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Blochnet products for cats and dogs: reviews and instructions for use

Last update: 2022-05-31
≡ Article has 115 comments
  • Violet: Amazed by the comments... And honestly, it's hard to believe...
  • Tatyana: The drug, apparently, is not bad, the cat (Thai) stopped itching, but ...
  • Elena: 4 days ago I treated the cat with a flea spray, put on a blanket, h...
See bottom of page for details

We get acquainted with the Blochnet line of preparations for fighting fleas in cats and dogs

Blochnet insecticides are designed to eliminate almost all insects that parasitize domestic dogs and cats, but their main target is fleas.

Blochnet preparations effectively destroy not only fleas, but also other ectoparasites of pets

The Blochnet line of products includes various types of products that allow you to choose the best drug for an animal of almost any breed and age (with the exception of very small kittens and puppies). In the instructions for Blochnet, the manufacturer guarantees the protection of the animal from fleas, ticks and withers for a month after treatment with any preparation of the line.

The instructions for Blochnet preparations say that they are able to destroy, in addition to fleas, also ticks and lice.

It is noteworthy that with a high level of effectiveness against parasites, the drug is at the same time quite safe to use: in cats and dogs, Blochnet rarely causes side effects, which is confirmed by numerous reviews of pet owners.


“Fleas have always been a problem for our dog, no matter what the means. My terrier Ace tried on himself, probably, all preparations for fleas of foreign and Russian production, but because of constant walks, he regularly catches new parasites.A friend advised me to buy Blochnet for dogs, although I, frankly, treated it as another widely advertised drug and did not really believe in it. But still I decided to buy, since the price of Blochnet turned out to be quite normal in comparison with foreign analogues. It turned out to be a very pleasant surprise that the drug really worked and helped solve our problem with fleas, now Tuzik has practically no fleas. By the way, I really liked that, unlike other anti-flea products, Blochnet has a pleasant smell.

Ruslan, Minsk


Blochnet line of drugs

Blohnet preparations were developed by the Russian research and production company SKiFF, which today is considered one of the leaders in research in domestic veterinary medicine. These products are designed to treat fleas, ticks, lice and some other pet parasites.

Most often, Blochnet products are used by pet owners to combat fleas.

The Blochnet line of products includes:

  • Drops on the withers for dogs Blochnet. There are five different preparations in the form of drops - for dogs weighing up to 10 kg, from 10 to 20 kg, from 20 to 30 kg, from 30 to 40 kg and drops for cats. After rubbing, Blochnet is absorbed into the skin and spreads throughout the body with blood flow through the subcutaneous capillaries. After that, fleas and ticks either die by biting the pet, or do not attack him at all, being afraid of the smell of the insecticide that the animal's skin exudes. Blochnet drops against ticks and fleas in dogs
  • Spray Blochnet for dogs and cats, designed for a one-time treatment of animal hair. It is used in cases where the animal is allergic to insecticides, since with this application the drug does not enter the bloodstream. Spray Blochnet for the treatment of dogs and cats
  • Blohnet Max drops are a separate line of drugs manufactured by Astrapharma.The line duplicates the drops on the withers of Blochnet, but the composition of these drops has become more modern, effective and safe. As in the Blochnet line, in the Blochnet Max assortment there are 4 types of drops for dogs of different weights, as well as drops on the withers for cats. Drops Blohnet Max have an improved composition compared to the usual version of the drug

All of these agents have shown fairly high efficacy against ectoparasites in animals, however, it must be borne in mind that a particular pet may not be suitable for a separate drug, since he may be allergic to a particular substance.


Active substances and the principle of action of funds

Blochnet drops for cats and dogs contain several active ingredients: fipronil, benzyl benzoate and dimethyl phthalate. This combination of several active ingredients at once allows you to enhance the overall toxic effect of the drug on parasites, as well as not only destroy insects already on the body, but also scare away new ones.

The combination of several insecticides at once in Blochnet products allows not only to destroy existing, but also to scare away new parasites.

Factory packaging involves the packaging of the drug in dropper bottles of 1, 2, 3 and 4 ml, which are packed in transparent factory boxes. Depending on the weight of the animal to be treated, the appropriate bottle is used: for cats and dogs weighing up to 10 kg - 1 ml, for dogs weighing from 10 to 20 kg - 2 ml, and so on with the calculation of 1 ml per 10 kg of animal body weight.

The amount of drug used to remove fleas depends on the weight of the animal.

Blochnet Max preparations differ from the original Blochnet only in that they contain diethyltoluamide and juvemon instead of dimethyl phthalate.

On a note

Studies have shown that the more components in the preparation against parasites, the less likely it is for insects to develop resistance to it. Therefore, for the treatment of animals, it is always recommended to use complex means.

As the instruction and reviews on Blochnet drops confirm, the remedy has a powerful detrimental effect on blood-sucking parasites such as fleas, lice, ticks. At the same time, fipronil and benzyl benzoate block the transmission of nerve impulses in parasites, leading to complete paralysis of the insect and subsequent death. At the same time, dimethyl phthalate is intended primarily for repelling insects.

Insecticides in Blochnet drops cause rapid paralysis and death of fleas

All preparations of the Blochnet line (for cats and dogs) are moderately dangerous to use, and owner reviews confirm the infrequent occurrence of side effects. In most cases, these drops, like Blochnet Max, do not have an irritating, sensitizing and pronounced toxic effect on pets.


Blochnet and Blochnet Max drops contain no permethrin, which can often be found in alternative flea preparations. This insecticide is toxic enough for cats that the manufacturers of Blochnet chose not to use it at all.

