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An overview of the most effective flea remedies for dogs and puppies

Last update: 2022-05-06
≡ Article has 26 comments
  • Elena: And we have an allergic spaniel, from a hypoallergenic collar (not ...
  • Elena: For the last 2-3 years, Bars has not been working as efficiently as before...
  • Eva: I treat the dog with dan ultra neo drops. Since the beginning of spring...
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Remedies for fleas in dogs and puppies are striking in their diversity, but are they all effective enough? ..

There are so many flea remedies for dogs today that an inexperienced dog breeder in the fight against parasites can run up his eyes just to look at the window of a pet store. However, all of these drugs are quite strictly classified, and each flea remedy for dogs can be classified into one of the following types:

  • flea drops, considered the most versatile remedy;
  • collars, very convenient as a means of prevention;
  • sprays, radical, but quite effective drugs;
  • flea shampoos. Often, it is among them that you can find the optimal flea remedy for puppies - shampoos act gently (gentle) and rarely cause side effects;
  • tablets and intramuscular injections, which are practically not common in our country.

Each of these types of funds has its own advantages and disadvantages, which must be taken into account when choosing. And having already chosen the type of product itself, you can safely study the corresponding products of the most famous manufacturers.


Flea drops for dogs

Insecticide drops at the withers are perhaps the most common flea remedies for dogs today.Their popularity among dog breeders is due to several advantages at once:

  • ease of use: dropping the drug on the neck of a pet and letting it dry is much easier than bathing a dog or treating with an aerosol;
  • reliability: most products ensure the destruction of parasites already present on the body of the animal and protection against fleas for two months;
  • availability: on average, for about 300-500 rubles, you can buy a pipette, which will last for one to two months.

At the same time, drops have some disadvantages. For example, a certain toxicity and the possibility of side effects after their use, because of which many drops from fleas (not all) can not be used for puppies under two months old, pregnant and lactating dogs, sick and recovering animals.

Flea drops are easy to use, quite reliable and affordable.

However, for most adult healthy dogs, drops are fine. Basically, drops are used for dogs living in a house or apartment, but regularly being on the street. They are convenient to use both in cases where the dog is already infected with parasites, and to protect it from possible infection. Therefore, such flea preparations for dogs enjoy well-deserved recognition from the owners.


Drops Hartz for dogs

Flea and tick products for dogs from Hartz are well-deservedly popular all over the world. The American company strictly monitors the quality, efficacy and safety of its products, and therefore, by buying and using these products, you can be quite sure that the fleas in the dog are highly likely to disappear.

Hartz flea drops can be designed for different categories of dogs and puppies

The Hartz drop line includes several products, including Hartz Ultra Guard Flea&Tick Drops for Dogs and Puppies, a special product for puppies over 10 weeks of age. The active ingredient of this drug is Fenotrin, which effectively destroys fleas, ixodid ticks and mosquitoes.

All drops of Hartz are applied to the withers: the entire pipette is gradually poured onto the coat. After a few hours (when the agent has already dried), the dog can be bathed and walked in the rain - getting wet will no longer affect the effectiveness of the drug.

Hartz drops cost from about 150 to 500 rubles, depending on the specific drug. One treatment of the animal is enough to protect against parasites for 1 month.


Stronghold Drops

This remedy for fleas in dogs is considered one of the most effective. After proper application, the dog will be protected from insects for 2 months (and for 1 month from ticks).

Stronghold flea drops for dogs are considered one of the most effective

Stronghold can also be used on puppies over 6 weeks of age. The drug is safe for animals and humans even if swallowed, compatible with most other veterinary drugs (including vaccines). But you have to pay for such versatility: a package with 3 pipettes of Stronghold drops can cost over 2,000 rubles.


I have tried all the drops that we sell. Stronghold are the best. A dog never saliva, it doesn't care if it rains or not. Of course, there are never fleas either. When she gave birth, before that I treated her, and the puppies did not have fleas.

Ivan, Mytishchi


Bars from fleas

Leopard is a domestic drug, quite effective and inexpensive. The cost of a package with 4 Bars pipettes is about 150 rubles.

Drops Bars from fleas

The drug may cause side effects - excessive salivation, allergies - and is not recommended for use in puppies under 12 weeks of age.


