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Do fleas bite people and how does it happen

Last update: 2022-05-30
≡ Article has 102 comments
  • Tanya: You need to smear the kitten with cotton wool moistened with hellebore water. Etc...
  • Tatyana: People are not bitten by the fleas that live in animal fur. N...
  • Wretched: Yes, they don’t like any smells, but they don’t die from it and they don’t go anywhere ...
See bottom of page for details

Do fleas bite people?

Fleas, like most other blood-sucking insects, are obligate parasites. In other words, they cannot eat anything other than blood - the device of their oral apparatus, in principle, does not allow them to use other sources of food. Therefore, you should not puzzle for a long time about why fleas bite a person - they do it only in order to eat, live and reproduce.

Another thing is that in most cases fleas bite a person not as their main host. Very often a person is bitten by insects that parasitize mainly on other warm-blooded animals - dogs, cats, rats, birds. As a result, to the question of whether cat fleas bite people or whether dog fleas bite a person, you can safely give an unequivocal answer: they bite, and very actively.

A flea bites a person

Photo: a flea drinks human blood

However, among the large variety of flea species, there is one for which the main host is a person. But this is worth talking about in more detail.


Types of fleas that bite humans

Guessing which fleas bite people, we first of all begin to blame the parasites of our pets.In principle, this is correct: in the overwhelming majority of cases, it is the parasites of domestic cats and dogs that are responsible for unpleasant itchy bites in humans.

However, among fleas there is a human parasite - a human flea. This insect can quite successfully attack small animals - the same cats and dogs - but it prefers humans. The oral apparatus of this species is optimally adapted for piercing human skin, and its general biology is somehow connected with people and their dwellings.

The photo shows an adult human flea, and below is its larva:

human flea

Human flea larva

On a note

The expression "fleas in humans" is not entirely correct. It is used by analogy with lice, but fleas have the main difference - they do not live on a person all the time, but only attack him, bite and leave the body. Therefore, one cannot talk about the infestation of a person with fleas - it's the same as saying "this person has mosquitoes."

In general, potentially most of the more than 2000 species of fleas can bite a person. However, only a few of them, in addition to the human, account for the majority of bites. Among them:

  • the dog flea is perhaps the record holder for the number of people bitten. Dog fleas bite people much more often than other animal parasites due to their quantity: dogs usually carry a larger number of parasites on themselves, and they often catch them on the street.
  • The cat flea is another unique one. The peculiarity of this species lies in the fact that they are widespread throughout the world and bite, perhaps, no less number of mammals than dog fleas. It is not even worth considering whether cat fleas can bite people: they can, and very easily. And the reason why cat fleas bite people is the same - they just need to actively eat.In general, cat fleas bite people most often in apartments, since cats are rarely allowed inside private houses, and parasites have to make do with those owners they can meet on the street.
  • Rat fleas - in modern cities they rarely bite people, terrorizing mainly provincials and guests of villages and villages. Nevertheless, it is they who carry with them the largest bouquet of pathogens of various diseases and are the most infectiously dangerous.
  • Rabbit fleas, the least likely to bite a person, but, nevertheless, of the entire large cohort of jumping blood-sucking parasites, they are also one of the most common.

Basically, a person is bitten by fleas from flea cats and dogs.

In the most general case, animal fleas bite people at the first opportunity: even those species that parasitize mice and small birds are quite capable of piercing human skin. Therefore, having noticed a flea on clothes or in the house, you should always understand that no matter what species a particular specimen belongs to, it will not miss the opportunity to bite you.


“I never knew if fleas could bite people. Probably just didn't meet them. And once my father-in-law took me out hunting and we spent half a day digging a fox hole with him. After that, I learned what flour is - until we got home (and on the old Niva 40 km off-road - it was more than an hour and a half), it was as if they burned me all over my body with cigarettes. At home, these fox fleas fell off me like sand after the beach.

Leonid Zakharov, Republic of Adygea

Many people are interested in another question: do cat fleas or their other species bite repeatedly in one meal, as, for example, bedbugs do, or is one bite enough for an insect, after which it leaves the host's body.

In fact, fleas usually bite a person from 1 to 3 times per meal. In this they are somewhat inferior to bedbugs.