Blochnet has been successfully used to treat ear scabies. In this case, you should first completely clean the ear canal of the animal, then drip the drug into each ear and massage well to evenly distribute the liquid.

Blochnet can also be used to treat ear mange in animals.

With complications and otitis, you need to additionally take anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents. When treating the ears, as well as other paired organs, it is necessary to instill the medicine in both ears at once.


How to sanitize an animal?

When applying drops to the withers, the liquid from the bottle is applied to the skin of the animal below the back of the head and carefully rubbed with fingers.After that, it is advisable to protect the animal from communicating with other cats or dogs for several hours - they can lick off the remnants of the drug from their fur and skin in the game.

After applying Blochnet, care should be taken to prevent it from being licked off the animal's fur.

One animal needs to apply all the liquid from the pipette. It is only important to choose the right drug in accordance with the weight of the pet. So, for example, Blochnet for dogs of different breeds weighing less than 10 kg, it is necessary to instill 1 ml of the drug, from 10 to 20 kg - 2 ml, from 20 to 30 kg - 3 ml and then 1 ml for every 10 kg of weight pet body.

On a note

If a tick attached to the skin is found, a drop of the drug is applied to the parasite, which in this case disappears on its own after 15-20 minutes.

If a Blochnet mite is found, it should be applied directly to the parasite.

For cats of different breeds, the following dosages are observed:

  • cat weight less than 5 kg - 0.5 ml (15 drops)
  • with an animal weighing more than five kilograms - 1 ml.

Spraying a dog or cat is more difficult. It is advisable to do this together: one person holds the pet by the head, and the other applies the spray. The more fully the animal is processed, the more likely it will be that all parasites will die.

When treating an animal with a spray, avoid getting the drug into the eyes and mouth of the pet.


I got a dog, I read a lot of information on dog forums about the side effects of flea remedies. I decided to consult with a familiar veterinarian, he told me about the effect of various flea drugs and recommended Blochnet. The price of Blochnet spray turned out to be quite reasonable, which served as another choice factor in its favor. I have no complaints about the quality of the drug, it suited my dog ​​well and saved her from fleas.

Vyacheslav, Kurgan

It is important to ensure that the spray does not get into the eyes of the pet during processing. After applying the spray, it is advisable not to wash it off for as long as possible.If no side effects are noticed, the animal should not be bathed. It is also important to spray the bed or bedding on which the pet is resting.


Safety and contraindications

Blochnet preparations are quite safe for pets. In exceptional cases, their use may cause side effects: lacrimation, vomiting, profuse salivation, skin redness and muscle tremor. If at least a few of these symptoms appear, the use of Blochnet should be discontinued, the animal should be well bathed under running water and a veterinarian should be consulted.

Blochnet spray and drops, like other anti-flea preparations, should not be treated with lactating and pregnant females, kittens under the age of 12 weeks and puppies up to 10 weeks.

According to the instructions, Blochnet products are not intended for kittens, puppies and pregnant females.

Within 2 days after the treatment of the animal with a spray, it is not recommended to let it near children and stroke it. But after applying drops to the withers, you can play with your pet in a few hours.


My cat Mary was probably the most flea-ridden, I had to brush her constantly. She did not tolerate flea preparations very well: her eyes were watering, there was an urge to vomit. In the veterinary pharmacy, we were recommended to try the new Russian remedy Blohnet max, the price of which suited me. After applying it, I no longer see fleas and Mary feels great, this drug suited her. I think that Blochnet should be bought and kept in the medicine cabinet for every cat owner.

Marina, Pskov

In cases where Blochnet preparations cause an allergy in an animal or if parasites need to be removed from small kittens and puppies, alternative means can be used: Frontline and Stronghold drops - for adult animals, Rolf Club and Dr.Zoo for dogs and cats with particularly sensitive skin, Frontline and Hearts sprays for puppies. And in very small cubs, fleas need to be combed out with a comb - this will ensure the guaranteed safety of the kids.


The main mistakes made by the owners of animals when treating them from fleas (on the example of the drug Blochnet)


Useful video on the right choice of flea products for pets


How to properly clean your cat's ears to prevent ear diseases


Last update: 2022-05-31

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Blokhnet products for cats and dogs: reviews and instructions for use" 115 comments
  1. Anna

    I dripped 5 drops of BlochNet max on the withers of the cat. She started screaming wildly and trying to lick off the product and she did it. She climbed onto the closet and scratched the place where the product was applied with her hind paw, and then licked her paw. As a result, her tongue became numb (then she had to be soldered with water using cotton wool). She also growled and hissed, generally behaved wildly. When I finally managed to drive her out of the closet, I saw why she was behaving like that.There were burns in places where the product dripped! I had fallen hair in my hands. And only 5 minutes passed. The cat meowed wildly. In the bathroom, I washed off the product. Then I threw this BlochNet in the trash.

    • Sergey

      Hello Anna!
      Your appeal caused us great concern. There were no similar cases with the formation of burns after the use of BlochNet max in our practice.

      The results of toxicological and clinical trials of the drug show that the components of BlochNet max do not irritate intact skin. Perhaps, in your case, an acute increased individual reaction of the animal to the components of the drug was manifested.

      You can call us at the hotline in Moscow: +7(495) 980-22-70, or at the general phone +7(495) 785-83-50 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 18:00.

      Our dialogue will help us, as a manufacturer, work further to improve the quality and safety of the drug.

      Sincerely, Sergey Parkhomenko, veterinarian at NVP Astrapharm

      • Katerina

        Your drug is for the extermination of rodents, not for the treatment of cats. It turned out a hole on the head (the wool fell out), we will write a claim.