Drops from fleas Celandine for puppies

Based on the standard insecticides Fipronil and Permethrin, this flea and tick treatment for dogs provides 2 months of flea protection and 1 month of tick protection.

Drops of Celandine from fleas in puppies can only be used after two months of age

For puppies, the drug is used only after two months of life. Within two days after applying the product, the dog should not be washed and allowed near children.


Flea Sprays

Sprays are generally considered to be the most effective and fastest acting flea and tick treatments for dogs. They destroy insects and mites within a few minutes after processing the animal's hair. and retain a residual effect for several weeks after application.

But with such effectiveness, they are also quite toxic: puppies cannot be treated with many sprays, and when getting rid of parasites of adult animals, it is necessary to ensure that they do not lick off the drug itself.

Flea sprays for dogs - effective, but rather toxic

Usually sprays are applied for twenty to thirty minutes on the entire coat of the animal except for the muzzle area. Then the aerosol is thoroughly washed off.

A number of drugs in the form of a spray can not be used to treat pregnant and lactating dogs, puppies and sick animals. Their best use is in healthy adult dogs, often infested with fleas in the field or on the hunt, who need to be rid of parasites as quickly as possible. Sprays are also used by employees of shelters and various kennel clubs.


Flea spray Frontline

Spray Frontline - perhaps one of the most famous aerosol preparations for dogs today. It is very effective, easy to apply, but at the same time quite expensive (one bottle of 250 ml costs about 1,500 rubles).

One of the most famous, but at the same time expensive Frontline flea spray

It is not used for sick or convalescent animals, and in healthy animals in rare cases it can cause allergies, vomiting, nervousness and dermatitis.For puppies can be used after two days of age.


Mine also constantly cling to fleas in burrows. Especially dachshunds, they have longer hair. Fox is not. You have to buy Frontline and spray after every hunt. But the fleas do not even have time to jump off, they die right on the wool.

Andrey, Astrakhan



In addition to sprays, Beaphar also produces other preparations for fleas in dogs, but cynologists use aerosols most often: the products of this manufacturer combine fairly high efficiency and safety.

Beaphar flea spray combines effectiveness and relative safety

The product can be used on puppies from the age of three months.



Hartz aerosols are not much different from the rest, but are known as one of the safest: funds rarely cause side effects.

Hartz aerosols are known for being safe for dogs

Especially for puppies, Hartz UltraGuard Plus Flea & Tick Spray is produced - a spray that can be used on babies from the age of three months.


Flea shampoos for dogs

Shampoos are the best flea treatments for puppies and small toy dogs. They are quite effective, have a mild delicate effect, and are easy to use. Many manufacturers add coat-cleansing and skin-softening ingredients to their shampoos, making them great pet grooming products as well.


Shampoo Phytoelita

Phytoelita Shampoo is a classic flea treatment for puppies. The basis of it is an infusion of medicinal herbs. Permethrin works here against the parasites themselves, destroying insects already present on animals and repelling those that could potentially infect a dog.

As part of flea shampoo Phytoelita - medicinal herbs

Puppies and adult dogs with Fitoelita shampoo should be bathed for 5-6 minutes in warm water (up to 37 ° C), and after bathing, keep in a heated room for at least several hours. It is important to ensure that the animal does not take the shampoo into its mouth while bathing.


Shampoo Doctor Zoo

Dr. Zoo is also a fairly effective shampoo, very gentle in its action: some products of the line can be used for puppies of two weeks of age.

Shampoo Doctor attracts with natural composition and price

It has a completely natural composition. It is also good for its price - a tube of shampoo costs about 100 rubles.



Beaphar is an expensive imported shampoo, quite effective and safe.

Beaphar Flea Shampoo is Expensive, but Effective and Safe for Dogs

The cost is approximately 500 rubles. Not recommended for use on puppies under 2 months old.


Flea collars

Flea collars are mainly used to prevent infestation of dogs with parasites. Collars deliver a minimum of hassle to the owners - for effective use, it is enough just to put this product on the animal once.

The flea collar is very easy to use - you just need to put it on your dog

However, in some breeds such as Yorkshire terriers, flea collars can cause skin irritation, up to dermatitis.

On a note

Anti-flea collars are also useful for animals that live in an apartment, but spend the whole day in the yard. The collar will not only protect the pet from fleas, but will also let the employees of the services for catching stray animals know that they have a pet dog in front of them.


