Website for pest control


Insecticidal chalk from cockroaches Masha and reviews on its use
Insecticidal chalk from cockroaches Masha and reviews on its use

Known since Soviet times, Masha's chalk is perhaps one of the most popular means for removing cockroaches among the people. In part, its popularity is an echo of the times of total scarcity, when people had to choose between Dichlorvos and chalk (and the choice often fell in favor of chalk due to its lower cost and ease of use). However, Mashenka is still being bought quite actively today - first of all, because this insecticidal pencil really helps to massively destroy cockroaches, especially if you handle it correctly ...

Choosing an effective poison for cockroaches
Choosing an effective poison for cockroaches

If you are already tired of fighting cockroaches and, it would seem, have tried all possible poisons, but you still haven’t received a result, then it’s time to learn about really effective drugs, the use of which helps to solve the problem even in the most advanced cases. Let's see what means it makes sense to pay attention to first of all and, most importantly, how to combine them correctly in order to achieve the most pronounced result in a short time ...

Effective remedy for cockroaches Global (Globol)
Effective remedy for cockroaches Global (Globol)

Cockroach gels are today one of the most effective and safe ways to deal with insects in an apartment. The product of the German manufacturer Globol cockroach gel is a prime example of this. Let's take a closer look at this tool...

Disinsection of premises from cockroaches - where to go for treatment?
Disinsection of premises from cockroaches - where to go for treatment?

When an independent fight against cockroaches does not give the desired result (or simply there is no time or health to do this), professional pest control of the premises usually comes to the rescue. Sanitation from cockroaches by specialists allows you to remove annoying insects even in the most severe and neglected cases - including when pests crawl en masse from neighboring infected apartments. But now we’ll talk about how to choose a suitable pest control service and interact with it correctly ...

Insecticidal smoke bombs for the destruction of cockroaches in the apartment
Insecticidal smoke bombs for the destruction of cockroaches in the apartment

Among the numerous remedies for cockroaches, insecticidal smoke bombs are perhaps the least known to the consumer today. And this is quite understandable, because most people are used to poisoning annoying insects with aerosols, crayons with gels, or, in the end, just waging a long war with cockroaches with the help of a slipper and a vacuum cleaner. However, it should be borne in mind that with the right approach, the use of special smoke bombs allows you to completely destroy cockroaches in the room in just a day, and the effectiveness of such bombs is not inferior to professional pest control ...

Why cockroaches are often called stasiks - about the origin of this nickname
Why cockroaches are often called stasiks - about the origin of this nickname

Thanks to a very long acquaintance with a person, cockroaches managed to acquire a huge number of various nicknames around the world. Moreover, if in strict scientific terminology each species is most often named depending on the characteristic features of its anatomy, appearance or origin, then the common names of cockroaches sometimes baffle even professional linguists.It is not so easy to explain, for example, the origin of the names "stasiki", "shuriki" and "zhevzhiki". But we will try to shed light on such etymological mysteries...

How many cockroaches can hatch (be born) from one egg?
How many cockroaches can hatch (be born) from one egg?

Few people know that cockroaches do not reproduce as easily as most other insects: the simple egg-larva-adult cycle in the course of evolution has diversified with some features that are not found together in any other group of their close or distant relatives. Therefore, questions often arise about how many cockroaches hatch from one egg and how such eggs generally look. Let's figure it out...

Where do cockroaches usually hide in an apartment and can they crawl out of the sewer?
Where do cockroaches usually hide in an apartment and can they crawl out of the sewer?

Cockroaches sometimes hide in the most unexpected places. So, for example, you can turn on the light in the kitchen at night and find a pest anxiously crawling out of an unclosed bottle. And you can stumble upon his fellow, quickly running out of the drain hole of the sink or even out of the microwave. But perhaps the most disgusting thing is to notice cockroaches in a breadbasket or in a refrigerator: who knows, maybe these pests recently ran through the sewage in the sewer, and now they are tasting your stocks. At the same time, for many it remains a mystery where cockroaches hide during the day, when, it would seem, the apartment looks like the cleanest place in the world without any creeping living creatures. About where cockroaches can hide indoors, whether they have a nest and how to drive them out of the most secluded shelters - well, we’ll talk about all this further ...

Why cockroaches are dangerous to human health and what harm they do
Why cockroaches are dangerous to human health and what harm they do

Regular meetings with cockroaches in the apartment bring joy to few people.At the same time, many people reasonably suspect that cockroaches are dangerous not only because they spoil the mood during night meetings in the kitchen, but can also pose a very real threat to the health of the inhabitants of the apartment - for example, being carriers of various pathogens. And this is true: the potential harm from cockroaches to humans can be very significant. Let's figure out what threats these insects pose to humans and why they must be dealt with.

How to kill cockroaches in an apartment and who to entrust pest control
How to kill cockroaches in an apartment and who to entrust pest control

When cockroaches are occasionally seen in an apartment, many people often pay almost no attention to them, believing that these are random "guests" from neighboring apartments. Often this actually happens, but practice shows that such individuals who have come to a new territory almost immediately begin to multiply in the apartment. Therefore, cockroaches should be killed immediately, as single individuals were noticed, without waiting until they breed. But about how to properly kill them, how to do it as efficiently as possible, even if there are already a lot of insects - we will talk about this further ...


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