    • Kseniya

      According to the instructions, she poured 1 ml of the drug into a one-year-old domestic Maine Coon, the cat, probably, tried to lick himself like crazy for a day, and itched. On the 4th day, I saw that at the site of treatment the sores and baldness were either an allergy or a burn (the symptoms are very similar to the description from the first review).

      • Elena

        I also treated the dog, it has been itching for 4 days, just awful. I will never buy, always leopard.

  2. Oleg

    Our dog died from this remedy, although the instructions say: dogs from 30-40 kg should be used once, our German shepherd had 42 kg and we used half a tube, after which she died within 5 days in terrible agony. What we just did not do: we made droppers and washed, but all in vain. I would like to warn the owners that they should not be visited by such grief as us. It says there - individual intolerance is possible, I think this way they relieve themselves of responsibility for possible consequences. Want to experiment with your pet? Survive - good, but if not?

    • Sergey

      Hello! We sympathize with your loss of a pet. We inform you that the instructions indicate: before the first use of the drug to prevent the development of symptoms of individual hypersensitivity, it is recommended to conduct a sensitivity test, prescribing the drug in a reduced dose.
      I would like to find out all the circumstances of what happened. Tell us in more detail: in which pet store (at what address) did you purchase the drug, what date was indicated on it as an expiration date?
      Also, if you contacted a veterinarian because the animal was not feeling well, please state the address, name of the veterinary clinic and the name of the attending physician.

      Sincerely yours, veterinarian NVP "Astrapharm"

      • Elena

        My cat also had a burn on the spot and the hair fell out. Horror, what is it! And the veterinarian treats her for food allergies! Tell me, how to smear the burn site so that she does not comb it and heals?

  3. Elizabeth

    I dripped Blochnet for my dog ​​for treatment (the fleas got stuck a month after treatment with another remedy), a mongrel dog at the age of 11 months, its weight is 15 kg. For her, I needed 2 ml of the drug. All such drugs must first be checked for tolerance, dropped 1 drop on the withers and waited an hour. The dog's state of health has not changed, and I have dripped a full dose.
    The dog felt great and stopped itching after about two days. The drug literally saved us from the invasion of fleas and it is pleasant to apply it - it smells delicious. I do not trust any other means as much as Blochnet, and veterinarians respond very well to this remedy.

  4. Elena

    I applied Blochnet on a large dog and I liked that the mites immediately after treatment began to crawl out of the coat and die. Is it possible to process your clothes before going to the forest? There is no such result from store-bought preparations for ticks, and the ticks dig in, even if they are covered all over. But Blochnet kills ticks. Is it highly toxic to humans if treated with clothing?

    • Sergey

      Clothes can be processed, the drug for adults who do not suffer from allergic diseases is non-toxic when processing clothes.

  5. Alyona

    We have a dachshund (2.5 years old), in his first spring they treated him with Bars drops, there was no end to the ticks, he was all strewn with them, and they do not fall off, they pour. At the beginning of the summer of the same year, near a dacha in a small town, I bought Blochnet spray (when I realized that Leopard was not effective for us), on the advice of the sellers from the pet store. Remained satisfied! Since that time, only two ticks have been caught in two years. Naturally, I'm delighted. Moreover, the dog is prone to various allergies.The only negative is that after spray treatment, the specific smell remains on the dog for 2-3 days.

  6. Alyona

    I just bought drops on the withers of flea net, but after reading the comments I'm afraid to even drip the dog ((

    • Catherine

      You can try in test mode to check if your dog has allergies. Put one drop on her withers and wait an hour. Then check the reaction on the skin and the well-being of the dog. If everything is OK, give the full dose 🙂 I did this with the cat.

  7. Irina

    I did the treatment with my pet, the result: the next day the coat was all reared up. Allergy went all over the body. Be very careful and consult your veterinarian!

    • Sergey

      Hello! It is a pity that you experienced difficulties in connection with the treatment of your pet for fleas. Your experience is important to us. Tell us in more detail, please, in which pet store you purchased the drug (address and name of the store). Please indicate what was the expiration date on the package. How much does your pet weigh, how many drops did you drip on the withers? In order to understand this problem, it is important for us to know which veterinary clinic you contacted with your pet. If applied, please indicate the address of the clinic and the name of the attending physician.

      Sincerely yours, veterinarian NVP "Astrapharm"

  8. Anonymous

    We have been driving fleas to the dog for the third year with Blochnet, no side effects or allergies have arisen. I drip on the skin around the withers and along the back, it helps for 2 months, then I have to drip again.

  9. Anastasia

    My cat is now in pain dying from the spray. Time has been lost. When I turned to the clinic for help on the same day (salivation and tremor), I was convinced that this condition was normal after using the drug and everything would pass soon.By nightfall, a day after the application, the cat was paralyzed. Doctors say that it's too late to save.

    • Sergey

      Hello! We are sorry for the loss of your pet. Your experience is important to us. Tell us in more detail, please, in which pet store you purchased the drug (address and name of the store), expiration date of the drug. At what dose was Blochnet used for the cat, the weight of the cat? In order to understand this problem, it is important for us to know which veterinary clinic you applied to. Please indicate the address of the clinic and the name of the attending physician.

      Sincerely yours, veterinarian NVP "Astrapharm"

  10. Anna

    Blochnet is a very toxic drug! After reading the instructions, I realized that these were not vitamins, but that there would be such tragic consequences after application, it never occurred to me! The instructions say: pregnant and lactating use with caution. And it should be written "forbidden". And indicate how long before mating it is possible to use. I treated my dog ​​with drops of 0-10 kg, after a few days, bumps appeared on her back, where I dripped. I made an appointment with the vet, but they went away within 3-4 days. After 3 weeks, she had a mating, the dog felt good throughout the pregnancy. And now the long-awaited birth ... The puppies were born with a diagnosis - a wolf's mouth, and they all died. And I got stress ...

