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Prevention of infection with lice and nits

Last update: 2022-06-07
≡ Article has 16 comments
  • Cat: I agree, my daughter also has lice all the time and I can’t ...
  • Olya: Try to walk through washed and dried hair with an iron ...
  • It doesn't matter: Oh, it's terrible, for a year and a half I can't do anything about...
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It is much easier to prevent pediculosis than to treat its consequences later: we get acquainted with preventive measures against lice

As in the situation with any disease, lice are much easier and safer to prevent than to be treated for lice or for much more serious consequences of pediculosis - pyoderma, typhoid. In addition, in modern conditions of life, prevention from lice is much simpler than half a century ago, when these parasites and the diseases they carry were spreading at a tremendous speed.

The main factor contributing to the rapid spread of lice is the presence of crowded people and their stay in unsanitary conditions. Such situations were especially typical for field conditions during various wars, as well as for life in concentration camps and prisons. Today, a similar situation is observed in third world countries, in refugee camps, in various ghettos.

However, practice shows that even in prosperous and highly developed countries, lice find excellent conditions for distribution in kindergartens and schools. That is why the prevention of lice in children is important even today, in the 21st century.

In the children's team, the likelihood of infection with pediculosis is especially high.


Lice are transmitted primarily from person to person.Cases of transmission of lice through hats and household items are rarer. Therefore, prevention from lice at home should be based on the understanding that parasites will not get into the house otherwise than with other people. And preventive measures against lice in this case should be aimed primarily at avoiding contact with potentially infected people (this is especially true for children).

It is important to take preventive measures against lice in the performance of professional duties associated, for example, with the need to constantly visit places where lice are likely to be present. The highest risk of infection with parasites is when working in kindergartens and schools, boarding schools, prisons, help centers for the homeless, humanitarian missions and field camps. Here prevention against lice should be especially thorough.


Basic measures to prevent lice infestation

Preventive measures against lice can be both passive and active-preventive.

To prevent lice, it is important to use only your own combs and hairpins.

The most complete set of such measures includes:

  • Avoiding communication and close bodily contact with people living in unsanitary conditions, or those who have severe symptoms of head lice - nits in the hair, bite marks, constant scratching of the head or torso.
  • Refusal of casual sexual relations. It is they who in most cases become the cause of infection with pubic lice - even more unpleasant parasites than head lice.
  • Using only your own hats, combs, hairpins, elastic bands, hoops, scarves. In such a seemingly simple way, quite effective prevention from getting lice and nits on the head is carried out.
  • Regular change and washing of linen, preferably at a high temperature.
  • Careful examination of the hair, observation of one's own feelings.
  • The use of special repellents, many of which are practically odorless.
  • Regular treatment of the head with anti-lice shampoos in small quantities.
It is also useful to read: How to get rid of linen lice

And further: Killer remedy for lice and nits for 40 rubles - hellebore water (the article has more than 60 comments)

Regular hair checks can help detect head lice infestations early on.

Especially difficult is the prevention of lice in children. It is difficult for them to explain why they cannot wear their friend's hat and what games with street hooligans can be fraught with. In children, you need to additionally carefully check the condition of the hair, monitor their behavior and use preventive measures such as repellents and lice shampoos.

To prevent body lice infestation, you should first of all monitor the cleanliness of clothes, wash and change them regularly. You can not go longer than 4-5 days without changing underwear.

On a note

Pubic lice infestations can occur in public baths and even swimming pools. A feature of these parasites is an increased ability to withstand prolonged exposure to water. A person becomes infected with nits much less often - for this, a hair with nits must fall on the hairy part of a potential victim and remain on it until the larvae hatch, which is unlikely.

The likelihood of infestation with pubic lice is high in public baths

Travelers and tourists should be careful. When spending the night in low-quality hotels and inns, there is a risk of picking up lice on the bed after previous guests - here both bed linen and towels can be infected. However, such precedents take place only in the most low-class establishments.