So, we sorted out the question of whether fleas bite people. Now we need to find out exactly how they do it.


How a flea bites - process in illustrations

Like most parasitic insects, the oral apparatus of fleas is a strongly elongated jaw, in a working folded state, similar to a thin needle. With them, the insect pierces the skin of a person above the blood vessel, reaches the very channel and begins to suck blood.

The photo at high magnification shows such an insect stylet:

Human flea under a microscope

A cat flea under an electron microscope

Dog flea under an electron microscope

It is interesting

Due to the very small size, it is sometimes difficult for the parasite to reach the very blood vessel with its proboscis. Therefore, when bitten, the insect literally sticks its head and the front of the body into the skin, trying to drill as deep as possible, and its body during the bite turns out to be located vertically. This is especially noticeable in a photo taken with a microscope. Human skin is much softer than the skin of animals (even cats and dogs), so we can say that fleas bite people with special pleasure.

When bitten by a flea, it can burrow into the skin

The process of how fleas bite is generally quite interesting. Like other parasites, they introduce an enzyme into the wound with their saliva, which prevents blood from clotting and facilitates the process of sucking it out.

But if other bloodsuckers simultaneously inject an analgesic into the wound, thanks to which the victim may not notice the bite at all for some time, then fleas bite people without such local anesthesia - thanks to a dense chitinous cover and a flattened body, they are not afraid of mechanical effects from an itchy victim, and therefore they do not particularly hide their meal.

In general, a flea bite is quite specific and feels like a needle prick. Few insects strike in this way.


“I could never understand who is biting me so hard on the back when I am relaxing on the veranda. Only once I felt the same prick on my leg, and before scratching I looked closely. It turned out to be bitten by a flea. Very small, but bites harder than bedbugs or mosquitoes.

Anna Pavlovna, Yekaterinburg


Invasion of fleas in high-rise apartments


What do flea bites look like?

Flea bites are quite specific. They have several features:

  1. Insects prefer to hit the legs and lower back. If a person is sleeping, then fleas usually bite the arms and neck.
  2. The bite mark is very similar to a mosquito: on the same swelling is a small central point of skin damage.
  3. Bites are usually arranged in pairs or triples: each insect, if possible, pierces the skin sequentially in several places, located at a distance of 1-2 cm from one another. At the same time, fleas do not leave typical paths characteristic of bedbug bites.
  4. If fleas have bitten a person, then the bite sites themselves usually itch much more than mosquitoes. At the same time, the pain from each bite goes away for a long time.

In the photo below, you can see in detail the fresh bites of a large number of parasites. Differences in skin reactions of different people to bites are clearly visible:

Flea bites in a child

Flea bites on leg

Another photo with flea bites


“I can’t sleep outside at all. Fleas bite me all the time.My husband constantly pulls me on fishing trips, but I can’t even sleep in the country: I just cover myself with a blanket, I’m sure to stab somewhere. And at least one bit him!”

Alya, Odessa

“And my little one was constantly asking if a flea could bite a person. In short, they once went for a walk with a dog and a friend near the headquarters, and found some kind of hole in a ravine. Either a badger or a fox. They came home covered, roaring, these fleas are pouring from them, everyone has bites all over their bodies. I washed them, and the dog had to be sprayed with a special canine dichlorvos.”

Tatiana, Izhevsk

Fleas are quite indifferent in choosing a victim: it is important for them that it be a mammal. And questions like “Why don’t fleas bite everyone?” are a consequence of the fact that some people - especially men - do not feel their bites. Especially when fleas bite at home during sleep.

This creates the illusion that these insects bite only especially sensitive women, and do not attack thick-skinned representatives of the stronger sex at all.


Dangers of flea bites

Despite their small size, fleas are considered very dangerous parasites, not inferior in this even to ticks.

There are several dangers from the bites of these insects for the human body:

  • Severe allergic reaction to an enzyme that prevents blood clotting. Sometimes it's just redness and itching, sometimes rashes all over the body, and sometimes severe swelling and even anaphylactic shock.
  • The possibility of infecting the wound with the flea itself. These insects are carriers of pathogens of many deadly diseases, including plague, salmonellosis, typhoid, encephalitis, hepatitis and others.
  • The risk of infection of the bite site when it is combed by a person.