    • Sergey

      Hello, we're sorry to hear that you're having trouble treating your dog for fleas. It is important for us to find out in which pet store you purchased the drug (address and name of the store), indicate the expiration date of the drug.If you contacted a veterinary clinic, please indicate the address and name of the clinic, the name of the attending physician, who gave the conclusion that the birth of puppies with this pathology was the result of the use of an insectoacaricidal preparation.

      Sincerely yours, veterinarian NVP "Astrapharm"

  11. Sergey

    3 weeks ago, we bought BlochNet max drops at a pet store in Solnechnogorsk. They washed the cat before use for 3 days, the animal was a little over six months old, weight 2.5 kg, domestic, does not walk on the street, except for short runs to the entrance. Dripped according to the instructions on the withers. The cat endured steadfastly, but it was very difficult - fever, hot nose, tremors, general depression, they thought that she would not survive. To sum up - yesterday we removed 6 fleas from the neck and muzzle, the cat feels their bites and bites them, which is extremely strange - but what about the amazing efficiency?

    • Sergey

      Hello, we are sorry to hear that you experienced difficulties in treating your cat for fleas. Your experience is important to us. Please indicate the expiration date on the package. If you applied to a veterinary clinic, please indicate the address and name of the clinic, the name of the attending physician.

      Sincerely yours, veterinarian NVP "Astrapharm"

  12. Natalia

    I bought drops for a cat Blohnet max from fleas. I did everything according to the instructions. More than a day has passed, but the cat itches. Why release drugs that do not help?

    • Sergey

      Hello, we are sorry to hear that you experienced difficulties in treating your cat for fleas. Your experience is important to us. Tell us in more detail, please, in which pet store you purchased the drug (address and name of the store).Indicate how much your cat weighs, how many drops did you drop, where did you drop the drug? Was the pet washed immediately after the procedure? The drug begins to act 48 hours after application. See if there are fleas on the animal, the cat may itch from previous bites.

      Sincerely yours, veterinarian NVP "Astrapharm"

  13. Kseniya

    I bought Blohnet Max drops for a cat. The cat weighs 5.5 kg. The box says: 1 ml per 10 kg dosage calculation, and the table in the instructions shows that if the animal is more than 5 kg, then you can use the entire 1 ml package. I don't understand how many drops do I need, or the whole package for my cat's weight? Very urgent. Thanks for your reply in advance.

    • Sergey

      Hello, the dose of the drug is calculated as follows: 3 drops per 1 kg of weight, in your case 16-17 drops should be used.

      Sincerely yours, veterinarian NVP "Astrapharm"

  14. Olga

    Bought a BlochNet max. I don’t know about the rest, but these drops did not fit our cat. And they didn't fit - that's putting it mildly! Three drops dripped on the withers. The first days everything was fine, but on the third day the cat combed out all the hair in this place. And she continued to itch ... Now she has bald spots, they took her to the veterinarian, they gave injections. Well, at least she stopped scratching after the injections. The doctor said to come back in 10 days, repeat the injection. In general, I am horrified by this drug.

    • Sergey

      Hello! It is a pity that you experienced difficulties in connection with the treatment of your pet for fleas. Your experience is important to us. Tell us in more detail, please, in which pet store you purchased the drug (address and name of the store).Indicate how much your cat weighs, how many drops did you drop, where did you drop the drug? In order to understand this problem, information about which clinic you applied to is important for us, please indicate the address of the clinic and the name of the attending physician.

      Sincerely yours, veterinarian NVP "Astrapharm"

  15. Love

    I poisoned a cat with drops of Blohnet max, she died. Why sell such drops for animals? It's a crime to sell an untested product.

  16. Love

    Do not buy Blochnet flea drops, this is death for animals!

    • Sergey

      Hello! We are sorry for your loss. Your experience is important to us. Tell us in more detail, please, in which pet store you purchased the drug (address and name of the store), expiration date of the drug. To whom did you use Blochnet. At what dose was Blochnet used for a pet, pet's weight? In order to understand this problem, it is important for us to know whether you have applied to the clinic, if you did, please indicate the address of the clinic and the name of the attending physician.

      Sincerely yours, veterinarian NVP "Astrapharm"

      • Ludmila

        You make money, and a lot of money, for such a nasty remedy and “regret”, and people lose family members. I also think it's a CRIME!

  17. Vladimir Alekseevich

    Well, is it worth it, given the reviews here? Or just throw it away? It was better to give 350 rubles to charity than to the trash.

    • Sergey

      Hello, how is your pet? It is important for us to know whether you have used the drug. If used, how did your pet feel after treatment.

      Sincerely yours, veterinarian NVP "Astrapharm"

  18. Asdwer

    I always use any flea medication at a lower dose.We have a cat and a ferret. Bars did not give a result. “Dana” came up, but they don’t release it now. I had to look for a new one. Blochnet Max came up in drops, and the result is excellent. It is also convenient for us that a vial (convenient and not expensive), and not a disposable pipette. During the year of using Blochnet Max, in addition to their own, street animals were also treated: 2 dogs and 4 cats - each animal repeatedly with an interval of 2 months. It helped everyone, and there was no allergy.
    I sympathize with everyone who has a bad result. Good health to all of you and your loved ones!

  19. Maria

    I treated the Blochnet cat, and the hair fell out in these places. The cat itches. I will never buy again...

    • Sergey

      Hello! It is a pity that you experienced difficulties in connection with the treatment of your pet for fleas. Your experience is important to us. Tell us in more detail, please, in which pet store you purchased the drug (address and name of the store). Please indicate what was the expiration date on the package. Please indicate how much your cat weighs, how many drops you gave him.

