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Flea collars for cats and kittens

Last update: 2022-05-16
≡ Article 61 has a comment
  • Natalya: We took the fleas out of the carpet with a small "Mashenka". Drawn a line...
  • Nastya: Natasha, the cat probably died because he was poisoned. After all, oshein...
  • Sasha: There are no cats, but there are fleas. How to get rid? Already tried everything...
See bottom of page for details

Let's talk about flea collars for cats

Of all the antiparasitic agents, the flea collar for cats managed to gain fame as the easiest to use and safest for the animal. Indeed, what could be simpler: I bought a flea collar, put it on a pet and forgot about insects, and about the continuous scabies in the animal, and about the danger of infection with worms.

Most cat owners sincerely believe that a flea collar repels insects only by smell and is therefore completely safe for animals and people.

Is it really?


How a flea collar works

In fact, fundamentally flea collars are no different from drops, sprays and shampoos. They destroy and repel fleas with the same insecticidal poisons that are found in other antiparasitic drugs, and therefore cannot be considered either safer or less allergenic.

Flea collars contain insecticides and repellents

The essence of the work of such a miracle of veterinary thought lies in the fact that the insecticide with which the collar is impregnated poisons the fleas that sit on it and scares off those that are on any part of the animal's body with its smell.Judging by the reviews of users who had the good fortune to observe how such collars work on fleas, in case of a serious infection of the animal, immediately after putting the remedy on it, the fleas begin to scatter en masse from the cat, and within half an hour or an hour there are no adult insects left on the cat.

But against the larvae and eggs of fleas, the cat collar is ineffective. At least due to the fact that the larvae suffering from the smell of an insecticide simply physically cannot leave the animal. They, one might say, achieve starvation: as soon as the larva in such an unhealthy environment turns into an adult insect, it will immediately try to escape from the animal.

flea eggs

The action of the flea collar is also good for its versatility: such devices work well both for ridding the animal of parasites and for preventing infection with them. Not a single flea will jump from an attractive, shabby and dirty street cat to a glowing house cat with a “nightmare tape” around its neck. That is why the forums of cat lovers are literally bursting with an abundance of posts about how well a flea collar helps.


“Every summer in a private house, the cat starts to itch, and I find fleas in his hair. It's disgusting. But it is enough to buy a blue collar on the Bird, put it on and boldly let the cat out into the yard. All the old fleas get away from him, but the new ones do not jump in. The main thing is not to wear it at home, otherwise these small creatures will start biting you at night.

Inna, Moscow

On a note…

A collar for cats and cats from fleas is first of all a collar, and only then - “from fleas”. When worn on a cat, it will definitely let the stray animal trapping teams know that someone's pet is in front of them. And such protection is sometimes much more important than protection from some insects ...


Terms of use and precautions

Instructions for using flea collars are quite simple: the product is taken out of the package, unfastened, put on the cat and fastened so that it fits snugly on the pet's neck, but does not cause him discomfort. If the product is removed for a while, it should be packed in a plastic bag so that it does not exhale.

Example of a flea collar

Different cat flea collars work for different times. The standard product effectiveness period is two months, but some American and German products remain effective for 6-7 months.

In addition to fleas, these products can repel ticks, lice and withers, but of all this brethren, fleas are the least resistant. But against, for example, ixodid ticks, such a collar is usually effective for no more than one month.

On a note

There is evidence that some domestic companies produce very harsh flea and tick collars for cats, some of which can harm not only parasites, but also the animals themselves, causing them to have allergic reactions and dermatitis. The reason for this lies in the fact that often the manufacturer does not particularly bother about the delicacy of the work of the product, using standard insecticides for cattle to fill it. Therefore, supporting a domestic manufacturer, you should choose a flea and tick collar for cats that is at least tested by other users, recommended by veterinarians and is not in the minimum price category.

When using a collar, do not use other insecticidal flea preparations: a synergistic effect may affect the condition of the animal. And in general, individual cats can react to such protection with an allergic reaction, hair loss and even skin diseases. This is not evidence of the toxicity of the collar, but only a sign that this particular brand is not suitable for a particular cat.


“This summer we bought a fashionable American Hartz collar. The cat regularly carried it all season and never scratched, but after I took this miracle out of the package and put it on Rinka, it sprinkled and a runny nose appeared. The cat had to be left outside overnight, because if she went into the bedroom, my nose would swell and I could not sleep. Allergy, in short. Although there were definitely no fleas.

Anna, Ryazan

You can choose the collar that suits your pet from a large number of products on the market. Let's take a look at some of the more popular ones.


What are the most effective flea and tick collars?


Flea Collars Hartz

Hartz is considered a "star" collar and most cat breeders are guided by its effectiveness as a standard. Fleas, lice and ticks really die from it very quickly. In addition, the manufacturer has managed to make his product resistant to getting wet: even when wet, it continues to actively destroy parasites.

