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How to remove lice with kerosene and does it help get rid of nits

Last update: 2022-05-15
≡ Article has 80 comments
  • Anonymous: All this is nonsense! Paint doesn't help, don't even waste your time....
  • Anastasia: My daughter at school very often picks up lice and, accordingly ...
  • Maria: Hello. Did kerosene help you? My daughter from school brought us...
See bottom of page for details

Although kerosene is still a fairly popular remedy for getting rid of lice, it must be used with extreme caution.

Despite its many shortcomings, kerosene is still one of the most popular folk remedies for lice. Very many citizens - perhaps the majority - remember how, in childhood, their parents put them in a bath, smeared their hair with kerosene, put a bag on their heads and forced them to hold it for half an hour, while the head itched unpleasantly, and the skin under the hair seemed to warm up.

Although in our time this method of removing parasites is outdated, we must still give it its due - kerosene from lice and nits really helps, and therefore even today, with an abundance of more delicate and more effective means on the market, they still continue to use it. However, given the aggressiveness of kerosene and the many side effects from its use, it is necessary to know well how to properly remove lice with it and what precautions should be taken.

But first, let's figure out why kerosene is effective against lice. The reason lies in its complex effect on parasites:

  • kerosene poisons adult insects and larvae
  • it also weakens the attachment of nits to the hair
  • in addition, kerosene repels lice with its pungent odor.

Kerosene penetrates through the chitinous cover of the louse, and also clogs the spiracles, which effectively kills the parasite

Strong attachment of nits to the hair can be loosened with kerosene

Unlike modern insecticides, which have a predominantly nerve-paralytic effect on parasites, kerosene leads to rapid intoxication of insects and suffocation. Well wetting the chitinous covers of lice, it is able to penetrate deep into the spiracles, clogging them and thereby blocking the access of oxygen.

However, the high ability of kerosene to penetrate into fatty tissues can lead to peculiar skin burns and, in general, to a deterioration in the condition of the hair and hair follicles. That is why it is so important to understand well that improper removal of lice with kerosene can pose a real danger to humans, especially when it comes to a small child.

On a note

It is not correct to talk about "treatment of lice with kerosene." The disease caused by lice is popularly called lice, in the scientific community - pediculosis. It is him - pediculosis - that is treated, including kerosene.

Removing lice with kerosene is effective against both ordinary, head lice, and against pubic and body lice. However, the fight against each type of parasite has its own characteristics, which we will consider below.


Does kerosene help with nits?

Practice shows that kerosene kills nits, but not nearly as reliably as adult lice. The point here is that the nit itself is well protected by a dense shell, and its breathing proceeds much less intensively than the lice themselves breathe.

Thanks to the protective shell, the nits often remain alive even after exposure to kerosene.

As a result, in order to destroy nits with kerosene, they need to be exposed to a high concentration substance (pure kerosene), and for a long time (several hours). In this case, there is a high risk of severe chemical burns with further flaking of the burned skin and hair loss.

Accordingly, a special method of step-by-step destruction is used to remove nits with kerosene in real conditions. Knowing how to get rid of lice with kerosene using this method, you can completely remove both the parasites themselves and nits in just two or three procedures.


“I bought Medifox, I was terribly sprinkled with it. I tried vinegar - nits remained even after two times. I thought if it was possible to remove lice with kerosene, everyone just talks about it. I tried. It turned out that kerosene is much more effective than all expensive shampoos! Twice with an interval of 8 days I treated my head and forgot about this misfortune altogether. Just keep in mind that in order to use kerosene from lice, you need to follow the recipe correctly. And then you can burn out all your hair together with lice.

Anna, Novorossiysk


It is also useful to read: At what temperature do lice and nits die

And further: Paranit from lice - a dummy that you can’t wash off your hair with, or a really effective thing? (the article has more than 70 comments)

How to properly remove lice with kerosene

Before removing lice with kerosene, it is necessary to prepare the liquid itself for use. It is advisable to take lighting or technical kerosene for this. Automotive and aviation are less preferred due to the greater aggressiveness and the possible presence of foreign additives.

Lighting kerosene

For a single treatment, a glass of kerosene is enough.

In the simplest case, kerosene is applied to the hair and scalp with a cotton swab. The hair must be dry. The entire scalp, eyebrows, neck are processed as carefully as possible, in men - sideburns and beard. When removing pubic lice, kerosene is applied to the pubic hair, in the groin in general and in the anus.

