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Drops from fleas Bars: instructions and reviews

Last update: 2022-05-22
≡ Article has 100 comments
  • Irina: If anyone is afraid to use these drops, you can try pro...
  • Margarita: I have been keeping cats for a long time. Only Bars helps against fleas. I take ca...
  • Julia: And how many drops to drip on a young cat?...
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We get acquainted with the domestic drug for fleas for cats and dogs - Bars drops

Flea products produced by the Russian company Agrovetzashchita are presented in various dosage forms: shampoos, collars, drops, sprays. At the same time, it was Bars flea drops that turned out to be the most popular among pet owners. There are several reasons for this, and the main one is that Bars from fleas for cats and dogs provides not only the effective destruction of fleas already present on the pet's coat, but also the prevention of infection with new parasites.

In addition, Bars from fleas, produced in the form of drops, is very convenient to use. Using these drops according to the instructions, it is enough to spend only a few minutes of time to effectively fight parasites. This effect is achieved due to the presence of powerful modern insecticides in Bars products.


The composition and effectiveness of Bars drops

As the main medicinal ingredient, Bars flea drops contain the substance fipronil, which has a powerful insecticidal effect and effectively destroys fleas, lice, ticks and withers.Fipronil itself is a synthetic insecticide widely used in veterinary medicine and agriculture to control many pests and parasites in general.

Fipronil insecticide - chemical formula

Bars insectoacaricidal drops can be used not only against fleas, but also against other parasitic insects

After rubbing Bars drops into the skin of an animal, fipronil is distributed over the surface of the body, without penetrating into the blood, but accumulating to a certain extent in the sebaceous glands. After that, if the parasite comes into contact with the skin of the animal and begins to drink blood, the insecticide enters the body of the bloodsucker through chitinous integuments and leads to disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system, paralysis and death.

Fipronil causes paralysis and death of fleas rather quickly


Fleas feel the smell of fipronil well and therefore they will prefer not to even jump on the treated animal. Thus, the drug provides protection against parasites for the period until its components are completely excreted from the body of the animal.

An important feature of fipronil is its relative harmlessness to animals. Only in rare cases does it lead to the development of side effects, but almost never causes acute poisoning. It should be noted that in general, cats are more sensitive to it than dogs.


Instructions for use drops Bars

According to the instructions, Bars flea drops for cats are used for healthy animals that have reached 10 weeks of age. There are special drops for kittens.

Drops from fleas Bars for kittens

The drug is well tolerated by animals of different breeds, providing active protection against ectoparasites for several months. Drops for cats come in a cardboard box with 3 droppers, while drops for dogs are marketed as a box with 4 droppers.

Drops Bars from fleas for cats

Drops Bars from fleas for dogs

Drops Bars from fleas on domestic cats should be applied, taking into account the weight of the animal.In accordance with the instructions, for cats weighing up to 1 kg, 10 drops should be applied to the withers, for animals weighing 1-2 kg - 20 drops, and for cats weighing over 3 kg, a whole pipette should be used.


My kitten is only 4 months old and the pharmacy said that the usual Bars flea remedy intended for adult cats will not work for him. It's good that there are Bars drops for kittens from fleas with a milder effect, for young animals, such as my beloved Tiger. From a strong smell, he immediately hurt a little, but then the fleas no longer jumped on him.

Yulia, owner of Tiger

Drops from fleas Bars for domestic dogs are also applied taking into account the weight of the dog. For large breeds of dogs weighing up to 10 kg, 1 pipette is sufficient, with a weight of 10-20 kg, 2 pipettes should be used, and if the dog weighs more than 20 kg, 3-4 pipettes.

Depending on the weight of the animal, a different number of pipettes may be required.

For small breeds of dogs: from 2 to 3 kg - 20 drops, for dogs over 3 kg it is necessary to drip a whole pipette.


Application rules

Bars drops should be applied to the withers of the animal, pushing the hair apart so that the drug gets on the skin. If several animals live in the house, all of them must be treated at the same time, and dogs must be muzzled to avoid licking the drug.

Instructions for using drops from fleas Bars

After treatment, animals should not be allowed near children, washed and stroked for 48 hours. Repeated preventive application of the product is carried out strictly in accordance with the instructions - no more than 1 time per month.