An example of a mild allergic reaction to a flea bite

In general, in medicine there is even a special term for the totality of symptoms caused by flea bites - pulicosis. It can be expressed in an increased sensation of itching and involuntary scratching of the bite sites.

What to do if fleas bite? First of all, find out if this is an exceptional case (for example, fishing or walking), or fleas have firmly settled in the apartment. The bites themselves should be treated with alcohol solutions, antihistamines should be taken for allergies, and in case of a particularly strong reaction, see a doctor.

It is also useful to know how to protect yourself from flea bites if you get into a place where there are especially many of them. These parasites are perfectly repelled by powerful anti-mosquito repellents with a high content of DEET. It is enough to sprinkle hands and feet with such a tool before going fishing, and fleas will not disturb you all day.

And remember: instead of checking if fleas bite, you should provide protection against them in advance so that you don’t have to worry about bites at all even if they are present.


A blood-fed flea lays an egg


Last update: 2022-05-30

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Do fleas bite people and how it happens" 102 comments
  1. Natalia

    Thanks for the interesting site and article!
    She took off the linoleum skirting board in the apartment and almost died of disgust: under the doors there were whole rollers of dry larvae! (((Then I remembered that when I moved in in the 80s, there were supposedly a lot of bedbugs in the house and people were terribly bitten. I couldn’t sleep as a baby and was all gnawed. Apparently, after all, fleas ...

  2. Raisa

    Save my body with an electric racket by electrocuting them. Allergic to bites. Ointments and sprays from fleas do not help.

    • Goremyka

      What is an electric racket?

  3. Andrew

    Thank you! Very useful article!

  4. Olya

    Help, today I took a street kitten, brought it. And of course, she immediately began to wash it with a flea remedy. And I see mine: there are some bugs, I don’t know what they are, but I think they are fleas. What to do, I took it in my hands, stroked it, I wanted to sell it tomorrow, but here it is. But I immediately threw it out into the street, there is milk and a rag where to sleep. And now I'm afraid that I will have these insects. Help! Yes, and I think if any acne appears, I will immediately go to the veterinarian.

    • Alexei

      You could at least write softer and more aesthetically, otherwise you found it to sell (a living creature), “thrown it out into the street”, you are somehow cynical. I won't be surprised if no one has answered or helped you.

      • Andrew

        I agree

      • Max

        She wrote that she would go to the veterinarian - the animal.

      • Athanasius

        Don't be a hypocrite. If you come across such a situation, especially when there is also a small child in the apartment, and no one wants to take a cat, I will look at you then. Immediately, the kitten ended up in the same environment where it was taken from, nothing has changed for it.

    • Alexei

      I also picked up a flea kitten, and with the whole family we cured him of these parasites, now he is a member of the family. And when he grew up, he thanked us with kittens, that's the story. It is impossible to drive harmless friends out into the street, if you brought him from there, take care of our younger brothers.

    • Hera

      Before you take an animal, and then throw it away, turn on your brains. Poor cat.

    • Anonymous

      Yes, to be eaten alive by these bugs. I am amazed at women - I took a kitten to sell ... But immediately threw it out into the street ...

      • Anonymous

        What kind of discrimination. Men are also amazing. You can't say that about all women.

    • Anonymous

      Let them eat you alive.

    • Anonymous

      The answer to your question: buy a flea muzzle and a flea collar, put it on, go outside for half an hour. And MOST IMPORTANT: every day for a month wash with anti-flea shampoo. You should be helped.

    • Oksana

      So you need it, she wanted to sell it. Is this a thing for you - to pick it up in order to steal money, and after nothing came of it, throw it out into the street? I hope that you have already received yours from life.

  5. Karina

    A big big thank you from Kuzi, my cat.

  6. Vladimir

    There are fleas at work, they bite. It's bad that so little attention is paid to flea protection in your article. Surely there are a lot of drugs that repel these parasites, and there are also plants and herbs that can clear the room of fleas, because in their history people most likely learned to deal with them without resorting to anti-mosquito repellents with folk remedies ...