Photo of pubic louse

To reduce the harmful effects on the skin, you can also add a spoonful of kerosene to the shampoo, which then thoroughly lathers wet hair - in this case, the treatment is, in fact, an emulsion of kerosene in detergent. When treating pediculosis in children, it is imperative to dilute kerosene either in the indicated way or in vegetable oil (see below).

There are several folk recipes based on diluted kerosene, which allows you to remove lice without the risk of seriously damaging the skin:

  • For two teaspoons of olive oil, one tablespoon of kerosene and a teaspoon of shampoo are taken. This combination significantly reduces the aggressive effect of kerosene on hair and skin.
  • For three tablespoons of honey, a teaspoon of kerosene, a teaspoon of shampoo and four tablespoons of hot water are taken, everything is mixed and applied to the head as soon as possible.

To prepare a kerosene mixture to kill lice, you will need olive or other vegetable oil

On a note

People of the "old school" often recommend that the first treatment of the head be done with pure kerosene, and the second - control - with a mixture of oils. However, you need to understand that this approach carries serious risks of burning the skin.

After applying kerosene, put a plastic bag on your hair and wrap a towel on top. Keep kerosene from lice on your head for 1.5-2 hours. With a lower exposure, it is possible to keep parts of the lice alive.

After this period, the towel and bag are removed, and the head is thoroughly washed several times with shampoo. Washing the hair with a weak solution of acetic acid is also effective - this further weakens the attachment of nits to the hair.

It is advisable for children with their delicate skin to keep kerosene for no more than 1 hour. Three days after the first treatment, the hair is treated with a mixture of 50 grams of olive oil and 1 teaspoon of kerosene. The mixture is also kept on the head for about an hour, and then washed off with water with a small amount of vinegar or citric acid. Then the head is washed with shampoo.

The kerosene mixture should be thoroughly washed off with shampoo from the child's head.

Be sure to rinse your hair with clean water several times, avoiding getting rinse water in your eyes.

After another three days, repeat the treatment with a solution with oil or honey. With such a phased treatment, the skin on the child's head will not suffer, and the lice will die.


“We tried to poison the lice with kerosene at the small one. It was something. The child yells, the stench is unbearable, this muck from the head immediately begins to spread. They held her for only half an hour, but the cry was like Masha was put in a frying pan. Interestingly, the second time I didn’t have to do anything - the lice died out all at once.

Inga, Tver

To remove body lice, infected clothes are soaked in water with a significant content of kerosene - 1 liter of kerosene should be taken per 10 liter basin of water - and kept in it for half a day. After that, things are washed, dried and ironed.

And further: Secrets of getting rid of lice and nits on your own (the article has more than 300 comments)


Precautions when using kerosene

The main danger from using kerosene is the risk of skin burns. When using pure kerosene, this risk increases, and therefore it is impossible to keep the substance on the head or other part of the body for more than two hours. In people with sensitive skin, damage can occur even after half an hour.

On a note

You can check the sensitivity of the skin to kerosene in advance. To do this, it is enough to apply the substance to the bend of the elbow and hold it for half an hour without washing off.If red spots or rashes appear at the site of application, it is better to refrain from removing lice with kerosene.

If rashes appear on the elbow bend after a test for kerosene, then you can not use it to remove lice

Kerosene also leads to burning and weakening of the hair. Sometimes discoloration may occur. If the hair is often dyed, it is not worth treating it with kerosene - it can become brittle and begin to crumble.

In any case, when removing lice and nits with kerosene, you should avoid getting it into the nose and on the mucous membranes of the eyes and mouth. If this happens, rinse your mouth, eyes or nose with plenty of clean water.

You should also remember about the flammability of kerosene and do not work with it near open sources of flame.


"Don't use kerosene! We treated our child's head once, we were told that kerosene helps against lice. An hour later - a chemical burn of the scalp and pieces of exfoliating skin, and then - a month of treatment with a dermatologist. So do not be stingy and take a normal lice shampoo.

Alla, Kyiv


Additional effect boost from kerosene

After treating the hair with kerosene, it is highly recommended to comb the hair with special lice combs. This will remove not yet dead, but weakened parasites and part of the nits that have peeled off the hair.

A special metal comb against lice and nits will help rid the child of the parasites remaining in the hair

In children, with careful combing of the hair immediately after treatment and over the next two to three days, you can completely remove parasites from the head and not re-treat with kerosene.

If the child has a noticeable allergic reaction to kerosene, you should not save money and buy a reliable pediculicidal lice shampoo. Such shampoos are more effective than kerosene and are almost always safer.

