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What to do if a cat was bitten by a wasp ...

Last update: 2022-05-23
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  • Valentina: Your recommendations helped a lot, the description of the signs helped ...
  • Alesya: Yesterday my cat was bitten by a wasp in the right leg. Will la...
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In some cases, a wasp sting can really pose an increased danger to cats ...

Many owners (especially those who like to take their fluffy pet to the country) sooner or later face the question: what to do if the cat was bitten by a wasp? In most cases, no special procedures are required: if the bite falls on the paw or body, the pain and itching after it will pass quickly enough on their own - the owners may not even guess what happened.

Even when a cat or a cat was bitten by a wasp, and as a result, the animal had a large blister on its paw that made it difficult to step on it, everything can be left as it is - the pain itself will pass within a few days, and the animal will return to normal life.

If a wasp sting fell on a cat's paw, then swelling or a blister may appear in this place.

Sometimes the swelling reaches an impressive size ...

However, there are a number of cases when the owner definitely needs to pay more attention to the condition of the pet with such bites. This includes the following situations:

  1. If the bite hits the animal's head, muzzle, mouth, nose, or throat. In this situation, the edema can spread to the respiratory tract and lead to suffocation of the animal.
  2. If a wasp has bitten a cat or a cat behind the eye. Such bites are fraught with severe inflammation, suppuration and other serious complications.
  3. The wasp bit the little kitten.Several portions of the poison of this insect can lead to serious intoxication of the baby and even his death.
  4. If a cat or cat has a high sensitivity to insect poisons.

Wasp stings in the muzzle and neck of a cat are especially dangerous - this can sometimes lead to suffocation.

In such situations, the first thing the owner of the animal should do is take it to the veterinarian. However, sometimes complications after wasp bites can appear very quickly, so the owner needs to have time to take measures to maintain the health of the cat or cat even before visiting a specialist.

If there are obvious complications after an insect bite, it is advisable to take the cat to the veterinarian as soon as possible.


“When I saw this nightmare, I thought I would faint. Leia's head was twice as big as usual, her eyes were completely closed, her tongue protruded. She is trembling all over, wheezing, it is audible that she is barely breathing. Horror! Well, I have a veterinarian friend, I called her right in the middle of the night, explained all this through snot, she advised me to immediately inject the cat with Prednisolone and take it to the vet. She gave me the address of a clinic where animals are accepted round the clock. Probably only this Prednisolone saved. Leia stopped shivering after him at least. So I carried her in a jacket in the front seat. The next day after work, she arrived at the clinic - as if she had nothing. So, a small tumor remained, but in her coat it is not particularly visible. And that's not all: the next day after the cat was stung by a wasp, another wasp stung the child. It flew into the balcony, an infection.

Irina, Ivanovo


What can be dangerous wasp sting for a cat

In general, the symptoms of wasp stings in cats and cats are very similar to those in humans. The main ones are:

  • severe pain, later accompanied by itching;
  • swelling or - sometimes - extensive swelling in the place where the wasp stung.

A typical reaction to a wasp sting is swelling of the affected area, its swelling.

Pain and itching, no matter how strong they are, practically do not pose any danger to the life of a cat or a cat - the owner does not need to do anything extra here. Mild swelling will also go away on its own in most cases. The exception is severe swelling that can lead to blockage of the respiratory or urinary tract - such situations for the animal can be deadly.

Severe consequences are observed in cases where a wasp has bitten a cat or a cat that is characterized by increased sensitivity to insect venoms. As a rule, in such animals, after stinging, to one degree or another, a systemic allergic reaction begins to develop, which may be accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • chills;
  • vomit;
  • severe shortness of breath;
  • disorders of coordination of movements;
  • shock (in especially severe cases).

Sometimes a systemic allergic reaction can develop with severe consequences ...

Having such a special animal in his house, the owner should clearly understand what to do if the pet’s condition worsens after a wasp sting: if any signs of an incipient allergy appear, the cat should be taken to the hospital as soon as possible.

In this case, you should not rely on your own treatment experience and trust the advice of numerous articles - only a qualified specialist should prescribe medications to a cat or cat, since all animals react differently to seemingly harmless drugs for humans.

Medications for the treatment of a cat should be selected by a doctor, you should not show excessive independence here.


First aid for a bite

To help the owners, veterinarians have developed a memo that tells what needs to be done immediately after a wasp has stung a cat or a cat. So, in order to avoid serious consequences (but not harm the animal), you need:

  • dilute table 9% vinegar in water in a ratio of 1: 1 and carefully wipe the bite site with it;
  • wash the bite with soapy water;
  • wrap ice cubes or any frozen product in a thin plastic bag and apply the resulting ice compress to the bite site.

To reduce swelling and itching, it is useful to apply ice to the site of a wasp sting.

If a wasp has bitten a cat, for example, in a paw or another place that is not “strategically important” for the animal’s health, these actions will be quite enough to prevent the edema from growing strongly. There is no point in doing anything else to the owner of the pet.


Drugs that can be used to relieve symptoms and fight allergies

As mentioned above, the first thing the owner needs to do if the cat or cat has the initial signs of general intoxication and allergies is to take the animal to a veterinary clinic without hesitation. Medications to eliminate symptoms and alleviate the condition of the pet before visiting the clinic are allowed to be used only after consulting a doctor, at least by phone - otherwise the cat can be seriously harmed.