      Sincerely yours, veterinarian NVP "Astrapharm"

  20. Hope

    Yesterday I dripped the drug with my girlfriend on the withers of the cat, and after a while she began to have increased salivation. Now I read the reviews and I'm very worried.

    • Sergey

      Hello, how is your cat? Please tell us in which pet store you purchased Blochnet (address and name of the store). What is the expiration date on the package? Please indicate how much your cat weighs and how many drops you gave her.

      Sincerely yours, veterinarian NVP "Astrapharm"

      • Admin

        Hello Sergey.I recommend to slightly diversify the content of questions and answers to site visitors (without copying the same text of yours many times), since there is a chance that otherwise your comments will not pass the spam filter.

  21. Marina

    They dropped a pinscher on the withers, shortness of breath, coughing began. The vet said it was an allergy. I drink suprastin. I read the reviews and was horrified. I hope everything works out.

    • Sergey

      Hello, how is your dog doing? Please tell us in which pet store you purchased Blochnet (address and name of the store). What is the expiration date on the package? Which veterinary clinic did you go to with your pet? Please indicate the address of the clinic and the name of the attending physician.

      Sincerely yours, veterinarian NVP "Astrapharm"

  22. Jeanne

    I have been using Blohnet for several years to my Caucasians. I apply the drug on the neck from above and between the shoulder blades, the usual procedure for my dogs. Blochnet is effective against fleas, ticks, well tolerated by my dogs, I can’t say anything bad about it. Blochnet proved to be great, I will continue to use it.

  23. Stas

    Drops on the withers Blochnet treat the cat. We have enough for two bottles. Side effects were not observed, there were no allergies. Relatively budget tool, compared with imported counterparts.

  24. Anna

    My pug Zhora is very allergic. But Blochnet max spray suits him. Before leaving for nature, I always apply a spray. Effective drug. A few years already without ticks. I recommend.

  25. Elena

    I treated 2 cats with this drug: a British and an angora, there was no allergy, the fleas disappeared. I will handle the dog, see how he will be.

  26. Alexei

    I want to say that half of the dissatisfied here, I think, are competitors! Now I poured 2 ml onto the dog, we will test it and see, and later I will write down what and how. And then they complain, I can’t look at the whiners. Before using something, consult with someone (doctor, friend, seller).

    • Elena

      I am not a competitor to anyone, but simply the owner of a dog that was "lucky" to grab fleas. If the drug is junk, then it is junk.

    • Oksana

      For whiners? How are you not ashamed?! We are the people who trusted the specialists and as a result “killed”, buried and mourn our pets… I don’t wish you to join the ranks of us, “whiners”…

  27. Tatiana

    I bought drops of BlochNet on the withers, treated the dog on 05/10/2016. On May 16, 2016, I took the dog to the veterinarian, the diagnosis was piroplasmosis. We only walked in the yard. Protection - ZERO.

  28. Love

    They dripped the cat on the neck area according to the instructions, and after a few minutes the cat drooled profusely (the reaction test was done, a few drops were dripped, everything was fine). The always calm cat began to run around the apartment like crazy, climbed under the battery. They got the cat - washed it, everything went away. We threw out the bottle. The veterinarian recommended this miracle remedy to us. Individual reaction to the drug? Something very much with individual intolerance to this drug!

  29. Marina

    Of course, you will forgive me, but after reading the reviews and the reaction of the company's veterinarian to them, it seems that the company decided to save money on laboratory and production tests of the drug and is now collecting data from the unfortunate owners of dead or injured animals! We must learn to more competently defend our innocence and the reputation of our drug.

  30. Anna

    We treated our Spitz with drops, 15 drops at the withers. Zero effect! It's been two days already. It itches like it did! And fleas are also found (infected from a neighbor's domestic dog in the yard).

    And the copied answers of a certain SERGEY are simply perplexing. People are in grief, and he only copy-pastes his answers. No shame, no conscience. I am immediately writing an answer to this ill-mannered boor SERGEY: we bought drops in the Zoomarket store, Almaty. The shop is checked, we buy food and toys there since the birth of our boy. Expiration date until 2018 (2 more years).

    Do not buy these drops!

    • Anonymous

      Did it occur to you that most of the comments are fiction. Everything is written in the same way. I personally would rather buy a Russian manufacturer than a foreign one and ten times more expensive. The components are the same, why then the price is different for everyone. I do not think that our scientists are unable to develop a good drug for fleas.

      An animal can die from any drug.

      • Elena

        Nothing is fiction, but the result of believing the person in the clinic who suggested this drug.

      • Alla

        I would be very happy if it was a hoax. But she herself dripped these drops to the cat three days ago, now the poor cat does not stop itching at all. I do not know what to do…

      • Oksana

        Artifice?! My darling cat was absolutely healthy. Treated with a "DOMESAL ANIMAL KILLER", died in terrible agony!

        • Anonymous

          Where did it drip? In your mouth, right? If only they did a test, first they dripped something on themselves, if you really love your pet so much!

      • Larisa

        What invention? We pet owners have nothing to do but sit and invent ... If I knew about such consequences, I would never have bought this KILLING LIME! My dogs are vomiting right now. This is a clear intoxication and do not stop itching! And if you don’t know, then don’t write patriotic speeches here. People just need to think about what they produce and not chase profits. Obviously, the drug has not been tested.

  31. Oksana

    Dropped the cat 0.3 ml, less than half a tube. Immediately began to snort strongly and drooling flowed. He began to run from corner to corner with frightened eyes. HORROR! Do not buy these drops. Almost immediately I tried to wash the smeared wool. Pieces of fur began to come out. I will never buy them again. Very scared for the animal!