Also, do not forget (especially if there is no money and no kerosene) that the most effective way to get rid of lice is to shave your head bald.It's simple, safe and reliable.


Can't get rid of lice? Important practical details


Severe burns in a child after removing lice with kerosene


How lice appear in a child and how to properly get rid of them


Last update: 2022-05-15

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "How to remove lice with kerosene and does it help get rid of nits" 80 comments
  1. Elmira

    Hello, girls, do not poison yourself with chemicals, buy only products that have proven themselves, without toxins and pesticides. Neat Free products: The Neat Free comb is just perfect, it combs out just fine lice and nits, if you comb it well, you can get rid of lice and nits in half an hour! And no chemistry. And the shampoo, mousse and spray of these products contain only natural ingredients that do not harm the health of either children or adults.

    • Anya

      And I washed the child with kerosene, also quickly brought it out.

  2. Sasha

    Lice were removed with Paranix 4 times. Did not help. Paint - immediately all the lice died, but the nits remained. Now let's try kerosene. The child is 11 years old.

    • Marie

      Hello everyone, this is really some kind of attack this year ... I brought my daughter from school, third grade, a general epidemic. Periodically appear, just terrible, all summer we sort through the hairs. We tried everything, the hair grows thin, and the effect is zero. Kerosene today!

      • Anonymous

        Everything is the same, no means help us, I'm already tired of fighting. Kerosene today.

    • Sofia

      Did it help?

  3. Arina

    Well, how much can you write about kerosene? Is anyone else using it? This is child abuse! Now there are a lot of modern means, both cheaper and more expensive. But I agree about the Antive comb. Firstly, it is absolutely harmless at any age, and secondly, it really helps. True, we also ordered a special balm, combing was easier with it. Yes, and it seems to freeze lice. In general, for two times combing our son, they got rid of this infection. I now recommend these funds to all my friends and mothers at school.

    • Irina

      Nothing else helps. And this comb is not for sale with us.

    • Anonymous

      Yes, kerosene is 50 times better, 4 times they were taken out with pediculene - there is no sense.

    • Anna

      To hell with those drugs. I bought a shampoo for 1000 rubles, supposedly it removes everything in 2 applications - hell! I was already desperate, I thought about cutting my hair bald to the skull in order to kill these creatures, but my mother remembered about kerosene. I will use it in the coming days. And all these drugs seem to only reduce the amount, but do not remove them.

      • Nina

        Both cheap and expensive tried. Today kerosene...

      • Maria

        Hello. Did kerosene help you? My daughter brought lice from school, we don’t know how to get them out. Tell me how to breed kerosene and how to remove lice?

    • Kristina

      Those means only make it worse, there is no sense from them.

    • Anonymous

      Yesterday at the reception, a young dermatologist said to us: “I don’t believe in all these shampoos and newfangled products. Treat with kerosene in half with ordinary vegetable oil. Hold for 25 minutes in a bag and under a towel. And flush, rinse with water and vinegar.

      I confirm. If the hair is not thick, then shampoos help. My daughter has a braid as thick as an adult's arm (was). For 2-3 months, they washed their hair with shampoos every two weeks - they didn’t come out, no matter how much you comb out later. Kerosene - at a time. Yes, and in the sports camp they always filled us with kerosene without any oil. But then all summer not a single infection stuck. The smell, apparently, frightened off))

  4. Vladimir

    Lice appeared from a beloved woman - adults will understand, i.e. she was walking on the side, and somewhere she picked up a goat. But I am glad - there would be no lice, I would not know about treason, I was cured at once with kerosene, a great thing! So lice are also needed, they are like a barometer for cleanliness and fidelity.

    • Jessie

      Why did you just walk? You can pick them up even at work, if you hang your outerwear next to the wearer's things. One crawl is enough and that's it - the process has popped.

      • Anonymous

        So what is he now ... Dig up and ask for forgiveness?

  5. Tatiana

    I want to try to bring the child lice with kerosene. I think this is the most efficient way to get them out! Daughter 7 years old.

    • Anonymous

      One granny treats hair loss with kerosene. There is no harm, you can confidently use it.

  6. Julia

    I suffer for a long time! I am 13. In the summer there were lice, about 1 month, I didn’t do anything. And a couple plus, and shampoos, and many more different products. And kerosene! But the nits remained, and I processed again. But then I got infected again, and they told me to buy a lice remedy for cats.And it helped - I held it for 30 minutes and that's it, no nits, no lice. Kerosene helps very well, but you have to suffer to comb it out)) Good luck to everyone!