Beaphar Collars

These are one of the most "long-playing" collars. They retain their insecticidal effect for 5 months, and in many cases one collar is enough for dogs for the entire warm period of the year. Do not use in conjunction with other insecticidal preparations.

The Beaphar collar retains its properties for up to 5 months

This collar can be used for puppies from 6 weeks of age. One collar costs about 250 rubles.


Hartz Flea Collars

Depending on the model, Hartz collars retain their anti-flea effect for 3-7 months. And they cost about 500 rubles.

Hartz collars also keep the anti-flea effect for a long time.

Can be used for puppies from one and a half months of life.


Kiltix Collars

Kiltix are also quite powerful and effective flea collars. They act for 7 months, contain insecticides of the latest generations - Flumetrin and Propoxur.

Kiltix flea collars for dogs

These are also quite expensive collars. The price of one product is about 800 rubles.

In addition to the above funds, there are special flea tablets and injection preparations. Now they are just beginning to conquer the market, their effectiveness and safety have not been fully tested, and therefore it is too early to compare them with other means.

For those who want to rid their four-legged friend of fleas, it is best to use proven and affordable drugs.


Useful video: how to treat a dog with flea and tick drops


Last update: 2022-05-06

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Overview of the most effective flea remedies for dogs and puppies" 26 comments
  1. barbarian

    For my dog ​​I buy Bars, he is already familiar and dear to us. I periodically change the means - spray for drops and vice versa. The collar has never been used. It's great that there are good and inexpensive Russian drugs. So I support the domestic manufacturer))

  2. Karina

    I have long abandoned drops and sprays - after all, they are not useful (to put it mildly), first of all, for the animal itself. And I don’t use the usual flea collars, from which the drug enters the skin of the animal, either. Guys, we live in the 21st century. So many things that are safe for animals and convenient for their owners have been invented, and you all use antediluvian drops, and even on the advice of veterinarians (I would not use the services of veterinarians who advise toxic drugs - my animals are dear to me!)

    I have a cat and a dog. I bought both of them with ultrasonic collars. It repels insects with ultrasonic waves. Suitable for both flea treatment and prevention. In addition, this collar also helps against ticks. Double benefit - I do not need to fool myself, how to protect my animals, who love to walk around the summer cottage, also from them. Everything is already there. And most importantly - this thing is absolutely harmless to animals and their owners. No toxicity, no chemicals. Each collar cost me a little more than 900 rubles in the store - I think I saved a lot, because I spent it once, and I will use it for a long time. In addition, she provided both treatment and subsequent prevention!

    • Evgeniy

      How old are you? To believe in this nonsense?

    • Anonymous

      What are your collars called?

  3. Irina

    I use the good old Bars in drops, and I got used to it, and the dog does not resist, and I have never found fleas on it after treatment.Periodically alternating spray and drops, somehow I never tried the collar.

  4. Mila

    I have already suffered with these fleas, I bathe the zoo doctor, dry it and immediately put on the collar, but the fleas are still present. I thought the collar was bad - I changed it, but the same problem. Drops of a week and a half helped. They love my dog, and every morning we start catching fleas, the dog does not like it, spins, bites. I think to use a folk remedy, they say, a decoction of tobacco helps, but the smell is specific. Maybe someone had a similar problem - advise something?

    • Maria

      Mila, I live not in Russia, but in France, but we had the same problem: we tried everything we could - a collar, drops from three manufacturers, 2 types of spray, essential oils - all to no avail. As a result, we bought pills, and we had all the fleas with Jackie in half an hour. We give 1 tablet a month and everything is fine, not a single flea was seen anymore.

      • Natalia

        Maria, what are the pills?

    • Anastasia

      Mila, you can’t do this before dripping drops or putting on a collar, you must not wash the dog for at least three days before using it. And after that, do not wash for at least 3 days, and then the effect will be!

    • Marusya

      I'm dripping my Dick Advantix. Although we initially bought these drops to prevent tick bites, we noticed very quickly that we got rid of fleas at the same time) By the way, the droplets also protect against ticks, our neighbor in the country last year took a bottle from us, so now he himself is the same buys for his dogs.