  32. Valentine

    Today I bought this spray, my husband and I treated both cats, as a result, by the evening both of them had all the side effects on their faces ... It's just awful. Now I'm afraid that my pets will not live to see the morning. This is not a helper, but a killer ... Do not buy such death for your pets.

  33. Love

    10 days ago, she dripped the indicated number of drops in the instructions for the drug Blokhnet to a British cat, for three days the cat lay like a rag. Fleas seemed to become even more, the cat began to itch intensely. Until now, the condition has not improved, there is no way to go to the veterinarian, the cat was bathed - there are fleas. The drops were purchased at a veterinary clinic in Volgograd, the expiration date is up to 18 years. The cat is still in critical condition. The review is not custom. But I will NEVER buy these drops.

  34. Elena

    This blohnet is not FROM fleas, but FOR fleas. After treatment with this drug, the number of fleas in my dog ​​did not decrease, but increased. And the price is great! Just wasted a lot of money.Well, at least the dog did not give any reactions, even though the breed is from allergic. I will not advise anyone.

  35. Andrew

    My dog ​​is big… I grabbed some fleas somewhere. Never happened in 10 years. Processed, everything according to the instructions. Today is the fourth day, more and more fleas. For now, I can't do anything else. It takes two weeks for this toxic shit to get out of the body. Take care of your pets and don't be fooled by the cheapness of import substitution. Only proven and expensive imports ...

  36. Olga S.

    I call on both phones, no one picks up the phone. Beloved cat died from a flea. Fed from the age of three days from a pipette. The child on the palm brought a kitten. We cry with the whole family. The daughter is crying. I have many questions, no one to ask.

  37. Larisa K. Primorsky Territory

    Yesterday I processed a cat, a cat and a kitten. Horror! The cat jumped off me like crazy. And today he shied away from me. He got the most drops by weight. Everyone scratches and meows furiously, the cat growls. I searched the internet for what was going on and found this site. Please tell me how to save the animals?!

    • Oksana

      Larisa, URGENTLY TO THE VET! My (and not only mine) cat was not saved ...

  38. Elena

    Yesterday have tried drops on a cat and on a dog. Everything seems to be fine with the cat. But the dog began to scratch hard. It seems that all the fleas jumped on the dog.

  39. MAX

    I dripped a cat on the withers - everything seems to be fine, the state is calm and sleeps for half a day))

  40. Alla

    Three days ago I dripped these drops to my cat, it got even worse. It itches and licks endlessly. I found this site and read the reviews, now I pray that the cat survives ... It would be better if it itched from fleas.

    Please tell me what to do, how to help the cat?

    • Sonya

      And our kitty died here, as a result of treatment with a miracle spray of blochnet ...

  41. Irina

    We bought herbal preparations, the result is zero. Yesterday we bought Blochnet for a dog 30-40 kg and three cats in a package. Honestly, I didn’t weigh the cats, age: Nathan, Marquise 15 and Elissa 19. Everyone was given a 10 kg ampoule. There is no allergic reaction. Like they don't itch. So far so good. The main thing is that the animals have become calmer. Let's see further.

  42. Irina

    The second day - the dog still occasionally scratches and bites its hind legs (but 48 hours have not passed yet). And the cats are all calm and behave as usual, when examining them, they did not find fleas. The apartment was treated with Raid from crawling, protection up to 4 weeks. Other means did not help. For the first time in 19 years, we encountered fleas for the first time, before that we always processed animals in advance in the spring. This year they forgot - and here is the result.

  43. Maksim

    Dear Astrapharm specialists! In the village where I live, at the moment there is only Blochnet for cats and kittens (drops) on sale. Can they be used on dogs?

  44. Marina

    Good people, do not buy - this is a terrible tool. After treatment with a spray, the cat had a tremor, he staggered in different directions. They pumped out a week with droppers and injections. Take care of your animals.

  45. Anna

    I don’t know how it is for anyone, but my result is positive, I only applied drops at lunchtime - and indeed my Muska was running around the apartment like a scabies, but by the evening she calmed down. And I noticed in the places where she lay or sat, corpses of fleas were lying around ... I cleaned everything and I want to say thanks to the manufacturers, a very budgetary and effective remedy.

  46. Sonya

    Our 3 month old kitty died as a result of being treated with the miraculous flea spray.She died in terrible agony, with a damaged central nervous system, with a heart that could not stand the torment. Our little animal suffered for 2 days, the veterinarians could not save her.

    Now there are no fleas or cats. For our family, this is a huge tragedy, because it was a wonderful unique child who loved everyone and hugged everyone with his white paws, kissing my old sick parents on the cheek (yes, this happens).

    In conclusion, I will add that we used a wonderful means for killing pets, completely following the prescribed instructions. Honestly I warn you - I will post a multi-site review. And I will inform the Timiryazev clinic.

    Thank you.

    • Oksana

      Sonya, how I understand you and I am very sorry ... She herself, too, “killed” her baby, her kitty. Now I'm going to cry...

  47. Olga

    I treated my cat and 2 kittens with Blohnet drops. The kittens are okay, but the cat, apparently, licked them and on the lips there is such an impression as if it were a burn. Is this possible and what to do now, how to help her? So he behaves calmly, even too much. Very worried. Any advice on how to treat her?

  48. Lena

    Horror, processed, the cat runs like the plague. We decided to bathe, better fleas than die!