If, on duty, there is a need to work with infected people, lice prevention should be carried out with the help of additional measures:

  • Hellebore water or lavender tincture is dripped behind the ears and on the head. These liquids repel lice and reduce the likelihood that insects will crawl onto the head of a person prepared in this way.
  • Every day, the head is carefully combed out with a dense and hard lice comb. This allows you to get rid of parasites that have just got into the hair and have not yet had time to multiply.
  • Several times a week, the head is washed with special insecticidal lice shampoos in a small concentration. It is harmless to the skin, but provides reliable prevention against head lice.

Hellebore water has long been successfully used as a prophylaxis against lice

If possible and if desired, the hair on the head can be shaved clean in order to leave no chance for insects to gain a foothold when infected. This procedure is good for the treatment and prevention of lice in general - the less hair on a particular part of the body, the more difficult it is for parasites to gain a foothold on it.


Folk recommendations for protection against lice

There are several more fairly simple, affordable and at the same time effective tips for the prevention of lice, developed by the people and allowing you to increase the reliability of protection against these parasites. For example:

  • Braiding braids and the use of headscarves and hats when working with children and forced to communicate with vagrants. In this case, the hair does not fall off and does not touch the head of another person, which reduces the risk of parasites crawling from one person to another.
  • Use of deterrents. For example, tea tree or lavender oil, hellebore water, tansy decoction.It is known that garlic is also a very reliable remedy for preventing lice, but its use in public places can hardly be convenient.
  • Regular shampooing with tar soap or shampoos with birch tar.
  • Steam ironing after washing.

And further: Lice are not cockroaches, so is it worth removing them with Dichlorvos? (the article has more than 20 comments)

It is known that tar soap has a pronounced antiparasitic effect and successfully helps fight lice.

Also among the folk remedies with which you can scare away lice are cranberry juice, tincture of common agrimony, decoction of St. John's wort and lemon juice. However, in practice, these agents are rarely used as preventive measures.


Can shampoos be used to prevent lice?

Lice prevention shampoos are the same shampoos that are used to treat lice, but they should be used to protect against infestations in a slightly different way.

As a rule, it is enough to use a lice shampoo for preventive purposes once every one to two weeks. Even if the lice got on the head, they need at least one to two weeks to give at least the first generation. Processing the head once every two weeks will ensure the destruction of all parasites that accidentally appear on it.

On a note

Preventive shampooing is the ideal way to protect children from head lice. You can never know for sure where and when a child will pick up parasites, and therefore regular shampooing can reliably stop the development of pediculosis.

Of the anti-lice shampoos for children, NOC, Nix, Biosim, Veda and Veda-2 are most suitable.

Pediculicide Veda

Nyx Lice Remedy

During one bath of a child, it is enough to lather his head with one of these products and leave for 15-20 minutes, after which the shampoo is washed off with plenty of clean water. You need to use not the usual amount, but 5-7 ml for each treatment, so as not to cause accidental allergic reactions in the child.

It is important to understand that lice prevention with shampoos will be successful only if it is carried out regularly. And together with measures to limit contact with infected people, it will provide reliable protection for the child from parasites.


What you need to know about lice in order to successfully protect yourself from them


Treatment and prevention of pediculosis: what is important for every parent to know


Useful video: details on the prevention of lice infestation


Last update: 2022-06-07

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Prevention from infection with lice and nits" 16 comments
  1. Ludmila

    Lice in children was removed with folk remedies. Barely brought out. Therefore, after a long time I was looking for something to use in order to carry out prevention and protect children from the possibility of infection. Found information about Paranit Repellent.Interested. I will think in this direction.

  2. Anonymous

    And we used a steam aerosol plus once and that's it, the most hassle was with combing out the nits (

  3. Elena

    In our school, unfortunately, there is a girl from a dysfunctional family who constantly infects everyone with pediculosis. A couple plus a good remedy, but after using it, my daughter had a very hot scalp, and a week later dandruff began. Looks like they burned their skin. Hedring Extra helps well and without any reactions. And for prevention Shampoo Lavinal. In fact, this is a very big problem!

  4. Lisa

    Hello, at our school many children have lice and they infect other people very quickly, it seems that they have just been cured and again, and it has been like this for a year already! The problem is really serious. Tell me, who used what? Who helped?