“We tried a lot of flea remedies, because my husband constantly leads dogs to hunt and in all sorts of holes they gain kilograms of this muck. At home, parasites are pouring right out of them. They were poisoned by Barsik, Harts, Frontline.Barsik is good for the price, but does not last long. Bloch displays immediately, but new ones appear on the dog in a week, even without hunting. But Frontline protects against parasites for almost a month. True, if a hunt happens, not a single drug helps: such monsters live in fox holes, that this synthetic chemistry is one tooth for them.

Maria, Svatovo


Contraindications to the use of the drug

When deciding to buy Bars from fleas and finally rid your pet of annoying parasites, you should remember that these drops cannot be used during the illness of the animal and for animals under six weeks old.

Bars flea drops are not suitable for puppies under 6 weeks old.

Lactating and pregnant females should only be handled after consultation with a qualified veterinarian.


The Bars flea remedy cannot be used simultaneously with the use of any other flea drugs - in order to avoid an overdose of insecticides.

With a high individual sensitivity of the animal, the following signs may be observed: lacrimation, skin irritation, vomiting, muscle tremor. When the first signs of such symptoms appear, the animal should be washed in running water using shampoo.

If there is an increased sensitivity of the pet to Bars drops, you need to wash the animal with shampoo


My cat lives with me in a private house, so we always have enough fleas. When I bought food at a pet store, the saleswoman recommended buying Bars flea drops. Since I had already heard positive reviews about this tool before and the price was very good, I decided to try it. In the instructions for the Barsik flea remedy, it was written that for my 1.5-year-old Murzik weighing 2.9 kg, 20 drops of the drug at the withers are enough. Indeed, there were much fewer fleas, the cat began to comb out less, I think, periodically dig this remedy for him.

Gennady Zinchenko


It is also useful to read: How to remove fleas from a kitten

Other drugs Bars: collars and spray

Other pest control products from the Bars line - shampoos, collars and spray - are also very effective in fighting fleas.

To combat fleas, there are other means in the Bars line of drugs.

The Bars flea collar is very convenient because it is permanently attached to the animal and helps not only to expel parasites already living on a cat or dog, but also prevents re-infection. These flea collars are good to use to consolidate the effect after sanitizing a pet with flea spray or drops.

Flea collar Bars

Before putting on the collar, it is recommended to wash the animal with Bars shampoo.


After sanitizing with any drug from the Bars line against fleas for dogs and cats, be sure to wash your hands well using a detergent. Although the drug is not toxic to humans, it is quite capable of causing irritation and allergies.

The active drug substance (fipronil) in the collar gradually enters the skin of the animal, providing a long-term insecticidal effect on fleas. The collar also protects against parasites of other types: hair, lice, ticks, it can be used for cheiletiosis.

Before putting on a collar for an animal or applying any flea remedy from the Bars line, you should carefully read the instructions and contraindications.

Often, in addition to drops and a collar, another remedy is used to kill fleas - Bars flea spray. Owner reviews confirm the effectiveness of its use. The spray also helps in the fight against mites, and it is best applied outdoors.

Flea Spray Bars

When applying the product in the form of a spray, you need to put a muzzle on the dog to prevent the drug from licking off.During spraying, the bottle is held strictly vertically at a distance of about 30 cm from the animal's hair, and the product is applied evenly on the coat and on the skin (it is advisable to spread the coat with your fingers when applying).

When using Bars flea spray, it is advisable to put a muzzle on the dog

Instructions for use spray from fleas Bars

During processing, the pet's eyes and ears are closed to prevent aerosol from entering them.

Additional processing should be subjected to bedding and sunbeds, on which the animal usually rests (flea larvae often develop there), after which they must be thoroughly washed with detergents.

According to the instructions, after sanitization, it is not recommended to let the animal close to children and stroke it for 2 days.

There are several types of flea spray suitable for dogs and cats of different ages, so be sure to check with the store for what age the drug is intended for animals.

Flea sprays Bars for dogs and cats

On a note

Since Bars flea spray contains insecticides, it should be stored in industrial packaging away from children and food.


The price of drops from fleas Bars

Today, the price for Bars flea drops is relatively low and quite affordable for every animal owner: the drug can be bought for 40-60 rubles per pipette.