  5. Catherine

    I have two dogs, one yard, the second domestic, both collar Foresto put on, so far no complaints. I don’t buy drops and sprays for personal reasons, so I can’t say anything about them, but I’m satisfied with the collar.I put it on in the spring and it lasts until late autumn (the instructions indicate the action for 8 months), I have not yet found biting ticks, and there are no fleas either. It makes me very happy.

    • Little Johnny

      I read about this collar, but until I decide to try it, I drip drops of Advantix to my dog, in my experience this is the best protection. The fleas disappeared the next day, and the ticks fall off the fur before they bite. Moreover, these drops also repel mosquitoes with flies, which are also carriers of diseases - it is important in the village, there is no end to them there. And Stitch runs happily, no matter what.

      • Tasha

        We bought this collar, it stands like a cast-iron bridge) Dressed everything according to the rules, and hello - we caught piroplasmosis ((Now injections, droppers ... I hope my puppy will get out.

  6. Elena

    Any tool must be used correctly and strictly follow the instructions. We have a spaniel, and we buy him drops from ticks, mosquitoes and fleas, we have been using them for 2 years and without complaints, she loses her collar when her husband takes her hunting, and with the drops she is under constant protection and not a single tick has yet bitten for all this time.

  7. Yana

    We have a basement problem. The dogs are dripping and there is a collar, BUT ... Going to the elevator, we are somehow close to the door to the basement (we have it right opposite the elevator). And I always catch fleas on the 9th floor upon arrival at Grikha. That's just the trouble

  8. Sasha

    I don’t know, girls, why you are not happy with the collars, for the summer season it is an ideal option! At the beginning of summer you put it on, at the end you take it off, not a single insect, flea will jump on your pet.

    • Elena

      And we have an allergic spaniel, from the hypoallergenic collar (I don’t remember the name, the master ordered it at the zoo) the neck and muzzle swelled, profuse salivation appeared, the eyes drooped. Well, a spitting beagle

  9. Marina

    I wash mine with Lugovoi shampoo. We live in the country in the summer, you never know what kind of living creature decides to settle among the wool)) And he copes with fleas 5+

  10. Valentine

    Nonsense. I have tried many means. And the dog still finds ticks on the site.

  11. Camila

    Our Jack did not want to put on a collar, and a flea picked up on the street - mother, do not worry! So I had to go to the vet. pharmacy, so that they can advise us on some remedies. Since our handsome man is very fond of water procedures, we bought a special for him. flea shampoo Four with a ponytail and Bars drops. We applied them after washing with shampoo after 3 days, such an integrated approach worked) Jack does not worry about fleas, and he is happy that he does not need to wear a collar)

  12. Maksim

    I dripped drops of Dana Ultra, and they do NOT help. Although they may have helped, in this case they caused itching, the dog continues to itch. I train her every day, fleas (itching) are very annoying!

  13. Den

    Drops from ticks Bars. Processed the dog according to the instructions, everything is as it should be. After 4 days, right at the place where he dripped, he removed a tick that had been overeaten. bar not working...

  14. Julia

    Ticks for dogs are dangerous, therefore, during the period when these insects are especially active, you need to walk your dog less often in forests, parks, and high thickets of grass. Be sure to treat the animal from them. We use drops, as far as I know, drops are by far the most effective remedy in the fight against these parasites. They are sold in pet stores. We have been using it for a relatively long time, there are no ticks, it also helps against fleas, since they appeared in our country last year in winter (still a mystery where they came from). After application, after a few hours, they began to die, after a day they were gone, but you can wash it only after 2 days.Check your dog for ticks after a walk, just in case.

  15. Oleg

    I am an avid dog person and have not yet found a better flea protection than drops. It's for dogs. Now I'm dripping my shepherds, and I put on a collar for the cat. I tried to somehow drip drops to the cat, he dodged so much that he almost swallowed these drops. It's easier with a collar. Put on everything.

  16. Eve

    I treat the dog with drops of Dana Ultra Neo. Since the beginning of spring, once they brought a tick on the thigh from the outside, kept on the wool. AND ALL. In the summer I also plan to buy a collar, on the advice of a veterinarian. He said that the tick was too rampant last summer, so it's better to play it safe for the future.

  17. Elena

    For the last 2-3 years, Bars has not been working as efficiently as before. I have a dog weighing 37 kg, I smear 5 pipettes on him, but the fleas get stuck!


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