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How to deal with small insects in the bathroom and toilet

Last update: 2022-05-26
≡ Article has 11 comments
  • Alex: I spent the night with a mosquito today. He sang and I clapped...
  • Julia: Silverfish scare my children. Dichlorvos is effective against...
  • Pessimist: Flycatchers are the most vile creatures on earth! Before bed I...
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Let's see what insects can get in the bathroom or toilet and how to properly deal with them.

Insects that can settle and feel good in the bathroom or toilet are quite few. In most cases, here you can meet the following unexpected "guests":

  • Silverfish are small light gray creatures with an elongated body and three long hairs at the end of the body. Below in the photo - these insects in the bathroom: Small white insects crawling up the bathroom walls could very well be silverfish.
    Close-up photo of a silverfish
  • Butterflies are small black flies with a wing length of about 2 mm.Butterfly
  • Ordinary mosquitoes that prefer to rest in damp areas.Mosquitoes can also be found in the bathroom or toilet, which constantly keeps high humidity.
  • Cockroaches that often appear here when migrating from neighbors - it is from the ventilation ducts in the bathroom or toilet that they usually enter the apartment.Cockroaches can enter the room through ventilation from neighbors.

Often, creatures that, strictly speaking, are not insects, settle in bathrooms and toilets - these are wood lice, centipedes-flycatchers and nods. Woodlice are, oddly enough, crustaceans, centipedes also have nothing to do with insects, but most of the townspeople do not know this and, seeing them, believe that it was insects that got into the bathroom. However, when it comes to wrestling, this is not so important.

Quite often in the bathroom you can find wood lice who love wet rooms.

Let's take a closer look at all these unwanted cohabitants and figure out how to deal with them properly.


How to remove silverfish?

Silverfish have a rather unpleasant appearance, in no way corresponding to their harmlessness. These small insects settle in bathtubs with the same frequency as in any other room. They have an elongated body without wings, three antennae at the end of the body and reach a size of about 1 cm.

In the photo - silverfish, a very harmless insect that can be found in the bathroom:

Silverfish look rather unpleasant, but they are completely bezverzhny and not dangerous to humans.

Silverfish feed on a wide variety of organic matter: from leftover food on the table to wet paper. In bathrooms and toilets, molds, pieces of toilet paper, rags, and debris under bedding serve as their food.

It is interesting

Scientists consider silverfish to be the most ancient living insects. The structure of their body has primitive features that the ancestors of most modern insects supposedly possessed.

Silverfish do not cause any harm to a person, they do not spread dirt and microbes.

Recently molted silverfish are very light in color, and if white insects are wound up in the bathroom, it is most likely they.

After molting, silverfish can be white in color and even appear translucent.


“Tell me, what insects live in the bathroom? We have some insects in the bathroom, there are not many of them, but we constantly see them. Small ones, grayish, some almost white, with a long body and three tails. It's easy to kill them, but you don't want them to get in here at all. Maybe there are some means that they are afraid of?

Andrey, Petropavlovsk

Usually, silverfish do not breed in large numbers, and a slipper or rolled-up newspaper is enough to deal with them.If these insects in the toilet or bathroom have become especially numerous, you can treat the room with any household aerosol such as Raptor or Combat. It will kill the silverfish for sure.


Woodlice and how to deal with them

Woodlice are, strictly speaking, small terrestrial crustaceans that prefer to live in humid places, feeding on various plant debris. They are not insects, but are often called so by the people. Many people know wood lice due to their habit of curling up when threatened.

And further: With the bites of some insects, the bite site can swell so much that it doesn’t seem small ... (the article has more than 40 comments)

Few people know that wood lice are crustaceans and are not insects.

A characteristic feature of wood lice is their ability to curl up into a ball.

Woodlice appear in the bathroom or toilet from dampness and hide where there are constantly water leaks. In apartments and houses, they are indicators of malfunctions in the water supply or sewerage system: if nothing leaks anywhere, woodlice will not appear in the house. Therefore, before destroying them, you need to figure out where and what flows, and fix the problem. Sometimes these insects come from neighbors or from the attic through the ventilation system.

