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How and what can you remove fleas from a dog

Last update: 2022-05-27
≡ Article has 47 comments
  • Denis: It’s clear with the dog, but the apartment also needs to be processed? Fleas m...
  • Anonymous: BARS has not helped three times already. And one pipette costs 85 rubles from ...
  • Tatiana: Thank you so much for your advice!...
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Removing fleas from a dog

Flea breeding in dogs has many specific features and nuances associated primarily with the behavior and biology of these insects themselves. Perhaps everyone who has ever kept or is now holding a pet knows how to get fleas out of a dog, but when it comes to specific actions, dog breeders either get lost or take the wrong steps.

Fleas are considered the least dangerous parasites of animals due to the fact that they rarely lead to serious diseases. Although they carry pathogens of serious diseases, they rarely infect them, and most pets are usually vaccinated against such diseases.

Another thing is that fleas carry helminth eggs, from which entire colonies of worms may well develop between regular dressings. That is why it is imperative to get rid of fleas, and in case of infection of the pet, quickly take the necessary measures to remove them as soon as possible.


General rules for fighting fleas

Before you rid your dog of fleas, you must first make sure that it is the fleas that are bothering her.

Photo of a flea under a microscope

This can be done based on the following features:

  • The animal constantly itches, and in different places.If the dog scratches only the ear or one side, it is possible that a tick has attached itself to it (you need to carefully examine this place).
  • On wool and skin, you can find white grains that look like salt - these are flea eggs, or black and white dots that easily crumble from wool - these are their excrement.
  • If the pet likes to swim, then it can be wetted, and at this time the fleas will en masse move onto the head of the animal or jump into the water. Here they can be easily seen with the naked eye.
  • Finally, the animal can simply be combed out. Many parasites will remain on the comb.

Determining where the dog picked up fleas is very difficult. Sometimes even the owners themselves bring insects into the house on their clothes, and on the street, fleas can cling to the pet's fur anywhere.

What is important when detecting parasites:

  • Act immediately and quickly. Flea control in dogs is more effective the earlier it is started. These insects multiply very quickly, and already a few weeks after infection, a pet from them may not find a place for itself. In addition, the more fleas, the more difficult it is to get rid of them.
  • Choose the right tool. Before getting rid of fleas in a dog, it is necessary to study the available remedies and evaluate them in a particular case. It is worth being guided not so much by the promises of sellers and manufacturers, but by the opinions of experienced dog breeders who have already managed to remove fleas from their pets.
  • Act strictly according to the instructions for the tool. Usually they all require re-treatment of the dog after a certain period. Neglecting this indication will lead to the need for a second complete removal of fleas after a couple of months.
  • Observe preventive measures - do not allow the dog to walk with homeless animals, climb into holes in nature, ride in carrion.

Heavily soiled wool predisposes to fleas

For most people, the most difficult of these steps is choosing how to remove fleas from a dog. There are a lot of products on the market today, a good half of them are effective, but for each specific dog, one is best. It should be used to get rid of parasites.

On a note

All of the following remedies are perfect for those who are serious about getting rid of fleas in dogs at home. They do not require special skills, equipment and training of the animal itself. Knowing how to get rid of fleas in a dog at home, you can always save a decent amount of money for which such procedures are carried out in veterinary clinics.

It is important to remember that there are no means to remove fleas forever. If only because the fleas themselves can infect a dog literally at every step and every day. Therefore, even once you get rid of the parasites completely, you will have to use different flea remedies often and regularly.


Flea repellent drops

These tools are the easiest to use. Drops must be applied in the quantities indicated in the instructions on the dog's coat in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe withers in order to avoid swallowing. After that, for a certain time, the dog must be isolated from water and bathing.

Flea drops are usually applied to the dog's withers.

Each product has its own active ingredient in the composition, which determines its effectiveness.

Disadvantages of flea drops: relatively high price and, in some cases, toxicity to animals and humans. Only certain preparations can be used for puppies up to six months.

