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Types of insects that can live in an apartment, and their photos

Last update: 2022-05-22
≡ Article has 48 comments
  • Marina: Some insects appeared in my things, they started to bite. ...
  • Svetlana: These are the larvae of the kozheed ....
  • Natasha: Maybe it's from flowerpots where flowers grow....
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Let's learn more about the different types of insects that are found in apartments, and also see how they look in photographs...

Insects live in almost every home. This is a fact: even if the owners of the premises do not see them, this almost always only means that such “roommates” are simply very successfully hiding from the person’s gaze. In some cases, insects in an apartment can be absolutely harmless, but some of their species pose a serious danger not only to food and things, but also to the person himself.

It is also important that many insects that can live in an apartment are absolutely indifferent to its sanitary condition. For example, silverfish (see photo below) may well be found even in an elite apartment with a good repair:

Silverfish, for example, can be found even in the cleanest and most luxurious apartments.

And then the nest of bed bugs is shown - they can multiply well both in dirty shacks and in the most modern and comfortable apartments:

Bed bugs are able to settle both in squalid shacks and in the most luxurious apartments.

That is why you should not count on the fact that if order is constantly maintained in the apartment, then there will definitely not be insects in it. In some cases, this is practically irrelevant.

Of course, the ubiquitous cockroaches or wood lice in the bathroom are unlikely to start up in an exemplary clean room, but a certain insect fauna will also master it.Therefore, it will be useful for each homeowner to find out what main types of insects are found in apartments, what are their features and how difficult it can be to deal with them. We will talk about this further…


All the variety of insects in the apartment

According to the degree of harmfulness and danger, synanthropic insects can be classified into several groups. The first is blood-sucking parasites that pose an immediate danger to humans (and sometimes to domestic animals):

  1. Bed bugs - they almost always bite only a person. They do not have wings, they settle in large groups in sofas, under mattresses, under baseboards, in various crevices. Bed bugs bite mainly only at night, and with massive bites they can cause serious allergic reactions, especially in children. Bed bugs almost never bite cats and dogs.
    Bed bugs are blood-sucking insects that bite mainly only humans.
  2. Fleas - but they are not at all picky in choosing a host. These are very small jumping insects in the apartment, biting mainly during daylight hours. They can parasitize on cats, dogs, domestic rodents, and actively bite humans. In some cases, fleas can be quite difficult to get out of the room. Sometimes they enter the apartment from the basement (basement fleas).
    Fleas are small blood-sucking insects that can bite not only pets, but also yourself.
    Closeup photo of a flea
  3. Lice are small white or grayish insects that constantly live in underwear or on the scalp of a person. In an apartment, lice themselves are found in exceptional cases when they accidentally fall from their victim.
    And this is what a linen louse looks like with a strong increase

The second group is pests that spoil food or other property in the apartment. Among them are the following types of insects:

  1. Cockroaches are perhaps the most famous and easily recognizable.They settle most often in kitchens, feed on various food waste, and are able to carry various dirt with pathogens on their paws.Ordinary red cockroaches on their paws are quite capable of carrying pathogens.
  2. Pharaoh ants are one of the most difficult apartment insects. Their colonies can be interconnected and cover several apartments at once, in which they arrange their anthills, collecting various food wastes in them.If small red parasites - pharaoh ants - have already started up in the apartment, then it will not be easy to get them out ...
  3. Woodlice, usually settling on the first floors in bathrooms and toilets. Generally speaking, wood lice are not insects (they belong to crustaceans), but they lead about the same lifestyle as cockroaches.Woodlice most often settle in damp areas, especially in bathrooms and toilets.
  4. Moth is the scourge of fur coats and kitchen cabinets. Her inconspicuous butterflies are very annoying with their fluttering, and the larvae at this time sharpen groceries or make holes in clothes made from natural and semi-synthetic materials.It looks like clothes moth
  5. Leather beetles, very small, about the size of a flea. Their larvae can eat a wide variety of organic matter, including even some poisonous substances.An inconspicuous kozheed beetle can cause considerable damage in the house
  6. Pests of domestic plants - thrips, whiteflies, springtails, mealybugs. If white insects appeared in the apartment in flower pots, then this is most likely one of them.Small white insects in a flower pot are springtails, houseplant pests.

The photo below shows springtails in a flower pot with soil:

The photo shows springtails in a flower pot with earth.