The presence of wood lice in the bathroom is an indicator of excessive humidity - there may be problems with ventilation and constant leaking pipes

The photo shows an example of ventilation sealed with adhesive tape, through which wood lice penetrated into the apartment from the attic.

Woodlice can breed in a damp attic at home, and then penetrate through the ventilation ducts into the toilet or bathroom.

Woodlice have a characteristic gray body color, but those individuals that have just molted appear milky white due to the soft, fragile shell. That is why white insects in the bathroom may well be wood lice.

In the photo - white insects in the bathroom, which are actually not insects at all, but a type of crustacean:

Little white woodlice

Woodlice are quite harmless and only occasionally can damage stocks of vegetables and fruits, for example, in closets. They do not bite and do not attack humans.They should be removed by treating the premises they inhabited with household insecticides - you can use Get, Lambda Zone, Hangman, Karbofos, Raptor preparations.

In order to get rid of wood lice, you can use almost any effective insect repellent, for example, Get

If leaks and smudges are eliminated in the apartment, wood lice can be collected by hand - their new counterparts will not appear here.



These small flies are very easy to recognize: they have a dark body and well-defined fringed wings that seem to be velvet. Butterflies often sit on mirrors and bathroom or toilet walls.

In the photo, a butterfly on a tile:

If small flying insects have appeared in the bathroom or toilet, these may well be butterflies.

In the toilet, these insects are as common as in the bathroom.

Butterflies also start from dampness. Their larvae develop in sewer pipes, on walls constantly damp from condensation, and in places where dirt accumulates. They feed on various organic residues. And if other domestic insects can suffer from high humidity, then butterfly bugs, on the contrary, just appear from dampness.

Butterflies prefer to live in places of constant dampness.

Butterflies are never particularly numerous. These flying insects in the bathroom usually appear one or two at a time, and most of them are kept in basements. They are not specially taken out, but simply slapped at a meeting - this is usually quite enough. If necessary, you can treat the room with any aerosol insecticidal preparation (Raptor, Reid, Combat, Dichlorvos).


Centipedes: nods and flycatchers

These guests are also not insects, but in general this is how they are called "in the society of housewives." Despite family ties, the appearance of different centipedes in an apartment can vary greatly.

And further: Insect bites that really work

For example, in the photo below - Crimean kivsyak:

Kivsyak Crimean

Often the Crimean kivsyak in everyday life is simply called a centipede

This harmless invertebrate is turned on by dampness and keeps in secluded, warm and humid places. In case of danger, the nodule coils up into a spiral and emits a foul-smelling liquid, the smell of which is easily recognizable.

And this is what a centipede flycatcher looks like:

Another lover of wet bathrooms is the flycatcher insect.
Autumn cooling forces flycatchers to move into human housing, but they are practically safe.

Flycatchers can live in the bathroom and toilet, as well as in any other rooms. They are not attached to humidity, but settle where mosquitoes, flies, butterflies and silverfish are constantly present - their main food.

You can remove centipedes from the apartment with any insecticidal agents. However, these insects rarely settle indoors in large numbers, and therefore, to destroy them, it is enough to simply catch and destroy the noticed individuals.


Mosquitoes and their love for bathrooms

Mosquitoes do not live in the bathroom all the time. Only in the dirtiest apartments, where basins or jars of old water can stand under the baths for months, mosquitoes can breed.

Mosquitoes need a moist environment to thrive, so they are also often found in the bathroom.

Usually, they appear indoors to bite people, and stay in the bathroom to relax. Under natural conditions, mosquitoes are attached to the water in which their larvae breed, and therefore they are looking for an appropriate damp room in a person’s dwelling.


We eliminate the causes of the appearance of insects in the bathroom

The main reason for the appearance of any domestic insects in the bathroom or toilet is dampness and leaking pipes. Accordingly, the only reliable way to avoid the appearance of unwanted guests here is to fix the plumbing and ensure proper ventilation.

The best way to prevent the appearance of unwanted insects in the bathroom is a good repair.

Sometimes in private houses or apartments located on the first floors of apartment buildings, insects crawl here from basements in search of warmer places to hide.In this case, it is important to eliminate any cracks and grooves in the places where the pipes enter the walls and floors, so that even the smallest insects cannot penetrate.

