fighting cockroaches
Gels for fighting cockroaches

The gel form of cockroach remedies has a number of significant advantages over all kinds of crayons and aerosols. So, for example, when using aerosols, willy-nilly, you will have to inhale poisonous vapors of insecticides in the air, and respirators will help here only to some extent. As for the chalks, they usually contain low concentrations of active ingredients, and therefore are less effective than gels.

If black cockroaches started up in the apartment ...
If black cockroaches started up in the apartment ...

Most people are familiar with red cockroaches (Prussians), which are frequent guests of even quite clean and respectable apartments. However, few people are familiar with black cockroaches, which, nevertheless, can feel no worse in the house than their red ones gather. Are there any features in the fight against black cockroaches? Let's figure it out.

What can cockroaches dream of? ..
What can cockroaches dream of? ..

A dream in which cockroaches are present most often seems unpleasant. However, famous psychotherapists and compilers of dream books often refute such an idea.When interpreting, various methods and techniques of interpretation are used, which give different results - from negative to good omens. To really understand what the cockroach dreamed of, you need to remember the situation in which this symbol appeared, and then resort to the help of a dream book.

Getting rid of red cockroaches in the apartment
Getting rid of red cockroaches in the apartment

The red cockroach is perhaps the most “domestic” insect, as it has long and firmly settled in a human dwelling and does not want to give up its positions, even despite the constant struggle of a person with his invasion. However, there are still ways to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment, and they are quite effective and reliable. Let's look at them in more detail.

Using Regent 800 in the fight against cockroaches
Using Regent 800 in the fight against cockroaches

Would you like to use the Regent 800 for cockroach control? In this case, you will probably need instructions, because the product was originally intended to combat insect pests of farmland. Let's see how you can use Regent to kill cockroaches in an apartment.

What are cockroaches afraid of and how to deal with them
What are cockroaches afraid of and how to deal with them

What are cockroaches most afraid of... and are they afraid of anything at all? Today, these insects are so firmly and, I must say, brazenly entered our lives that more and more people are beginning to ask this question.

Features of reproduction of domestic cockroaches
Features of reproduction of domestic cockroaches

Reproduction of domestic cockroaches occurs at a truly breathtaking rate. Even yesterday, it would seem that 2-3 cockroaches were running around the apartment, but in a month, under favorable conditions, their number can increase to several hundred!


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