  7. Catherine

    Flea remedies - "Effective Ultra", "Chlorpirimark", "Sinuzan", "Neostomazan" (Hungarian remedy, the ampoule is dissolved in a liter of water and the room is treated with the agent), "Tetrix", "Bolfo".

    • Anonymous

      I'm going to look and try, thank you very much! We have a cat and a child all bitten, that they just didn’t do it. I hope your tool helps.

    • christina

      Is it possible to process upholstered furniture, a bed and a crib with these products?

  8. Mayan

    I also brought a kitten, and, of course, he has fleas. I smeared it with ointment, they still remained there, how to bathe him - I don’t know, he itches the poor. I'm afraid that fleas will be in my hair. What to do?

    • Anonymous

      Now there are a lot of funds for cats from fleas. Personally, I use drops that I rub the cats (I have two of them) on the scruff of the neck, and for half a year we are flea-free. In general, animals require care, just like small children. Just wash your furry periodically at least once a week, and there will be no fleas.

      • Milena

        Hello Anonymous! Tell me, please, what are you rubbing? I buy false, little effect. And shampoo before spraying mine against fleas, etc.

    • Anonymous

      Buy wormwood at the pharmacy (only not packaged like tea bags, but just grass), brew 4-5 tablespoons for 1 liter of boiling water and dilute in 4 liters of water and bathe in this solution. Helped my cat.

    • Tanya

      It is necessary to smear the kitten with cotton wool moistened with hellebore water. Sold in a pharmacy. Wrap with a plastic bag, hold for 15 minutes and bathe ... Fleas will fall both alive and dead. I did that and it's all over.

  9. Svetulya

    Our cat also gave us such a surprise. The whole apartment was littered, even terribly to remember. Removed in a few days. I bought a flea collar for the cat, carpets, rugs and shook everything possible on the street, washed it. I washed the floors with vinegar, not sparing. Helped.

  10. Albina

    I got rid of the cat, took everything outside, but these bastards are not even going to leave our apartment.What to do?

    • Julia

      Now the fleas will take revenge on you for the cat - they will get rid of you =) It was necessary to treat the cat with drops and wash the floors at home. Get rid of the cat - how is it? Killed, thrown away, eaten? Kick….

      • Andrew

        They said right.

      • Anonymous

        And what, they couldn’t just give it away, they must have been killed or eaten?

  11. Artem

    If there is dampness and fleas in the underground - how to get rid of them?

  12. Gregory

    Is it possible to poison fleas in a Yorkshire terrier at 3 months?

  13. Lena

    I live in the countryside. No cats or dogs! It is unrealistic to bring it out in a private house and yard (I tried it more than once). Fleas bite only me - my husband and children are not bitten. And my legs are scary to look at. And summer is ahead. Is it possible to take something so that they do not bite? Or maybe something to splash, smear? Help me please!

    • Valentine

      Lena, try to treat the house and carpets, as well as animals with Butox-50. It is diluted in water and sprayed from a spray bottle. Fleas from animals and houses will disappear.

      • Anonymous

        Good evening, where can I buy this product?

        • Lena

          Ask at the vet

      • Lena

        Thanks for the advice, I'll definitely try it!

      • Goremyka

        Yes, I’ve been looking for a butox for half a year, we can’t order it anywhere ...

    • Anonymous

      Buy a collar for yourself 🙂

      • Anonymous

        What have you already tried? And how did it help?

  14. Irina

    I really wanted to find an answer in the article why fleas bite some and not others. I have had a dog at home for 15 years. Her fleas did not bite me (I walked on the street, as expected). The cat was before the dog - there were bitten legs to horror. And the bites, or rather spots, went away a few years after that. There were blue spots. Now the cat is back at home.For several months everything was fine, but a strange cat lived for several days, which allegedly does not have fleas (they asked for the time of departure). Now I'm pissed off again. And at the same time I'm one bitten. My adult son, who lived during the session in another city in an apartment, was also badly bitten by fleas. Therefore, the version that fleas do not bite men is wrong. Perhaps it depends on the composition of the blood or the smell of the skin? I have a friend who is into cats. She always has 12 to 15 cats at home. What are flea bites - she does not know!

