Website for pest control

Insects in the apartment

Smoke bombs for the destruction of insects and feedback on their use
Smoke bombs for the destruction of insects and feedback on their use

When it comes to insect control in large industrial premises, smoke bombs are a good alternative to rather expensive aerosols and sprays. The penetrating power of smoke is even higher than that of aerosols, and arthropod parasites and pests are destroyed even where a person with a sprayer cannot reach in any way - in the cracks of floors and walls, in interfloor ceilings, in equipment. Yes, and on a fishing trip or a picnic, such a checker will reliably protect against mosquitoes and midges. We will talk further about how effective such smoke bombs are, how they work and how to use them correctly.

What blood-sucking insects can be found in a bed or sofa
What blood-sucking insects can be found in a bed or sofa

Insects in bed are a real nightmare for most people. Especially if these insects are blood-sucking: just the thought of this will not let you fall asleep. Meanwhile, such a situation is often quite common not only for village houses, but also for some inexpensive hotels: blood-sucking insects do not care where to live. It is important for them that a person constantly spends the night in the apartment. At the same time, the parasites that crawl into the bed can be quite diverse, and some of them, in addition to biting very painfully, can also carry deadly diseases for humans. So, who bites us at night in bed? ..

How to deal with small insects in the bathroom and toilet
How to deal with small insects in the bathroom and toilet

Insects in the bathroom and toilet are rare - there is very little food and usually not the most suitable conditions for most parasites. But there are exceptions, because of which the rooms in which you least want to see someone crawling on the walls or flying are greatly “enlivened” and delight the owner with unexpected meetings. Generally speaking, the presence of insects in the bathroom is a sign of not very good sanitary conditions, and therefore the removal of unexpected guests here is often associated with repairs and putting things in order. Who can be found in the bathroom or toilet and how to deal with such insects - let's figure it out together ...

Small jumping insects in the apartment and methods of dealing with them
Small jumping insects in the apartment and methods of dealing with them

Have small jumping insects appeared in the apartment that bite painfully on the legs? Be very careful: these are fleas, and with each bite you can catch a serious illness (at least in theory). Moreover, if there is more than one flea, then these insects, most likely, have already managed to firmly settle in the apartment and have begun to multiply. In this case, it can be quite difficult to fight them, but the main thing is to start on time, otherwise, with the growth of the flea population in the house, the fight against them will require more and more efforts. So start breeding these little jumping insects now.

First aid rules for insect bites: what to do first
First aid rules for insect bites: what to do first

Insect bites are never pleasant, but they should not be overly feared either. Remember: if you correctly provide first aid to yourself or loved ones in case of an insect attack, then the risk of serious injury will be minimal. But how to provide such assistance correctly and what needs to be done in the first place - let's talk about this ...


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