The photo shows a paper wasp

If the condition of the pet worsens, it should be taken to the hospital as soon as possible.

As a rule, veterinarians most often advise in such cases:

  1. Prednisolone, which inhibits the development of an allergic reaction, - in the form of an intramuscular injection (dosage - 0.5 ml), or half a tablet.
  2. Dexamethasone - in the form of an injection of 0.2 ml.
  3. Benadryl is a fairly versatile remedy, suitable even for teenage kittens.
  4. Diazolin - half a tablet at a time.
  5. Less commonly, Suprastin, since this drug is less versatile and in itself is capable of inducing an immune response in some cats and cats.

It would not be superfluous to emphasize once again that these drugs should not be used on their own, without consulting a veterinarian, because if used incorrectly, they can suppress the animal's immunity and lead to the addition of a secondary viral, fungal or bacterial infection.

Those who have repeatedly contacted the veterinarian after a cat or cat was bitten by a wasp know that adrenaline can be injected into the animal in the clinic, but it is forbidden to do this on your own - the risk of harming the pet is too great.

Doctors save a cat...

On a note

Cats of long-haired breeds are most prone to allergies: Persians, British, Angora. In addition, their bite is not immediately noticeable.

If a cat or cat was stung by a wasp, and the insect venom began to provoke the development of an allergy, one of its symptoms may be an increase in the body temperature of the animal. In this case, it is also not necessary to bring down the temperature with drugs on your own - at its critical values, only the veterinarian should decide on the relief of this symptom (however, it is quite possible to use a wet cool towel).


Folk remedies for helping animals

Unlike drugs, some folk remedies for wasp stings in cats and cats can be used with little or no restrictions. Of course, they are not as effective as specialized pharmaceuticals, but, nevertheless, they can also help the animal.

For example, for faster removal of edema, you can use:

  • natural acids and acid-containing products that treat the bite site immediately after the wasp attack (for example, citric acid, apple, orange);Sour fruits will help neutralize some of the poison in the wound.
  • a swab with chamomile infusion, which must be applied to the bite site for 30-40 minutes;It is also useful to apply a swab moistened with chamomile infusion to the bite site.
  • turmeric.ground turmeric

In addition, the site of a wasp sting in a cat or cat can be wiped with soapy water (only this should be done regularly) - with these actions you will reduce the itching in the animal.


“My cat was bitten by a wasp in the paw. Here was the number. The paw has become larger than my hand. He could not step on it for four days, he walked on three. But at the same time, he took the wasp itself immediately after the bite and just ate it like that.

Georgy Melnychuk, Zhmerynka


When do you need to take your pet to the vet?

If a cat or a cat was bitten by a wasp, it is important for the owner not to miss the moment when the pet needs to be urgently taken to the clinic, even if he is not allergic to insect venom. Otherwise, even half an hour of delay can be fatal for the animal.

There are special situations when an animal after a wasp sting needs to be urgently taken to the veterinarian.

Unequivocal indications for a trip to the clinic are:

  1. Bite to the eye, tongue, or groin area. If a wasp has bitten a cat in the eye, without treatment, the animal may become blind, and if it is bitten in the groin, urination may be difficult (in this case, a catheter will be required).
  2. Kitten wasp bite. If a wasp has bitten a baby who has just opened his eyes, you need to take him to the hospital immediately, without observing the symptoms, since the probability of a fatal outcome is quite high.
  3. A sharp change in the behavior of the animal, lethargy, refusal to eat.
  4. Signs of intoxication: trembling, foam at the mouth, loss of coordination, vomiting.

An alarming sign is vomiting in a cat that occurs some time after an insect bite.

In all of the above cases, calling the veterinarian before going to the clinic is mandatory. In order to have enough time for the trip itself, you should describe the condition of the cat or cat to the specialist in as much detail as possible and be ready for any of his instructions.So, for example, if a wasp has bitten a cat on the tongue, it may be necessary to insert a thin tube into the animal's throat to enable breathing.


“I didn’t even have time to figure out what to do. The kitten was bitten by a wasp while the cat was eating from a bowl. He is a baby, he is literally a few days old. You couldn't even hear him squeaking. Only the cat heard. I immediately went to him, began to lick him, soothe him, but his edema quickly spread over his body. And what are we going to do? Tried to apply soda, but all to no avail. He was dead in a couple of hours. He died the next day."

Galina, Kamyshevatoe

For small kittens, a wasp sting can be fatal...

Take care of your animals, be attentive to them and their condition, and in case of danger, do not let things take their course and immediately contact specialists. Remember: we are responsible for those we have tamed.


Video: after a wasp sting, a cat's paw was very swollen


What can be dangerous stings of wasps and bees


Last update: 2022-05-23

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "What to do if a cat was bitten by a wasp ..." 2 comments
  1. Alesya

    My cat was stung yesterday by a wasp on the right leg.And will the paw heal in this case?

  2. Valentine

    Your recommendations were very helpful, the description of the signs helped to determine what happened to our kitten. Thank you.


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