You should not order a lot of pipettes at once with the expectation of repeated processing of the animal. Perhaps the drops will not suit the pet, and, perhaps, repeated treatments will not be necessary. It is worth buying several pipettes only when the product has already been tested, and you are sure that it will need to be used multiple times.

Before buying large quantities of the drug, it is useful to test its effectiveness on a pet, starting with 1-2 pipettes with drops.


“My cat Marquise constantly lives in the apartment, but recently she accidentally jumped out into the entrance and walked there for half a day while we were at work. Since there are a lot of cats in our house, she got quite a lot of fleas.Since I work in a budgetary organization, I cannot buy expensive veterinary drugs. But the price of the Bars flea remedy is quite affordable for me. I read the instructions and did everything as it was written there. I dripped the required amount on the withers. Of course, at first, neither I nor my Marquise liked the smell, but we survived it and after a certain time it disappeared. In general, Barsik from fleas helped us a lot, the fleas are gone.

Irina, Yekaterinburg


Useful video: comparing the effectiveness of different types of flea products


How to properly treat an animal with flea drops


Last update: 2022-05-22

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Drops from fleas Bars: instructions and reviews" 100 comments
  1. Vika

    I like drops the most - convenient and hassle-free. And so in the article everything is detailed and accessible. They used to have permethrin in them, but now fipronil is newer and safer.

    • Anonymous

      Did your pets get tired after these drops?

      • Anonymous

        My kitten had!

    • Anonymous

      Terrible drops! I'm sorry I didn't read the reviews earlier.The cat became inadequate and foaming at the mouth. Terribly frightened and washed it all away, I hope everything will be fine!

  2. Faith

    Affordable and effective tool - after the first application, the result is noticeable. It was used on an adult cat, including for the treatment of ear parasites.

    • Marina

      How much do they cost?

      • Anonymous

        70 rubles pipette

  3. Catherine

    Good and affordable tool. The result is noticeable after the first application. Used on a young cat. I like it!!!

    • Lena

      People, do not praise this drug. I also applied it to the cat, it seemed to have passed, but the kitten has been lying for a day, not eating, meowing, if I touch him, I have a feeling that everything inside him hurts. I'll probably take it to the vet tomorrow. I did everything according to the instructions, I bought drops in a veterinary pharmacy, the veterinarian advised them, and now my conscience is tormenting, I almost killed the kitten with my own hands. Yesterday I was running, jumping, and today ...

      • Elena

        Lena, the instructions clearly say: DO NOT use for pregnant and lactating animals. To avoid poisoning babies.

  4. Lena

    Tell me, please, if the drops of Bars are smeared on the cat, and he tries to lick it off, what will happen?

    • Anonymous

      Give milk to drink or inject it with a syringe.

  5. Alexandra

    I don’t know, maybe I’m buying some kind of fake, but there is no effect from these drops, either immediately or later. I use strictly according to the instructions.

    • Anonymous

      Bars are also sold in Georgia, and many have noticed that there is no effect. And I noticed. On the second day, the cat also had fleas, and everyone says it. Maybe here is a fake, or maybe the drug is not good - I don’t know.

    • Ira

      It's true, my cat started to itch even worse.

    • margarita

      I have had cats for a long time.Only Bars helps against fleas. I take drops in a pipette. Not fake - they should smell when applied. Well, I look at the expiration date on the pipette - it is squeezed out. It is necessary to apply on the SKIN at the base of the neck or between the shoulder blades (there are places inaccessible for licking with the tongue). The dose must also be observed, depending on the weight of the cat, kitten, otherwise you will be poisoned. Then the instructions say - no more than 1 time per month. It is impossible for pregnant and lactating cats to drip.

  6. Marina

    My cat also had fleas, maybe it’s really a fake, although the smell was hoo.

  7. Evgeny Kharlan

    I want to ask a question to the veterinarian about the different lines of Bars drops. What is the difference between Bars ear drops and Bars drops at the withers? Or is it the same thing? I want to use this tool, but I'm afraid that it will harm my pet, my dog.

  8. Hope

    Bars is an excellent drug, effective and, moreover, inexpensive. And it's great that there is a special Bars forte for kittens. When we picked up our Chernushka, there was almost no living place on it - the fleas were teeming ((Bars saved. Now periodic treatment is enough not to get infected again.

