Website for pest control

Insect repellents

An overview of effective traps for flying and crawling insects
An overview of effective traps for flying and crawling insects

In many cases, insect traps are indeed a very convenient way to control indoor pests and parasites: cockroaches, house ants, flies, mosquitoes and other flying and crawling animals. It is enough to set such a trap - and the process of extermination of insects has already begun! However, in practice, everything is not as simple as it might seem at first glance: all types of insect traps have their drawbacks, and you still need to be able to choose the one that will show the maximum efficiency in this particular situation ...

Remedy for bedbugs and cockroaches Delta Zone: description and reviews
Remedy for bedbugs and cockroaches Delta Zone: description and reviews

The use of insecticidal preparations is perhaps the most effective way to get rid of domestic insects today. However, many means in practice turn out to be completely ineffective, and pests and parasites quickly get used to some of them and become insensitive. For these reasons, the drug Delta-Zone appeared on the market - a powerful concentrated insecticide for the destruction of bed bugs, cockroaches and other synanthropic insects. The sellers promise that the Delta Zone will have high efficiency, a complete absence of smell and safety for humans. Is this really so, how good is the Delta Zone and how those who have already tested it in action speak of the drug - we will talk about this further ...

Insecticides for insects in the house: an overview of drugs
Insecticides for insects in the house: an overview of drugs

Almost everyone had to look for insect repellents in the house. And very often, from the first time, a novice amateur exterminator with such a tool is mistaken: either the drug does not work on those insects that live in the apartment, or it is not enough, or after processing the room, the smell in it remains for weeks such that it is impossible to live normally. Therefore, the choice of an effective insecticidal agent for the destruction of insects must be approached carefully and responsibly - let's talk about this in more detail.

About Electric Insect Killers
About Electric Insect Killers

Electric insect exterminators are very popular today - primarily due to the combination of high efficiency and safety for human and animal health (after all, the device does not use poisonous chemical insecticides). However, the practical application of such devices has a number of important nuances and features, without which the exterminator may simply not have the expected effect...

Flying Insect Killer Lamps
Flying Insect Killer Lamps

Today, special ultraviolet traps are widely used to destroy various flying insects in apartments and household plots. Such tools are very effective and at the same time easy to use, however, before buying a device, it is useful to first understand the principle of its operation and related nuances, which may affect the choice of the most suitable model in your case. So, let's see what lamps exist today for killing insects and what is useful to know about their use in domestic conditions ...

About ultrasonic insect and rodent repellers
About ultrasonic insect and rodent repellers

Ultrasonic repellers are so popular today that with their help many people try to fight almost all pests in a row: insects, rodents, and even birds in gardens. As for the manufacturers of ultrasonic repellers themselves, some of them claim that the device will really cope with almost any “living creatures” that annoy a person, while others indicate that ultrasound is effective only against certain groups of insects and rodents. Who is right here? Are ultrasonic repellers really universal, or do they still have their limitations? And finally, how (and against whom) should these devices be used? Let's figure it out...

What are insect exterminators and how do they work
What are insect exterminators and how do they work

Anyone who has ever encountered unpleasant domestic insects in their apartment would like to see some kind of “magic” tool that allows you to only install it in the right place - and forget about yourself, and about domestic parasites and pests. Oddly enough, there really are such means: special insect exterminators are produced precisely in order to free a person from the need to spend his time on removing domestic insects. Of course, the work of these tools has its own nuances and limitations, but, nevertheless, it is really easy to remove unwanted insects with their help. Let's find out how it's done...

Remedy for bedbugs and cockroaches Xulat, as well as reviews on its use
Remedy for bedbugs and cockroaches Xulat, as well as reviews on its use

Of the modern remedies for bedbugs and cockroaches, which are quite convenient to use in everyday life and which give a good result, Xulat is one of the most popular.Yes, this drug is not perfect, it, like any other remedy, has its drawbacks, but Xulat really works, allowing you to get rid of insects in a short time even in the most advanced cases. Therefore, for those who decide to fight bedbugs or cockroaches in an apartment on their own, it will be useful to get acquainted with this drug itself, and with the features of its use ...

Smoke bombs for the destruction of insects and feedback on their use
Smoke bombs for the destruction of insects and feedback on their use

When it comes to insect control in large industrial premises, smoke bombs are a good alternative to rather expensive aerosols and sprays. The penetrating power of smoke is even higher than that of aerosols, and arthropod parasites and pests are destroyed even where a person with a sprayer cannot reach in any way - in the cracks of floors and walls, in interfloor ceilings, in equipment. Yes, and on a fishing trip or a picnic, such a checker will reliably protect against mosquitoes and midges. We will talk further about how effective such smoke bombs are, how they work and how to use them correctly.


Reviews of various insect repellents…

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