  15. Nicholas

    Is that what I don't understand? Why do some bite and others don't. They love me very much!

    • Lydia

      They also love me very much, we tried and washed the floors and carpets too ... But it doesn’t help at all. And they bite very hard, I'm even afraid to smell it.

  16. Lena

    My father and I have 1st blood group. They bite us, but “do not notice” the rest of the family members (mother and brother have the 2nd group). A few more of my acquaintances with the first group are pestered by fleas. So you have to either endure or fight!

    • Irina

      I have a second blood group and I was bitten recently, on one leg on the lower leg in two places with 3 points right next to each other, it itched terribly, some cyanotic dots also remained, I'm afraid they won't go away quickly. Angry at her husband, she brought a kitten without consulting anyone, and we also have one child with atopic dermatitis. For a month everything was fine, and then some sand fell from it, I sat down to look for information - fleas. Drops dripped, they bathed in a special shampoo, put on the collar, removed it in a day, like it was poisonous. Here my husband prescribed some more drops, assures me that they will help for one or two, and in the meantime I have worn out from all the surfaces where she lies down, to clean these white eggs, this hemorrhoids hesitated.

    • Anonymous

      And at my house one has the first blood group and they also bite only me ((

    • Anonymous

      It seems to me that fleas bite people with a positive blood type.

  17. Ziyad

    Fleas - they bite my children. It hurts to look at them, help, what should be done with folk remedies? Help me please! Nothing helps, even doctors from Kyrgyzstan.

  18. Tatiana

    Wormwood grass. Insist and wash her floors. It kills germs very well, fleas are afraid of it. Or just put it in the corners of the room.

  19. barbarian

    Here I have a cat, he has fleas. I don’t want to throw it away, I love animals very much and I feel sorry for them. Well, for the last week, these fleas have tortured me, I don’t know what to do anymore, my whole body itches, I wash myself and everything is useless. Already tried everything. I read the comments, and on other sites they say to buy Dichlorvos. I'll try, if it doesn't work, I'll try something else.

    • Irka

      Dichlorvos does not help. Vacuum cleaner too.

  20. Zoya

    FLEAS - it's just unbearable! I think I'm already going crazy from their bites.

  21. Tatiana

    I am horrified by them too. I don't have a cat or a dog, and never had one, but the fleas got the better of me. And by the way, I have a third floor, from where?

  22. salty

    What wormwood grass?! What are you about?! For an apartment of 50 sq.m. two bottles of dichlorvos. We close windows and doors in each room and process the walls from the floor to a height of 1-1.5 meters, along the plinth wall and all upholstered furniture with niches. And run away from home with the whole family. After about an hour, come, open the windows to ventilate the room, and use a vacuum cleaner to walk along the plinth and along the niches of upholstered furniture. And finally wash the floors. That's how I got rid of these creatures that gnawed at me for about a month.

    • Goremyka

      You were just lucky, they did not have time to breed ... Dichlorvos is the weakest of all means.

  23. Alya

    When we lived on the ground floor, we also got fleas. At first, I noticed that my dog ​​was itching, although we don’t walk it on the street (walks on a diaper). Then in the morning I noticed a painful bite on my stomach. This happened again and again. And the neighbors told me it was fleas. We brought them out with wormwood grass and bought some kind of powder.

  24. Gena

    Guys, hello. House on the ground for 2 owners, neither I nor my neighbor have animals. Fleas got ((Guys, help with advice.

  25. Katia

    We had a small kitten, he was flea-ridden. Well, we kept him for 3 days, he kept meowing. We decided to take it back, but after 1 month my child began to itch, red dots began to appear. These main points - itchy bites on the body, go along the chain. At first I thought it was chicken pox, then I thought it was an allergy to sweets. Then I thought it was streptoderma. It turned out that it wasn’t either, a terrible itch went all over my body, I went to a dermatologist, and she said that these were bites of either fleas or bedbugs. And in fact, the fleas remained from the kitten, although 3 months have already passed since he was gone. I did not know that they can bite children to such an extent, and they have delicate thin skin. It's just awful!

    • Julia

      Was it not fate to treat a kitten with drops from fleas? And wash the floors?