    • Alexander

      Attention cat owners. Permethrin is dangerous for cats! The use of anti-flea drops on the withers (spot-on) based on the permethrin group often leads to poisoning.

      Permethrins and pyrethroids are commonly used insecticides that are safe for some animal species, but not cats! Cats are more sensitive to permethrins and pyrethroids than other animals. This is connected with the peculiarities of the metabolism of the substance in the liver of cats. In particular, this refers to a deficiency of the liver enzyme glucuronosyltransferase, which leads to an inability to break down permethrin.And this makes cats more susceptible to poisoning.

      Many manufactured preparations - shampoos, drops on the withers (spot-on), drops in the ears - contain permethrins. Such drugs are quite common in veterinary clinics, veterinary pharmacies and pet stores.

      Signs of poisoning with permethrins: poisoning of a cat is possible even when exposed to low concentrations of permethrins, which can lead to serious organic disorders and lethality (death) of the animal. Signs of permethrin poisoning may occur within hours, but in some cases it may take one to three days. Common signs of poisoning include muscle tremors, convulsions, hypersalivation, dilated pupils, incoordination, fever, anisocoria, etc.

      Unfortunately, many cases of permethrin poisoning lead to the death of cats (approximately 10-40% of cases of poisoning).

      How does permethrin poisoning occur in cats? Unfortunately, concentrated permethrin formulations are often inexpensive and widely available. Problems usually arise when owners buy these drugs from pet stores or veterinary pharmacies (veterinary clinics) without being told how to use them safely. Often owners do not realize that these products can lead to serious poisoning of cats, up to and including death. Sometimes owners use drops on the withers intended for dogs for cats and do not assume that this action can lead to poisoning of cats.

      In another case, cat poisoning is caused when the dog is treated with drugs (containing permethrin) and the cat sleeps next to the dog, cuddles up to the dog, or licks the dog.It is recommended that during the planned treatment of a dog from ectoparasites with preparations containing permethrins, it is recommended to isolate the cat from the dog for 72 hours.

      If there is a suspicion that the cat may have been poisoned, it is very important to contact a veterinarian as soon as possible. Since cats use permethrin-containing preparations on the skin, it is necessary to immediately wash the cat thoroughly with warm water and mild detergents. The aim is to remove as much of the drug from the skin as possible and stop further absorption of the drug into the skin.

      Prognosis: Most poisoned cats survive, but this depends on the severity of the poisoning. In 10-40% of cases, cats died or were euthanized (due to the severity of poisoning and complications).

      • Alexander

        Google permethrin poisoning... And also that Bars manufacturers quietly replaced fipronil with cheap Chinese permethrin. Now I'm sitting and panicking - will the cat survive until the morning. There are no more words...

        • Petya

          So manufacturers are so stupid - giving poison to cats is the first thing that comes to mind when you drip, Are manufacturers really that stupid?

        • Anonymous

          My cat immediately became inadequate, she vomits saliva from her mouth, and she has small convulsions, horror ...

      • Lena

        Thank you! It was only too late that I read you. How ruthless these manufacturers are, they sell poison and they also write that it is safe.

  9. Anonymous

    I have been using these drops for a long time. I have two adult cats. But in the last two applications, there is no result at all, the fleas, as they were, have remained. I use it about once every three months. They helped before...

    • Natasha

      Bars drops have been used for 5 years for both cats and dogs. No fleas, no ticks. But I definitely spray all the bedding in parallel.

      • Alexandra

        What kind of spray do you use for bedding?

      • Anonymous

        Have you used dog drops for cats?

  10. Ludmila

    Against the background of the use of Bars drops, my cat's paws failed in a day. And what it cost me to pick it up is indescribable! Be careful!

    • Makkah

      What did you do when the cat's paws stopped working? Mine can't walk either. The drops, of course, helped, the fleas disappeared.

  11. Alexandra

    They smeared the cat and the cat with Bars drops, the cat has a terrible intoxication: drooling flows in a stream and almost does not get up, and the cat hides in a corner and is in such a depressed state that it cannot be conveyed, plus it squeals quietly. Be very careful, this is a poisonous drug! I won't risk it again.

    • Anonymous

      Tell me, please, how did you cure him after intoxication? I have the same problem 🙁 The kitten is very small, he doesn’t eat for the second day, he sleeps, he staggers, and vomited yesterday.