  7. Jessie

    My child "brought" lice from school. We've been fighting for 3 weeks now. Shampoo "Khygia" did not help. As they crawled, so they crawl. I'm not talking about nits. Bought another - "Veda", the same garbage. I brush every day. I do not know what to do. There must have been kerosene left. Our ancestors weren't stupid either. After the war, they were taken out only with kerosene. Maybe worth a try too?

  8. Jessie

    By the way, vinegar against nits also does not work, we tried it, we know how they clicked and clicked.

  9. Irina

    The child brought from the garden. Gave me. My husband and son have nothing, their hair is short. We tried "Nyuda", "Para-plus", then found live lice. Kerosene left...

    • Madina

      Hello, have you tried kerosene. How to use kerosene, what should be added?

      • Anonymous

        No need to add anything, spread pure kerosene on dry hair, wrap tightly with a plastic bag, top with a towel and hold for two hours, then rinse well and comb through with a comb.

        • Anonymous

          I would like to take a look at this. I only lasted 25 minutes. Two hours is POWER!

        • Natalia

          Kerosene helps very well, but pure kerosene is needed. And now everything with additives - do it carefully. Mix 1 spoon of kerosene, 1 spoon of sunflower or olive oil, 1 spoon of shampoo. Head into the bag and for 30 minutes. But make sure that it does not burn, otherwise you can burn the scalp.

  10. Lyolya

    Kerosene is cruel, but effective. The main thing is to be careful not to burn your head.

  11. Madina

    I don't know what to do anymore. Daughter is 4 years old. We've been fighting for 1 year now. I also bought Hygia and a solution, I forgot the name.Yesterday I smeared it with a solution, kept it for 40 minutes, there was also no sense. Both lice and nits also live. At first, the lice were large, now they are small, but there are a lot of nits on the head. It remains only to try kerosene. And I got infected too. My daughter's hair is long, I cut it yesterday on a pop bob.

    • Natalia

      There is another way - to paint the head with paint. They do not settle on painted ones, but die from paint.

      • Irina

        All of these are complete bullshit. I caught lice from my friend's daughter, slept on the same bed - and that's the result. I tried Pedilin, washed it 5 times, kept it for an hour - and nothing. I dyed my hair, a week later I found larvae. Now I spit on everything and smeared myself with diesel fuel, I'm sitting, waiting for the effect. No burning, no itching, just a stink. I hope the result will be good.

      • Anonymous

        All this is nonsense! Paint doesn't help, don't even waste your time.

  12. Nika

    For two weeks now I have not been able to withdraw Paranit, they both ran and run. I will try kerosene.

  13. And bath

    I tried a couple plus and paranix shampoo - zero reactions. They say dust soap and kerosene help best.

  14. Marina

    Apply kerosene with cotton wool so as not to burn your head. I applied it on short hair for 15 minutes and it seemed to help. It remains only to comb out the dead lice with a comb.

  15. Alya

    Horror is simple! Nothing helps, I cut my hair, even dyed my hair, tried Pediculen 3 times, Full Marks 2 times, Pair Plus, Veda and A-par. I don’t know what to do anymore, my hair is long, it’s a pity. I read about kerosene, the last hope ((

  16. Anna

    In general, my friend advised me another old method, as it turned out, it is more effective. It just exhausts both the hair and the person.Turn on hot water at the maximum speed that you can withstand (the hotter the better), and direct it to your head (for children, of course, this method is not suitable). It is necessary to literally hold it for 5-10 seconds. And if you still apply with special. shampoo, the effect is 100 times increased. I did it for the first time before buying a shampoo, then for a week, or even two, I didn’t remember them. But alas, I fell for persuasion in order to buy shampoo, as a result, I have been suffering for a month now. It exhausts everything terribly ...

  17. Tamara

    I bought Lavinal, not widely advertised, but affordable and with a tolerable smell. Plus in the set, in addition to the spray, there is a comb and a special. cap. After the first procedure, there was little sense, but after the second one (I also bought a shampoo from the same company and used it to wash off the product) - it was gone! I recommend.

  18. Luda

    Hygia and Para plus help partially. What means, except for kerosene, is 100% effective? Share comments.