  26. Anna

    Tell me, how to check for diseases carried by fleas? Do they carry worms too? ((Do fleas change blood composition?

  27. Julia

    Are you people stupid? Flea animals are treated for fleas special. drops that can be bought at any vet. pharmacy. An expensive and effective remedy is stronghold. Fleas die within a day.Apparently, those who threw the animals away because of this were punished =)) Anyway, you can bring fleas from the street on your shoes.

  28. Elena

    Fleas run from under the floor, from the baseboards. Pour boiling water under the plinth and sprinkle dichlorvos there.

  29. Nadya

    And sometimes I feel bites or as if something is moving around the body, but there is not a single spot on the bites. And besides, I don't see them anywhere yet. I don't know how to check if it's fleas or what it could be. I bought quartz in a pharmacy for 2 thousand, I turn it on from time to time. I do it as a preventive measure, since my friend has these fleas.

    • Anonymous

      Quartz kills bacteria, but not fleas.

  30. Elenau

    In general, nothing helps, no herbs, no dichlorvos, no firecrackers in the basement, nothing. No bleach, no dust, no whiteness. Like a thaw, they devour it, right in general. The first floor, we do not keep animals at home, as they are eaten by basement fleas. They tried to take a kitten and took drops that they just didn’t buy until they took it to their house.

  31. Anastasia

    I just don't know what to do anymore! I have a big family, we live in a private house, of course, there is a dog and a cat. Tried different ways to get rid of fleas, but nothing. They only bite me, the blood type is positive, but they don’t bite my mother and brother, I don’t understand why only me ?! I am so sensitive that in my sleep I comb until I bleed.

  32. Vitaly

    To be honest, DEET should not be applied to the naked body, as the redness of the body will go. Better for clothes.

  33. Sarapul

    Ahh, they gave away a flea kitten, now I'm suffering. I sit, I feel how they move on me, itching.

  34. Vania

    Foxes often get rid of fleas on their bodies, and they do it in an amazing and cunning way: they take a reed in their mouth to breathe and plunge into the water until the fleas drown.Apparently, therefore, fleas settle in their holes.

  35. Diana

    There are no more forces ((Private house, fleas, apparently, are brought from the street or crawl out from under the floor, bite me and the child terribly. How to deal with them if there is a small 8-month-old child in the house? Help!

  36. Anonymous

    Fleas, fleas, what kind of creatures are they 🙁

  37. Valentine

    Scatter wormwood all over the house, hold it for a day, and there will be no trace of these creatures.

  38. Katya and Dasha

    Folks, you got your imagination going, fleas don't bite people, they bite animals. But there is another type of flea that bites people. Your pets are not to blame for this, you must have been bitten by a mosquito. You probably didn’t notice it, you didn’t notice it for several days, combed it and think it’s a flea bite.

    • Anonymous

      Not true.

    • Anonymous

      Quite what…

  39. Elena

    Katya and Dasha, did you at least read the articles about fleas before writing about the imagination played out?! Fleas bite people, both cats and dogs!

  40. Andrew

    I live on the 8th floor - fleas are already in the apartment, they bite only me (the second positive). I left the entrance and 5 fleas chickened out - tomorrow in the housing and communal services.

    • Anonymous

      How do you see them? I haven't seen one for half a year, they are so fast.

  41. Andrew

    After a planned shutdown of hot water in my apartment, a coil (towel dryer) dripped when it was supplied. They called a plumber to replace the gasket, because. the riser is turned off in the basement. So this kitten brought me fleas from the basement, I have been fighting these creatures for 3 days, I have killed 10 pieces on myself in three days. There is nowhere else for them to come from in such quantities (6th floor, and there are no pets on the floor). So far, thank God, they only bite me (at home, a child is 4 months old).In the veterinary pharmacy they gave only a delcid: he spread it, sprayed the whole apartment from a pulik, left it for an hour. In general, I did everything according to the instructions. The effect is like water. Now I'll go for the wormwood ... Mazafak-mazafak!

    • Anon

      Mazafak-mazafak! )) I live in Germany in a very cool house, and here it is such a misfortune. They bite me and the child, there are no animals in the house at all, they also bite the neighbors, but they are not going to do anything. They tell me - well, it's just an itch ...