The most famous flea drops for dogs:

  • Stronghold, made in the USA, contains Selamectin as an active ingredient, a compound designed specifically for pets. It is non-toxic to dogs even if swallowed, can be used on the coat of lactating and pregnant dogs, and does not cause side effects in puppies over 6 months old. Stronghold is compatible with all veterinary drugs and vaccines and can be used against fleas on dogs of all breeds. Apply a few drops to the withers. After that, the dog should not bathe for at least two hours, you can stroke it only after half an hour. The cost of the drug, depending on the quantity, ranges from 300 to 600 rubles.

Flea drops for dogs Stronghold

  • Leopard is a domestic drug, sold in pipettes worth 35 rubles each. One pipette is enough for the procedure in one dog. Drops should be applied at several points along the spine. Judging by the reviews, the tool is quite effective and, when used correctly, it really allows you to quickly rid the dog of fleas.Drops from fleas Bars
  • Frontline, the active ingredient in which is Fipronil, a powerful flea insecticide for dogs. Very effective, but licking can cause the dog to vomit. Requires compliance with safety measures during the procedure.

Frontline: flea drops

The following flea preparations in the form of drops are also quite well known:

  • Hartz UltraGuard Drops
  • Serco
  • Advantix.

All of them have their own distinctive features of use and must be used strictly according to the instructions. It is easier to remove fleas from dogs with their help than with the use of most other means.

Drops are great in cases where the dog rarely bathes (or does not bathe at all) and lives alone, that is, no one can lick it.


Flea collars

Flea collars are also very effective deterrents for these insects. Their advantages are the constancy of action, the ability for the dog to bathe at any time, ease of use.

Flea collar

Collars also have certain drawbacks: they are toxic and can cause poisoning up to shock in a dog, they are not used for puppies under 6 months old and dogs over 10 years old, as well as sick and recovering animals, pregnant and lactating bitches. In some cases, collars can cause dermatitis in the neck, which does not go away for a long time and is more dangerous than the fleas themselves.

Collars do not kill fleas on a dog, but they do provide a deterrent effect. For one warm season, a dog usually needs 2-3 collars costing from 200 to 700 rubles. With their help, you can both remove fleas from a dog and prevent it from getting infected again.

The most famous collars among dog breeders are Kiltix, Beaphar, Bolfo and Hartz.

So, for example, the Kiltix flea collar looks like


Before getting rid of fleas in a dog with a collar, you should consult a veterinarian about the choice of a specific product so that such a collar, along with efficiency, would also be safe.


Flea shampoos

It should be said right away that flea shampoos are the least effective remedies. Their action lasts a maximum of 5-7 days, and at the same time the dog itself must still be able to bathe - some breeds, in principle, are not given to bathing.

Example: Mister Bruno Anti-Flea Shampoo

The status of products for puppies has been assigned to shampoos - it is the youngest that is easiest to outbid, having completely processed the wool. However, the first time such procedures should be carried out very carefully: the puppy may experience side effects, up to chills and vomiting.It is reasonable to bathe him once with a small amount of shampoo and check the reaction, and then use the normal amount.

Due to the fact that adult dogs actively lick themselves after bathing, it is undesirable, and sometimes even dangerous, to use flea shampoos for them. When choosing how to wash a dog from fleas, you should ask a person who has already solved this problem for the same breed.

The most popular flea shampoos for puppies are as follows:

  • Delix
  • Leonardo
  • Mr Bruno
  • Bifar
  • Doctor Zoo.

It is important to remember that it will not be possible to completely remove fleas from a dog with a shampoo, so it should be used either with a weak infection of the pet, or in combination with other means.


Sprays for dogs

Sprays work on the same principle as drops, remaining on the coat and repelling or poisoning fleas. However, they are more effective due to the extensive application throughout the animal's coat.

Example: Frontline dog flea spray

Sprays are quite difficult to use: they must be applied only in the fresh air and only with gloves, the dog must not be stroked after treatment, it is advisable not to let it lick for several hours.