  49. Oksana

    I read the comments and my heart bleeds ... If only I knew earlier. My baby, my clear sun, my cat... died in terrible agony from this diabolical drug, animal poison. I took him to the clinic and they did a full examination. They took tests. The doctor said that severe intoxication cannot be saved ... We returned home. She didn’t let her baby out of her hands until she died in agony ... Go to hell, inventors of poison for your beloved pets!

    • Ludmila

      The developers themselves would drop this blokhnet into one place, and more.They, you see, "condolences." We would also "condolences" to them. Fiends! For the sake of profit, defenseless animals are poisoned.

      • Mikhailovna

        For more than five years since the spring I have been using blokhnet drops, there is no negative reaction. What is most interesting is that it lasts longer than the specified period. We live near the forest, the dogs feel fine. I wonder why, not a single victim indicates the data of the doctors who save their pets.

  50. Ludmila

    We bathe animals from fleas with tar soap. Lather thicker and hold longer. Soap is a natural product, without chemicals. And for a pleasant smell, lather for the last time with Lugovoi shampoo and rinse immediately, because. This is chemistry, and not weak.

  51. Larisa

    Comrades! I treated the cat with BlochNET, treated it for two days ... Fleas are alive and well)) I do not advise buying, full G ... I will not advise anyone. By the way, the cat behaves very restlessly after application. But fleas, on the contrary, smile.

    • Anonymous

      I used BlochNet for the first time seven years ago, both dogs felt great, for three months not a single tick. The house itself is surrounded by fields and thickets, almost every day I remove ticks from myself. You may have bought a fake.

  52. Marina

    Good afternoon. Tell me, please, after what time can I go for a walk with a domestic cat after applying the drops?

  53. Vladimir

    You are killers

  54. Katerina

    An elite cat, without reading about the drug, even dripped half the dose than in the instructions. But even from this amount, the wool fell out at the withers, a combed hole with a diameter of 2 cm turned out. We will write a claim. And seek compensation for subsequent allergy treatment.Charlatans! You need to repurpose your invention and poison rodents, not torture pets and their owners!

  55. Natalia

    I almost bought it but came back and gave it away. I have 3 cats, God forbid something happens to them! If there are so many side effects, then why is this drug still on sale?

  56. Lily

    I just put 3 drops on my cat for a test and the fur immediately peeled off in this place! Appeared as a burn. This is how you need to check for allergies, if such burns appear instantly? I washed it off right away, I hope it works out. Terrible drug.

  57. Inna

    Bloch is not a poisonous drug. Pet owners, listen to the bad comments! Burns on the skin for a day, then washed off the drops - there was a bald spot on the head. Bring the manufacturers to justice.

  58. Antonina

    I treated my toy terrier dog with drops. There are no fleas, but it itches like crazy for the second day already ... After reading the comments above, I ran to wash off this miracle remedy as soon as possible. Burns and fallout, it seems, are not visible, but terrible scabies are now provided to us! Last summer they treated it with another agent, there were no such scratches, with fleas it itched less ...

  59. Valeria

    I treated my dog ​​with a spray, a day later he died. Pedigree dog, Spitz. You write that you (the manufacturers) are very sorry and all that. Fuck your pity, my dog ​​died because of you, not even a dog, but a family member whom we loved very much. You just want people to buy, and what will happen to the animal you do not care. If anyone sees this review, never use BlochNet if you value your pet's life. Believe me, my Pomeranian felt fine until I sprayed him with this damn drug. And the manufacturers will tell you one thing: you are poisoning animals!

  60. Michael

    Order. It's the same for every comment.

  61. Nastya

    I bought BlochNet for a cat 2 times: the first time everything went well, everyone is happy, the cat is happy. A month later, on the recommendation of a doctor, she again began to treat the cat. I chose BlochNet again, because the first time the cat tolerated it normally. But this time it was not so smooth: in the place where the drug got on the skin, the cat developed terrible burns, wet to the touch. The cat itches, tries to lick this place.

    It is not clear why this happened. I believe that in production something is chemically treated and periodically produced obscene. Unclear. Therefore, be vigilant: the party of the party is strife.

  62. Larisa

    Bought these drops. I have 2 Rottweilers. I dripped according to the instructions AND A NIGHTMARE STARTED ... The dogs began to itch day and night. I called the veterinary clinic where I got the flea. They said it might not be time for the remedy to take effect. But it's been 3 days already. And one dog had a bump on his back and an ulcer appeared on his eye ... Damn! Why did I buy this moronic drug! Also, the hair climbs in both dogs in the places of application. People, don't buy this horrible flea. Now I read the reviews and I'm already afraid for my eared ones. I started giving them Entorosgel. Manufacturers like this should be prosecuted!

  63. Galina

    Disgusting tool! They treated the cat, put a collar on him so that he would not lick off the drops. He kept trying to lick off the remedy, but could not. Two days later, as written in the instructions, they removed the collar and bathed. As a result, everywhere we dripped, wool fell out. We are in a frenzy! I will try to leave this comment wherever possible!

  64. Irina

    Yesterday I bought the drug Blohnet, dripped on the withers of four cats and a dog, so far so good! I think I've used it before, I don't remember exactly. But from the comments I'm just at a loss, now I'm afraid! God bless my animals.

  65. Love

    People, take care of your animals. The cat dripped Blohnet max, for three days the cat ate nothing, vomited. Soldered with activated charcoal, it seemed to get better. As a result, the cat disappeared. Looks like he died somewhere. Too bad she killed herself.

  66. Natalia

    Sprayed Bloch Net Maine Coon (10 kg) and three cats. The cat suffered all night, coughed, treated cats prophylactically before mating. All are in critical condition. I'll sue if they die.