Flea collar for Hartz cats

The price of a Hartz collar starts from 100 rubles, depending on the model. The beauty of the wide range of this company is the ability to choose the option that is ideal for a particular cat. Hartz does not make flea collars for kittens and the minimum age at which a cat can be awarded this flea collar is 3 months.


“I don’t know, I don’t recognize anything but Hartz.I've tried both Bolfo (expensive) and Befar (expiring too quickly), but Hartz is the real sweet spot. In general, buy boldly, your fluffy will definitely not have fleas.

Lana, Moscow


Bolfo: flea collars for cats

Bolfo products also feature water resistance and the division of models according to the weight of the animal. But in general, these funds are more expensive and more prestigious: the price of one flea collar is 200 rubles.

Bolfo - flea collar for cats

True, it lasts for a period of 4 months (for protection against ticks - 2.5), and therefore its profitability is the same as that of Hartz.


Collar Beaphar

The effectiveness of Beaphar is achieved through the use of a natural plant insecticide - margosa extract. This substance is safe for cats and therefore Beaphar also actively produces flea collars for kittens that can be worn on a baby at the age of one and a half months. At the same time, the effectiveness of such eco-collars is comparable to the effectiveness of Hartz or Bolfo products.

Flea and tick collar for cats Beaphar

Flea and tick collar for kittens Beaphar

Interestingly, the price of Beaphar products is only 64 rubles, which makes it the leader among the most famous products in terms of cost and result.


“In the kennel, the biggest problem was to protect the sphinxes from fleas. All our cats wear collars in the summer, and therefore move freely around the enclosures. Sphynxes, on the other hand, suffer from fleas more than other cats, but the standard Hartz ones cause irritation in them. Our caretaker found a way out: his housemate dressed the sphinx in Befar collars, and they never had irritations. We tried, evaluated the effectiveness and now we have transferred the entire nursery to Befar.”

Marina Tomilina, Tomsk

On a note

Craftsmen have learned how to make anti-flea collars from natural preparations with their own hands.For this, a flannel ribbon is taken and soaked in a mixture of lavender, thyme and eucalyptus oils. After that, the flannel, without wringing, is slightly dried in the sun and put on the animal.


Bars collar

An interesting domestic product, in some ways confidently giving odds to foreign counterparts. At least in price and availability - for sure. However, even for 45 rubles, this collar pleases many cat lovers with its effectiveness and the absence of side effects in animals.

Leopard - insect-acaricidal collar for cats

Perfectly suited primarily to domestic cats, only occasionally sticking their nose out into the street.


Collar Doctor Zoo: cheapness and simplicity

In fact, Doctor Zoo is an analogue of Barsik. It costs about the same, its validity period does not exceed two months, and at the same time it has practically no reviews about allergic reactions in cats. So you can safely use it.

Collar against fleas and ticks Doctor Zoo


“We have tried many collars. The most effective are Bolfo. You don't need to take them off all summer long. But expensive. But Doctor Zoo is simpler, but it costs a penny. Each cat has two collars for the season, and if she does not spend the night in the hayloft, then the means work perfectly.

Peter, Gus-Khrustalny

But the main thing to stay away from is Chinese collars that are very attractive in price and not at all scary for fleas. Today they are rapidly flooding the market, but users from such miracles of industry from the Middle Kingdom are spitting especially actively. Therefore, if you really protect your pet from parasites, then do not save on this.


An interesting illustrative example of the work of a flea collar


Last update: 2022-05-16

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Collars against fleas for cats and kittens" 61 comments
  1. Yana

    Hello. I have a British kitten, I bought him a collar from fleas and ticks "Celandine", put it on, and the kitten itches all over, the poor suffers, tell me is it always like this? Or is it better to remove this collar. Please tell me, I can not watch how he suffers (((

    • dormouse

      It is better to remove the collar and see a doctor.

    • Nurishka

      Leave it alone, he'll get used to it. I also have a kitten. And tell me, please, and since you bought the collar?

    • Elena

      The same theme from the collar "Celandine". The cat itches right under it.

    • Anonymous

      Jan does not need to be removed, he itches because fleas come out of his fur!

  2. Ludmila

    I bought a cat an expensive Dutch flea and tick collar BIO Band from Beaphad. We arrived at the cottage. I took the collar out of the package and put it on. Result: in the evening on the cat, on the neck under the collar, I found 2 ticks. Batch number 284373, expiration date until 08/15/2017. The question is, why such a collar?

    • Evgenia

      All collars begin to work after about 5 days. Therefore, collars, like drops, must be worn in advance.

  3. Alina

    We have a Doctor Zoo collar, we put it on around 16:00! We go to the cottage at 20:00. The collar will work!