Photo of worms on a houseplant:

Worms on a houseplant

They live in apartments and insects that do not cause noticeable harm. For example, these include:

  1. Silverfish feeding on bits of paper and organic debris in the dust.Silverfish in the apartment can eat organic residues in the dust
  2. Butterflies are small flies whose larvae develop in garbage and sewers. Most often found in bathrooms and toilets.Small butterfly fly on the wall in the toilet.

And further: We catch bedbugs and put deadly experiments on them - this is a must see!

And the last group is insects, with one or another periodicity looking into the apartment, but not living here permanently. These include mosquitoes, flies, stink bugs, lacewings, wood ants, and many others. They cannot be called indoor insects.

Next, we will take a closer look at the representatives of the most harmful insects that are permanent residents of apartments.


Cockroaches and the harm they cause

The main danger associated with the presence of cockroaches in the apartment is the spread of pathogens and dirt from the garbage chutes. Constantly moving around the table, food products, dishes, they greatly worsen the sanitary situation in the room.

Imagine: the cockroach first crawled over the rotting waste in the garbage chute, and then made its way into the apartment and ran over the bread left on the kitchen table ...

Cockroaches are perhaps one of the most famous insects living in an apartment, so everyone knows them, as they say, “by sight”. For example, in the photo below - a red cockroach, small, but incredibly easy to adapt to different conditions of existence:

The ubiquitous cockroaches are able to adapt to the most difficult conditions of existence, so the conditions of the apartment for them are a real paradise.

And then in the photo - black cockroaches, which not everyone had to see. They are large - up to 4 cm. So if you meet a large black insect in your apartment that looks like a cockroach, then it is almost certainly Blatta orientalis (as this type of insect is called in Latin):

The black cockroach has the beautiful Latin name Blatta Orientalis, and, along with its red counterpart, is a typical synanthropic insect.

Cockroaches are especially easy to start up in an apartment that has access to food, a source of water and places to hide.If you diligently maintain cleanliness in the room and destroy the first aliens from your neighbors as quickly as possible, then your apartment may well be the only one without cockroaches, even if they are swarming in all neighboring apartments.

The fight against cockroaches is not difficult, but it requires time and money: cockroaches are destroyed by a variety of insecticidal agents, and special gels and microencapsulated preparations are especially effective in this fight (Get, Lambda Zone, Delta Zone, etc.)


Bedbugs in the apartment

Bed bugs (Cimex lectularius) are the most annoying blood-sucking insects in the apartment. They attack a person at night, crawling onto the bed and biting any open areas of the body.

During the day, bedbugs hide in furniture, behind skirting boards, in mattresses, household appliances, behind carpets on the walls. Sometimes they are confused with cockroaches, especially young larvae.

The photo shows a bed bug larva:

Bed bug larvae are sometimes confused with small, newly hatched cockroaches...

The photo shows a bed bug larva (nymph) under a microscope.

Due to the fact that bedbugs feed only on human blood, they, unlike cockroaches, cannot be destroyed by various poisoned traps and baits. The most effective way to deal with bedbugs is baiting with insecticidal aerosols and sprays.


Ants: the smallest, most difficult to breed

Domestic ants (they are also called pharaoh) are very highly organized insects. In the apartment or outside, they organize a nest in which several females lay their eggs, and workers serve them and store food supplies. Such stocks can rot, and the insects themselves can move along the walls of the house garbage chute and through the products in the kitchen in one day.

And further: Smoke bombs from insects - a quick killer thing ... (the article has more than 10 comments)

The photo below shows these apartment insects that found a treat on the kitchen table:

When making a chocolate cake, remember that not only your loved ones, but also harmful pharaoh ants can appreciate it.

Ants found a treat to taste

Due to their ability to organize several communicating nests, ants can capture several apartments and apartment buildings at once. Certain difficulties are associated with this in their breeding: even having destroyed the ants in your apartment, you cannot be sure that in a week they will not begin to colonize it again, coming from their neighbors.

These harmful little insects are removed by the same means and methods as cockroaches. However, it is important to take into account that until the queen of domestic ants is destroyed, the colony will live.


Fleas: danger, biology, specifics of the fight

Fleas are another biting parasitic insects in the apartment. Most of the time they spend in shelters near the resting places of pets, often for a long time they are in the fur of cats and dogs. The larvae of these small blood-sucking insects can be found in any place where there are rotting organic remains: in garbage, sewers, animal litter.