      So I will fight alone. Mazafak-mazafak! I don’t know where to collect wormwood here, I’ll wash the floors with vinegar first!

    • Victoria

      I totally agree. Delcid - water with water, only smelly. Zero effect. Used 2 days in a row. On the third day I treated it with Dichlorvos, after 2 days I again feel like they are crawling, although I saw only one. I do not know what to do. Before going to bed, just panic. The cat was treated with drops 3 weeks ago, she is not bitten. I live on the 10th floor. Brought, perhaps, on shoes. Domestic cat.

  42. Nikita

    My legs are also badly bitten (on the territory of the calf) and a little on the neck and arms. Here on Saturday I will go to a dermatologist and I don’t know what he will say and prescribe. I have a cat, I get fleas from her (I slept with her a couple of times and, you see, they switched to me). The cat was washed, bought a flea collar and drops. I don’t even know the name, but we and you should probably have a large selection of collars and drops in the pet store (choose yourself). But in the article they almost didn’t write how to remove fleas from a person. In a pharmacy, it’s embarrassing to say what it’s for, but you need a specific name (shampoo or ointment). Tell me, how to accurately display fleas in children and adults?

    • Nastya

      They hardly live on people. Rather, they run around the house. Need to get out of the house. I also had trouble. They took a cat, and he has fleas.I immediately bought it with flea soap and a dog too. Give them collars. And today I got up, and I have about 10 red dots in a bunch on my thigh and 2 on my arm ((They itch. We will dichlorvos. Otherwise, if they get hold of it, it will be a disaster. There are a lot of rooms. It hardly depends on the blood type. I have a second negative. And mosquitoes never bite me. Even in nature, they eat the whole company, but I have not a single bite. And fleas did not disdain)) Although they did not bite my husband.

  43. Peter

    There was a story about 5 years ago. They bit the fleas that left the cat after applying good anti-flea drops (I don’t remember the name). It helped to spray the entire apartment (floor, walls up to 1 m in height) with tea tree essential oil, diluted in water (30 drops per 0.5 liter).

  44. Ksyu

    Cat fleas do bite people too. I have experienced it myself and still do. After reading the information, I realized that I was bitten by fleas! The veterinarian said that cat fleas do not bite people ... Kick-Ass! I also have 2 blood group, positive. I don't know if it plays a role or not? The husband is not bitten. Even strange. Thanks everyone for the advice. I will try everything!

    • Anonymous

      Try garlic: crush 2-3 cloves of garlic and cover with water. Treat the entire apartment with this water. Fleas don't like the smell of garlic...

      • Goremyka

        Yes, they do not like any smells, but they do not die from this and do not go anywhere. The smell will disappear - and bite again.

  45. Anastasia

    Thank you very much for the information!

  46. Daria

    I first got one bite under my armpit. After a couple of days, the second ... Then 2 bites on the stomach (after 3 days), then 2 bites on the labia (outside) - in a week. The bites look like a hole, and around the tumor. It seems that you can squeeze out from there.A friend and a neighbor's child have bites under the eye, not everyone bites. What's this? Fleas or not? Maybe lice? The dermatologist said that these were bites, but nothing more was determined.

    Tell me, plz. Also: there are no animals at home, but I can’t walk past a single animal, feed it or just pet it.

  47. Anya

    I had a cat, 3 months old, I gave it to good, caring hands in connection with the move. In general, he ran away all the time (picked up from the street), there were fleas (I bathed him every week), and then worms. In general, we cured the cat. The whole family (and son, 2.7 years old) drank antihelminthic. The cat has been living in a new family for 2 weeks already, and I saw a black flea on myself, with 1 mm. And we are moving in a few days. What to poison? What to drink, how to be treated? Nobody but me (I'm 25 years old) has no bites. I have only had 4 bites on my legs in the last week. I was also surprised so (sensitive skin) - you can clearly see that the bite, but it's winter. I'm a pedant and have had a fear of insects since childhood! Can fleas infect with worms? Can they move with us? Maybe it's from larvae or eggs? How long does it take for an egg to become a flea? Help me please.