      • Camilla

        Take it to the vet urgently, my cat died, had the same symptoms (

  12. Hope

    Same. They smeared the puppy with drops, 6 months old. And he's highly toxic. Lost a dog. I do not recommend these drops to anyone. Nobody.

  13. Eve

    This morning I treated my dog, but by the evening I had already washed it off - after the dog began to behave inappropriately (became some kind of shy), she constantly pulled me into the bath. It must have been very hot. I will not inflict this leopard on my dog ​​again!

  14. Yerkin

    Before applying the drops, the leopard washed the dog, will the drug work?

  15. Maria

    Just yesterday I bought flea drops for a cat of this brand in a pharmacy ... Not in one place ... A cat is more than 3 kg, they used a full pipette, no effect, they ran in herds and continue to run.

  16. Kseniya

    Is it possible to use a leopard for a person against lice?

    • Violet

      No, of course not ... Against lice, tar soap, solid oil and in a human pharmacy ask what they have.

      • Anonymous

        By the way, flea soap for animals helped with pubic lice.

  17. Violet

    Drops Bars for cats is the most effective and affordable remedy. After digging - yes, for the first few hours the cat itched terribly, but then grace to both the cat and me. FLEAS ARE EXTIRED!

  18. Micha

    I do not advise using these drops, my kitten does not eat, drink or move because of these drops.

  19. Julia

    I bought drops for a 3-month-old kitten. She dripped, at first there was no result, then they began to bite her, she began to itch, lick herself, in general, she behaved very restlessly! But then grace came ... )) My family has been using drops for several years, both for dogs and cats, and I will say that we are very pleased with the result!

  20. Irina

    I dripped Bars drops for cats about four hours ago, the cat is 5 months old. She behaves inappropriately, she licks herself all over and runs around the house, stops only to run her tongue over the wool, and it feels like she is about to vomit. It became scary, because before that other cats were dripping and nothing, but Baska was just feeling bad somehow. I hope it passes.

  21. Irina

    I don't know what to say about these drops. They were recommended to us by someone who is satisfied, the result is good. But I have no effect on the animal from them, maybe not immediately. Worn to the veterinarian, sleeping and lethargic, but the doctor does not associate these side effects with drops, although this is the reason.

  22. Guest

    And how do you process upholstered furniture if ticks and fleas are wound up in animals?

  23. Tatiana

    My Cocker puppy is almost a year old. I applied drops 8 hours ago.The dog feels fine and has finally stopped scratching. I'll see how long the effect of the drops will last.

  24. Olga

    Leopard - drops are good, they saved us more than once. Effective and inexpensive. The main thing is to apply according to the instructions.

  25. Svetlana

    I bought such drops for my cat and oh my God, what has been happening ... Runs around the house like crazy, yells, itches terribly and licks himself. Doesn't sit still o_o

  26. Shumka

    Yesterday I smeared a cat, the effect is zero. As it itched, so it itches.

  27. Elena

    The dog is 2 years old. Treated with Bars drops. The dog is very ill, does not eat and sleeps for a long time. You can't get to the doctor, it's too far. We don't know what to do.

  28. Marina

    She dripped drops at lunch, after a few hours she began to itch terribly, she could neither sit nor lie down. They probably bite. I'll see what happens next.

  29. Natalia

    They smeared Bars drops on their kitty for the second time. Everything is as per the instructions for animals 2-3 kg. The effect is the same - severe intoxication. Does not eat anything, is very passive, sleeps all the time, does not make contact (although usually a very tame and affectionate animal), crawls under the bathroom and does not get out. The first time when they were treated, they did not think that it was such an effect from this drug. But twice - hardly a coincidence?! It may help with fleas, but we did not notice much result. We won't be using these drops again. I do not recommend.

  30. Hera

    In the end, I don’t understand, after 48 hours the animal should be bathed or not? And another problem: a cat weighs up to 1 kg, and they dripped a whole pipette, what should I do? And three days before that, they bathed in anti-parasite shampoo, but it didn’t really help.

  31. Milan

    In the summer at the dacha, the cat managed to pick up lice.I realized this after she began to comb certain places, and her general appearance was unhealthy. Upon arrival in the city, the first thing I went to the veterinary clinic, they confirmed my guesses about lice and prescribed Bars Forte drops. The tool helped very quickly. A day later, all the symptoms were gone, and a healthy appearance returned to the cat.