    • Anonymous

      Kerosene if pubic lice. You wash yourself in hot water, but such that you could endure a little. Then you shave all the vegetation to hell ... From the waist to the navel, I shaved off for the time being - I cut my butt twice. Then you twist the bandage with a swab, soak it in kerosene and rub it in. You wear clean clothes. In one approach, everyone goes to the realm of dead lice! 🙂

  19. Svetlana

    Whatever means they did not buy, everything is useless. Money down the drain. Lice have an addiction to this chemistry. I do not know what to do ((

    • Inna

      Try kerosene!

  20. Daria

    We've tried everything! We've been suffering for a month, nothing helps. Dust was used 2 times, it kills lice, but nits remain, and combing them out is very painful! Tried Hygia 3 times - did not help.The last hope for kerosene ... (

  21. Evgenia

    They say tar oil helps. Kerosene helped me, there was nothing after the first application. Hellebore water also helps, like this.

  22. Alla

    I do not know what to do. Tried with dust, doesn't help.

  23. Anton

    Paranix does not help at all, only money wasted in vain.

    • Masha

      Just don't burn your head

  24. Olga

    They also tried a lot, but only kerosene helped.

  25. Svetlana

    My daughter is 12 years old, two months ago she picked up lice somewhere, her hair is long to the buttocks ... We just didn’t try, probably, all the preparations of the pharmacy. And each time it seemed that everything had passed, cured, but ... no! I had to cut off a third of my hair. And so I found a recipe with kerosene: 2 tsp. vegetable oil, you can olive, 1 tbsp. kerosene, 1 tsp shampoos. It took the 4th dose for our length. The result is excellent!

    • Ananim

      How much should you keep???

  26. Lucille

    I took out my daughter and myself with "FulMarks" - it did not help. Then soap with dust - they forgot about this infection for a year. A week ago we returned from the hospital with "friends". My daughter looked all over her head 2 times, killed both lice and nits. I myself am sitting under kerosene, I hope it will help ...

  27. Natalie

    We have the same problem in our family. We tried every means, but to no avail. There was a good old kerosene. Of course, it will burn the scalp, but it really helps! A lot of minuses: a terrible stench, tears, the scalp will go to shreds, neurosis. But from the first time HELP! And you don't have to cut long hair.

  28. Nastya

    I am 12 years old. I wondered who I got it from. It turned out from no one. Tried everything, doesn't help. And kerosene helped immediately. I advise you too.Although I advise you to be more careful not to recruit from friends.

  29. Nataliya

    The child is 5 years old, picked up in the kindergarten. No shampoo helps. Hope only for kerosene, long hair ((Cut it's a pity.

  30. Elena

    Neither vinegar nor a lot of shampoos and sprays help. We've been fighting for two months now. One hope for kerosene. Hope it helps.

  31. Natalia

    Only kerosene helps! Kerosene + oil + shampoo. I advise.

  32. Svetlana

    Only kerosene helped us, too, nothing else helped. Pharmacy muck only severely chopped hair. And the essential oil of ylang-ylang and rosemary can also be a few drops of cloves in shampoo. Drip into the palms, smear the head well and walk with the bag on the head as long as possible. When I washed off my daughter, the bugs themselves fell into the bathroom, and began to comb out with a comb. I caught it on my head, they were sleepy.

  33. Evgenia

    I am for kerosene. We have a lice infestation at school. Now my daughter is in the third grade, and we have been fighting for all three years (Previously, paranix helped, but, unfortunately, it no longer justifies itself, and the cost is about 150 UAH.

    Today I treated it with pure kerosene, for ease of use I poured it into a Paranix bottle. When I finished applying, the lice were already combed out with an ordinary comb, after 30 minutes of exposure they began to wash off. And lice darkness.

    With nits it is more difficult, I chose, some clicked. It is necessary to buy a "vaunted" comb. Good luck to everyone in the difficult struggle and patience.

    • Natalia

      What, you have to wash your hair with kerosene?

  34. Natalia

    We just did not try from these creatures, nothing helped. Now she poisoned herself and her two daughters with kerosene, this is the last hope to get rid of them ...

  35. Marina

    We have been fighting these parasites for a month now, I have 2 daughters, 9 years old and 2 years old, the eldest brought them from somewhere. I bought Veda shampoo, we process the heads, adults die instantly, but nits remain, and after a few days they grow back and start to bite ((Already treated 3 times, hands drop. I read about kerosene, I’ll buy it tomorrow, the last hope remains.

  36. Yuri

    Good day. My daughter also brought lice from the camp. I tried all modern means, but the result is negative. From my childhood I remembered about dust and kerosene. In two stages, after 4 days, both lice and nits were completely removed with the help of kerosene.

