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The most effective flea drops for dogs and puppies

Last update: 2022-05-03
≡ Article has 15 comments
  • Evgenia: I would not advise, maybe an overdose. Bathe the dog...
  • Nata: Is it possible to drip with drops and immediately put on the collar so that, so ...
  • Maria: Good afternoon, tell me, is it possible to drip frontline for a dog on ...
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Flea drops for dogs and puppies: an overview of the most effective and popular remedies

Flea drops for dogs can be considered the most versatile remedy for skin parasites. They combine the advantages of most other drugs:

  • effective flea control
  • repelling other parasites (ticks, lice)
  • animal safety
  • ease of use

... and at the same time devoid of many of the shortcomings of other means. For example, they have a long residual effect - after a single application of the product, the dog will be reliably protected from fleas for several weeks - and with the right choice, flea drops on the withers do not cause allergies in the animal.

However, these tools also require attention in the selection and accuracy in application. For example, for puppies, flea drops are used only from two or three months of age, depending on the breed and the drug itself, and lactating dogs should not be rubbed at all.

Most modern flea and tick drops for dogs are very effective.: They use the latest generation insecticides such as Permethrin, Fenotrin, Metoprene, Imidacloprid. High-quality preparations are relatively non-toxic to dogs and humans, but have a pronounced nerve-paralytic effect on the fleas themselves and other parasites.

Permethrin: chemical structure

However, insecticidal flea drops must be applied strictly according to the instructions. If the rules for their use are violated, the dog may experience various side effects.


Side effects

Side effects of using flea drops are few and manifest mainly when the instructions for using the product are violated. For example, in cases where the dog manages to lick off the product, or when too much is applied for an animal of a certain weight.

Flea drops should be used in strict accordance with the instructions for use.

In such situations, there may be:

  • Hypersalivation - the release of a large amount of saliva in a dog, up to the appearance of foam. In this case, the pet must be given plenty of fluids.
  • Allergy - usually occurs when drugs are used in especially sensitive dogs, or when the allowable dose is exceeded.
  • Disturbances of the coat in the area of ​​application are extremely rare cases, which, nevertheless, sometimes happen.
  • Muscle tremor.
  • Lachrymation.

Before buying flea drops, it is very useful to consult a veterinarian about the possibility of using one or another remedy for a particular breed of dog. It is even better if the pet is constantly monitored by a veterinarian who knows his features well and will most likely tell which drug will be as safe as possible.


Safety measures and general rules for the use of flea drops for dogs

Flea drops for dogs are usually sold in pipettes. Depending on the weight of the dog, it should be applied to the skin from one third to the entire volume of the pipette.

Flea drops are usually applied to the withers of the animal.

Funds are applied, as a rule, in the withers. Here they are inaccessible to the tongue of the animal and from here the drug itself has the most effective effect on fleas.

Some products require application in several places along the animal's spine.

After applying the drug, it must be gently rubbed into the skin. After the procedure, the owner must thoroughly wash their hands. Depending on the product itself, you can play with the dog from half an hour to two hours after it has been treated.

On a note

Almost all modern flea drops for dogs are resistant to moisture. In accordance with the instructions for most drugs, the animal can bathe or get wet in the rain already a few hours after treatment, and the product itself will continue to work effectively.

In most cases, flea drops should not be applied:

  • pregnant and lactating bitches
  • sick, emaciated and convalescent animals
  • puppies up to 3 months of age.
It is also useful to read: Getting to know Comfortis flea pills

However, each drug has its own characteristics. So, for example, special flea products for puppies are produced, which have a slightly shorter period of validity, but can be used to treat an animal as early as a month old. There are also special preparations for sick dogs.


Flea drops for adult dogs

For adult dogs, a large number of drops are available today, and the choice here is very large. Let's look at the most popular drugs.


Hartz Ultra Guard

These drops are today considered the most popular in the world. There are several products in the line, of which Hartz Ultra Guard itself is used in the most common cases, Hartz Ultra Guard Plus is used to treat dogs that are heavily infested with fleas, and Hartz Ultra Guard Pro is recommended for pets that constantly live outdoors in conditions of a large number of parasites.