Although most of the sprays are of low toxicity to dogs, licking them off by a dog reduces their effectiveness and sometimes leads to side effects such as chills, vomiting, and difficulty breathing. In rare cases, a dog can develop allergies and dermatitis.

The optimal situation for ridding a dog of fleas with a spray is training a pet or a long (several hours) walk. In this case, the dog will not be able to immediately lick, and the spray will have time to act.

Today, Bars, Hartz, Celandine, Frontline are popular among flea sprays.


Flea tablets

These are very questionable means and they are rarely used.You can remove fleas with them, but they very often cause various disorders in dogs. Most often, tablets do not completely rid the animal of parasites, only slightly reducing the number of the latter.

Flea control pills should only be used as a last resort.


In no case should the dosage indicated on the tablet packaging be exceeded. Violations can lead to serious poisoning of the dog.

Today, in free sale on the Russian market, you can buy flea pills Capstar, Sentinel, Comfortis.


Folk remedies for fleas

In terms of their effectiveness, folk remedies for fleas are inferior to almost all synthetic drugs, but they have the main advantage - safety. Nothing will ever happen to a dog from a decoction of wormwood, tansy or chamomile, but fleas are afraid of such recipes. Accordingly, with due regularity, the use of such funds will help protect the dog from infection with fleas and their reproduction, and with perseverance - to remove parasites with a small number of them.

Most effective against fleas:

  • pine sawdust
  • eucalyptus
  • tansy
  • sagebrush.

Various decoctions and infusions are prepared from them, in which the dog is bathed or its hair is processed. In addition to safety, such prescriptions are also very affordable, even where it is difficult to buy special medications.


Do not use garlic for flea poisoning: for dogs it is poisonous and can lead to serious intoxication.

When using any flea products, it is important to remember about the regularity and following the instructions for their use. Many of them also help against other parasites, but when using various means in combination, it is necessary to observe safety measures.

In any case, before using each remedy, it will never be superfluous to consult a veterinarian.


Useful video: how to properly treat a dog from fleas and ticks


How to get rid of fleas in a dog at home


Last update: 2022-05-27

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "How and with what you can remove fleas from a dog" 47 comments
  1. Myron

    Thank you for the article. I've never tried a spray, but I don't think sprays are as convenient as drops. Although this is of course a matter of taste.

    • Asya

      We treated our puppy with drops last year and there were no problems with gnats and parasites. Dogs after all not only overcome fleas. So this year we also treat the dog with the same droplets. He is satisfied - no one bites him, he rushes around like crazy both in the country house and in the forest.

  2. Alina

    We used GreenFort and Bars spray. Both sprays helped a lot, and our dog ran freely through the fields and bushes)) But after fishing, we combed his ticks all day long (although we sprayed him with a leopard), then he became lethargic, didn’t eat anything, didn’t play ... After visiting the veterinarian, we were told that if we were late for 2 days, then we would not have a dog, so everything does not always work 100%. Well, now the “dog” is hiding under the bed and won’t climb out, he’s afraid of these fleas) He thinks they won’t find him there)

    • Tatiana

      Alina, and how did you solve the problem this time? Our girl is also trying to hide from fleas under the bed. They did it two days ago, but it itches more strongly, her ear has already been scratched to the point of blood during the night.

  3. Elena

    Please advise: my puppy combed behind the ears so that there is no hair and blood. More vomit, all dinner on the floor. What to do? Is it possible to remove fleas with folk remedies, and if so, with what? I bathed in vinegar diluted with water - it did not help.

    • Anonymous

      Try a decoction of wormwood or chamomile. I'll start trying tomorrow too.

  4. Elena

    What is the price please?

  5. Vetal

    Should you bathe your dog before poisoning fleas?

  6. Albina

    Listen, we are saving our Jack from fleas with Advantix. It is dripped to the dog right on the withers. The main feature is that this drug does not work through a bite. That is, he does not allow the dog to be bitten. For us, this is a real lifesaver.

    • Elena

      This is the best remedy, I only save my cat with it. Now the Rottweiler puppy needs to be saved from fleas, I think it’s also worth digging ...