  37. Mohira

    How to get rid of the smell of kerosene?

  38. Natalia

    We tried shampoos, but there is no sense. Only kerosene helped. My daughter’s hair is long, it’s a pity to cut it, they smeared it with kerosene once, it burned - they endured 10 minutes, washed it off thoroughly, repeated it a week later and already stood it for 20-25 minutes, washed it off. We no longer remember lice. Kerosene is the best remedy, if used carefully, the lice just burned out. By the way, not a single hair fell out of the head, and the only drawback is that the scalp is overdried, dandruff ... Well, they don’t bite.

  39. Gulya

    We have been fighting lice all summer, not a single pharmacy product has helped. Today we will use kerosene.

  40. Julia

    Oh, oh, this kerosene! In a good way) Previously, the whole country used this burning agent, the effect is very good. They smeared it, 20 minutes had not passed, they ran to wash it off. Screams, ooh! But the result is worth it. It did not affect the skin much "burning", but the hair became neater and with volume. I recommend!

  41. Anonymous

    Nyuda does not help, they processed it a second time yesterday, to no avail.Other pharmaceutical products also do not help, and the price does not matter. Three years ago, they burned the skin with pure kerosene in three minutes of wild ora, while warm water was brought in (we have a village), but the lice were brought out just as instantly. Today the child asks to be treated again with kerosene. Let's try to dilute it strongly with oil and preliminarily conduct a test on the bend of the elbow.

  42. Anonymous

    Tell me more ways, we have already tried a lot: from kerosene to expensive drugs, but they are coming back. We haven't been able to withdraw for a year now. Three times they tried kerosene (purified), but to no avail.

  43. Galya

    I also got lice at school, scratched my head for a week, did not expect lice to appear. I bought Pair Plus, sprinkled it - there was no sense, the nits remained. Here, I anointed my head with kerosene, I'm waiting for the effect, I hope it helps 🙂

  44. Mila

    My children from school brought lice. My mother always brought lice to me with hellebore water. The second time in a day, just in case.

  45. Marina

    Kerosene is the best. I recommend!

  46. Lily

    Bought hellebore water, did not help. Tell me how long to keep a child of 8 years old kerosene? Hair to butt.

  47. Anonymous

    Don't use grandma's stuff! NO NEED. It is better to consult a specialist (dermatologist). He will examine you and prescribe a remedy)

  48. Anonymous

    Try everything, this infection reacts differently to drugs for everyone. You can also visit doctors, but not all of them are equally good, as are the drugs they prescribe.

  49. Nata

    Where to buy kerosene?

  50. Anna

    In short, all these shampoos are complete crap! Kerosene help. Now my daughter has treated it with a cotton pad, we are sitting with a bag on our heads. Hair to the waist, it was difficult, long, but sits and endures.During processing, lice ran in, did not have time to remove them. They already remained on the cotton disc during processing.

  51. Anonymous

    Tell me, my daughter picked up lice, a friend advised pure kerosene. But the hair is long, and I would like to clarify with those who actually removed it: is it necessary to moisten only the roots of the hair with kerosene, or also smear it along the entire length? And further. They said that after kerosene, you don’t need to choose nits, they kind of fall out on their own. Is it so? It’s just that for 8 years the child’s hair was raised, I don’t want to cut it.

  52. Elena

    The grandson "brought" lice from the kindergarten. Daughter bought Medifox at the pharmacy. Nothing helped. The best remedy is ordinary kerosene. I diluted it with sunflower oil, smeared it on my head (more on my hair, less on my skin), put on a plastic bag and wrapped it in a towel. Half an hour later she took it off, washed her hair, combed it out with a fine comb. Combed out on a sheet - a vile sight.

  53. Ludmila

    How to remove lice and nits?

  54. Anastasia

    The daughter at school very often picks up lice and, accordingly, everyone gets infected at home in a couple of days. We tried a lot of modern drugs against lice, nothing helped. Kerosene turned out to be the only sure way - it really saved the whole family, from small to great. Just dilute kerosene properly and you'll be fine. If an adult, then 2 tablespoons of kerosene, 3 tablespoons of olive or sunflower oil, 2 tablespoons of shampoo. If a child, then 4 tablespoons of oil. We walk for an hour, wash well with shampoo and forget about this joy. If there is a scallop, then you can subtract. But before you start combing, put a piece of cotton wool on the comb along the comb with a thin layer.


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