  67. Anton

    Blochnet is GAV*O! In the pet store, a complex BLOKHNET was purchased, a drug from everything in the world (fleas, worms, lice, ticks). After applying to the withers of the dog, as written in the instructions, the fleas stupidly moved to the stomach and live there quietly. And in the place where this miracle drug was applied on the withers under the collar, 6 pumped ticks were removed after 2 days! Before using the drug, the dog was examined regularly 2 times a day, in the morning and in the evening after walking.

    We relied on this drug and very in vain. This is a real review, not a provocation. Morozov Anton Yurievich, Sochi, 8 938 450 2 450.

  68. Elena

    The Rottweiler was treated in April, lacrimation began and the dog became lethargic, when walking the front paw began to slip. We went to the veterinary hospital. At the moment there are 19 systems, but the dog is getting worse, he is just lying down, the swallowing reflex disappears. What are the antidotes for the poisons in blochnet spray?

  69. Elena

    My dog ​​is prone to allergies. But blokhnet endured perfectly.The only thing I noticed is that it is better to process it once every 3 weeks, since I bathe my dog ​​2 times a month. Chihuahua dog. And a cat has the same reaction to any drug for ticks - it itches badly for the first 2 days, and then the hair falls out in shreds in places where it has been dripped. But such a reaction is only 2-3 days. However, this is better than seeing how she tears her skin from fleas, how they crawl on her. Fleas love my cat very much.

  70. Tatiana

    Ten days ago, I treated the cat with BlochNet (marking on the package 24040418, valid until 04/2020, place of purchase - Veterinary Friends veterinary pharmacy, 131 Engels prospekt, St. Petersburg, building 1). The cat did not have fleas, it was a preventive treatment before leaving for the country. There were no pronounced symptoms - itching, tremor, hair loss, especially vomiting. But for a few days there were strange behaviors - restlessness, sudden jerky movements, and even visual disturbances (or coordination?). Kima asks to play with her, but she seems to lose sight of the teaser all the time and turns her attention to other objects in the apartment, although they are all familiar to her. A couple of days later, she noticed a swelling on her eyelid, but did not attach any importance, suggesting that she had been bitten by a mosquito. The day before yesterday I found a few more blisters on the muzzle under the coat (on the nose, around the eyes and ears). By evening, they began to get wet and bleed. Yesterday we went to the veterinarian (veterinary clinic "Lucky", St. Petersburg, Uchitelskaya st., 14, building 2), they did scrapings, no skin mites were found.

    The diagnosis is allergy. The whole muzzle of the pussy in blisters, after shaving off the wool, they became clearly visible. I looked at the pictures on Yandex by searching for “allergic to BlochNet” - a lot of animals with muzzles exactly like ours.I will not use this drug again. In the meantime - injections, special food, treatment with chlorhexidine.

  71. Alexei

    Yesterday I gave drops to my dog. The Laika dog, lives on the street, was littered with ticks and parasites. Today there is no trace of them, but the dog has ulcers under his eyes, what should I do?!

  72. Diana

    Hello! Today I sprayed a Yorkie (3 months, soon 4 will be) with a spray, and he began to sharply rub all over the furniture and the floor. Is this normal, in general?

  73. Alexei

    Complete nonsense, are the comments custom-made? Like under the piggy bank right. We have been using this drug for several years, everything is fine. Animals (German Shepherd and two handsome cats) feel great, and fleas do not bother them. The drug from the series "cheap, but cheerful", an excellent drug. I'm afraid that with such comments he will soon disappear ...

  74. Elena

    My cat died in a veterinary clinic, 4 months old, with signs of intoxication. No droppers and systems helped. The poor man steadfastly held on for 7 days, he was very strong and healthy before that. My advice is not to use for cats under a year old at all, as well as for cats weighing less than 3 kg. And it is better not to buy at all if the pet is dear to you. I've been on the correct dosage!

  75. Vladimir

    Three days ago, the cat was treated with half the dose. At the withers, in the place of processing, all the wool came out. For those who want to use for the first time, I will not recommend this tool. The consequences are unpredictable. What will happen to our cat? Here they write about the lethal consequences. Bought in the store K9, St. Petersburg.

  76. Catherine

    Three days ago, a cat and an adult kitten (Siamese) were treated with this drug. The kitten was euthanized yesterday.He just went crazy! Inappropriate behavior, foam at the mouth, growled and wheezed. Days of hoping that everything will pass. At the moment, the cat has already paralyzed its hind legs and is dying. SERGEY, stop writing sympathetic reviews! It is necessary to withdraw the drug from production! This is a no-brainer.

  77. Elena

    4 days ago I treated the cat with a flea spray, put on a blanket so that it would not lick off. Bathed the next day. The next day after treatment, the cat vomited after eating. The last 2 days we have been going to the veterinarian, the tests showed an increased ALT (liver) by 11 times. The veterinarian asked what the cat could have been poisoned with? What poison did she swallow? The cat is getting worse and worse, despite the droppers and injections. Now he lies motionless, salivation is strong, he does not eat or drink these 2 days, he will probably not live until morning 🙁

    Right now, the cat's hind legs have failed, everything is going very fast 🙁

  78. Tatiana

    The drug, apparently, is not bad, the cat (Thai) stopped itching, but the allergy to the eyes worked. Eyes watery and swollen, sneezes. Something needs to be changed in the composition of the drug. Tell me what to give for allergies?

  79. Violet

    Amazed by the comments... And, to be honest, it's hard to believe that all the comments are true. I have been using these drops for a year now (on the advice of a veterinarian), there were absolutely no side effects, except that it starts to itch, but it’s understandable, fleas run from the effects of the drug along the fur before death. I even applied 6 drops to kittens (2-3 months old), they felt great. Yes, and it helps a lot.


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