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Insects in the apartment

About ultrasonic insect and rodent repellers
About ultrasonic insect and rodent repellers

Ultrasonic repellers are so popular today that with their help many people try to fight almost all pests in a row: insects, rodents, and even birds in gardens. As for the manufacturers of ultrasonic repellers themselves, some of them claim that the device will really cope with almost any “living creatures” that annoy a person, while others indicate that ultrasound is effective only against certain groups of insects and rodents. Who is right here? Are ultrasonic repellers really universal, or do they still have their limitations? And finally, how (and against whom) should these devices be used? Let's figure it out...

Bites of different types of insects and their photos
Bites of different types of insects and their photos

Insect bites - especially with the onset of the warm season - invariably "please" the victims with a variety of symptoms and manifestations. Moreover, the attack of the same insect can end for two different people with absolutely different consequences from each other in severity and strength. Next, we will talk about what the bites of various insects look like and what they can lead to, and we will also trace these moments in the corresponding interesting photographs ...

What is important to know about insect sting allergies
What is important to know about insect sting allergies

Insect bites are often dangerous not in themselves, but because of the powerful immune response of the body to them.An allergic reaction, depending on the individual sensitivity of a person, can be either almost imperceptible or extremely pronounced. Moreover, this is true not only for the bites of hornets, bees and other stinging insects, but also in the event of an attack by seemingly harmless mosquitoes. Allergies can also occur to the bites of bedbugs, fleas, flies and many other insects. What to do with it and how to prevent the development of serious consequences - we will talk about this further ...

What are insect exterminators and how do they work
What are insect exterminators and how do they work

Anyone who has ever encountered unpleasant domestic insects in their apartment would like to see some kind of “magic” tool that allows you to only install it in the right place - and forget about yourself, and about domestic parasites and pests. Oddly enough, there really are such means: special insect exterminators are produced precisely in order to free a person from the need to spend his time on removing domestic insects. Of course, the work of these tools has its own nuances and limitations, but, nevertheless, it is really easy to remove unwanted insects with their help. Let's find out how it's done...

Remedy for bedbugs and cockroaches Xulat, as well as reviews on its use
Remedy for bedbugs and cockroaches Xulat, as well as reviews on its use

Of the modern remedies for bedbugs and cockroaches, which are quite convenient to use in everyday life and which give a good result, Xulat is one of the most popular. Yes, this drug is not perfect, it, like any other remedy, has its drawbacks, but Xulat really works, allowing you to get rid of insects in a short time even in the most advanced cases.Therefore, for those who decide to fight bedbugs or cockroaches in an apartment on their own, it will be useful to get acquainted with this drug itself, and with the features of its use ...

Choosing an ointment from insect bites to relieve itching, swelling and allergies
Choosing an ointment from insect bites to relieve itching, swelling and allergies

Insect bites are one of the most unpleasant consequences of being in nature. Sometimes they are almost imperceptible, and they "declare" themselves only in large numbers - such as, for example, mosquito or flea bites. In other cases - from the bites of other insects - a person may experience severe itching, swelling of soft tissues, suppuration of the wound, or a generalized allergic reaction with an unpredictable outcome. Unfortunately, such situations are relevant not only for the tropics, but also for most climatic zones in Russia. Therefore, if insects have bitten someone on vacation or even at home (or you just plan to go out into nature), you should always have effective ointments on hand that will help soothe itching, reduce inflammation and normalize skin condition at the site of the bite. What are the best tools for this? We will talk about this further…

What domestic insects can be found in human housing: parasites and pests
What domestic insects can be found in human housing: parasites and pests

Only the most naive owner can believe that insects do not live in his well-groomed apartment. Even the cleanest and most luxurious housing harbors a certain set of miniature roommates that a person may not notice for years. And apartments and houses in which sanitary standards are somehow violated are a paradise for various invertebrates that quickly penetrate here and actively breed. Today the story will go just about them - all those domestic insects, including parasites, that live next to a person without his consent.

Types of insects that can live in an apartment, and their photos
Types of insects that can live in an apartment, and their photos

Almost any apartment, even the most comfortable and well-groomed, is a home not only for people and their pets, but also for a large number of different insects. In many cases, such "cohabitants" are not visible at all, or they catch the eye only occasionally, without arousing suspicion in people about their constant presence. But in some apartments there are so many insects and they are so diverse that it is just right to consider them the real owners of the premises. At the same time, an attempt to remove all this brethren on their own is often complicated by the fact that insecticidal agents that are effective against one type of insect may be completely unsuitable for the destruction of the rest. So, what kind of insects are found in our apartments and what is important to know about them - let's try to understand these issues together ...

What small insects can be found in the apartment
What small insects can be found in the apartment

Seeing small insects in an apartment, it is not always easy to understand where they came from and what they eat. Moreover, if most people know cockroaches, moths or bedbugs well and easily distinguish them when they meet in the house, then guests 1-2 mm in size usually all look the same and rarely attract attention. But even these insects during mass reproduction can cause a lot of trouble, sometimes much more than the notorious cockroaches. Let's figure out who is who in this microscopic army, and when you find which insects, you need to pick up an etchant as soon as possible.

Destruction of insects: useful tips and important nuances
Destruction of insects: useful tips and important nuances

Destroying insects in an apartment is a rather complicated, complex and not very pleasant procedure.Not only are the insects themselves usually disgusting, it can also be very difficult to get to their shelters. This requires moving furniture, raising linoleum, dismantling stocks on shelves. But the main thing: the procedure for the destruction of insects must be carried out taking into account certain rules, so that not only adult parasites, but also their eggs and larvae, are destroyed. After all, no one wants a new generation of pests to return to the apartment a week after the laborious removal. These are the most important nuances that determine the effectiveness of the destruction of insects in an apartment, let's go further and consider ...


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