Website for pest control

Details about the treatment of premises from various insects: important nuances

Last update: 2022-06-01

If you are going to order the treatment of the premises from insects (or want to carry out disinfestation yourself), then for a start it will be useful to learn some important practical nuances about this procedure ...

Next you will learn:

  • What you need to consider when ordering the treatment of the premises from insects;
  • What processing methods are there and which one to prefer;
  • By what means is pest control usually performed and what is important to know about them in advance in order to avoid unpleasant situations;
  • How to interact with professional pest control services and what to pay special attention to.

and other interesting points.

In general, a well-planned and high-quality treatment of premises from insects can be described as a rather complex and time-consuming process. If it seems to you that it’s enough just to buy Dichlorvos in the nearest store and sprinkle it along the baseboards of the room - well, insects usually appreciate it and please the residents with their presence for a long time, while continuing to actively multiply and occupy neighboring territories.

With a large number of insects in the house, the treatment of the room should be comprehensive, since otherwise the effect may be very insignificant.

Usually, disinfection treatment of the premises is required in cases where the initial stage of infection has long been missed, so that pests or parasites have multiplied en masse, leading to a significant deterioration in the sanitary situation and, in general, to a decrease in the quality of life of people.However, in some cases, against recently appeared “guests”, such processing also turns out to be in demand, especially if the residents are initially set to use the services of professionals and do not try to fight insects with various folk methods or (do not believe it, but this happens) conspiracies and prayers.

Most often, the treatment of apartments from insects is aimed at the destruction of the following arthropods:

  • cockroaches;
  • ants;
  • bedbugs;
  • moths;
  • fleas;
  • woodlice.

Bed bug treatment is one of the most requested services today.

Sometimes you even have to process bathrooms and toilets from wood lice ...

On a note

Strictly speaking, woodlice, spiders or, for example, ticks, are not insects (insects have only 3 pairs of legs). But in everyday life, these arthropods are almost always called insects.

In addition, in industrial warehouses, in shops, at various food industry enterprises and in livestock buildings, insect control is carried out to destroy leather beetles, grinders and beetles, mites, flies, as well as against highly specialized pests of stored products.

If left unchecked, insects in food warehouses can cause serious damage to stocks.

At the same time, the methods of processing domestic and industrial (storage) premises can differ significantly both in the type of means used and in the methods of disinfestation. As a rule, very large premises are treated with fumigation methods, sometimes with special insect smoke bombs.

In the case of treating residential premises, the methods of disinfestation can be very diverse, but, as a rule, the main damage to insects is caused by spraying any effective insecticide (or a specially selected mixture) in a finely dispersed form over the largest possible area.


Methods for treating premises from insects

There are several ways to treat a room with insecticidal agents. At the same time, pest control services most often remove insects as follows:

  • Simple aerosol treatment - spraying with insecticidal preparations the places of possible accumulation of insects and their movement paths. In this case, the drug is sprayed using a special sprayer (pulverizer). Imagine an ordinary household or garden sprayer, and you will understand that the insecticidal aerosol created during such processing turns out to be relatively coarse, and therefore its volatility is not always sufficient to penetrate various narrow cracks and hard-to-reach places. Things are better when using ready-made aerosol cans.When using a ready-made insecticide aerosol can, the sprayed particles are much smaller than when using a household sprayer.But when using a conventional spray gun, the insecticidal aerosol turns out to be relatively coarse and quickly settles.
  • cold mist method. This method is similar to simple aerosol treatment, but here the insecticide solution is sprayed with a special device in such small drops that they stay in the air for a long time and penetrate even into those places and cracks that can be very difficult to treat with a conventional spray gun. For example, such a thinnest aerosol is capable of destroying a nest of bedbugs by penetrating inside a sofa or mattress through micropores in the fabric, and is also able to get to cockroaches hiding in a microwave oven or outlet holes.The photo shows an example of processing an apartment using the cold fog method.
  • hot mist method. This method is quite similar to the cold fog method, but involves additional heating of the insecticidal aerosol to a temperature of 50-60 ° C, which increases the time spent in the air and its effectiveness against insects.Treatment of the room from insects using the hot fog method.
  • Fumigation, in which the insecticide is applied in a gaseous state.The use of sulfur and permethrin checkers from insects can be attributed to this method. Today, insecticidal checkers for domestic use are on sale - from cockroaches, bedbugs, fleas and other unwanted animals. Sometimes it is enough to use such a checker once in a closed room to mow down most of the pests and parasites that have settled in it.An example of the use of a special smoke bomb for the destruction of insects in a room (greenhouse).
  • The use of powdered insecticides, which are scattered in places where insects move (the so-called dusts - the name comes from the pesticide DDT, which has not been used for a long time).An example of an insecticidal agent in a powdered state (dust).
  • The use of insecticidal gels against cockroaches, ants and wood lice (professional exterminators use this method only as an auxiliary; however, although the gels work slowly, when choosing a quality drug, they help quite well to reduce the number, for example, of cockroaches to zero). In fact, such gels work like poison baits.Insecticide gels work like poison baits and kill insects after they are eaten.