  32. Anna

    I don’t like cats, but what can I do - they gave the child a present for Jam Day. Before that, we had a toy terrier and used Bars all the time. Yesterday I smeared a cat with drops, I'm waiting for the result. And about the fact that some write negative reviews, I can say that it is 50/50, it helped someone, someone did not. Animals - after all, like people, they can suffer from allergies, or simply intolerance to some component. In human pills in the instructions, as a rule, there are more side effects than positive ones. I think animals have the same situation, you just need to find what suits your pet the most.

  33. Irina

    Domestic cat managed to pick up fleas. I combed my entire chin to the point of sores. In the evening, I dripped a drop of Bars Forte onto her scruff. But the next day the cat began to twitch even more. I did not understand whether the treatment process went on, or did not help. I'm watching the cat. Does anyone know how long it will take to get a positive result?

  34. Oksana

    My cat is 12 years old. Never been outside. And then he ran out and, with a fright, ran into the basement, and froze there. While I was getting him out of there, he caught fleas, so many - just horror. I ran running after the drops of BARS and dripped on the withers. The cat was tormented all night. He scratched himself endlessly, in my opinion, did not sleep for a minute - it was so pitiful to look at him. And only by noon the next day he calmed down. I think the drops did help.It's a blessing that there is such a tool.

  35. Galina

    For the first time in 12 years of her cat life at home, the baby managed to pick up fleas in some mysterious way, it’s not at all clear how. Today Bars was applied to the withers, 5 hours have already passed, she has become nervous, does not want to get off her hands at all. It itches and washes incessantly, and all this is on me ((I would like to believe that the drops will help us. So far, the results are not visible.

    • Anonymous

      I thought it was just me. And the truth, climbs on the hands, itches. I will wait for the result...

      • Evgenia

        My cat has the same thing, she applied the leopard product during the day, and in the evening she began to drive like crazy, and constantly itches and licks. As the volunteer told me, from whom I took the cat, that the effect of the drops is three days, after three days everything will pass. For prevention, I will use these drops.

  36. Alexander

    Better not try. The strongest negative side effects, especially if the animal has a susceptibility to drugs of this kind.

  37. Tatiana

    Well, why did you read the reviews after using it? At home, an adult cat, took a kitten from the street, 4 months old. Dropped both. Three days have passed - everything is fine with the kitten (despite the fact that she took him with exhaustion), and the cat ... 2 days sick, his eyes are abnormal, he behaves strangely, he stopped talking, puffed up, inadequate, climbs under the bath, apparently wants to eat, but he can't, he doesn't drink. It was clear that intoxication, but for some reason did not connect it with "good drops". But around the same time, I also had problems with stools and a persistent, unusual taste in my mouth. And I have a habit of biting the cat's ears. Well, actually, it turned out 1 + 1, but according to reviews here - the picture is the same. So... be careful, it's hard to see your beloved animal in such a state.

    • margarita

      Choose your own ears! ))

  38. Tatiana

    And, yes, fewer fleas. Immediately after the application, apparently, they were jumping a lot, because. The cats didn't stop scratching. But the fleas remained. Although their mass exodus was after the second day. There is still hope.

  39. Marina

    I use Bars Forte because it smells less and is more effective. Its main difference from a simple Leopard is that it has a growth regulator for insects, which does not allow them to breed and kills them at all stages of development. Great stuff, in my opinion.

  40. Victoria

    A week ago I treated a kitten with drops. The kitten is normal, fleas, however, too (still live, are healthy and say hello to the manufacturers of drops).

  41. Alexandra

    Try to poison with a natural remedy, it's a pity to torment you with muck. Our cat got sick and also got fleas. They poisoned him with delicate means, but he felt bad. I bought a special shampoo - the coat improved and the fleas were gone, and for a long time. There are also safe vitamins for wool. I have a cat with a rather sensitive digestion.