    • Tanya

      I used Dichlorvos, left it overnight, and washed my hair with regular shampoo in the morning. For prevention - tea tree oil.

    • Anonymous

      Call the sanitary and epidemiological station, and the problem will be settled in the school. That's what my friend did. She brought her child out six times and shreds of hair came out from the child. Since some don't care. But after the sanitary and epidemiological station they forgot the problem for many years!

  5. Anonymous

    The most important thing is to interrupt their life cycle. To do this, after treatment with the product, it is necessary to select all the nits and wash your hair with a special preventive shampoo for a week. And after 7 days, process the head again.

  6. Galina

    This is a terrible attack. They treated for three months, every week a new remedy, combed out all the nits, processed it with darsonval. Useless. The only thing that helps is alcohol with essential oils.But my daughter wears them and wears them from school, some kind of epidemic.

  7. Svetlana

    Well, a child cannot constantly wear lice from school for a year. Children are checked by a nurse, when they are detected, they drop the child off and do not accept it without a certificate from a dermatologist, take a class for observation for 35 days, checking everyone for lice, including contact teachers. Identified again landed, again takes on the observation. Most likely, the child was not completely freed from nits, or bedding, blankets and pillows were not processed, all household members were not checked. At least one nit remains by a thread, everything will hatch and self-infection has begun. At my school there is such a girl from a quite prosperous family, I land once a month. You can’t check every hair for nits, it’s impossible, and only insects die from shampoo solutions, nits survive and hatch safely.

    And yes, this girl has infected only one girl for the entire academic year, she sits at the same desk with her and sometimes has close contact with her heads. Although, of course, taking into account the fact that another girl had two brothers from our school who were infected, the thought comes that it was not a classmate who infected, but a household contact, although I can’t understand how the brothers got infected, if you follow the rules of hygiene and exclude a joint bed and towels?

    • Natalia

      Maybe, according to the rules, it should be so, but not in all schools. We have children from dysfunctional families in our class and my daughter wore lice 4 times in 3 months. Just take it out - and here it is again. She called constantly cool, but the nurse checked only once, removes the infected from school, and then they come and infect again. Here, probably, on the advice of a man, I will call the SES.

  8. Anonymous

    The most effective way is to shave your head!

  9. Anton

    Yes… This is a huge problem! Our daughter also has a girl from a dysfunctional family in her class, she tortured everyone to infect! We are treated quite easily, two or three hours - and the problem is fixed. With ordinary hellebore water, it perfectly kills not only lice, but also nits. It is very easy to check, the nits stop clicking when pressed. And it costs only 25 rubles. Here, we think that we will use it for prevention. Moreover, it is useful for hair and scalp, and it removes dandruff. Thanks to the crisis, saving, we found a bunch of cheap domestic drugs, which are in many ways superior to expensive counterparts. For example, I suffer from migraines, and before the crisis I tried all the expensive migraine drugs, and none helped, and now I know that two penny Citramon tablets relieve migraine pain very quickly.

  10. Anonymous

    I add tea tree oil or lavender oil to my shampoo for prevention.

  11. Doesn't matter

    Oh, it's terrible, for a year and a half I can't do anything about it. Two daughters, we'll just take them out again. And fixed the result with the same means. Again next week. Already, probably, tens of thousands have bought various means. Most of all I like Paranit lotion, it removes everything. And then again. We realized recently that this is enough from an older friend. I’ll just bring it out, it brings a lot in my head. Also in the classroom nursery. Their doctor walks, checks, without undoing the braids. I'll probably complain as much as I can :(

    • Cat

      I agree, my daughter also has lice all the time and I can’t get it out in any way! Just got cured - started again. It turns out that she has one classmate, she carries lice to school. Now no one is friends with her.But the lice appeared again, I don’t even know what to do.

  12. Olya

    Try going through your washed and dried hair with a straightener, every thin strand from the root. I haven’t tried it myself, because I haven’t encountered the problem of excretion yet, but they say that it is very effective!


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