  4. Alina

    It is simply written in the instructions that the collar will work somewhere in 3-5 hours.

  5. Ira

    Hello, this is the problem!
    The cat is domestic and we rarely walk, but when we go outside, we smear ourselves with celandine on the withers.
    Now we are at the dacha in the village, and this “smearing” does not help him, because the cat continues to itch. Bought a collar against ticks and fleas (odorless). Tell me: do you need to wear it without taking it off?

    • Anonymous

      You need to wear the collar continuously, not taking it off either at night or just to rest from the collar.

    • Sabina

      Nowadays, fleas can die from unpleasant odors from collars, so it’s better to buy a collar, albeit with a smell, but it will be more effective)) I have this problem: I sleep, fleas bite at night, I don’t notice, and in the morning I get up - legs scratched, bitten. Even on the street short shorts are ashamed to go out. We bought collars for cats and dripped a capsule, and washed the floors with the drug - all to no avail. Let's wash the carpets and bedspreads, clean them, maybe then it will help. Still, tell me what to do to be effective, otherwise all the legs are already bitten. Already through the clothes they bite the back, legs, neck, hands. Help me please!

      • Anonymous

        Fleas can live not only in carpets, but also in sofas and armchairs. We had it. We got rid of it with the help of wormwood (you need to pick it up and arrange it in bunches around the apartment). Soon you will see the effect, they will stop biting you and these bastards will disappear.

        • Anonymous

          Thanks for the advice. And then they themselves found themselves in the same situation, fleas bit their daughter's legs.

        • Anonymous

          Yes, but you didn’t write that wormwood must be bitter, only fleas are afraid of it.

      • Anonymous

        Wash the floor with ammonia, the fleas will be gone.

        • Olga

          Thanks for the timely advice!

      • Anonymous

        Are you completely crazy? Fleas don't bite people. And I’ll also say that they don’t jump on people at all, it’s either linen lice, or you need to wash more often.

        • Anonymous

          These are earthen fleas, they just bite. Why immediately throw insults? Nate you in response - you are an illiterate person.

    • Nastya

      You can remove it, just keep the packaging and put it there.

  6. Nurishka

    I have a kitten, so I want to buy a collar. Are there beautiful collars with a pendant for a kitten?

  7. Anonymous

    Wormwood, lavender, lemon - there will be no fleas.

  8. Tatiana

    Thank you for the article

  9. Natalia

    And our BARS costs 150 rubles.

  10. Sabina

    Also tell me how to get rid of lice quickly at home, does henna hair coloring help, what to use? For almost 2 months I can’t get my sister out ((

    • Anonymous

      The pharmacy sells drugs that can treat the sister's head, very effective.

    • Victoria

      Sabina, the pharmacy sells inexpensive, but very effective water "Chemerichnaya". Helps the first time. Good luck!

    • Anonymous

      Not a single paint, especially henna, will help against lice. Special anti-pediculosis drugs are sold in pharmacies. They will tell you which ones are available.

    • Agdas

      3 liters of water + 1 tablespoon of vinegar, and that's it. In the construction team, this was the only way to save themselves. Rinse your hair and all living creatures kaput.

    • Elena

      Mix 70 ml of medical pharmacy alcohol and 30 ml of table vinegar (9%, by no means an essence). Apply this mixture to your hair and close with a bag. Wait 1-3 hours, then rinse, combing out with a thick comb.

  11. Svetlana

    I like phytodoc! Affordable price, good quality, does not tear, does not fly off, and most importantly does not stink!

  12. Marina

    I have a cat and her kitten.He is almost 3 months old, but we live in a private house. I see he has fleas, and the cat has a collar. I bought a collar for him too, but I'm afraid the mother cat washes it. Isn't it scary, won't my cat get poisoned?

  13. Julia

    Hello! The kitten was picked up on the street, it was noticeable from him that he had been thrown out not so long ago, he was still quite clean. We bought him with a special shampoo, bought a collar. Only, in my opinion, he began to itch even more often. From what can it be?

  14. Anya

    I bought DoctorZoo, there are no fleas, but something similar to a runny nose appeared, it flows from the nose. The cat, British, is quite mature. It’s a pity for him, I think, maybe take it off, because there are no fleas anymore. At the same time I will check whether the collar is allergic.

  15. Olya

    I bought a collar for a kitten, already wearing it for 2 weeks. Before putting on, I bought flea shampoo, but it itches anyway. When I run my hand against the wool, I don’t see fleas! It often happens on the street (during the day), mom is a cat without a collar. The question is: doesn't a collar repel fleas?

    • Marina

      When you use antiparasitic agents, you need to wash 3 days before treatment, or 3 days after, otherwise there will be no effectiveness. If you have several animals at home, then ALL of them must be processed and protected, because otherwise the fleas find another unprotected "victim".