Flea drops for dogs Hartz Ultra Guard

All products of the Hartz Ultra Guard line remain effective for 4 weeks after application. It is not recommended to use them for sick and emaciated animals, it is forbidden to use them for puppies under 12 months old.

The price of Hartz Ultra Guard is approximately 450 rubles for three bottles, which will last for 3 months.


“I am very satisfied with the Hartz drops. I recommend them and do not recommend using anything else. I buy two packs back in March and from April I begin to smear the dog until autumn. Ray is never bothered by fleas, ticks, or mosquitoes. Once I bought some other drops, he started to become allergic to them. So I don't experiment anymore.

Lyubov Pavlovna, Maykop


Flea drops Stronghold

Stronghold is one of the most effective flea treatments available. It contains Selamectin, which destroys both adult insects and their eggs, and even scabies mites and some helminths.

Stronghold Drops

Stronghold has been tested on 167 dog breeds, including sensitive dogs such as collies. In all cases, the drug has proven to be safe and effective. It is applied in separate drops along the entire spine, within an hour after application it is completely absorbed and allows you to bathe the dog and play with it. Can be used on puppies from 6 weeks of age.

The price of Stronghold today is about 100 rubles per pipette. Drops vary depending on the size and weight of the dog.


“We only have Stronghold in the veterinary pharmacy and it is for sale. But he's missing his head. A very powerful thing. One pipette is enough for the whole summer, and this is with our abundance of parasites.The dog never itches at all and never brings home fleas or ticks.”

Igor, Yakutsk


Bayer Advocate

Bayer products are widely known due to the fact that they effectively work not only against fleas and ticks, but are also used to treat sarcoptic mange, otodectosis, demodicosis, siphonopterosis, dog infection with nematodes and dirofilaria larvae.

Drops from fleas Advocate

The price of one pipette of the product is 120 rubles.


Frontline drops

Frontline after application protects the dog from fleas for 2 months and from ticks for a month. One day after application, the drug is distributed throughout the body of the animal. Do not bathe your dog two days before using Frontline and for two days after.

Drops against fleas, ticks and withers Frontline (for dogs)

Frontline drops are used only for adult dogs and cost about 100 rubles per pipette.


Drops Advantix from fleas

Advantix drops contain Permethrin and Imidacloprid as active ingredients, which help repel blood-sucking insects. After treating the dog with them, it is not recommended to bathe it for a week.

Advantix for fleas

The cost of drops is about 100 rubles per pipette.



Leopard is a domestic development, in composition, method of application and effectiveness, which differs little from imported analogues. The active ingredients in its composition are Praziquantel, which protects the animal from helminths, and Ivermectin, a substance against fleas and ticks.

Insectoacaricidal drops for dogs Bars

It is allowed to use Bars for puppies older than two months.

The price of one Bars pipette is about 60-70 rubles.


Flea drops for puppies

Almost all manufacturers of flea drops produce special preparations for puppies. In the lines of the same Hartz and Bayer, you can find drugs suitable for puppies from the age of one month.

Next, consider flea remedies for withers, designed specifically for puppies.


Drops Celandine

The active ingredients of drops from fleas Celandine are Fipronil and Permethrin. Celandine is allowed to be used for puppies over the age of two months. The remedy is quite safe and does not lead to side effects in a dog that licks puppies.

Drops from fleas for puppies and kittens Celandine

The price of one pipette is about 70 rubles.



The basis of the remedy is Imidacloprid. The drug is used to treat puppies weighing up to 4 kg or lactating dogs. When using the product on a nursing dog, the entire litter is protected from fleas, withers and lice.

Advantage Puppy Flea Drops

The cost of the drug is 120 rubles per pipette.


“Once I ventured to treat puppies with anti-flea drops. I asked the vet, I bought Advantage, I really liked them. The dog did not react to them in any way, although it licked the puppies very diligently. I think now I will buy Advantage all the time. ”

Raisa, Ulan-Ude


Drops from fleas for puppies Dana

Dana Drops (by Api-Sun) are intended for use in puppies over 10 weeks of age. They are applied along the spine and carefully rubbed into the skin to avoid licking. Diazinon is used as the active ingredient in Dana drops.