Also, for prevention, you can sprinkle boric acid under the bathtub. Woodlice, silverfish, cockroaches and other small insects will die after the first use of this substance, and even single pioneers will not linger here. Additionally, in the bathroom and toilet, you can lay out bundles of wormwood and tansy or hang sections from moths, the smell of which repels various arthropods quite well.

The smell of moth sections will help repel a wide variety of insects from the bathroom

Sometimes in the bathroom and toilet you can find bedbugs and cockroaches crawling here through the ventilation ducts from neighboring apartments. These insects do not live permanently in the bathroom, but if their neighbors have them, they can often be found here. Moreover, cockroach larvae, which have just molted, are almost white in color, and it is not always easy to recognize them for an unprepared person.

In the photo - a white insect, which can also be found in the bathroom, is a nymph of an ordinary red cockroach:

Shedding larvae of an ordinary red cockroach at first look like incomprehensible small white insects

To protect against these guests, the ventilation ducts should be tightened with a thick mesh, and insect repellent sections should be hung in them. This will be a reliable guarantee that insects will not start in the bathroom or toilet.


“We have small white insects in our toilet that constantly sit on the walls or ceiling. Ugly, they look like worms. Looked on the Internet, it turned out that these are silverfish. Maybe for a week we just slapped them with a slipper, and that's how they all got out. I don’t think anything more serious should be used against them.”

Vyacheslav, Gorky


A resident of the apartment collects from the walls fifty wood lice per day


An interesting video: how to effectively deal with wood lice in bathrooms and toilets


And this is what a flycatcher looks like - a rather unpleasant insect


Last update: 2022-05-26

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "How to deal with small insects in the bathroom and toilet" 11 comments
  1. adr

    And on the contrary, I would specially bring one of these cute flycatchers to my room. Mosquitoes, creatures buzzing in both ears, I apologize for the mangling, they have already eaten at the end, they don’t let you sleep at night, they either buzz over your ear or bite!

    • Hamster

      I can share these "cute" creatures, only I warn you: there will be no less flies and mosquitoes. I believe that this multi-legged creature catches a fly to eat. That is, if she is not hungry, then she will not catch anyone. All she will do is run along the walls and ceiling and scare her with her paws, and she will not care about flies 🙂

      • Galina

        You're right! It doesn’t get smaller, this flycatcher doesn’t catch a damn thing, but only catches up with horror. Today I killed one, so an hour has passed, and I'm still shaking.

    • Edward

      There are practically no mosquitoes and flies in the house, but flycatchers (despite the extremely small harm to humans) are not pleasant neighbors. What is the sight of this creature crawling on your pillow before going to bed. Or to see him nearby when he just turned on the phone in the dark. If you want - come, take everyone, I'm not sorry)

    • Galina

      Ugh! I killed one today. She is so nasty, long, with long legs and whiskers and black eyes. Runs very fast. At the sight of her, you are unlikely to want one. I live in Omsk, near the lake. There is enough of every creature: midges, mosquitoes, etc.

    • Alex

      Spent the night with a mosquito today. He sang and I clapped.

  2. Anastasia

    She scattered boric acid against silverfish in all bathrooms (especially where there are pipes and moisture) - this muck crawled and crawled, she doesn’t care!

    • Andrey Zuev

      Dichlorvos is a universal remedy. And if you spray through the flame, then the insects have no chance.

      • Edward

        As, in principle, and the apartment (survive).

  3. Pessimist

    Flycatchers are the most vile creatures on earth! Before going to bed, every day I kill 5-6 of them on the walls with a fly swatter. They crawl out on the walls in the dark. And if you don’t kill, or, God forbid, you miss or don’t finish off, then this reptile is so vindictive and aggressive that it will certainly either try to climb into your rum at night, or run around your face, or organize duty at your headboard - it will wait for a convenient moment in order to attack you. And this rubbish also bites painfully. They say that she even has some kind of poison, a harmless type for a person, but unpleasant - 100%. And I don't know how to deal with this creature. Where do they get so many of these flycatchers.There are no flies, like, no mosquitoes, no cockroaches - nothing. And these flycatchers are so huge, as if they were coming off the assembly line. 5-6 pieces per day. Kind of a disaster...

  4. Julia

    Silverfish scare my children. Is dichlorvos effective in combating them?


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