Thus, if you plan to order the treatment of industrial or domestic premises from insects and get the maximum result at the same time, then it is better to focus on disinfestation using the cold or hot fog method. Large insect control services are usually always ready to provide such a service - it is enough to stipulate this by phone.


“Hot mist was recommended to us by friends. We ordered processing in the morning (they said that it would take a long time to weather). An employee of the company came, chemist in the apartment for about half an hour, took almost 5 thousand and left, saying that it was necessary to wait a few hours. We entered the apartment only in the evening. Impressions - tin! The smell is terrible, though it faded after a week. It was impossible to sleep that day in the house.But on the other hand, cockroaches crumbled from under the plaster, like leaves from a tree. Well, actually the whole floor was strewn! They walked and were afraid to step on, so as not to smear it on the floor, they collected it with a scoop.

Kushnarev, Moscow region


And further: With the bites of some insects, the bite site can swell so much that it doesn’t seem small ... (the article has more than 40 comments)

The means by which disinsection is carried out

The vast majority of modern insecticides for treating premises from insects contain substances related to pyrethroids (permethrin, lambda-cyhalothrin, deltamethrin, etc.), or to organophosphorus compounds (chlorpyrifos, chlorophos, malathion - aka karbofos, etc.). ). All these substances affect the nervous system of insects, leading to paralysis, and then to death.

Modern insecticides mostly act on the nervous system of insects, causing paralysis and subsequent death.

For humans, most insecticidal agents are relatively low-toxic, but if handled carelessly, they can lead to poisoning - for example, if they enter the respiratory tract or digestive tract. Some of the insecticides can cause skin irritation.

On a note

Permethrin, harmless enough for humans, is quite dangerous for cats (the first signs of poisoning in them are profuse salivation and inappropriate behavior). Therefore, if the room is treated with a preparation based on this insecticide, then care should be taken in advance that the mustachioed pet does not come into contact with the treated surfaces until the moment of wet cleaning. An animal should not be allowed to eat poisoned dead or disoriented insects.

Eating poisonous insects by animals can lead to serious consequences ...

It should be borne in mind that exterminators usually set as their main goal the reliable destruction of insects in the room, not always caring about whether the drug used smells strongly and how long this smell will last after treatment. There are cases when residents had to simply throw out upholstered furniture due to the fact that it retained a persistent chemical smell of an insecticide for months.

Fortunately, some modern pest control services themselves are guided by preparations with a relatively weak and quickly weathered odor. In addition, when ordering, you can specify this point in advance, specifying that you only agree to the treatment with a weakly smelling agent.

If you are going to carry out the processing of the apartment on your own, then it is useful to consider the following points:

  • Aerosol preparations in cans (Dichlorvos, Reid, Kombat, etc.) allow you to quickly destroy insects if you know exactly where their cluster is located. Simply spraying the aerosol into the air, onto floors or walls is often ineffective.Aerosol Reid Max from flying and crawling insects
  • Insecticide concentrates for dilution and subsequent spraying from a household spray gun (Get, Lambda Zona, Xulat Micro, etc.) are more economical than aerosol preparations in cans, and at the same time are often more effective, including due to prolonged action. These funds can be easily purchased online.An example of an insecticidal insecticide concentrate Lambda Zone.
  • A single treatment of the premises is not always enough. For example, most insecticides do not have a toxic effect on bedbug eggs. Accordingly, during the first treatment, adults of the parasites and their larvae will die, while the eggs will survive.After a couple of weeks, it is advisable to repeat the treatment, as this will destroy the young larvae, which by this time will hatch from the eggs that survived after the first treatment.A single treatment of the premises against bedbugs is not enough, since parasite eggs in most cases survive.Young larvae will hatch from the surviving bedbug eggs after processing.
  • If, for example, cockroaches or bedbugs continue to regularly enter the room from neighbors, then even after thorough disinfestation, sooner or later insects can settle in your apartment again. Therefore, insect control should be carried out together with neighbors.If the neighbors are also responsible people and are set up for a favorable and long-term cohabitation, then you need to look for compromises and negotiate with them about the simultaneous processing of apartments.
  • If the neighbors do not make contact, then you can contact the SES, as well as take protective measures using products with a barrier effect (example: the ventilation duct is processed around the entire perimeter, and each insect, crossing the treated area, inevitably comes into contact with insecticide).Insects can enter the apartment through the ventilation ducts.


