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Remedies for cockroaches

Gel-paste Dezus from cockroaches
Gel-paste Dezus from cockroaches

Dezus is a cockroach gel-paste that has recently appeared on the market and is already considered one of the most promising household “cockroachicides”. It implements almost all the advantages of preparations of this form, and there are no shortcomings identified in the precursor gels ...

What is the most effective cockroach remedy?
What is the most effective cockroach remedy?

The most effective and best cockroach remedy is not so easy to choose, despite the fairly good results that most of them show. Indeed, in each case, the circumstances differ, and what was effective with the neighbors may be useless in another apartment. Therefore, you should choose funds from cockroaches with a cool head and a clear vision of the process and result.

Express system Raptor for the elimination of cockroaches and ants: gel and 4 traps
Express system Raptor for the elimination of cockroaches and ants: gel and 4 traps

In some cases, in the fight against cockroaches, it is advisable to abandon the "lethal chemistry" in favor of the most safe for humans and pets with a long-term preventive effect. In this regard, it is useful to pay attention to the development of the company Raptor - the Express system for the elimination of cockroaches and ants, created on the basis of three different insecticides. We will talk more about the nuances of its practical application and advantages over classic aerosols and sprays ...

The use of dusts to fight cockroaches
The use of dusts to fight cockroaches

The use of dust for many people today may seem like a hopelessly outdated way to deal with cockroaches, which our grandparents poisoned insects with a threat to health and life. Meanwhile, many modern apartment owners completely trust the means that they call “dusts” (although these means have nothing to do with DDT itself), and quite successfully remove cockroaches with just such powders. So if you are going to poison cockroaches with some kind of dust, then it will be useful to first figure out how they differ from each other today and how to use them so as not to leave pests a chance to survive ...

Gels from cockroaches and the nuances of their use (Domovoy, Kapkan, Killer, etc.)
Gels from cockroaches and the nuances of their use (Domovoy, Kapkan, Killer, etc.)

Insecticide gels are rightfully considered one of the most convenient to use and at the same time very effective means for combating cockroaches in everyday life. Knowing the advantages of such a formulation, gels are used even by professional exterminators in addition to powerful aerosol insecticides. At the same time, the gel can also be used independently, quite successfully removing pests from them - it is only important to take into account some nuances ...

Remedies for cockroaches in a syringe (gels): an overview of drugs and the nuances of their use
Remedies for cockroaches in a syringe (gels): an overview of drugs and the nuances of their use

To date, insecticidal gels, sold in syringes and plastic tubes, are considered one of the most convenient and effective means for self-control of cockroaches at home. They do kill pests (although not quickly), are easy to use, fairly safe, and handling with them does not require much effort.At the same time, cockroach gels have a certain specific application, which is important to consider in order to achieve maximum results ...

Powders for the destruction of cockroaches: an overview of effective means
Powders for the destruction of cockroaches: an overview of effective means

Often, experienced cockroach fighters purposefully look for insecticides in the form of powders, while ignoring aerosol preparations, gels and sticky traps. And this has its own logic: firstly, people of the old school remember the poisonous Soviet dust, from which not only cockroaches, but even mold on the ceilings died out. Secondly, many cockroach powders can be purchased relatively inexpensively, and the effect, when used correctly, is really high. And, finally, most of the powdered preparations used for baiting cockroaches are practically odorless and do not emit harmful substances into the atmosphere of the room (which cannot be said, for example, about many terribly smelling aerosol products). Let's see how, in general, insecticidal powders are good in the fight against cockroaches in practice and see which of these drugs are the most effective ...

Dichlorvos and its use from cockroaches: reviews and instructions
Dichlorvos and its use from cockroaches: reviews and instructions

At one time, due to the lack of worthy analogues, Dichlorvos, as a remedy for cockroaches, was so popular that its name became a household name among the people - even today, aerosol insecticides in cylinders in everyday life are often called Dichlorvos in the old fashioned way, even if the drug has nothing to do with this trademark. And we must pay tribute to the old Soviet Dichlorvos: he worked really well, and mowed down cockroaches reliably.Today, on the market, you can find new modern Dichlorvos (Varan, Neo, Eco, etc.) for sale - let's see if they have become better, if they really allow you to effectively destroy cockroaches and how, in fact, they differ from each other ...

Insecticidal chalk from cockroaches Masha and reviews on its use
Insecticidal chalk from cockroaches Masha and reviews on its use

Known since Soviet times, Masha's chalk is perhaps one of the most popular means for removing cockroaches among the people. In part, its popularity is an echo of the times of total scarcity, when people had to choose between Dichlorvos and chalk (and the choice often fell in favor of chalk due to its lower cost and ease of use). However, Mashenka is still being bought quite actively today - first of all, because this insecticidal pencil really helps to massively destroy cockroaches, especially if you handle it correctly ...

Choosing an effective poison for cockroaches
Choosing an effective poison for cockroaches

If you are already tired of fighting cockroaches and, it would seem, have tried all possible poisons, but you still haven’t received a result, then it’s time to learn about really effective drugs, the use of which helps to solve the problem even in the most advanced cases. Let's see what means it makes sense to pay attention to first of all and, most importantly, how to combine them correctly in order to achieve the most pronounced result in a short time ...


When choosing a remedy for fighting cockroaches, many are guided only by the corner of their eyes seen advertising and reviews of friends. But it may also happen that the miracle remedy for cockroaches, which helped the neighbor Aunt Nina, will be completely ineffective in your apartment. And the high price of the drug is not always the key to successful disposal of uninvited guests. Why is this happening?

First of all, you need to understand the reasons for the appearance of cockroaches in your home. For example, think about where they even came from in your apartment and how did they manage to firmly settle here? It is also useful to get at least a little familiar with the characteristics of the life of cockroaches, because knowing their weaknesses, breeding characteristics and food preferences, it will not only be easier for you to decide on the choice of an effective remedy, but also to apply it correctly.

Practice shows that in pursuit of the most effective remedy for cockroaches, many often forget that the drug will be really effective only if it is used correctly. Neglecting the individual points of the instructions for using the product can not only nullify all your efforts to combat parasites, but also create a real threat to the health of you and your loved ones. Moreover, the more effective the poison from cockroaches, the more toxic it can be for humans.

Thus, it would be more correct to look not for the most effective remedy for cockroaches, but for a drug that would combine high efficiency, safety of use and ease of use. Do not forget about the smell: some insect repellents smell so strong that, after processing, they can exterminate not only cockroaches from the apartment, but also its residents.

In the section of our website "Cockroach Remedies" you can get comprehensive information on choosing the best remedy for fighting cockroaches, and then approach the issue of destroying these parasites in your home, as they say, fully armed.

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