  42. Valery

    To all dog lovers, good afternoon! We have been using Bars drops for the third season. Everything suited us. The dog felt good. Only one drop left from last season. Two days ago, its contents were applied to the dog's coat according to the instructions. After 1.5 - 2 hours, I, forgetting that the drug was applied, stroked the dog, and the dog, out of habit, licked my hand with which I stroked him. Less than a day later, the dog had loose stools every other time, and today he burped up saliva and bile a couple of times. This I mean that, most likely, one way or another, the drug enters the mucous membrane, and then into the blood. Of course, there is a certain percentage of animals with individual intolerance.Maybe it depends on the manufacturer. I didn't pay attention before, but now I will. This year we have already bought production facilities in Sergiev Posad, Msk. region

  43. Svetlana

    We have a very bad experience with Bars drops. They applied it to a 6-month-old cat, at first everything was fine, but after a day and a half, the cat suddenly began to have severe convulsions, he was almost suffocating. They immediately grabbed the cat and went to the veterinarian - however, they were not lucky with the choice of the veterinarian (this is a separate story) - he injected anticonvulsant and antihistamine drugs and advised him to give the animal polysorb and just wait. True, what is not clear. They got to a normal specialist after the cat became worse, fever and breathing began, and convulsions became more frequent. As a result, our cat was given a bunch of medicines in the right clinic and this dangerous state of poisoning was removed. A lot of nerves, money and time were spent. Doesn't the manufacturer need to warn the consumer about the possible consequences of anything?! I do not advise anyone to buy this product and not save on really safe products for their pets!

  44. Elena

    People, tell me, if the drops overwintered at sub-zero temperatures, are they no longer suitable? If they are still inflicted on the dog, will it be harmed?

  45. Elena

    Our house cat is just over a year old and has black patches on his chin. Everything would be fine, but the cat sleeps with the child, and we decided to take him to the vet. They said it was fleas, they rewrote drops from fleas Bars. 10 days have passed, and the effect is zero. I called the vet and she suggested that it could be acne 🙂 I think the drug is not working.

  46. Tatiana

    And we put a leopard collar on the cat, by the evening the cat became lethargic, refused to eat.Removed the collar - all gone. And we make drops - one pipette for two cats and a dog. The dog was given a full dose once, it itched for a month.

  47. Makkah

    I also dripped drops bars. He has been unable to walk for three days now. It's just very hard to walk.

  48. Valeria

    These drops were dripped on a 4-month-old bulldog, pustules began to appear on the belly, the whole belly was sprinkled, the hair along the vertebra, where the drops were dripping, reared up, changed its structure and color, bald patches appeared all over the body ... HORROR.

  49. Valentine

    My pet almost died from this drug. At first, the heartbeat became more frequent, then convulsions began, everything ended already. Fortunately, in Vita, a young veterinarian saved, gave two injections for the heart and a strong anti-allergic. So this drug is not suitable for everyone.

  50. Natalia

    Don't let the drops lick. Put on protective collars for cats for a day - and everything will be fine. And the drops must be bought at veterinary pharmacies, and not just anywhere.

  51. Valentine

    My pet (2 years old dog) also almost gave an oak from Bars. He injected a strong anti-allergic and some other injection for the heart, then he just recovered, but began to limp on his hind leg.

  52. Anonymous

    Bad drug Bars. I smeared three cats at once. Everyone itches. And it's been two weeks already - the fleas are as they were, as they are. Nonsense. And I was warned...

  53. Alla

    I'm very worried ... The kitten is 2 months old, I took him from the street with fleas, they advised BARS forte for kittens. Processed as written - ALONG THE SPINE! No one writes about the spine here. Basya became sluggish, immediately fell asleep. Woke up with scabies and licks her back as much as she can. Allergies are definitely there! Now I'm afraid of poisoning ...

  54. Anastasia

    Some kind of horror, the cat dripped less than it says in the instructions, it itches all over and runs around like crazy. Tried to wash it off, she still continues. I don’t know how it will end, I do not advise using it.

  55. Elena

    My cat is 1 year old and the cat is six months old, the cat has never had fleas, although both go outside, but the cat had. I poisoned 3 months ago with leopard drops, bought it at a pet store, everything went well and the fleas disappeared. And now they have appeared again, bought the same drops, but this time in a regular pharmacy. The second day the cat neither eats nor drinks and swears, now it is still breathing, but it does not move at all, it is clear that it will not survive. It is a pity to lose a cat, there is no way to take him to the doctor.

  56. Kristina

    And how long will the fleas be on the cat after the drops?