Dana: drops on the withers for puppies

Animals are not recommended to be bathed three days before the use of drops and within 3 days after.

The price of the drug - about 100 rubles for 4 pipettes - makes them the most affordable remedy of this type for dogs in general.


Thanks to the wide variety of flea drops on the market, every dog ​​owner can choose for his pet those that will best cope with parasites and will not affect the well-being of the animal in any way. In order not to make such a choice by trial and error, it is most reasonable to consult a veterinarian before buying drops and show him your dog.Your doctor will be more likely to be able to determine which remedy is most effective and safe for your pet.


Dog Allergy to Flea Bites and Parasite Control Methods: What Every Owner Should Know


Last update: 2022-05-03

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "The most effective flea drops for dogs and puppies" 15 comments
  1. Potapych

    Drops are the most effective, of course, safer and more convenient. I just think that the dog gets used to certain drops - fleas began to appear on mine last year in the fall. And a lot of dog lovers do, too.

  2. Anna

    Thank you for the article

  3. Katia

    My dog ​​has fleas, we must have forgotten the sea spray, or I put it somewhere, I can’t find it, I bathed her with flea shampoo, but then she picked them up again. Bars bought drops yesterday, but we bathed her the day before yesterday evening, a day and a half ago, poor thing, she cannot sleep from these parasites. So, can the drops be applied a day after bathing? I applied the spray right away, but what about the drops?

    • Eleonora_90

      Wash it thoroughly with an antiparasitic shampoo (not earlier than 3 days after treatment), since yours is small, choose a better preparation that contains natural ingredients (eucalyptus, tea tree, lavender oils, etc.). “Four with a tail” has one, by the way, it is quite inexpensive, try it, I really liked it. It's nice to see these little parasites wash down the sink after washing.

  4. Marina

    From fleas spray and only spray! Reliable and efficient, plus they can also handle bedding. Our Leopard was advised to me at the veterinary station, so I treat the dog with it. Haven't let me down yet.

  5. Tatiana

    Thank you for the article.

  6. Vitaly

    Advantix drops help us well, protect against fleas and ticks. We used collars, clung to ticks, and not a single tick has ever stuck with these drops, I am very pleased with them. We often go to the country, to the forest, and we don’t worry about the dog, and he doesn’t suffer.

  7. Victor

    Now there is a very large selection of means to protect the animal from fleas. But in the warm season, you also want to protect your pet from tick bites. I just relied on these factors when choosing protection for my dog ​​and chose drops, because they just protect against both fleas and ticks. I buy them for my dog ​​also because the insects do not have time to bite the animal, because. drops scare them away, and this reduces the risk of infection with piroplasmosis. Flies and mosquitoes are also repelled. So my dog ​​is safe.

  8. Julia

    We also like drops more in terms of efficiency and ease of use. The dog always tries to remove the collar and combs the skin under it, and the spray must be sprayed every time.We buy and drip drops every month from the end of March to November. The dog does not even notice that they dripped. And never touched a tick.

  9. Anonymous

    I treated my puppy, he began to whine and itch even more. How to remove dead fleas now?

  10. Evgeniy

    My dog ​​has fleas and I can't get them out. Washed with shampoo, treated with droplets, and so 2 times. Still they are. What to do?

  11. Veronica

    Hi all! I have been afraid of ticks since childhood. The little one didn’t even go to the camp, because. I was afraid that they would bite and I would become paralyzed or even die. Years passed, but the fear remained)) As soon as I got my mask, now I'm shaking over it even more. They tried a lot of things from ticks, but of all the drugs used, I liked the drops the most. We used them that year and did not catch a single tick all season, so now we only use them.

  12. Maria

    Good afternoon, tell me, is it possible to drip frontline to a dog the next day after applying flea drops of another remedy, since it does not help?

    • Evgenia

      I would not advise, maybe an overdose. Bathe the dog and after 2.5-3 weeks repeat the treatment with other drops.

  13. Nata

    Is it possible to drip with drops and immediately put on the collar, so to speak, for a specific effect?


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