The insect on the carpet shown in the photo below is a cat flea (for an uninitiated person, outwardly, it almost does not differ from other types of fleas - dog, rat, human ...):

cat flea

Adult fleas feed exclusively on the blood of humans and animals. But for their larvae, both food products and excrement of adult fleas or pets are suitable as food.

All the difficulties of fighting fleas are related to the fact that they can be found both in animal hair and anywhere in the room.Of all the insects that live in an apartment, fleas require the most comprehensive approach to breeding: they are first destroyed on animals, then indoors, and finally, the surviving larvae are poisoned.


Moth as the main destroyer of food and clothing

Moths are flying insects in the apartment, the butterflies of which are most often seen on the ceiling, windows, inside cabinets. There are many types of them, some of which harm food (food moth), and some - fur and woolen things (clothes moth).

Actually pests are moth larvae. In most cases, its butterflies do not eat at all, but are only engaged in laying eggs. Moth caterpillars can penetrate closed jars, bags and boxes at a young age and then feed on the product in which they find themselves.

In damaged products in the kitchen, most often you can find not the moth butterflies themselves, but their caterpillars

Clothes or fur coat moths can damage even semi-synthetic fabrics, but they are not able to eat pure synthetics.

The photo below shows typical apartment pests: barn moth and clothes moth:

barn moth

And this is what a clothes moth looks like


Mosquitoes in the apartment

Mosquitoes are well-known summer insects that often fly into an apartment. The photo below shows a female mosquito sucking blood and clearly demonstrating why these insects seek to get into our homes:

This female mosquito came to your house with one goal: to drink as much blood from you as possible.

Mosquitoes do not live permanently in human dwellings, since they need water bodies for reproduction. Nevertheless, they appear in apartments in search of a victim, arriving in the evenings in the light of lamps.

In most cases, it is much easier not to let them into the apartment by hanging a mosquito net on the windows, or scaring them away with special devices (fumigators, ultrasonic repellers), than then to search on the ceiling and walls and destroy them.


Woodlice are not exactly insects.

In most cases, wood lice start up only in those apartments where it is constantly damp, for example, water is leaking from pipes. These insects are excellent indicators of various plumbing failures and flange depressurization.

Photo of wood lice:

Woodlice are good indicators of excessive humidity in an apartment.

Sometimes wood lice can also enter the bathroom or toilet through ventilation from the attic or from neighbors. They do not cause much harm, they are content with various garbage in damp places, but they are very unpleasant in appearance. They hatch the same way as cockroaches.


Leather beetles

Leather beetles in apartments occasionally spoil clothes and food. They pose a particular danger in that the cereals or other groceries they eat become poisonous to humans. In addition, the larvae of these beetles can spoil expensive furs and knitwear.

These insects are rarely numerous, but can be found almost everywhere: in books, linen, food, garbage. It is quite difficult to remove them, and in most cases the struggle consists in throwing out contaminated products and regular cleaning of shelves and cabinets in the apartment.

In the photo - a bread grinder (aka kozheed), a beetle the size of a flea:

Although the skin beetle is only the size of a flea, it can seriously damage your belongings and food supplies.

Other indoor insects - butterflies, silverfish, book lice - if they cause harm, it is insignificant and very subtle. Book lice, for example, feed on glue in book bindings.

Insects on domestic plants are also unpleasant pests, which may well lead to their death due to damage to the roots and leaves. Often these are small white insects, inactive and easily destroyed by special insecticides for treating plants. Generally speaking, there are many types of such pests, and mealybugs, springtails and whiteflies are only a very small part of them.

In general, in order to prevent the appearance of almost any insects in the apartment, it is necessary to carefully check all purchased products and house plants, protect animals from flea infestation and control that children do not become infected with lice. And the apartment itself must be carefully cleaned and kept clean, which with a certain reliability will provide protection from the most common pests.


How to Make Killer Bait for Household Insects with Get Insecticide


5 rules for choosing an insect extermination service


Last update: 2022-05-22

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Types of insects that can live in an apartment, and their photographs" 48 comments
  1. Anonymous


  2. Dmitry

    Thank you. Very helpful articles on this subject.

  3. Danusik

    Of course, this is very useful information, but these pictures ...

  4. Katia

    We have small white insects in a flower pot at home. What to do? The flower does not grow, the leaves fall. Maybe get rid of the flower?