  7. Irina

    Our 10 year old dog was diagnosed with skin cancer in September last year and had to have his paw removed. Blochnet was used and there really were no fleas, but sores appeared, which he furiously licked. I can not say that the cancer appeared as a result of the use of this drug, the sores were there before, every summer, there were collars, drops, etc. What should we do now, what to use for skin cancer?

    • Alyona

      These sores are most likely a fungus. Only injections will help. We suffered for many years, believing the doctors that it was beriberi. They gave different vitamins, but round sores regularly climbed out and Betty combed them. And the smell is sweet and rotten.We moved from Khabarovsk to Goryachiy Klyuch, the veterinarian turned out to be very good here, they pierced him three times and the problem went away. And the smell is gone.

      • Olga

        What did they prick?

  8. Anna

    And now, on the recommendation of our veterinarian, we bought a collar against fleas and ticks Foresto. What is convenient, it can be worn without removing for eight months. It is odorless and also waterproof.

    • Anonymous

      We have been using the Foresto collar for the second year, it is not cheap, but! At the beginning of summer, two ticks were removed from the dog, one stuck right under the collar, fleas were caught twice. And this is all a collar that costs a lot of money and does not help ((We bought it in the same veterinary store. Apparently, they began to fake Foresto, although with a number on the collar, everything is as it should be!

  9. Marina

    Irina, It's a pity for your dog, how does she manage without a paw now? And you can use folk remedies for fleas, a decoction of wormwood helps well, you can wipe their hair with them, and wash the floors, and put wormwood under the bedding. Without the usual means, of course, it is more difficult, there are more troubles, but there is still a way out!

  10. Elena

    For me, fleas are a whole problem. I have very sensitive skin, and if a flea dog or cat lives in the house, I immediately feel it on myself, for some reason fleas always bite me. That is why I treat my dog ​​with Advantix drops, they do not affect his health in any way, I regularly examine my Gerda. But the fleas, as they disappeared after the first treatment, never saw them again, to my happiness. We also save ourselves from ticks with these drops.

  11. Marianne

    Girls, do the drops really help? I also want to treat my dog ​​for fleas, otherwise the children are still, God forbid. Which ones to buy anyway? More efficient to.

    • Misanthrope

      Are you completely, or are you pretending? Why the hell did children give themselves up to dog fleas? They are not transmitted to people! But dogs must be treated.

      • Anonymous

        And despite the fact that fleas are cat or canine, and they also bite a person, but do not settle on him. And their bites are with saliva, and in saliva there is some substance that is released when bitten. Both my children were bitten like that (terrible blamdas, and itchy, horror!) So I threw the whole house with wormwood, pre-treated the floors with butox and sprayed walls 1 meter high, disappeared. Now I treat the cat and dog with Bars drops once every 2 months. The fleas are gone.

      • Professor

        Fleas are very good at biting children. Then there will be huge pain. Treat with fucorcin.

  12. Elena

    The old way of fleas: take a pack of tobacco, brew, cool, soak the dog along with steamed tobacco, wrap and hold for as long as you can (20-30 minutes). Then let it dry and comb it out of tobacco. Another way is to take ashes from a wooden fire (that is, a fire made of wood only), rub the dog well and let it run until the ashes themselves crumble, do not wash.

  13. Ira

    My German mother became a mother for the first time: 4 girls and 2 boys, they are 2 weeks old. But I'm in a panic! Help, please, they have so many fleas ... And it is clear that they are multiplying. Advise me what to do. I tried to comb them out, but they are small, they hurt. I brewed wormwood, but I don’t know, I’ll just try. I forgot to write that from fleas they have lumps under their paws and on their necks!

    • Olga

      I have the same problem now. The puppy has a bunch of fleas and bumps on the skin. How did you get rid of it please tell me.

  14. Anonymous

    I have read and understood everything, thank you very much.

  15. Sasha

    There are a lot of fleas on the bed, we all itch because of the dog. Help what to do?

  16. Lera

    My cat didn't have fleas, but I decided to buy him a collar (just in case). He not only had fleas, but also defecated under this collar.