Processing procedure

Regardless of whether insect control is carried out by professional exterminators or by the hands of the owners of the premises themselves, in the most general case, it consists of the following steps:

  • Room preparation. If we are talking about a residential apartment or a private house, they provide access to places where insects can hide, furniture is moved away from the walls; in the case of the destruction of bedbugs, it is useful to remove bed linen in advance. Clean things, dishes, children's toys are put into plastic bags and hermetically sealed (you need to be sure that there are no insects or their eggs on these things). People are taken out of warehouses and industrial premises, sometimes it is necessary to adjust the ventilation in such a way as is required by the use of a particular product.
  • Treatment of the premises with the drug.If it is an aerosol (fog, spray), it is applied to all surfaces, furniture and equipment on which insects can crawl, as well as their intended hiding places. When using gels or powders, they are applied in places where insects move. Fumigants are simply released into the air and then fill all the corners of the room themselves.
  • Cleaning the premises and bringing it into a residential or working form. Usually, careful ventilation and wet cleaning are required at this stage.

And further: Smoke bombs from insects - a quick killer thing ... (the article has more than 10 comments)

When calling special pest control services, the manager usually warns himself how to prepare the room, and after processing, the pest control will explain how to put it in order. In addition, some companies offer all these works to be carried out by their specialists for a certain amount.

Disinsection specialists can prepare the premises for insect control for an additional fee.


Professional pest control: features of the procedure and interaction with specialists

Calling a professional pest control service to treat a room from insects makes sense in the following cases:

  • when there are a lot of insects in the room, and at the same time there is no desire to fight them on their own;
  • when it seems to you that you have already tried all the means and methods, but nothing helps;
  • when an independent struggle gives an effect only for a month or two, after which the insects reappear;
  • when a tendency to allergies does not give you the opportunity to spray insecticide in the apartment yourself;
  • and just in the case when you want to get a guaranteed result with minimal effort on your part.

In large industrial buildings or warehouse complexes, professional pest control is the only way to effectively exterminate pests.

To treat large rooms from insects, it is often simply impossible to do without calling professionals.

The participation of the owners of the premises in such processing, as a rule, is limited to its preparation and subsequent putting in order. It is usually forbidden to be present during processing in order to avoid poisoning. If the customer definitely wants to observe the entire procedure, he must have a respirator and rubber gloves with him.

All conscientious insect extermination firms issue to customers the necessary package of documents: a contract with a seal and signature, an act of work performed, a cash receipt for payment. Always at the stage of calling the service, you need to clarify what guarantees the company provides: in many cases, even an ideally performed treatment does not allow you to destroy insects in one procedure, and therefore, after a few weeks, bugs or cockroaches may reappear in the room, for the extermination of which a second treatment will be required (you need to make sure that such processing, if required, will be carried out free of charge).

When calling specialists, make sure that the company guarantees a free re-treatment of the premises if necessary.

If you didn’t take care of the guarantee in advance, then it may come as an unpleasant surprise for you when the company asks for more money for re-processing.


“... The price was not much higher than other companies, and the result is excellent. The bugs died right before our eyes, before that they hid in all the cracks, and then they suddenly climbed out. There was a smell at first, but after a day it disappeared completely. The processing itself took about forty minutes + another 3 hours the apartment was kept closed. As a result, we managed in half a day and paid only 2,000 kopecks.”

Maxim, Krasnoyarsk


Do-it-yourself treatment of premises from insects

Perhaps the most important thing to remember when self-treating a room from insects is the need to adhere to strict safety rules.: The handler must wear long sleeves, use a respirator, goggles and rubber gloves. A headdress must be worn on the head.

When working with insecticides, be sure to use personal protective equipment.

Even if the product has almost no smell, it does not become less dangerous from this. On the contrary: without smelling, it is easy to lose vigilance and inhale insecticidal aerosol. Believe me, when people neglected the elementary safety rules when handling insecticides, nothing good came of it, or rather, very bad and dangerous situations sometimes happened.

During treatment with aerosols and sprays, all residents and pets must be removed from the apartment. Upon completion of the procedure, the apartment or house is closed. Usually, after 2-3 hours, wet cleaning is carried out in the apartment, and people can return to it.

A few hours after the completion of the procedure, it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning in the room.

During the processing itself, special attention should be paid to those places in the room where insects can be. The effectiveness of the treatment largely depends on how scrupulously the spraying of key surfaces in the house is carried out.

It should be borne in mind in advance that insects in the room may reappear. They can hatch from eggs laid by dead ancestors, come from neighbors, or be brought into an apartment with new things. Therefore, you should always be prepared for the need for re-treatment, as well as regularly carry out preventive measures to protect the premises from single individuals entering it.


What you need to know when choosing a pest control service


The video shows a good example of treating an apartment from insects using the cold fog method.



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