  57. Nyusha

    I have been using Bars drops for several years. Very efficient. Fleas disappear quickly. But a couple of times I bought a fake - there was no effect at all. Cats tolerate the drug well. From my observations: if the cat feels bad from the drops, then the first thing is that it is fake, the cat should immediately be bathed to wash off the drops, and give activated charcoal, usually 1 tablet. Secondly, this drug is not suitable for a cat. The actions are the same: bathe, give activated charcoal. And turn to a competent veterinarian.

    • Erina

      I used Bars for puppies and subsequently for an adult dog, there were no problems. Bought a kitten, British chinchilla - anaphylactic shock.

  58. Julia

    Tell me, please, is there Bars in Ukraine? I bought Barsik, they said it was the same. The answer is very urgent!

  59. Anonymous

    It's good that I read this topic ... I bought 1 pipette of BARS drops, but the saleswoman immediately laid out the instructions for use for them - they say she will need it in the future when selling the remaining capsules. Now I understand the real reason - if I read about the side effects of this "medicine" in a pharmacy, any desire to take risks would immediately disappear. NOW THIS "MIRACLE MEDICINE" IS GOING TO THE GARBAGE BASKET, because for me, it's better to let him chew them on his own for a couple of days than to regret the consequences of using the "miracle remedy" later!

  60. Ivan

    How many hours do you have to wait for a cat to finally start licking itself? And then he yells, but we do not let him out of our hands.

  61. Alina

    How long will it take to take effect? I drank last night, and in the morning he itches all over like I don’t know who. I see dead fleas on the wool, but partly all the rest run on it.

  62. Anonymous

    We live in a private house. Kitten 3.5 months. Dripped behind the ears and on the withers, so as not to lick off. After 5 minutes, she began to run like crazy, rolled in the sand and earth, became all dirty, itches, licks. But nothing, runs and plays as usual. Hope the drops help.

  63. Elena

    Well I do not know. I have a Pekingese prone to allergies. We suffer from fleas every summer. I tried a bunch of various drugs on a poor animal, and eventually returned to Bars. It will itch for a couple of days until the drops work, and then we don’t know grief, at least a month. I think it's just individual intolerance and the quality of the drug has nothing to do with it.

  64. Lana

    We first bathed the cat in flea shampoo, because there were a lot of fleas! Just darkness! Some of the fleas washed off when bathing.Then they waited 5-7 days (because it is impossible to apply flea remedies on clean skin) and dripped with Bars for cats, in a dosage according to the instructions. They dripped on the neck at several points in its upper part, because the cat is very fidgety and gets far when licked. The drug helped us, there were no fleas for a long time, then they appeared again - most likely due to a change of residence. We continue to use it periodically, but for a month the action is enough for sure.

  65. Tatiana

    I have been using drops for 6 years (I have a dog) on ​​the recommendation of a veterinarian. I treat every 2 weeks + a collar (albeit from a different company) and a spray during the season of tick activity. There are no complaints. However, according to the doctor, there are a lot of fakes now, so it must be taken in trusted stores.

  66. Maria

    Inflicted (to a shepherd dog two years old) Leopard from fleas and ticks. The dog rushes about, is it supposed to be like that?

  67. Rysakov

    Our cat, after the Bars drops, began to scratch her head endlessly - then one ear scratches, then immediately the other. One flea crawled out on my nose and disappeared again, and another jumped on my hand, then on the floor.

  68. Alexander

    How long does it take for fleas to disappear? Or are they just running away? The day has passed, the cat itches with a vengeance.

  69. Ivan

    Normal tool. There were no side effects in either dogs or cats. The main thing is not to let the wool be licked for 30 minutes, and if the owner has time, then an hour. Play with the animal to distract. When you apply the drug to the animal, the insects begin to actively run (knock down), hence the anxiety.

  70. Daria

    A very good tool. Not the first year we use from fleas for dogs and cats.Also good for lice for people - just spray on the head, rubbing lightly, and on infested things. Any Bars is suitable for people.

  71. Julia

    And how many drops to drip on a young cat?

  72. Irina

    If anyone is afraid to use these drops, you can try a simple method, especially for kittens (read). One kilogram of ordinary table salt dissolves in warm water, then it all dissolves in another 10 liters of water. And bathe the kitten in the solution for 5-7 minutes. The fleas are leaving. Try...


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