  17. Kseniya

    We took Lugovoi shampoo from fleas. Washed, died the first time! The room and furniture were sprayed. After 3 days, drops were dripped onto the withers of Bars Forte.

  18. Olga M.

    We Bars brought out: shampoo, then three days later drops on the withers. Bedding, furniture, flooring in the house spray. Brought out! No longer start (pah-pah of course). We are now dripping for prevention.

  19. Natasha

    Two days ago I treated my dogs with Butox 50. There are no fleas, but our kids bite their tails. What's this?

  20. Ulyana

    I have a dog Sonya, she is 4 years old and pregnant. Here, we will try to make a decoction of wormwood and buy a collar and flea shampoo. But I'm worried if it's possible to remove fleas now, she's pregnant. And I know for sure that it is impossible to bathe pregnant dogs, otherwise they will not give birth to puppies.

  21. Marisha

    We tried different remedies, it did not suit us, but after reading your article, we began to use eucalyptus. Thanks for the advice, it helped. You can also use tar soap - the result was instant! After she dried the dog, she began to scratch it, and there were only fleas on the comb.

  22. Martha

    The dog has already tortured me with its fleas ((Bars did not help.

  23. Kate

    The safest remedy is to put the dog completely in the water and leave only the head out. All fleas will suffocate or try to get on your head so you can catch them. This is how I got fleas out of my Chihuahua, don't laugh, it seems funny, but it works 100%. I read about this method from one blogger. But this requires patience and time, not every dog ​​wants to sit like that.But with puppies, this can be done, since chemistry is especially harmful to them. Before putting a dog under water, lather it with anti-flea shampoo, so fleas will die faster under water. Good luck everyone!

  24. Yana

    As soon as my dog ​​got fleas, I immediately brewed wormwood. First I washed it, as usual, with shampoo, and then I “rinsed” it in wormwood (did not wash off the decoction) and dripped eucalyptus oil on the withers, now there are no fleas and it smells nice. But ours didn’t have much, we managed to do it in time. And flea drops and collars, as I understand it, only scare away fleas, but do not bring them out.

  25. Tanya

    The more powerful the vacuum cleaner, the less fleas.

  26. Diana

    We also, it seems, just bought, and the fleas are right there again ((We can’t understand anything.

  27. Karina

    And our dog has such fleas, we buy him a flea collar and shampoos. Nothing helps.

  28. Kirill

    Who knows how to really deal with fleas? All of the above is bullshit. I have a Labrador that they just didn’t drip - nothing helps.

  29. Yuri

    Try lighting kerosene. Most importantly, don't overdo it. I use mosquito spray. Not everyone can stand the smell of kerosene, but the product helps. Yes, and the smell is strong only at the beginning, and then you can feel it if you just smell the animal's hair. Particularly well suited for working dogs living in enclosures.

  30. Natalie

    After reading, I decided to purchase and use (naturally, not all at once) BARS and ADVANTIX drops! Herbs or drops. I saw it in a pharmacy - dilute the drops in water, in a basin and rinse after washing. Wormwood, tansy, chamomile and eucalyptus. I repeat, not all at once!

  31. Malia

    Our situation is much more complicated. The dog is long-haired and with very delicate skin, a little bit of inflammation (shih tzu).Tomorrow we will try different home methods.

  32. Anonymous

    While I was reading the article and comments, I was completely combed myself)) Yesterday I bathed a puppy with tar soap and washed the floor with this soap too. Today I found advice on the internet: spread Doctor Mom ointment on the withers (he is like the Soviet balm Zvezdochka). I put it on and didn't itch once all day.

  33. Olga

    Thank you very much for a good and informative article.

  34. Tatiana

    Many thanks for the advice!

  35. Anonymous

    BARS has not helped three times already. And one pipette costs 85 rubles already. Hey, manufacturers, are you confusing anything?

  36. Denis

    It’s clear with the dog, but the apartment also needs to be processed? Fleas can also sit in an apartment.


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