    • Kotyara

      I think it's better to throw away the flower, so you save the rest of the plants in the house.

    • Love

      If you haven’t thrown it away yet, but the problem remains, then rinse thoroughly with potassium permanganate and change the ground.

  5. Ayan

    Very small light insects appeared in my house. On the floor and on the windowsill. Everywhere. I didn't find anything about them here. I don't know what it is or what to do. Made repairs in the winter. Everything is clear.

    • Anonymous

      Ayan, I also have very small light insects in my house. If you find anything against them, please tell me.

    • Marie

      We also have small white ones! Just moved, new home, after renovation. Tiny, in the bathroom, window sills, kitchen, seen on the curtain. What is it?! How to fight?

  6. Hope

    I have bugs crawling on my walls and cabinets (from drywall), which look like bedbugs, but they don’t bite, and I didn’t see them on the sofa. Who is it?

  7. Dmitry

    What are green insects that look like mosquitoes called?

  8. Katia

    And under my chair, when I'm cleaning, I always find bugs that look like fireflies, but always dead or hibernating. Didn't make out who it was. And so I found out that I still “live” with silverfish. Thank you for the article!

  9. Marina

    In my house, it’s generally terrible what’s going on ... At first there were flour eaters, I was tortured to wash everything with vinegar, then somehow they disappeared, but red ants appeared instead of them. On the windowsill I often find dead bugs, they look like a skin beetle. Today I found black or brown larvae in the sofa (linen compartment) (similar to silverfish). I don't understand what is going on and where it comes from. Houses every 2-3 days wet cleaning.

    • Sonya

      Yes, I have the same nonsense. Mukoedov was once brought into the apartment with some product, they were generally everywhere - in the kitchen in a cabinet, on the floor, in the bathroom in the closet.On the windowsill, a cemetery of kozheedov appears every week or two, something has also started up in the sofa - it seems to have been poisoned. Recently I found some larvae in a box - perhaps kozheedov or someone else. The apartment is not dirty, but a lot of dust accumulates, you can wipe it off in the morning - by the evening or the next day it will be the same again. If you forget about some places in the house for a long time, then something will definitely start there. Recently, another jet mosquito entered the apartment. It's scary to live.

  10. Daria

    Good day. I have strange bugs in my house. They are everywhere in the kitchen, even in the freezer, and they don’t freeze, you bastards. They are all around: on the walls and on the floor. Small, whitish-transparent, barely noticeable. I don't know how to deal with them. Already washed everything with bleach, and they all climb and climb. Can you please tell me what to do? I’m already afraid to go into the kitchen, I’m in despair, I don’t have any strength.

    • Alesya

      I also have small white ones in my kitchen. Maybe you found a way to get rid of them, tell me. I tried water with vinegar, it didn't work. Today I will try dichlorvos and bleach.

      • Anonymous

        Throw out the old grains. Wash everything.

    • Nata

      Hello, I live on the first floor and also have not used anything yet. I think they come from the basement. Because just moved into a new apartment, there are no books, no leather goods either. In the picture from another site, they look like book lice. Did you manage to get rid of it?

    • Anonymous

      Did you get rid of them? If yes, then tell me how?

    • Ivan

      Daria, how did you deal with this problem?

    • Linden

      You won’t get these bugs out on your own, even if you fill everything with vinegar. Call the pest control service.

  11. Marina

    More recently, small flying insects have appeared in the room. These gray ones sit constantly on the ceiling and on the curtains. Terribly annoying 🙁 Tell me something!

    • Svetlana

      We have the same ones wound up in the front door, they fly in a cloud and try to get into the apartment. I think it's a forest moth, I spray air freshener on them, they fall dead.

  12. Maria

    I have small elongated light brown bugs in my carpet. I can’t find anything about them, I don’t understand what they are. It seems that she has already tidied up the apartment and vacuumed several times, but the bugs do not disappear anywhere. Help me please.

    • Svetlana

      These are the larvae of the kozheed.

  13. Valeria

    I've got weird weird bugs in my house! They are gray, they have an elongated body, they resemble larvae. If anyone has struggled with them, please help!

  14. Tatiana

    Light yellow striped larvae appeared in my hall under the linoleum. I do not know what to do, who knows - help!