  16. Anonymous

    We bought a collar with a smell for a cat, and she with a kitten who is one month old. Will the collar hurt him?

  17. Gennady

    The cat lambed for kittens - is it possible to put a flea collar on it?

  18. Denis

    Hello, please help. Today the girl took the kitten home, quite a baby. She has fleas and some kind of creature that looks like a vlosoed. Perhaps there are worms, how can I rid the baby of parasites? Can I wash with a special shampoo and put on a collar? I want to sterilize her and not let her go outside.I feel very sorry for her. Please give me some good advice!

  19. Katerina

    Hello. Bought a beaphar flea and tick collar for my cat. We took it out of the package and immediately smelled a terrible smell. But since our cat lives on the street, we thought that the smell would disappear. Nothing like this. After 5 days, all the fur came off the cat's neck and the skin under the collar became very red. The collar was immediately removed and thrown away. It's been 2 weeks and the hair hasn't even started to grow. Tell me, please, what should we do?

  20. Nastya

    I have a cat, she is 3 years old and her name is Kasia. I'm moving into a mansion. Can you tell me if this collar works? And will it be possible to let Kasya out on the street?

  21. Natasha

    Could an adult cat die from a collar? .. Literally dressed recently. He walked with him for 5 days and died. But before that, he tasted it.

    • Anonymous

      What kind of collar was it?

    • Nastya

      Natasha, the cat probably died because he was poisoned. After all, the collar is designed to poison fleas, and not to poison cats. But if the cat tastes it, it will naturally get poisoned!

  22. Svetlana

    Our cat, a Briton, got fleas literally after a walk in the entrance, he does not go outside. We live in Germany. The pet store gave us goods for 50 euros! Spray for the whole apartment, ointment and drops. Everyone left the apartment for 4 hours, while the spray "self" processed the apartment. Nothing! No ointment, no powder, no drops - zero effect. A friend recommended a collar. Three days later, the cat began to grow hair again where he combed it out, the fleas disappeared. The only danger of the collar is if the cat jumps from a height. She can catch them on the door, window sill, etc.And I’ll add, from effective info about the British. They, like many purebred cats, are allergic to beef and wheat. It itched a lot too. I thought fleas. A friend advised me to exclude both from the diet, and the fur is again fluffy, silvery.

    • Olga

      Noted, thanks!

  23. Larisa

    We can’t get fleas out, no matter what we tried, we get them out - they appear in three days, they are already exhausted. And the remedy in the pharmacy is very expensive, and it is harmful for the child. Help.

  24. Asya

    Please tell me, the collar will not affect the health of a small kitten? He is only 2 months old.

  25. Olga

    Treat the animal with Dana Ultra spray, and then put on the Dana collar too, there will be no more relapse. This is how I treat my pets from parasites, and then I put on collars for everyone and it turns out excellent prevention, no parasite lingers.

    • Anonymous

      I also bought a Dana collar for my cat. Fleas are gone...

  26. Elena

    Tell me, please, we bought a Beaphar collar for kittens for a cat. It's been a week now and the fleas are running around just like before. Maybe the cat collar is too weak? Previously, on other cats, only this company's collar was used and the result was always excellent!

  27. Anonymous

    "Mugwort, lavender, lemon - there will be no fleas." And if you tie these herbs instead of a collar, will the fleas run away?

  28. Sabina

    I have a small kitten. And I will buy a collar only tomorrow! What if they don't work right away? I'm afraid something will catch on.

    • Marina

      Kittens wear a collar only from 2 months. If you have 2 months or more, then you can dress calmly.If you want it to start acting faster, then buy flea drops, they are also dripped onto the withers from only 2 months. Drops are distributed with sebum during the day. It is NOT RECOMMENDED to wash 3 days BEFORE treatment and 3 days after.

  29. Andrew

    "Doctor Zoo" is bullshit, don't buy this bullshit. Complete nonsense, this collar does not help. Even under it, fleas live and breed. If you think that fleas are like: “Ugh, what a disgusting thing, let's get out of here,” then you are mistaken.

  30. Anonymous

    If you put a collar on a cat, then you can’t leave it at home?

  31. Love

    I put on a collar for a 5-month-old kitten. Wore a week. I don't see fleas, but the kitten itches. Withdrew.

  32. Nika

    There are two cats in the house (with walking in the country on weekends). Put on collars, and they lick each other and collars ...

  33. Nina

    Do I need to wash my cat before using the collar? Our beauty comes home to eat and sleep. The store said it was!

  34. Sasha

    There are no cats, but there are fleas. How to get rid? Already tried everything.

  35. Natalia

    We took the fleas out of the carpet with a small "Mashenka". We drew lines along the contour and along the diagonals on the back of the carpet / rug. And, of course, a vacuum cleaner to help, only you need to clean it immediately after cleaning, and definitely not in the house.


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