    The cat not only bathed! Do not think, I love him very much! The cat is affectionate, playful, mischievous, was not afraid of small things, did not hide in the corners, they slept together, played. The cat's tail is always up and wraps the tip to the ears. Licked, however, bedding is the only negative. And so, the tray knew, he ate generally perfectly. With the advent of the cat, the son recovered a little, threatened that I would give Vshpysha away. I miss him myself! They took care of him like a member of the family. I bought a collar, I wore it to the veterinarian - my eye was watering. Droplets from fleas, I bought a collar. Then, as soon as the worms appeared, she gave pills in the tray.Now he is healthy, I hope the fleas did not pick up again.

    My blood type is B2, and so is my son. I change bed linen for my son every day, and for myself and my husband only every Saturday. And house cleaning.

  48. Elena

    Yes, it's all bullshit! My husband and my father have the first positive blood type, my mother-in-law has the first negative - so fleas generally bypass them! And with the second negative one, and my mother with the fourth positive one, they just get stuck, it feels like they are just running after us. So the blood type and the Rh factor have nothing to do with it.

  49. Ksyu

    The blood definitely has nothing to do with it, I have IV- and they eat me alone. First floor. I'm going tomorrow to demand the processing of the basement. These creatures show up from time to time. Just fleas. I manage to catch myself. Mostly the legs are affected.

  50. Anonymous

    I also suffer from itching! They only bite me, my husband thinks that I'm delusional ... Today I caught 2! If only the children were not bitten! And what is most interesting is always in the autumn, as soon as it gets cold and until the frost hits, they devour me. A private house. 4 years ago, the floor was opened, a new one was laid.

  51. Kolyan

    Hello! This infection has been biting for about 20 years 🙂 And now it's like a dog. There is a house, a yard, children and a dog. Pets live on the street, and it happens that I forget to do prophylaxis for the dog - bathing, drops on the withers and a collar. So what's the catch: I climb into the booth to clean the dog - so at least one gnawed! I can be hugging a dog - no fleas! But if you go into the garage, where cats live, I fly out of the garage, as they bite) I am from Ukraine, Kropyvnytskyi, and there is no winter at all now. And for these nits the height of breeding.

    The article really helped, it fit me like a nut for a screw) Tomorrow the cats are insulated, and I will wait for frost, and when it shoots - what the rugs, for freezing! Good luck everyone.

  52. Nicholas

    Wormwood helps a lot. The fleas will go away. They usually get turned on by dampness. And cats have flea drops and collars regularly.

  53. Anonymous

    The cat is constantly bitten by fleas. She smeared everything with everything she could, dripped, washed both the cat and the floors. He itches so badly that he has sores. How to save a cat?

  54. Anastasia

    Has anyone tried mint foot cream?

  55. Natalia

    Treated cats and dogs with BLOKHNET (drops). Not a bit helped, the fleas became even more active. They bite everyone: both animals and me and my daughter. Already in shorts it is indecent to walk - all legs are bitten. We usually treat the room with Delcid, sometimes the fleas disappear immediately, and sometimes you need to re-treat. Dogs can also be sprayed with this drug, but cats ... They lick themselves! Better drops, but which ones? I didn't find any good ones! By the way, expensive Front Line did not help us either. And the wormwood scattered ... Bloch does not take anything.

  56. Denis

    Wash animals with tar soap!

  57. Alf

    You don't like cats? Yes, you just do not know how to cook them!

  58. Tatiana

    People are not bitten by the fleas that live in the fur of animals. But these fleas that bite people also bite animals. They are very small. It can be seen on the leg as a black dot. Not everyone bites (apparently, it depends on the thickness of the skin). They bite mainly on the legs, and if the shirt is not tucked in, then in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe belt, and sometimes the arms and neck. And from these creatures nothing helps. Everything has been tried for many years: wormwood, and mint, and dichlorvos, and butox, and dust, and a vacuum cleaner, and mopping every hour.Sometimes it seems that dichlorvos helped, sometimes something else, but all this is nothing more than a coincidence with the fact that they themselves left. We have them in the summer when it's hot. I read that someone at another time. I once read that once every six months they need blood to lay eggs.


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