  15. Irina

    Tell me what to do: we moved to a new apartment, repairs were made, there was still a minimum of things, but in the toilet, in the bathroom and in the kitchen I found nimble little light-colored insects. I'm horrified, what should I do?

    • Marina

      Most likely, these are hay eaters. We have a similar situation. Small creatures of a light shade.

    • Hope

      We moved a year ago to a new building, in the bath and in the toilet small insects crawl along the walls, sometimes light, sometimes dark. Did you get rid? If so, how?

      • Anonymous

        I have the same situation, only in the kitchen they crawl on the wallpaper. Very small ... The apartment is new, the renovation was completed a month ago.

  16. Anonymous

    Tell me, I have a whole sofa of some kind of garbage that squeak and purr like kittens. What to do?

    • Natasha

      Maybe it's from flowerpots where flowers grow.

  17. Anonymous

    And they didn’t write about spiders, did they forget something? In vain they forgot, there are many kinds of them in your house.

  18. Anastasia

    Very small black bugs no larger than one millimeter run throughout the apartment. They everywhere. I do not know what to do. They run so fast, I can't even take a picture. If you know what kind of insect it is and how to deal with it, please tell me.

  19. Victoria

    Help! The apartment is on the 3rd floor, there is nothing to eat nearby, such as a base, a store, etc. In the hall we find a medium-sized caterpillar - 2-2.5 cm, dark in color, moving very quickly. Already caught 8 pieces. They rummaged through everything, pushed all the sofas away - we don’t know where this nest is ... Who is this? I can't find a picture on the internet...

    • Natka

      I have these too, a few sometimes appear. I wash everything with vinegar and spray with kombat, it helps, but then these brown worm caterpillars appear again. I wonder who it is. Linoleum floor, concrete floor. Help me find out who it is. And if you know how to deal with these creatures?

  20. Sveta

    You need to constantly wash with bleach, throw out junk: furniture, books, shoes, food ... Where necessary - tint with paint, change old wallpaper. Follow things. In general, vinegar with water helps with all this.

  21. Alyona

    We have bugs, transparent with black. Horror, they are so small that you can not see. What is it and how to deal with them? From the pictures they look like bed bugs. But I don't know what to do. Tell.

    • Dima

      It is almost impossible to remove bedbugs on your own. Just choose a company carefully, there are a lot of sharashkin offices.

  22. Svetlana

    Thanks for the useful information.But I think that we will always have to deal with this. This is nature, and everyone is looking for a place under the sun. Submit helpful tips. Thank you.

  23. Denis

    Tell me, what kind of insect did I find in my bathroom? Green with a red triangle on the back.

  24. glad

    And we ran into a problem. The apartment is on the first floor, we have been living in it for a year ... There are flying midges in the bathroom. The article named them, but did not say how to get rid of them. Butterflies. What to do with them? Tell me please.

  25. Anna

    She left to rest for two months, after she returned, she arranged a general cleaning. She was horrified when, under the bed, along with dust, she found small red larvae that looked like small worms. Please help me understand what it is and how to deal with it?

  26. Anonymous

    Guys, I was lying quietly on the bed, when I suddenly feel something on my arm, I got scared. Then I feel it on my head, I get scared - I look at the bed, and there some kind of hairy, small larva is also spinning ...

  27. Svetlana V.

    A new house, still at the stage of repair, found small jumping transparent insects of light gray color (not fleas). I found information that they look like a home hay eater. They write that you can fight them with drugs for the destruction of fleas, such as Get, Executioner, Cucaracha. I will try )

  28. Tamil

    It was 22 something. I lay on the bed, then completely covered my head with a blanket and I see - there is a small, light brown bug, it looks like a spider, but not a spider (I didn’t see it). And I take, pinch him, he is not dead. The second time I do it, he did not die. Well, I hit him, and how he jumps! I really love insects and, by the way, ordinary spiders, but then I was so scared that I was sitting on one pillow.Then I began to look for this insect on the Internet, and I see that there is no such thing! I won't go to bed at all! I'll go to the North Pole, there are no bugs there.

  29. Marina

    Some insects appeared in my things, they began to bite. Washed everything at 60 degrees. But it didn't help. Called for disinfection. Processed. Again I started washing everything at 90 degrees. I processed the whole apartment myself, put all the things in bags and also processed them. But they bite again. I shake things out and small black larvae fall out of them. They don't look like bedbugs or fleas. I'm tired, I don't know how to get them out.


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